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Anh 6- kiểm tra 1 tiết lần 4 - Website Trường THCS Phan Bội Châu - Đại Lộc - Quảng Nam

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<b>Name:... THE WRITTEN TEST 4</b>

<b>Class:...</b> <b>English 6</b>

<b>A. LANGUAGE COMPONENTS (2.5 pts)</b>

<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (0.5pt)</b>

1.A. d<b>a</b>d B.h<b>a</b>t C.pl<b>a</b>nt D. h<b>a</b>ppy
3. A. h<b>ere </b> B. f<b>ear</b> C. p<b>air</b> D. id<b>ea</b>

<b> II/Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D: (2pts)</b>

1.My father_______to the zoo tomorrow. A. go B. will go C. goes D. went

2. If we cut down more forests, there______more floods. A. are B. have been C. were D. will be
3. They cancelled their picnic _____the weather was bad. A. because B. when C. but D. or
4. _______the programme is late, we will wait to watch it. A. Because B. Although C. When D. So
5.That is __________book I have ever read .

A. the borest B. the boring C. the most boring D.the most bored

6. It is getting light .Shall I turn ________the light to save electricity. A. off B. up C.on D. in
7, The 3Rs ________for Reduce , Reuse and Recycle. A.stand B.sit C.make D .explain
8, The opposite of "dangerous " is __________ A.polluted B.good C. dirty D.safe

<b>B. READING (2.5 pts)</b>

<b>I. Read and choose the correct answer. (1.25pts) </b>

People need to breathe. If they don’t breathe, they (1)_______die. If they breathe (2)______ air,

they will have breathing problems and become ill. Plants (3)________animals need clean air, too. A lot
(4)_________ the things in our lives create harmful gases and make the air dirty. Dirty air is called “
(5)__________ air”.

1. A.will B.are C.must

2. A.clean B.fresh C.dirty

3. A.but B.and C.so

4. A.in B.of C.on

5. A.pollute B.polluting C.polluted

<b>II. Read and answer the following questions. (2 points)</b>

In the future we will live in amazing new homes. Our house will use the sun or the wind to make
electricity. We won’t have cookers, dishwashers or washing machines. We will have robots to cook our
dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children, and to feed our cats and dogs.
We won’t use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the Internet, send and
receive email or order food from the markets without getting out of bed.

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3. Will we have cookers?_____________________________________________________
4. Who will wash our clothes?_____________________________________________________
5. How can we get food from the market?_____________________________________________

<b>C. WRITING (2.5pts)</b>

<b>I. Write full sentences using the given words (1.25 pts)</b>

1 . What / expensive car!_______________________________________________

2. My brother / go / Ho Chi Minh city/ since 2012_________________________________________
3. If / you/ work hard , / you/ pass/ the exam_________________________________________
4. In the year 2030, / robots / be able to do all / housework / instead of /us.


<b>5. </b>Turn off / light / when / not use _______________________________________________________

<b>II. Rewrite these sentences without changing their meaning (1.25 pts)</b>

1.We pollute the air. We have breathing problems. <b>If_________________________________________</b>

2.It is raining very hard. We will cancel our picnic. <b>(Because)</b>


3. He was sick. He did the exam very well. <b>Although</b>_______________________________________
4. We will probably visit Japan in the future.- We might _________________________________
5. I love films . I don’t like watching them on TV.( but )_____________________________________

<b>D. LISTENING (2.5pts</b>)

<b>I. Listen and complete the table</b>

Type of house
Number of room

Appliances in the room

<b>II. Listen again and choose the words to fill in the gaps:</b>

<b>20</b> <b>solar</b> <b>mountain</b> <b>wireless</b> <b>large</b>

1. Phong house will be in the________________
2. It will be a ________________house

3. There will be__________________ rooms in the house.
4. The house will have a______________T.V

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I. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ 1.D, 2.C
II. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b> <b>6</b> <b>7</b> <b>8</b>

<b>B</b> <b>D</b> <b>A</b> <b>B</b> <b>C</b> <b>A</b> <b>A</b> <b>D</b>

<b>B. READING</b>

<b>I. </b>Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ 1. A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C

II.Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ 1. We will live in amzing house.
2. We will use the sun or the wind. 3. Yes, we will. \
4. Robots will wash clothes. 5. We can order the food.

<b>C. WRITING</b>

<b>I. </b>Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ 1. What is an expensive car!
2. My brother has gone to Ho Chi Minh city since 2012.

3. If you work hard, you will pass the exam.

4. In the year 2030, robots will be able to do all the housework instead of us.
5. Turn off the light when you don’t use.

II. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ

1. If we pollute the air, we will have breathing problems.
2. Because it is raining very hard, we will cancel our picnic.
3. Although he was sick, he did the exam very well.

4. We might visit Japan in the future.

5. I love fimls but I don’t like watching them on T.V.

<b>D. LISTENING (2,5pts)</b>

I. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ

1. UFO, 2.in the mountain 3. many tall old trees 4. 20 5. robots, wireless T.V
II. Mỗi câu đúng 0.25đ

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<b> TỔ NGOẠI NGỮ</b>

<b> MA TRẬN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT LẦN4(20</b>19

<b> MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP </b>: 6

<b>TEST</b> <b>MAR</b>


<b>TASK TYPES</b> <b>No.</b>


<b>(2.5)</b> Sounds 2 0.5 Distinguishing
vowels :/ɑ:/ and / æ
/;/eə/ and /iə/


Vocabulary 2 0.5 Words relating to

0.25 0.25

Grammar &

6 1.5 Present perfect,
simple future,


0.75 0.25 0.25 0.25

<b>READING</b> <b>(2.5)</b> Cloze test 5 1.25 Gap fill: Choosing
the correct option to
complete the text

0.75 0.25 0.25

Answer the

5 1.25 Answer the questions 1.0 0.25

<b>WRITING</b> <b>(2.5)</b> Write
using given

conditional sentences
Present perfect
Present simple
Past simple

0.5 0.5 0.25


5 1.25 Making sentence use
conditional sentences
Although..., but,
because, might +V

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<b>LISTENING</b> <b>(2,5)</b> Complete the

5 1.25 Listen and complete
the table


Gap fill 5 1.25 Listen and choose the
correct option to fill
in the blank.


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<b>ĐẶC TẢ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA 1 TIẾT SỐ 4 NĂM HỌC 2019-2020</b>

<b>Chủ đề kiểm tra (số câu)</b> <b>Câu</b> <b>CĐộ</b> <b>Nội dung</b> <b>Ghi </b>

<b>Sounds</b> (2) 1 1 Phân biệt âm :/ɑ:/ and / æ /.

2 1 Phân biệt âm :/eə/ và /iə/

<b>Vocabulary</b> (2) 7 1 động từ stand
8 2 tính từ safe

<b>Grammar &</b>
<b>Communication</b> (6)

1 1 Thì tương lai đơn wil go
2 1 câu điều kiện wil be
3 1 liên từ because
4 2 liên từ although

5 1 so sánh nhất the most boring
6 2 giới từ off

<b>Reading</b> – Gap filling (5)

1 1 Chọn đúng từ will
2 1 Chọn động từ đúng dirty
3 1 Chọn đúng từ and
4 1 Chọn đúng từ of
5 1 Chọn đúng từ polluted

<b>Reading</b> – Answer the
questions (5)

1 1 Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi
2 1 Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi
3 2 Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi
4 2 Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi
5 2 Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi

<b>Writing</b> – Write
sentences using give
words (5)

1 3 Thêm từ viết thành câu cảm thán

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4 3 Viết câu với thì tương lai
5 3 Viết câu mệnh lệnh

<b>Writing</b> – Rewrite
sentences (5)

1 4 Chuyển đổi câu sử dụng câu điều kiện loại 1
2 4 Chuyển đổi sử dụng liên từ because

3 4 Chuyển đổi câu sử dụng liên từ although
4 4 Chuyển đổi sử dụng might + V

5 4 Chuyển đổi sử dụng liên từ but

<b>Listen </b>and tick T/F (5) 1 1 Nghe và viết lại thông tin
2 1 Nghe và viết lại thông tin
3 1 Nghe và viết lại thông tin
4 1 Nghe và viết lại thông tin
5 1 Nghe và viết lại thông tin

<b>Listen</b> and fill in the gaps


