Overview 1
Lab 9.1: Designing and Creating a Web Site
for a Product-Based Company 2
Lab 9.2: Designing and Creating a Web Site
for an Educational Organization 5
Lab 9.3: Designing and Creating a Web Site
for a Web-Based Company 10
Module 9: Building
Sample Sites
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Module 9: Building Sample Sites iii
Instructor Notes
This module provides students with three varied scenarios for building sample
Web sites. Divide the students into small groups (Instructor can also choose not
to divide the class into groups), and let each group choose a scenario based on
which, they will build a Web site. A group that finishes a scenario in the
stipulated time can take up another scenario. Students can also devise their own
scenarios and develop a Web site for the scenario.
After completing this module, students will be able to design and create a Web
site for a given scenario.
Materials and Preparation
This section provides you with the required materials and preparation tasks that
are needed to teach this module.
Required Materials
To teach this module, you need the following materials:
Microsoft PowerPoint file 1912A_09.ppt
Module 9, “Building Sample Sites”
Lab 9.1, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Product-Based
Lab 9.2, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for an Educational
Lab 9.3, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Web-Based Company”
Preparation Tasks
To prepare for this module, you should:
Read all of the materials for this module.
Complete the labs.
Prepare pointers for students to help them create a solution.
10 Minutes
110 Minutes
iv Module 9: Building Sample Sites
Module Strategy
Use the following strategy to present this module:
Lab 9.1, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Product-Based Compan”
For this scenario, guide the students o design a simple Web site for a
product-based company. The Web site should be designed such that the
home page consists of the company profile, and below the profile, there are
three links. Clicking on each link takes the user to a new page that displays
the relevant product information, as well as a link to go back to the home
page. Suggest the students to use static Web pages to display information on
three product categories. Students can include images and other text to
enhance the look and feel of the site. Students can also optionally use
frames instead of creating static Web pages. In addition, if the students want
more challenge, suggest them to design the site such that the product
information in each category page can be accessed from a database.
Lab 9.2, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for an Educational
For this scenario, suggest the students to use frames. The Web site should be
designed such that it contains two frames. The frame on the left should
contain four links: Addition, Subtraction, Try some calculations, and Home
Page. The Home page should be displayed on the right frame. On clicking
the links, the respective pages should display on the right frame. Students
can enhance the look and feel of the Web site by adding images and using
style sheets.
Lab 9.3, “Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Web-Based Company”
For this scenario, suggest the students to use frames. The Web site should be
designed such that it contains two frames. The frame on the left should
contain two links: Home Page and Feedback Form. On clicking the links,
the respective pages should display on the right frame. When the user
submits the form, the data is added to the company database and the data
from the database is displayed to the user. Students can enhance the look
and feel of the Web site by adding images and using style sheets.
Module 9: Building Sample Sites 1
Lab 9.1: Designing and Creating a Web Site for a
Product-Based Company
Lab 9.2: Designing and Creating a Web Site for an
Educational Organization
Lab 9.3: Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Web-
Based Company
This module consists of the following three projects in the form of labs, each of
which presents a scenario for a prospective Web site:
Designing and creating a Web site for a product-based company
Designing and creating a Web site for an educational organization
Designing and creating a Web site for a Web-based company
The scenarios are designed to give you an opportunity to apply the concepts
you have learned in this course. You can pick any one of the preceding
scenarios to build a Web site, or you can devise your own scenario — an
assignment for your office perhaps — and work on that instead.
After completing this module, you will be able to design and build a Web site
implementing the concepts you have learned in this course.
Slide Objective
To provide an overview of
the module topics and
In this module, you will
choose a scenario and build
a Web site for the chosen
2 Module 9: Building Sample Sites
Lab 9.1: Designing and Creating a Web Site for a Product-
Based Company
After completing this lab, you will be able to:
Create a Web site with static Web pages for a product-based company.
ProElectron, Inc, a product-based company, deals with the manufacturing of
home appliances, electronic goods, and car accessories. The company wants to
launch a Web site that will contain information about the products they
manufacture. This will lead to an increase in the number of consumers they
currently have. The home page should contain the company profile and three
links below the profile. The links should indicate the category of products they
manufacture, such as home appliances, electronic goods, and car accessories.
When a link is clicked, a new page opens displaying a list of products in the
selected category and the price of each product. In addition to displaying the list
of products, each page that opens when a link is clicked, should also include a
link, called Home Page, which will bring the user back to the home page
containing the company profile.
The two key steps involved in implementing the scenario are:
Creating the home page
Creating the category pages
Starter and solution files
The starter file for this lab is in the folder <install folder>\Labs\
Lab09.1\Starter. There are no solution files associated with this lab.
Slide Objective
To introduce the lab.
In this lab, you will create a
Web Site for a product-
based company.
Explain the lab objective.
To create a Web site with
static Web pages for a
product-based company.