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PGV Product Supply
Title: REWARDS AND RECOGNITION - SYSTEMS Purpose: Describe Reward & Recognition System
Document No.
Process Owner: R&R System
Prepared by: R&R Systems Owner
Copy No. 1 Process Customer: PS Employees
Concurred by:Career Planning Team
Issue Date: 27/03/00 Next Review: 27/03/01 Issue No. 2 Approved by: R&R Systems Owner
System - Overall Rewards System
• System Owner
• Training:
• Rewards and Recognition System - Intrinsic, Non Monetary and Extrinsic-Monetary
• Review of the Intrinsic, non monetary & Pay and Progression System
• Performance Rating System
• Salary Management Training
• Promotional guidelines
• Measures
• Review
System Rewards and Recognition System
Purpose of System - Purpose of the system is to provide pay, progression & non-monetary rewards which will
increase the retention of personnel and motivation of the organization to become a high performance organization.
System Owner - To manage and improve the use of pay and progression rewards throughout the organization. The
owner will insure that pay & progression rewards support the overall rewards system and IWS.
Measures:(6 month update & KEA assessment)
OHA interviews/comments(as compared to last OHA interviews)
IWS Rewards and Recognition design KEA
Number of employees understand the system
Survey Results - Quarterly
Reward/Recognition principles
• Emphasis success versus failure - salary increases reinforce performance through leadership discussion
• Pay levels and salary management must be consistent with industry norms
• Deliver salary increases or changes in a confidential manner
• Tailor the recognition and reward to foster the HPWS objectives including broader leadership levels and
horizontal systems
• Design of the system must reinforce the overall results that are individually and organizationally desired
• System should be easy and simple to explain/understand
• System of pay and progression must be easy to administer fairly and consistently
• Strive for a clear and well communicated connection between the reward and achievement.
Supporting Documents
Review of IWS rewards principles and reward systems.
Review the pay and progression system
Review the salary management system
Review of the salary rating system
Review of Non - Monetary systems
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Recognition happens on the plant, team and individual level. Various standard methods are used to show
A. We celebrate and recognize the following type of achievement:
1. Improvements - reaching goals/success criteria
2. Key Element Improvement
3. Safety - No Recordables
4. Quality - Meet and exceed global standard
5. Successful project/initiative
6. Noteworthy team or individual accomplishment (contribution beyond W&DP, significant progress
against stretch goals)
7. Loss elimination
8. Role model behaviors (identified by pillars per focus period - refer to BAT and IWS-BOS)
B. Recognition is included as part of the following meeting forums or correspondence:
1. Team meetings Daily
2. Plant Information Sharing Monthly
3. Leaders Plant Tours As Scheduled
4. Individually, 1:1 Daily
C. General system principles:
1. Written guidelines for administration exist and don't change.
2. Teams/Departments have freedom to tailor rewards/recognition to meet their business challenges.
Standards are available for easy implementation.
3. A survey process exists to understand opportunity and track results.
4. There is a subsystem owner in each area (maybe Org.Pillar member) to ensure the rewards/recognition
system functions throughout the plant.
5. Celebration occurs in some way on a quarterly basis.
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Reward/Recognition principles:
Emphasis success versus failure
Deliver recognition and reward in an open and publicized way.
Deliver recognition in a personal and honest manner.
Tailor the recognition and reward to the unique needs of the people involved.
Timing is crucial.
Strive for a clear and well communicated connection between the reward and achievement.
Encourage recognition throughout organization.
Intrinsic & Non monetary Rewards Checklist: These rewards should be used as follows:
Part of the W&DP
Future training
Assignments to projects
Positive feedback on results attained
Normal work
Praise for meeting targets and doing good work(constructive one on one)
verbal by leader
written by leader
Ask employees to help you complete an important task
Delegate the attendance of meeting in your place.
Delegating decision making to others
Assign people to important or special projects.
Have a welcome meeting with new team members
Place pictures of team members on bulletin boards
Recognizing good work in teams verbally.
Create a best accomplishments list for the team
Leaders attend special projects first team meeting.
Hold lunches with the BDLT or other senior leaders.
Send letters to team members on team accomplishments and thanking them.
Group awards
Certificates for qualification
Wall plaques
Small gifts - pens, mugs, hats, shirts, P&G Products…
Group dinners
Say hello to people. Stop and talk to them.
Say thank you when it's deserved.
Give others credit.
Express criticism freely
Withhold praise
Instill job security
Do not delegate authority for important decisions
Do not delegate work which is important
Attend all the training yourself
Name:______________________________ Date:_______________________________
Area:_______________________________ Score:______________________________
The following is a rewards and recognition survey. This also tests your understanding of the pay/ progression, rating and salary administration
knowledge (over) the statement.
Do not
Don't know Agree/ Perfect
agree/ No Yes Score
1 I have been in several meetings, teams or groups when there has been recognition, award,
certificate for accomplishment
2 Leadership encourages continuous improvement
3 I have been recognized, either in person, or in a team for my accomplishment
4 My wish gives me a feeling of accomplishment
5 Recognition for achievement includes leadership acknowledgmentthrough personal/ verbal
celebration of team/ company achievement,certificates of accomplishment, etc.
6 I have recognized achievements of others in my team
7 I have had a review of my performance in the last 12 months
8 I have had discussions with my leader on actions I can take to improve performance
9 Our PS progression system has:
. Exactly 3 pay levels
. Is only based on skill achievement
. Requires employees to implement improvements
. Requires coaching of others for level 3 and above
. Does not requires an evaluation of individual
. Requires system ownership for all levels of 2 and above
. Requires training of others to be promoted into the next level
. Requires qualification in current job prior to promotion
10 Our PS Performance evaluation system has:
. Evaluation of performance is each quarter
. Evaluation includes performance based on scorecards in my area of .
influence or control
. My individual contribution is included in the review
. I have an opportunity to input to my performance evaluation
. Plant critical measures are the basis for department and
individual evaluations
. The plant performance scorecard achievement affects my rating
. My safety performance affects my rating
. My attendance does not affect my rating
. Wearing a uniform does not affect my rating
. Personal ownership of a system affects my rating
. All employees are rated and classified into 2 areas
. Ratings affect my salary
. My working well with others is part of the rating
11 Our salary and benefits policies:
. Our salary ranges are based on survey’s of top companies salary programs
for compared jobs
. Salary ranges are updated every year
. My rating affects my salary
. My years on the job does not affect my rating
. My level of responsibility affects my salary
. Salary increases timing are always every 12 months
. Salary increases are not given to people rated low
. The higher my performance and rating, is the higher my salary increase may be
. Salary levels are not confidential
12 I have attended the rewards & recognition training
13 My leader practices fair & consistent assessments
14 My salary is fair when I compare to similar jobs in other companies
15 I think my pay is consistent with other in our company
16 My work gives me personal satisfaction
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Area Measure FY 99/00 FY 00/01
Team/Group awards # 20
Leader training completed % 0 0 100%
Survey result % NA 80%
IWS KEA - Q#3 Org Pillar Score 6 8
Employees trained % 91% 89% 100%
Survey result % 63% 63% 80%
Rating completed
% completed 100% 100%
Progression executed #
Attrition rate due to R&R % 0.5%
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Name : __________________________________(Optional) Department: __________________
Yes No Do not know
PS Performance Rating System
• Performance ratings affect employee salary
• All employees are rated and classified into rating 1, 2 and 3
• Rating is conducted once per year
• Rating is decided by my immediate leader
• Plant DMS results affect my rating
• Personal ownership of system(s) affects my rating
• My contribution to pillar results does not affect my rating
• My daily work results affect my rating
• Not following established SOPs in working area does not affect
employee rating
• Employee safety compliance does not affect my rating
• Personal improvement projects affect my rating
• The scorecard of core area where I have breakcover in does
not affect my rating
• # of people rated 1 depends on plant performance
PS Progression system
• There is 7 progression levels in the plant
• Employees usually need to be qualified in core for promotion
• Employees can not be outside core for more than 3 years
• Employees promotion is based on individual capability &
business needs
Employee Total Compensation & Benefit System
• Employee total compensation & benefit package is based on
the survey results of top companies
• Salary ranges are updated every two years
• Individual salary can not be shared to others
• Rated 3 employee will not get salary increase
• Timing for salary increase is fixed
• Immediate leader is responsible for employee salary
• I have a clear understanding what is my total compensation &
benefit package
Fully agree Partly agree Disagree No idea
Recognition System
• I am recognized for each of my achievements
• My team is recognized appropriately to its achievements
• Recognition in the plant is done in a timely manner
• Recognition system in the plant motivate us to work toward SIS
5 I think my salary is
• Fair vs. similar jobs in other company
• Consistent with others in P&G Vietnam
6 I feel satisfied with my career in P&G Vietnam
7 If I have to leave the company in near future, this relates to
• My career
• My total compensation & benefit package
• My personal issue
Total score :
Suggestion for improvements :