Tải bản đầy đủ (.ppt) (22 trang)


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<b>TO OUR LIFE</b>

<b>Air pollution</b>

<b>Water pollution</b>


<b>Spraying pesticides</b>

<b>Smoke from </b>

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Chặt phá rừng
Deforestation (n) :

Đống rác
Garbage dump (n) :

Việc đánh bắt cá bằng thuốc nổ
Dynamite fishing :

Spraying pesticide : Phun thuốc trừ sâu
Plastic bag (n) : <sub>Túi ni lông</sub>

Shore (n) :
Spoil (v) :

Bờ biển
Phá hoại


<b>Sinh học 7: sự </b>
<b>chặt phá rừng </b>
<b>dẫn đến mất cân </b>

<b>bằng sinh thái</b>

<b>GDCD 7 (bảo vệ môi trường </b>
<b>và tài nguyên thiên </b>

<b>nhiên)khai thác rừng bừa bãi </b>
<b>không theo quy luật … làm </b>

<b>cạn kiệt tài nguyên rừng</b>
<b>Sinh học 9 (bài 54): rác là </b>

<b>1 trong 5 tác nhân chủ </b>
<b>yếu gây ô nhiễm môi </b>


<b>Sinh học 9 (bài 54): thuốc bảo vệ </b>
<b>thực vật như thuốc trừ sâu, thuốc </b>

<b>diệt cỏ…gây ảnh hưởng đến hệ </b>
<b>sinh thái và sức khỏe con người</b>

<b>Hóa học 9 (bài 54): </b>

<b>thành phần chủ yếu của </b>
<b>chất dẻo là polime, </b>
<b>polime là chất rắn không </b>

<b>bền vững trong môi </b>
<b>trường tự nhiên (không </b>

<b>phân hủy)</b>

<b>Ngữ văn 8 (thông tin về ngày </b>
<b>trái đất năm 2000): bao bì ni </b>
<b>lơng lẫn vào đất làm cản trở </b>
<b>q trình sinh trưởng của thực </b>

<b>vật, gây xói mịn đất. Đặc biệt </b>
<b>ni lông màu đựng thực phẩm </b>
<b>gây tác hại cho não và cơ nguy </b>

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<b>6/ Spraying pesticides</b>
<b>3/ Water pollution</b>

<b>5/ Dynamite fishing</b>
<b>4/ Deforestation</b>

<b>1/ Garbage dump</b> <b>2/ Air pollution</b>

<b>a)</b> <b>b)</b> <b>c)</b>



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<i><b>Mr Brown is talking with some volunteer conservationists.</b></i>

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<b>A</b> <b>B</b>
<b>1.Group 1</b>
<b>2.Group 2</b>
<b>3.Group 3</b>
<b>4.Mr Jones</b>
<b>5.Mrs Smith</b>
<b>6.Mr Brown</b>

<b> a, collect all the bags and take them to </b>
<b>the garbage dump.</b>

<b> b, check among the rocks</b>

<b> c, provide a picnic lunch for everyone</b>
<b> d, give out the bags</b>

<b> e, check the sand</b>

<b> f, walk along the shore</b>

<i><b>1. Matching:( a/p48 )</b></i>


<b>1. Group 1 - f,</b> <b>walk along the shore</b>

<b>2. Group 2 - e,</b> <b>check the sand</b>

<b>3. Group 3 - b, check among the rocks</b>

<b>4. Mr.Jone - a, collect all the bags and take them</b>
<b> to the garbage dump </b>

<b> 5.Mrs Smith - c,</b> <b>provide a picnic lunch for everyone</b>

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<b>1. Who is the speaker ? And who are the listeners?</b>
<b>2. Where are they ? And what are they going to do ?</b>
<b>3 .What will they achieve if they work hard today?</b>

<b>4 . Have you ever done anything similar ? If yes, what </b>
<b>did you do ? Where did you do it ?</b>

<b>5. If the pollution continues, what might happen ?</b>

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<b>1. Who is the speaker ? And who are the listeners?</b>

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<b>2. Where are they ? And what are they going to do ?</b>

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<b>3 .What will they achieve if they work hard today?</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>4 . Have you ever done anything similar ? If yes, what </b>
<b>did you do ? Where did you do it ?</b>

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<b>5. If the pollution continues, what might happen ?</b>

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<i><b>2. Comprehension questions: ( b/p48)</b></i>

<b> 1</b><b> The speaker is Mr Brown. The listeners are (members </b>

<b>of) the volunteer coservationists</b>

<b> 2</b><b> They are on the beach. And they are going to clean the </b>

<b>beach. </b>

<b> 3</b><b> If they work hard today, they mill make the beach </b>

<b>clean and beatiful again soon. </b>

<b> 4</b><b> Yes, I have. We cleaned our school, colletcted the </b>

<b>rubbisb, and took them to the garbage dump.</b>

<b> 5</b><b>If the pollution continues, the environment around us </b>

<b>won’t be good and it will be hamful to our health. </b>

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<b>* Structures :</b>

<b>Conditional sentence type 1 :</b>

<b>1. If we work hard today, we will make this beach a clean </b>
<b>and beautiful place again</b>

<b>2. I’m disappointed that people have spoiled this area.</b>

<b> Adjective clause:</b>

<b>S + be + adj + that + clause</b>

<b>If clause</b> <b>Main clause</b>

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<b>A)<sub> What should you do to protect the </sub></b>


<b>B)<sub> What shouldn t you do to protect </sub></b><sub>’</sub>

<b>the environment?</b>

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<b>Plant trees</b> <b>Put garbage into garbage bins</b>

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<b>Shouldn t</b>’

<b>Destroy the forest</b> <b>Catch fish by dynamite</b>

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<b>IV. HOMEWORK </b>

1. Learn the new words and structures by heart

2. Write a paragraph of 30-60 words about the environmental
problems in Viet nam

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