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<i>Date of preparing:04/11/2020 WEEK 10 - Period 37 </i>

<b>Lesson 1: Part 3, 4, 5</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge: After the lesson students can ask and answer questions about </b></i>
where a school is.

<i><b> *Language focus:</b></i>

- Sentence Patterns: Where’s your school? It’s in……
- Vocabulary: street, road, village, district, cousin

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss listening & reading, writing skill.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English.</b></i>

<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, softbook. Projector(4A, 4C)</i>
<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

<b>III. METHOD</b>

- Communicative approach.

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.
+ Discussion.


<i><b>1. Organization:(1’)</b></i>

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

10/11/2020 4A

09/11/2020 4B

12/11/2020 4C

<b>2. Warm up. (5’): Jigsaw reading game.</b>
- Ss look at some pieces of papers prepared

- Work in 2 teams of 5, recall all the school names and their addresses. one tick
the school names, the others tick the correct addresses.

<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Contents</b>
<i><b>*Activity 1. Listen and tick.</b></i>

<b>+ Pre – listening. (4’)</b>

-Ask Ss to look at the pictures.

-Elicit the schools and their address in the


- Explain the way to do in this part.
<b>+ While – listening. (5’)</b>

- Play the recording through for Ss listen.
- Play the recording again for Ss to do the

- Play the recording once more and pause

<i><b>1. Listen and tick.</b></i>

<i><b>(Show the task on the screen)</b></i>
<i>Key: </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

after each sentence to check.

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with
their partners before reporting them to the

<b>+ Post-listening. (3’)</b>

- Provides the answers and check ss’
comprehension of the task.

- Ss listen and check answers.

- T give some sentences about the task

which they have listened

- Ask ss to listen and choose yes or no.
<b>Activity 2. Look and write. (10’)</b>
<b>+ Pre- writing</b>

- Run through the pictures for ss to identify
the activities

- Explain the task to Ss
<b>+ While writing</b>

- Get Ss to look at the table individual and
complete the sentences.

- Get Ss work in pairs then trade their
answers within pairs for correction.

- Ask some Ss to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and
give comment.

<b>+ Post writing</b>

-Ask ss to practice reading the task
<b>Activity 3. Let’s sing. (8’)</b>

- Play the recording all the way through for
Ss to listen while they are reading the song.
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat

each line of rhyme. Have Ss to point the
corresponding while they are repeating.
- Call on a group of six to the front of the
class, have three of them repeat each line
answer the other do action.

- Get Ss to work in group to work as the
model group.

- Call on one group to perform the song at
the front of the class the rest of the class
sing along and clap the rhythm.

- Have the class sing the song again to
reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Look and write.</b>
<b>(Show the task on the </b>

<i>Key: </i>

<i>1. Nguyen Trai Street </i>
<i> 2. in Van Noi Village</i>
<i> 3.in South Street London</i>

<b>3. Let’s sing</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>4. Consolidation (2’)</b>

- Summary the content of the lesson.
<b>5. Homework (1’): </b>

- Do ex in workbook.


<i>Date of preparing:04/11/2020 WEEK 10 - Period 38 </i>

<b>Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge: </b></i>After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering
what class someone is in.

<b> * Language focus: </b>
- Vocabulary: class

- Sentence Pattern: What class are you in? I’m in Class…..

<i>What class is he/ she in? He’s/ She’s in Class…..</i>
<i><b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with</b></i>
others, love their friends.


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, CDs and computer, softbook, projector (4A, </i>


<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

- Communicative approach.
Techniques: + Q &A

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.

<i><b>1. Organization:(1’)</b></i>

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

<b>- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

10/11/2020 4A

11/11/2020 4B

12/11/2020 4C

<i><b>2. Warm up: (5’)</b></i>

<i>Ask ss to sing the song: This is the way.</i>

3. New lesson:

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities </b> <b>Content</b>
<i><b>Act 1: Look, listen and repeat(8’)</b></i>

<b>* Set the scene:</b>

- T uses the pictures of the dialogue on page
42(Student book 1) to lead Ss in the conversation
- Ask students to look at the 3 pictures in the
book and check comprehension by eliciting the

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answers for these questions.
T: Who’s this?

T: What are they doing?

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to
listen and follow in their books.

- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the
dialogue several times( line by line in the

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue

- Have Ss to find out the new structure.
<b>Act 2. Point and say. (12’)</b>

<b>a. Presenting new words.</b>

- Point to the pictures in part 2 and elicit the New
words: class

- T models - Ss listen and repeat.

+ WC/ + Groups( Optional)/ + Individual
- T writes the word on the board.

<b>b. Sentence Pattern:</b>

<b>* Presenting model sentences.</b>

- Point to the first picture and elicit the class to
fill in the gap. Put the sentence on the board:
<i>What class are you in? I’m in Class…..</i>

<i>What class is he/ she in? </i>
<i>He’s/ She’s in Class…..</i>

and have Ss repeat them several times.
- Check the form/ use/ meaning/ intonation
<b>* Practice.</b>

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking
and answering questions if someone can do

- T model – Ss listen & repeat.

- Ask ss to do in choral and individual repetition,
using the pictures in the book.

- T asks Ss point and say.
- T and student model.
( T S1,- T S2)
+T- WC/ + Half/half

+ Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs)
<b>Act 3. Let’s talk(10’)</b>

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with
their friends. Give a few seconds for Ss to read
the questions. Check their understanding.

Have Ss work in pairs. Go around to offer help
and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.

<b>2. Point and say.</b>
(Show the task on the

a Vocabulary

b. Model sentences
<i>What class are you in? </i>
<i>I’m in Class…..</i>

<i>What class is he/ she in? </i>

<i>He’s/ She’s in Class…..</i>
-Ask and answer about
what class someone is in.

<b>3. Let’s talk</b>

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Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front
of the class.

<i><b>4. Consolidation (2’)</b></i>

-Ask Ss to focus on the model sentence once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b>5. Homework (1’)</b></i>

Learn by heart the new words and model sentence. Prepare for the next lesson

<i>Date of preparing:04/11/2020 WEEK 10 - Period 39 </i>

<b>Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge: </b></i>After the lesson students will be able to asking and answering
what class someone is in.

<b> * Language focus: </b>
- Vocabulary: class

- Sentence Pattern: What class are you in? I’m in Class…..

<i>What class is he/ she in? He’s/She’s in Class…..</i>
<i><b>2. Skills: - Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening, writing skills</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with</b></i>
others, love their friends.


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, CDs and computer, softbook, projector (4A, </i>

<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

- Communicative approach.
Techniques: + Game

+ Q &A

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.

<i><b>1. Organization:(1’)</b></i>

- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

<b>- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

12/11/2020 4A

12/11/2020 4B

13/11/2020 4C

<i><b>2. Warm up: (5’)</b></i>

<i>- Using voting enjoy divide to ask ss to answer some questions:</i>
<i>+ What class are you in?(I/ T’m/ He’s/ She’s) in class 4A</i>

<i>+ What class is she in? ……… in class 4B.</i>

<i>+ Phong is in clas 4D. Lan is in class 4C. They are in the same class ( True/ </i>
<i>False) </i>

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<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities </b> <b>Content</b>
<i><b>Activity 1. Listen and number(10’)</b></i>

<i><b>+ Pre- listening</b></i>

Tell Ps that they are going to listen and
number the pictures. Give a few

seconds for Ps to look at the pictures
and think about the words which may
be in the tape.

<b>+ While- listening</b>

Play the recording three times for Ps to
listen, do the task and check their

Get Ps to swap and check their
guessing and their answers before
checking as class.

<b>+ Post- listening</b>

- T give some sentences about the task
which they have listened

- Ask ss to listen and choose yes or no.
<i><b>Activity 2. Look and write(10’)</b></i>

<i><b>+ Pre- reading</b></i>

Tell Ss that they are going to look, read
and answer the questions base on the
pictures. Give Ps a few seconds to read
the text in silence. Check

comprehension and give feedback
<b>+ While- reading</b>

Get Ss time to do the task. Go around

to offer help, if necessary. Get Ps to
work in pairs

Get Ss to swap and check their answers
before checking as a class. Write the
correct answers on the board for Ps to
copy down their notebooks.

<b>a. Post- reading</b>

Call some pairs to read their answer.
<i><b>Activity 3. Let’s play(10’)</b></i>

<i>- Prepare some sentences:</i>

+ My school’s name is Binh Duong
<i>Primary school.</i>

<i>+ It’s in Binh Duong Village.</i>
<i>+ I’m in Class 4B</i>

- Introduce the game and explain how
to play.

- Ask ss to play game in three teams.

<i><b>1. Listen and number</b></i>

<i> Answer: 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.b</i>

<i><b>2. Look and write</b></i>

<i>Key: 1.Chu Van An street. </i>
<i> 2. in South Street London. </i>
<i> 3. Class 4B.</i>

<i> 4. in Class 4C.</i>
<i> </i>

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- Congratulation the winner and give

<i><b>4. Consolidation (2’): Consolidate the content of the lesson</b></i>

<i><b>5. Homework (1’): Do exercises in the workbook. Prepare for the next lesson</b></i>

<i>Date of preparing:04/11/2020 WEEK 10 - Period 40 </i>

<b> LESSON 3: Part 1, 2, 3</b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge</b>

- After the lesson, students are able to: Pronounce correctly the sound of the
letters / sch /, /sk/ and /str/.

<b> * Language focus:</b>

- Phonics: / sch /, /sk/ and /str/.
<b>2. Skills</b>

- Develop listening, reading, writing skills.
<b>3. Attitude: </b>

- Studious and obedient students and love their friends.
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, CDs and computer, softbook, projector (4A, </i>

<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>
<b>III. Method</b>

- Listening, speaking and spoken interaction.
- Techniques: + Chant

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.
<b>IV. Procedure</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’)</b>
- Greeting

- Checking for the students’ attendance.

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

12/11/2020 4A

12/11/2020 4B

13/11/2020 4C

<b>2. Warm up. (5’)</b>
- Say greetings.

- Chatting: Ask ss some questions:
<i>+ What the name of your school?</i>
<i>+ Where is it?</i>

<b>3. New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher and students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b> Activity 1: Listen and repeat.(10’)</b>

-Introduce the sounds / sch /, /sk/

<b>1. Listen and repeat.</b>

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and /str /

- Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words school,
<b>skipping and street. Ss learn to </b>

produce the sound of the letters “ sch”
in the word school , that of the letter
<i><b>“sk” in the word skipping and that of </b></i>
the letter “str” in the word street

- Listen and repeat. Read in groups in

- Ps practice the sounds carefully
- Some Ss reports the answer. The rest
of the class listen and give comments.
- Ask ss to find some other words with
the sound have learnt.

<b>*Activity 2. Listen and circle. Then </b>
<b>write and say aloud.(10’)</b>

- Run through the task then tell ss that
they are going to listen and circle the
words they hear.

- Listen to the recording 2 times and

- Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Check and correct.

- Ask ss to practise saying the

<b>*Activity 3. Let’s chant(10’)</b>

- Introduce the Chant School, school,


<i>-Ps listen to the tape and chant</i>
-Ps chant in group and individual.
-Ps chant and do the action.

-Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

<b>2. Listen and circle. And say aloud. </b>
Key: 1. b 2. a 3.a 4.b

<b>3. Let’s chant</b>

<b>(Show the chant on the screen)</b>

<b>4. Consolidation (time: 2 minutes)</b>
- Summary the lesson



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