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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<i>Date of preparing: 21/10 / 2020 WEEK 8 - Period 29 </i>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 1+2 +3</b>
<b>I. </b>


<i><b>1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ps can: </b></i>

Pronounce two-and three-syllable words with the stress on the first syllsble:
‘seaside, ‘islands and countryside.

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develop speaking and listening skills.</b></i>
<b> . * Language focus:</b>

<i> - Sentence Pattern: “Where will you be…? – I think I’ll be…”</i>
- Stress position: seaside, ‘islands and ‘countryside.

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develope Ss listening & speaking skill</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English,to have a</b></i>
good life skill in joining a party.

<b>II. </b>


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards or pictures,projector(5A, 5B), </i>
softbook, CDs and computer.

<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

<b> METHOD</b>

- Communicative approach.

Techniques: + Game: Slap the board

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.
+ Discussion.


<i><b>1.Organization:(1’) - Greetings: T – Ss greet each other. </b></i>
- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

26/10/2020 5A:

26/10/2020 5B

27/10/2020 5C


<i><b> Warm up:</b><b> (5’) Slap the board</b></i>

- Ss play into 2 groups. T & Ss praise the winners

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities </b> <b>Content</b>
<i><b>Act </b><b> 1.Listen and repeat.(13’)</b></i>

Have Ss open the book page 34 , draw
their attention to the two- and
three-syllable words with the stress on the first
syllable: 'seaside, 'islands and


<i><b>1.Listen and repeat.</b></i>
<i>'seaside </i>

<i>'islands </i>

<b>next</b> <b>visit</b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Put the words 'seaside, 'islands and
<i>'countryside on the board. Play the </i>
recording for pupils to listen.

Then play the recording again for them to
repeat the sentences.

-Ask Ss to practice 4 words and to read
aloud 4 sentences several times

- Have Ss to practice in pair
- Call on some Ss to read aloud.

- Correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
<i><b>Act </b><b> 2. Listen and circle a or b. Then say </b></i>
<i><b>the sentences aloud</b><b> . (7’)</b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to
listen to recoding and circle a or b to
complete the sentences.

- Give Ps a few seconds to read the
sentences in silence before playing the
recording for them to do the task.

- Have them listen to the recording and do
the task independently. Go around and
ofer help, if necessary. – Have Ps swap
their answers before checking as a class.
Then ask them to read the completed
sentences aloud.

<i><b>Act </b><b> 3. Let’s chant.(10’)</b></i>

Tell Ss that they are going to say the
chant “Where will you be this weekend?”
Have them read the chant and check


Play the recording all through Ss listen
and follow in their books.

Play the recording again Ss listen and
read line by line.

Divide the class into2 groups .G1: read
the questions, G2: read the answers.
Then exchange.

Ss chant and do the actions in groups

<i><b>2. Listen and circle a or b. Then </b></i>
<i><b>say the sentences aloud</b></i>

<b>Key: </b>

1 - b 2 - a 3 - b

<i><b>3. Let’s chant.</b></i>

<b>Where will you be this </b>

<i>Where will you be this </i>

<i>I think I’ll be in the countryside.</i>

<i>What will you do there?</i>

<i>I think I’ll have a picnic.</i>
<i>Where will you be next week?</i>
<i>I think we’ll be at the seaside.</i>
<i>What will you do there?</i>
<i>I think we’ll visit the islands.</i>
<i><b>4.Consolidation:(2’) Consolidate the content of the lesson</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<i>Date of preparing: 21/10/2020 WEEK 8 - Period 30 </i>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 4 +5+ 6+7</b>
<b>I. </b>


<i><b>1. Knowledge: After the lesson, students are able to: Read the text about future </b></i>
activities and answers. Write about their future activities using the language that
they’ve learnt in the whole unit.

<b> * Language focus:</b>

- Sentence Pattern: Review .
- Vocab: Review

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develope Ss reading & writing skill</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English.</b></i>
<b> II. </b>


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards or pictures,projector(5A, 5B), </i>
softbook, CDs and computer.

<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>

<b> METHOD</b>

- Communicative approach.

Techniques: + Game: /+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups/ Discussion.


- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

26/10/2020 5A:

26/10/2020 5B

28/10/2020 5C


<i><b> Warm up:</b><b> (5’)</b></i>

- Read the chant: Where will you be this weekend?

- Ss play into 2 groups and do actions and then individually( 2-3 Ss)
- T & Ss praise the good Ss.

<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities </b> <b>Content</b>

<i><b>Act 1</b><b> Read and complete: (9’)</b></i>

to read the text about Mai and complete the table.
- Get them to read the text and find appropriate

information to complete the table, paying attention to
what Mai and her family will do in the morning,
afternoon and evening. Ask Ps to work in pairs or in
small groups.

- Give them time to do the task independently. Go
around and offer help, if necessary.

- Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a
class. If time allows, ask some Ps to report Mai and


<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

her family,s activities at Ha Long Bay. (e.g. Mai’s
parents will swim in the sea in the morning. They will
sunbathe in the afternoon.)


<i><b>Morning Afternoon</b></i> <i><b>Evening</b></i>
<i><b>Mai’s </b></i>


<i>Will in </i>
<i>the sea</i>

<i>Will </i>

<i>Will have </i>
<i>dinner on </i>
<i>Tuan Chau </i>
<i><b>Mai </b></i>

<i><b>and her</b></i>

<i>Will </i>
<i>build </i>

<i>es (on </i>
<i>the </i>

<i>Will play </i>

<i>Will have </i>
<i>dinner on </i>
<i>Tuan Chau </i>
<b>Activity 2. Write about you: (10’)</b>

a. Pre- writing

- Ask Ps to answer T’s questions.

- Tell the class that they are going to write about

- Have Ps works in pairs or in groups to discuss what
they will do next Sunday.

b. While-writing.

- Give them time to do the individually, Go around
and offer help, if necessary.

- Get them to swap their answers before checking as a

c. Post writing:
- Role-play.

<b>Activity 3. Project: (6’)</b>

- Tell the class that they are going to interview their
classmates about where they will go and what they
will do next weekend.

- Each Pupil selects three classmates to interview and
takes notes.

- When they finish interviewing, select three or four Ps
to report the results of their interviews to the class.
(E.g. Trang will be in the mountains this weekend.
She’ll go there by bus. She’ll play games, sing songs
and have lunch with her classmates. It’ll be a lot of

<i><b>Act </b><b> 4: Colour the stars</b><b> (5’)</b></i>

- Have the class read the statements and check their

- Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few

<i><b>2. Write about you.</b></i>

<b>Key: Answers vary</b>

<i><b>3. Project</b></i>

Disccuss in groups
what present to give a
classmate for his/ her
birthday .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

Ps to read the statements aloud.
- Give further support ( if necessary)

<i><b>4.Consolidation: (3’) Consolidate the content of whole unit.</b></i>

<i><b>5. Homework: (1’)Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words </b></i>
and structures. Prepare for the next lesson

<i>Date of preparing: 21/10/2020 WEEK 8 - Period 31 </i>

<b>REVIEW 1 - PART (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)</b>
<b>I. </b>


<i><b>1. Knowledge: After the lesson, students are able to:</b></i>

- Listen and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my

- Read and identify specific information related to the theme Me and my friends.

- Use simple sentences to write about themselves.

<b> * Language focus: </b>

- Sentence Pattern: revision
- Vocabulary: revision

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develope Ss speaking, listening, reading and writing</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: </b></i>- Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English with

<b>II. </b>


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards or pictures, CDs and computer.</i>
<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>


<b> METHOD</b>

- Communicative approach.

Techniques: + Game: Chẩrade

+ Ask and answer /Work individually, in pairs/ groups.


- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

<b>- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer</b>

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

27/10/2020 5A:

27/10/2020 5B

29/10/2020 5C


<i><b> Warm up:</b><b> (5’) </b></i>
<b>- Play game: Charade</b>

- Ss play into 3 groups. T & Ss praise the winners
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

- Tell the class that they are going to listen to
two dialogues and tick the correct pictures. Give
them a few seconds to look at the pictures.
- Play the recording all the way through for Ps
to listen. Play it again for them to do the task.
- Get Ps to find difficult. Play the recording
again for them to listen again, if necessary
<i><b>Act 2:</b><b> Listen and number: (5’)</b></i>

- Ask Ps to answer T’s questions.

- Tell the class that they are going to listen four
the dialogues and number them.

- Play the recording all the way through for Ps
to listen. Play it again for them to do the task.
- Get Ps to compare their answers before
checking as a class.


<i><b> 3. Listen and tick Yes (Y) or No (N): (4’)</b></i>
- Tell the class that they are going to listen to
two dialogues and tick Yes or No.

- Give them a few seconds to read the
statements and guess the answers.

- Play the recording all the way through for Ps
to listen. Play it again for them to tick the boxes.
- Get Ps to compare their answers before

checking as a class.

<i><b>Act 4. Read and circle a or b: (6’)</b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to read a text
and circle the corect answers.

- Give them time to read the questions and
answers in silence. Remind them to underline
the key words and phrases in the answers to
compare with the information in the passage.
- Get Ps to compare their answer in pairs before
checking as a class. Give explanations, if


<i><b>Act 5.Write about you. Then tell the class: </b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to write
sentences about themselves.

- Give them time to read the questions and
answes in silence. Check their understanding.
- Get Ps to read their writing in pairs before
inviting two or three Ps to read their answers

<b>Key:</b> <b>1-b 2-c</b>


<i><b> Listen and number: (5’)</b></i>

<b>Key: a-3 b-4 </b>

<b>c-1 d-2</b>

<i><b>3. Listen and tick Yes (Y) </b></i>
<i><b>or No (N): (4’)</b></i>

<b>Key: 1-N 2-Y</b>

<i><b>4.Read and circle a or b: </b></i>

<b>Key: 1-b 2-b </b>
<b> 3-a 4-b 5-a</b>

<i><b>5. Write about you. Then </b></i>
<i><b>tell the class: (10’)</b></i>

<b>Key: Answers vary</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i><b> 5. Homework: (1’) Prepare for the next lesson</b></i>

<i>Date of preparing: 21/10/2020 WEEK 8 - Period 32 </i>

<i><b>CAT AND MOUSE 1 ( Part 1+2 +3)</b></i>
<b>I. </b>


<i><b>1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, Pupils can:</b></i>

- Read, listen to and understand a short story.

<b>* Language focus: </b>

- Sentence Pattern: Revision
- Vocabulary: Revision

<i><b>2. Skills: - Develope Ss listening & writing skill</b></i>

<i><b>3. Attitude: - Help Ss to be more confident to communicate in English.</b></i>
<b>II. </b>


<i>1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards or pictures, CDs and computer.</i>
<i>2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.</i>


<b> METHOD</b>

- Communicative approach.

Techniques: + Game: Bingo

+ Work individually, in pairs/ groups.
+ Discussion.


- Greetings: T – Ss greet each other.

- Checking attendance: Who’s absent today? Ss: Answer

<b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Class</b> <b>Absent students</b>

27/10/2020 5A:

27/10/2020 5B

29/10/2020 5C


<i><b> Warm up:</b><b> (5’)</b></i>

- Play Bingo with past simple verbs: did, had, ate, went, sang, drank , chatted,

- Ss play into 2 groups. T & Ss praise the winners
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>Teacher’s and Ss’ activities </b> <b>Content</b>
<i><b>Act </b><b> 1. Read and listen to the story: (10’)</b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to read and
listen to the story.

- Before they listen, ask them to look at the

pictures and ask them questions to remind
them of the characters. (E.g. What’s the name
of the black-and-white cat? What’s the name
of the black-and-white mouse? Can you see
the brown cat and the red cat? Who are they?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

Do you know the grey mouse? Can you
remenber his name?)

- Ask them to read the story in silence. Then
play the recording all the way through for
them to listen and follow in their books.
<i><b>Act 2. Answer the questions: (12’) </b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to read the
story again and answer the questions.

- Give a few seconds to read the story again
and check their comprehension.

- Give them a time limit to do the task.

- Ask them to swap and compare their
asnwers before checking as a class.

- Invite a group of seven to act out the story.

<i><b>Act 3.Unscramble these words from the</b></i>
<i><b>story: (8’)</b></i>

- Tell the class that they are going to look at
the unscramble letters and write the words.
- Have them look at the unscramble letters
and find the words from the story.

- Set a time limit for the task. Give them the
first letters of the words if they find the task
too difficult.

- Ask Ps to compare their asnwers before
checking as a class.

- Invite a few pairs to read the words aloud.

<i><b>2. Answer the questions </b></i>

<i>1. They went to the beach.</i>
<i>2. Yes, they did.</i>

<i>3. He went on holiday with</i>
<i>Muarice and Doris.</i>

<i>4. They went to the</i>

<i>5. No, they didn’t because it </i>
<i>was cold and it rained all </i>
<i>the time.</i>

<i><b>3.Unscramble these words </b></i>
<i><b>from the story</b></i>


<i>a. holiday b. beach</i>
<i> c. family d. mountains </i>
<i>e. rained</i>



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