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Tải Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Unit 8: Celebrations - Lesson 4 - Giáo án điện tử môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9

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<b>PERIOD 52</b>

<b>LESSON 4: WRITE</b>

A / <b>Aims</b><i>: Practice in writing a letter to a friend.</i>

B/ <b>Objectives</b>: <i>By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to write a</i>
<i>letter to a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue. </i>

C / <b>Teaching aids</b>: <i>Textbook, board, chalk</i>

D <b>/ Procedure</b>:

<b>Stages</b> <b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’<sub>activities</sub></b>

<b>I.Warm up</b>
7 min

<b>II</b> <b>Pre- </b>
12 min

* <b>Brainstorming: </b>

<b>What do people usually do on their Father,<sub>s Day </sub></b>
<b>or Mother,<sub>s Day? </sub></b>

- Call on some Students to write their answers on
the board:

* Suggested answers:

- Give (send) gifts, flowers, postcards
- Cook a special meal

- Do the housework so that mother or father can
have a day of leisure.

Introduce the topic of the writing and some new
words to students

<b>1. Vocabulary pre- teach</b>:

- Essential (a) = necessary (a): cần thiết
- Enhance (v) = improve (v): cải thiện

- Tradition (n): belief or custom handed down from
one generation to another: truyền thống

- Day off (n): a day away from work or school: ngày

- Support (v): in favor of: hỗ trợ

- Nationwide (n): all over the country:toàn dân
* <b>Checking vocabulary</b>: <b>Rub out and remember</b>

Work in group
Come to the
board to write
their ideas on
the board.

Listen and copy

Listen and
repeat chorally,
Guess its
meanings and
copy down.
Play game
The things

people often
do on
Mother,s Day

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<b>III.While - </b>
13 min

<b>IV.Post - </b>
10 min

<b>2. Guiding questions</b>:

- Ask Students to read the outline and practice in
groups to answer the questions about Father<sub> s Day </sub>’

or Mother’<sub> s Day</sub><sub> . </sub>

a. Why is it necessary to have a day to celebrate for
your Mom and another for your Dad?

(to express feelings, memories and loves for our

parents / to enhance family member together so that...)

b. When should you celebrate these days?

(In what season? / In what month? / On what day?)

c. How should you celebrate these days?

(Have parties / cook a special meal with their favorite
foods / All family members and close friends gather and
enjoy the party or the meal / Make cakes / Sing their
favorite songs …)

d. What special gifts should you give?

(flowers / gifts / postcards / hanging potted trees/ clothes

- Call on some volunteers from each group to
demonstrate in front of class.

- Gather their ideas to make a completed outline.
3.<b> Writing</b>:

- Ask Students to follow the outline and work
independently to write a letter to a friend as

- Have Students compare their writing with a friend.
- Call on some Students to read their writing aloud
in front of class.

<b>Suggested writing</b>:

In my opinion I think it is important to have a day to
celebrate for our parents.

It will be a day for us to express our feelings, memories and
love for our parents. Family members can have a chance to
get together and help one another. I think the first Sunday in
August is suitable for everyone because Sunday is a day off,
everyone is free from work and study. It is a good idea to
have a lunch or dinner with all family members. Our parents
should be given flowers, greeting cards and special gifts.
They should be severed the food they like best.

I believe that the idea will be supported and the day will be
celebrated nationwide because everybody loves their parents
and wants their parents to be happy

4. <b>Correction</b>

- Ask Students to work with a friend, exchange their
writings and correct for each other.

Work in groups
to practice
asking and
answering the

Demonstrate in
front of class.


Work in pairs

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3 min

- Pick up some typical writings to correct in front of

1. Let Ss copy the completed writing in their


