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Period 50 : - Review the examination for the first term.
*Aim: the present simple with “Vtobe” and audiaury V. The present continuous. And some structures
* Verb Form:
Let’s Would you like
Why don’t you + Vo… learn + to V
Should we how
S + Should(n’t)/can……
 be good at / be interested in / enjoy / practice / love / like / What about + V-ing
*Objective : By the end of the lesson SS will be able to do the exercises well.
* Teaching aids :Text book , poster.
I) The simple present: with “tobe”
S (chủ từ) To be = am/are/is
I Am
You / we / they / Lan and Ba / parents Are
She / he / it / Hoa
*BTAD 1: Nam (be)……………………………. My friend, his parents (be)…………………………….., Hoa and Nam (be)
…………….. in class 7A, and Lan (be) ………………………….. in class 7A, too. They (be)……………………….. good friends
together. We (be)……………………… studying in the Phu Loc secondary school.
II) - The present simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn) : V- thường (v : động từ).
Diễn tã 1 hành động lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong
hiện tại, một chân lý, hay một sự thật hiển nhiên.
Notes (ghi chú) : Vs/es EX : (+ s) to want -> wants. (+ es) To watch -> watches.
- (+ es) : Nếu chủ từ số ít, động từ tận cùng là : ch, sh, z, x, s, o, (y -> ies)
Usage: usually, always, often, sometimes, every, seldom, …..
EX: - I go to school every day; He goes to school every day.
- you don’t go to school every day; He doesn’t go to school.
- Do you go to school every day ? Does he go to school every day?
* BTAD 2: Ba is a student in class 7A, He (live)………………………………. in Ha Noi with his family (mother, father
and elder sister), he (go)……………………… Le Loi school, he always (get)………………………….. at five o’clock in the

III. The Present continuous tens. (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn).
Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong hiện tại.
Subject:(chủ Từ) Affimative (KĐ) Negative (PĐ) Interrogative (NV)
You, We, They,Lan& Ba
He, She, It, Lan…
S+ Are + V-ing…
Am not
S+ Aren’t + V-ing……
Are + S + V-ing ……. ?
Usage: now, at the moment (giờ,bây giờ), at present (hiện tại),
at this moment (ngay lúc này), today(hôm nay). Look! , Listen!
EX: You/We/They are learning English now.
Subject:(chủ Từ) Affirmative
Negative (PĐ) Interrogative (NV)
I, You, We, They, Lan and Nam
He, She, It, Lan…
S + Vo
S + Vs/es
S + don’t + Vo
S + doesn’t + Vo
Do + S + Vo ..?
Does + S + Vo..?

He/She/It isn’t studying French now.
Are you plying football now ?
* BTAD 3: 1. We (study)……………………………………………………..…… physical Education in the school yard.
2. Nam and Tan (play) ……………………………………………………… volleyball now.
3. Lan (wait) …………………………………..…………….…….... for a new her friend at the moment.
4. She (write)………………………………………... …………….. a letter to Lan now
IV- The simple Future tense (thì tương lai đơn).
Diễn tã 1 hành động sẽ xãy ra trong tương lai.

(I / We + shall/ Will). (will not = Won’t, shall not = shan't)
Usage : tomorrow (ngày mai), next (tới, kế tiếp), tonight (tối nay)
EX : We shall/will go to HCM tomorrow.
They won’t come here next week.
Will he get up early tomorrow ?
1. …………….. you (visit)…………………………… your parents next Sunday.
2. They (not, go)…………………………………….. to school tomorrow.
3. He (be)…………………….14 on next birthday
* BT hổn hợp:
1. They usually(play) ____________________ catch at recess.
2. Does she always (skip) __________________ rope after school?
3. Look! Hung (jump) ___________________ in to the water.
4. He (go) __________________ to the movies tonight.
5. What __________________ you _________________(do) next Sunday?
6. Tomorrow, she(invite) ____________________ all friends to her birthday.
7. My father (listen) ____________________ to the radio everyday.
8. He (do) _______________________ Math now.
9. Jane (play) ___________________ the piano at present.
10. Listen! The boy (play)____________________ the guitar.
11. My father never (drink) ______________________ coffee.

12. I usually (go) ___________ to school by bike, but tomorrow I (go) ________ to school by bus.
13. He (visit) ___________________ his grandparents next week.
14. We (not/ invite) _____________________ many friends to the party tonight.
* Verb Form:
Let’s Would you like
Why don’t you + Vo… learn + to V
Should we how
S + Should(n’t)/can……
Subject:(chủ Từ) Affimative (KĐ) Negative (PĐ) Interrogative (NV)
S S + Will + Vo
S + Won’t + Vo Will + S + Vo ..?
 be good at / be interested in / enjoy / practice / love / like / What about + V-ing
1. Would you like (join) ………………………………………………………our club?
2. The children love (play) ……………………………………………………… video games.
3. We are interested in (go) ………………………………………………………to English club.
4. He enjoys (draw) ………………………………………………………pictures.
5. Mai learns (play) ………………………………………………………the piano in her free time.
6. Let’s (go) ………………………………………………………to the English club.
7. Why don’t you (invite) ……………………………………………………… him?
8. What about (read) ……………………………………………………… in the library?
9. Should you (come) ……………………………………………………… there?
10. She is good at (draw) ………………………………………………………pictures.
11.Let’s (go)..................................... shopping with us.
• Writing :
1-> Why don’t you __________________________________________?
2. Would you like to go to the movie theater?
-> What about _____________________________________________?
3. Should we play video games?
-> Why don’t we ___________________________________________?

4. Why don’t we go to the cafeteria?
-> What about ____________________________________________?
5. My family / travel / Vung Tau beach / next Sunday.
6. Nga / often / listen / music / her free time.
7. How far / it / Long Xuyen City / Chau Doc town ? -> about 54 km

Period 51 : - Review the examination for the first term.
*Aim: Development the writing’s skill and structures....
Comparative – Superlative, Exclamatory sentence.
Preposition of time, How far, how much, how many, what time …..
*Objective : By the end of the lesson SS will be able to read and do the exercises well.
* Teaching aids :Text book , poster.
1.Comparative – Superlative:
a)  Comparative (So sánh hơn).
*Short adj
(Tính từ ngắn) EX: Lan is taller than Hoa
*Long adj
(Tính từ dài) EX: Your school is more beautiful than my school
b)  Superlative (So sánh nhất).
*Short adj
(Tính từ ngắn) EX: He is the tallest
*Long adj EX:She is the most beautiful in class.
(Tính từ dài)
*Chuù YÙ : good – better – the best, Big - bigger – the biggest; hot – hotter - the hottest
1. Orange juice is _____________________ than coffee (good).

2. Hanh is the ________________________ students in the class. (clever).
3. Cars are _________________________ than motorbikes (expensive).
4. Mai is the ______________________girl of three sisters. (beautiful).
5. The blue dress is _________________________ than the red one (cheap).
6. Watching television is_________________________than reading books (interesting).
7. This apartment is the ______________________for your family.(suitable).
8. Mount Everest is the ______________________ mountain in the world.(high).
9. Walking is _______________________than running (slow).
10. A new house is _______________________than an old one ( expensive).
11. Motorbikes are _____________________than bicycles (fast).
12. Summer is _______________________than spring (hot).
13. Jane is_________________________than her sister (beautiful).
14. Her English is _____________________than my English (good).
2.Exclamatory sentence ( câu cảm thán)
a: trước phụ âm
an: trước nguyên âm
(a , o, e, u, i=> uể oải)
* singular : số ít, plural : Số nhiều, uncountable: Không điếm được.
* BTAD 4: 1. What ……………………… beautiful flower !
2. What ………………………… interesting movie !
S1 + be + adj+ER + than S2
S1 + be + MORE adj + than S2
S + be + the adj + est
S + be + the most adj
What + a / an + adj + N (singular) !

What + adj + N(plural) !

N(uncountable) !

3. tidy/ room=>…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. lovely / girl=>…………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ex : It is an interesting film
What an interesting film!
Ex: They are lovely girls.
 What lovely girls!
1. He is an intelligent boy -> _______________________________________
2. It is fresh milk -> _______________________________________
3. They are naughty students -> _______________________________________
4. It is an exciting trip -> _______________________________________
5. They are delicious cakes -> _______________________________________
6. She is a good child -> _______________________________________
7. it is a bright room -> _______________________________________
8. The test is very difficult -> _______________________________________
3. Preposition of time ( Giới từ chỉ thời gian ) : in ,on, at, by, with,of…………….
- AT : +giờ / số nhà Ex : We have class at one o’clock.
Ex: He lives at 12 Nguyen Hue street.
+ night Ex : I sleep at night.
- IN : + tháng/năm/mùa, buổi Ex : in/December/1994/the summer/ the morning
+ Thành phố, quốc gia Ex: in Ha Noi/An Giang/Viet Nam/ Thai Lan….
- ON: + ngày trong tuần /tháng/năm Ex : We have class on Monday…...
+ ngày trong tháng năm Ex: I was born on April 6, 2006
+ Tên đường Ex: on Tran Phu street.
+ the farm
- BY: + phương tiện Ex: I often go to school by bike.
- Take care of: chăm sóc
4. Wh- questions:
What: hỏi cái gì What time: hỏi giờ How far: hỏi bao xa
When: hỏi khi nào Who: hỏi người How long: hỏi bao lâu
Where: hỏi ở đâu Why: hỏi tại sao How much: hỏi tiền, hỏi số ít

How often: hỏi bao nhiêu lần How: hỏi phương tiện How many:hỏi số nhiều
How to: cách sử dụng.
* Hãy điền vào chổ trống với các từ dùng để hỏi thích hợp cho các câu sau :
1. …………..….....do you live?-I live at 22 Tran Hung Dao Street
2……………….... .is your family name? -It’s Pham
3…………………..is Hoa unhappy? -Because she misses her parents
4. …………………do you go to school? –By bike
5. Multiple choice :( 2.0 ms )
1. Mai learns ------------ to use a computer in her Computer Science class.
A. who B. which C. what D. how
2. What’s your family name ? ->> ----------- .
A. It’s Pham B. about 3 kms C. at 24C Le Loi Street. D. 076.3726272
4. ---------- is Hoa staying with ? ->> her uncle and aunt .
A. Who B. Where C.What D. When
6. Students take part ---------------- many activities at recess.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
7. ---------- an expensive dress !

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