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Unit 2 Health (English 7 new)

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


<b>Unit 2. Health (Sức khỏe) </b>



Health problems and health tips

Sounds: /f/ and /v/

Imperatives with <i>more </i>and <i>less</i>
Compound sentences


Talking about health problems
Giving advice on healthy lifestyles

<b>I. </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>


1 (to) wake me up /weɪk/mi/ʌp/ phr đánh thức tôi

2 (to) count me out /kaʊnt/mi/aʊt/ phr tính riêng tơi ra, ngoại trừ tơi ra,
khơng tính tơi vào

3 junk food /ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd/ n đồ ăn vặt
4 (to) get sunburnt



phr được phơi nắng bên ngoài

5 sunburn /ˈsʌnbɜːn/ v&n cháy nắng; da bị sạm nắng
6 (to) put on weight /pʊt/ɔːn/weɪt/ phr tăng cân

7 regularly /ˈreɡjələli/ adv thường xuyên
8 Zooniverse n Tên 1 trò chơi
9 (an) allergy /ˈælədʒi/ n dị ứng, bị ngứa
10 healthy lifestyle /ˈhelθi/ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ phr lối sống lành mạnh


1 (to) have a cough /hæv/ə /kɒf/ vphr bị ho

2 (to) have flu /hæv//fluː/ vphr Bị cúm, bị cảm cúm
3 all day /ˈɔːl deɪ/ adj cả ngày

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


6 neck /nek/ n cái cổ

7 ferry /ˈferi/ n phà

8 fault /fɔːlt/ n lỗi

9 vault /vɔːlt/ n Hầm, miệng lò

10 obesity /əʊˈbiːsəti/ n béo phì, chứng mập, chứng béo

11 a healthy lifestyle /ˈhelθi/ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ np lối sống lành mạnh
12 vast /vɑːst/ adj rộng lớn


1 sunbathe /ˈsʌnbeɪð/ v tắm nắng
2 depression /dɪˈpreʃn/ n phiền muộn
3 concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ v tập trung
4 spread /spred/ v lan tràn
5 (to) be good for


/ɡʊd//fɔː(r)/ vphr tốt cho ai/ cái gì; lợi cho ai/
cái gì

6 (to) spend

sometime doing sth
= (to) take SO
sometime to do sth

I spend eight
minutes riding to
school by


vphr Dành thời gian làm gì = mất
bao lâu để làm gì

7 a coordinating


n Liên từ kết hợp

8 a compound



n câu ghép

9 independent clause /ˌɪndɪˈpendənt/klɔːz/ np mệnh đề độc lập
10 a comma /ˈkɒmə/ n dấu phẩy


1 myth /mɪθ/ n huyền thoại, chuyện thần
thoại, chuyện tưởng tượng,
hoang đường

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


3 Staying in shape /ˈsteɪɪŋ/ɪn/ʃeɪp/ nphr Giữ dáng

4 tip /tɪp/ n Mẹo, mánh lới; tiền boa
5 vegetarian /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən/ n ăn chay

6 recover /rɪˈkʌvə(r)/ v bình phục

7 spot /spɒt/ v


Phát hiện, nhận ra;
Mụn nhọt

8 absolutely /ˈæbsəluːtli/ adv chắc chắn rồi
9 false /fɔːls/ adj sai

<b>SECTION 5: SKILLS 1 </b>


1 just the right



phr Chỉ cần đúng số lượng

2 calorie /ˈkæləri/ n calo

3 diet /ˈdaɪət/ n chế độ ăn kiêng

4 a diet expert /ˈdaɪət/ˈekspɜːt/ np chuyên gia về chế độ ăn uống
5 a nutrition expert /njuˈtrɪʃn/ˈekspɜːt np chuyên gia dinh dưỡng

<b>SECTION 6: SKILLS 2 </b>


1 „the Ironman

/ðə/ˈaɪənmæn/ɪˈvent/ 'Sự kiện Người sắt'

2 triathlon (do

/traɪˈæθlən/ n cuộc thi thể thao ba môn
phối hợp

3 itchy skin /ˈɪtʃi/ /skɪn/ np ngứa, gây ngứa da; da ngứa

4 ache /eɪk/ v đau nhức

5 a tough

/tʌf/ /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ np một cuộc cạnh tranh gay gắt

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


1 maintain /meɪnˈteɪn/ v duy trì

2 burger /ˈbɜːɡə(r)/ n bánh mì kẹp thịt
3 (to) rub an egg

on your head

/rʌb/ən/eɡ/ɔːn/jɔː(r)/hed/ vphr Xoa/chà trứng trên đầu

<b>II. </b>

<b>Grammar: </b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


<b>2)</b> <b>Compound sentences (Câu ghép): </b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


<b>III. </b>

<b>Exercises: </b>

<b>A. LISTENING: </b>

<b>Bài 1. LISTEN: Listen and choose T/F </b>

1. He did sports when he was a child. …………..

2. It was easy to do sports. …………..
3. He takes part in this event around the world. …………..
4. In this event, you swim, run and ride a bike. …………..

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

<b>Tape script </b>

<b>A:</b> Were you sporty as a child?

<b>B:</b> No, I always felt sick and weak. I had allergies too, so I always had a runny nose,
and itchy skin.

<b>A:</b> When did that change?

<b>B:</b> My friends started doing sports. I wanted to, too. My sports instructor said 'Do
more exercise, or continue to feel sick. It's up to you!'

<b>A:</b> Was it easy?

<b>B:</b> No! It was hard. I did more exercise, so my body ached. But slowly I felt better.
<b>A:</b> What do you do now?

<b>B:</b> I do triathlons around the world. It's a tough competition. You have to swim, run,
and ride a bike. I use around 6500 calories in one event!

<b>A:</b> How do you prepare?

<b>B:</b> Three great things to do before the race are: eat more healthy food, sleep more,
and do more exercise. Then you'll be ready.

<b>Bài 2. Listen to the dialogue twice and tick (√) Who wants to do the </b>

<b>following things? (Unit 2 Getting started _ Listen and read P </b>

<i><b>Nick</b></i> <i><b>Phong</b></i>

<b>1. </b>stay at home

<b>2. </b>play computer games

<b>3. </b>go outside

<b>4. </b>go swimming

<b>5. </b>avoid getting sunburnt


<i><b>Key: </b></i><b>1. </b>Phong <b>2. </b>Phong <b>3. </b>Nick <b>4. </b>Nick <b>5. </b>Phong


<b> Tape script </b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

<i><b>Phong: </b></i>Oh, hi. You woke me up, Nick.

<i><b>Nick: </b></i>But it’s ten o’clock already. Let’s go out.

<i><b>Phong: </b></i>No, count me out. I think I’ll stay at home and play Zooniverse on my computer.

<i><b>Nick: </b></i>What? It’s such a beautiful day. Come on! You already got enough sleep. Let’s do something outdoors – it’s

<i><b>Phong: </b></i>What like, Nick?

<i><b>Nick: </b></i>How about going swimming? Or cycling? They are both really healthy.
<i><b>Phong: </b></i>No, I don’t feel like it.

<i><b>Nick: </b></i>You sound down Phong, are you OK?

<i><b>Phong: </b></i>I do feel kind of sad. I eat junk food all the time, so I’m putting on weight too.
<i><b>Nick: </b></i>All the more reason to go out.

<i><b>Phong: </b></i>No, Nick. Plus, I think I have flu – I feel weak and tired. And, I might get sunburnt outside.
<i><b>Nick: </b></i>I won’t take no for an answer. I’m coming to your house now!

<b>B. PHONETICS: </b>

<b>Bài 1. Put the words into the correct column according the underlined part. </b>
Knife knives of cough level leaf leaves
paragraph phonetics stephen rough live life very
conversation move lovingly laugh enough tough

/f/ /v/



<b>Bài 2. Put the words in the box into correct column. </b>

Laugh fresh believe vegetable fridge van fan leaf half very carve vest
harmful activity village cough soft affect avoid ferry

<b>/f/ </b> <b>/v/ </b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>



<b>Bài 3. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined </b>
1. A. knife B. of C. leaf D. life
2. A. although B. enough C. paragraph D. cough
3. A. junk B. sun C. put D. adult
4. A. headache B. architect C. chemical D. children
5. A. aerobics B. calories C. cycling D. doctor

*Key: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C


<b>Bài 1. Complete the words for the health problems </b>

1. st……….ache 2. e….. ache 3. s…….. th………. 4. c……..
5. t…………che 6. h…….. dache 7. f…….. 8. su…….rn
<b>Bài 2. Fill in the blank </b>

<i><b>Earchache </b></i> <i><b>flu </b></i> <i><b>toothache </b></i> <i><b>backache </b></i>
<i><b>sore throat </b></i> <i><b>cough </b></i> <i><b>stomachache </b></i> <i><b>headache </b></i>

1………....: a pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth.
2………...: a pain in your back.

3………: a very serve pain that you feel in your head.
4……….: pain in your stomach .

5. ………..…: a pain in the inside part of your car.

6……….:a problem which is like a very bad cold, but which causes a

7. ………..: a pain in your throat.

8. ………..…: a heath problem that you make a lot of loud.
<b>Bài 3.</b> <b>Using more or less</b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


5. Eat………..….fruit and vegetables.
6. Drink……….…water.

7. Smoke……….…….and give it up.
8. Relax………

9. Worry……….…….about things.

10. Spend………time on computer games
<b>Bài 4.</b> <b>Supply the correct verb form: </b>

1) What ………you ………..(do) last weekend?

2) I ……….…( go ) to the theater with my family last weekend.
3) They ( not come) ………..………..to Maryam‟s farewell party last night.
4) I wish I ………..( be ) there with you.

5) Lan thinks she……….. ( speak ) English well.
6) They want him………..…….. ( help) them.

7) They………..……… ( be) pen pals for a long time.

8) Would you like( come)………..to my house next week.

9) We used to………..……( write) to each other every month when we
……….… ( be) at secondary school.

10. Tomorrow, I( study)………..……….unit 2.
11. We shouldn‟t( eat)………sweet food.

12. We must( stay)………..…..in bed when we have a flu.

<b>Bài 5.</b> <b>Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund , infinitive).</b>
1. She expects (get) ………….…………. a pay rise next month.

2. His mother wants him (get) ………..……… a good result in this semester.

3. I will refuse (work) ……….….on Saturday and Sunday if I can‟t get the double

4. We promise (help) ………..…….. him when he is in trouble.
5. Their friends hope (see) ………….……… them again

6. The boss decided (go) ……….……….. abroad.

7. Miss Linda enjoys (work) …………..……… with young children.
8. I start (work) ………. at 7:00 am every day.

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


13. I like ……….………… cartoons. ( watch )

14. Remenmber ……….………… your teeth.( brush )
15. Don‟t forget ……….………… (phone) your mother

16. I love ……….…… (be) on my own and ……….………… (listen) to music
17. Would you like ……….………… (go) to the beach this afternoon?

18. I enjoy ……….………… (read) your letters very much

19. We like ……… (live) here but we miss ……….………(talk) to our old friends
20. He started ……….……(play) golf last year

21. I‟m thinking of ……….……(buy) a car

<b>Bài 6.</b> <b>Use the words in the box to fill in the text. You can use one word </b>
<b>more than one.</b>

<b>a little, much, a lot of, more, less, many, few </b>

1. Japanese students work very hard and do ………. exercises.
2. I have ……….. money so I can‟t buy a new car.

3. Stay outdoors and do………. physical activities because it helps to
keep fit and healthy.

4. Eat ……… high fat food to keep you from getting fat.

5. Fish provide ……… cholories.

6. I don‟t have ………. time so I can‟t take part in English speaking

7. She doesn‟t drink ……… water.

8. He‟s got so……… money, he doesn‟t know what to do with it.
9. There was ……… food in the fridge.

10.My father doesn‟t speak ……….. English. Only ……….

<b>Bài 7.</b> <b>Choose the best answer</b>

1. Ann (hates, hate) playing games. She doesn‟t (like, likes) playing volleyball.
2. Mr Brown (enjoys, enjoy) reading books a lot. He (likes, like) reading stories,


3. We (like, likes) playing table tennis. They (like, likes) playing table tennis, too.
4. I (dislike, dislikes) eating durians but I (like, likes) eating mangoes a lot.
5. They (hate, hates) cleaning the floor but we (love, loves) cleaning the floor
6. I don‟t (likes, like) people shouting at me. She doesn‟t (like, likes) people

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


7. I love (meet, meeting) people. He (loves, love) meeting people, too.

8. Tom doesn‟t (minds, mind) working at night. They don‟t (mind, minds) working

9. She doesn‟t (like, likes) singing very much. He (dislkes, dislike) singing, either
10. I dislike (spending, spend) money on such a ridiculous thing.

11. He detests (being, be) late. They don‟t (like, likes) being late, either
12. She can‟t (bear, bears) being alone but he can (bear, bears) being alone
13. I enjoy (being, be) alone. Thanh doesn‟t (enjoy, enjoys) being alone.
14. He‟s not very fond of (doing, do) the housework.

15. He‟s not a great fan of (swimming, swim).

<b>Bài 8.</b> <b>Complete the words for the health problems:</b>

1. st- - - - -ache 2.e- - ache 3.s- - - th- - - - 4. c- - -
5. t- - - -che 6.h- - dache 7. f- - 8.su- - -rn
<b>Bài 9. Fill in the blank </b>

<b>Earchache </b> <b> flu </b> <b> toothache </b> <b>backache </b>

<b>headache sore throat </b> <b> cough </b> <b>stomachache </b>

1………..: a pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth.

2………..: a pain in your back.

3………: a very serve pain that you feel in your head.
4……….: pain in your stomachache.

5. ………: a pain in the inside part of your car.

6……….:a problem which is like a very bad cold, but which causes a

7. ………..: a pain in your throat.

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


1. A. sick B. tired C. sore D. fit

2. A. orange juice B. fresh milk C. water D. soft drinks
3. A. cough B. flu C. sunshine D. sunburn
4. A. jogging B. cycling C. swimming D. reading
5. A. sleep B. rest C. relax D. work
6. A. singing B. washing C. cleaning D. tidying up
7. A. and B. but C. so D. although
8. A. junk food B. fruits C. fish D. vegetable

9. A. healthy B. fit C. well D. sick

10. A. soccer B. badminton C. beef D. basketball


1.D 2. D 3.C 4. D 5.B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C

<b>Bài 11.</b>

<b>Write the problem below the picture of each patient. </b>

<b>What is the matter with her/him? </b>






<b>Bài 12. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). </b>

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


A. most B. less C. the most D. much more
2. Don‟t eat that type of fish, you may have a/an __________.

A. energy B. sick C. sore D. allergy
3. The seafood i ate this morning makes me feel __________ all over.

A. well B. weak C. itchy D. running
4. We should try to keep everything around us clean and then flu with find it
__________ to spread.

A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficulties D. like
5. The health __________ from that diet expert is that die expert is that you
should eat less junk food and count your calories if you are becoming fat.
A. advices B. ideas C. tip D. tips
6. Be careful with __________ you eat and drink.

A. who B. what C. that D. this
7. Have a health __________ and you can enjoy your life.

A. lives B. lifestyle C. lifeline D. lively
8. Eating a lot of junk food may lead to your __________.

A. fitness B. obesity C. pain D. stomachache
9. We should follow the activities from doctors and health __________ in

order to keep fit.

A. workers B. people C. experts D. managers
10. You can avoid some diseases by __________ yourself clean.

A. taking B. keeping C. bringing D. looking
11. We should play sports or do exercise in order to stay in __________.
A. look B. health C. fit D. shape
12. The Japanese eat a lot of fish instead of meat __________ they stay more

A. because B. so C. although D. but
13. I forgot to wear a sun hat today and i got a __________.

A. earache B. backache C. headache D. stomachache
14. We need to spend less time __________ computer games.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. to playing
15. When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


A. more B. most C. less D. all
16. Rob eats a lot of fast food and he __________ on a lot of weight.

A. takes B. spends C. puts D. bring
17. When you have flu, you may have a cough and a __________ nose.
A. running B. runny C. noisy D. flowing
18. Do more exercises __________ eat more fruits and vegetables.

A. and B. or C. but D. so
19. Watching too much TV is not good __________ you or your eyes.
A. at B. for C. with D. to

20. After working on a computers for long hours, you should __________ your
eyes and relax.

A. wake B. rest C. sleep D. sleep in
21. You can avoid some diseases by ... yourself clean.

A. keeping B. taking C. looking

22. Rob eats a lot of fast food and he ... on a lot of weight.

A. takes B. puts C. spends

23. We need to spend less time ………… computer games.

A. play B. to play C. playing

24. Do more exercise ... eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. but B. so C. and

25. Watching too much television is not good ………… you and your eyes.

A. with B. to C. for

26. When you have flu, you may have a cough and a ... nose.

A. runny B. running C. flowing
27. When you have a temperature, you should drink more water and rest ...

A. most B. more C. less

28. I forgot to wear a sun hat today and I got a ...

A. stomachache B. earache C. headache
29. We sound ………….. because of getting poor grades.

A. up B. down C. on

30. You should wear a hat to avoid get sunburn outside.
31.I want to eat some food and I have a sore throat.

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>

<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


32. He ate some seafood yesterday. Now he has a allergy.

 Which word has different stress?

33.A. knife B. of C. life

34.A. cough B. calories C.cycling
 Which word has different sound?

35.A. telephone B. temperature C. collection
36.A. difficult B. depression C. collection

<b>*Key:</b> 21. A 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.C 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.B 31.B 32.C

33. B 34. C 35. C 36. A

<b>Bài 13.</b>

<b>Complete the sentences with the correct conjunction</b>


<i>and, or, so, but</i>

<i>) </i>

1. Watch less television ________________ you can protect your eyes.

2. He has toothache _______________ he still eats a lot of sweets and cakes.
3. The weather is very cold today _______________ I should put on a coat.
4. Get up early _____________ do more exercise.

5. Take up a new hobby _______________ you‟ll have some new friends.

6. I have a lot of homework to do this evening _____________ I don‟t have time to
watch the football match.

7. If you spend less time on computer games ____________ television
programmes, you will have more time for outdoor activities.

8. Eat less junk food ______________ eat more fruit and vegetables.
<b>Bài 14. Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases in the box. </b>
stomachache toothache sick hurts pain
well cough temperature headache burn

1. I have a _______________________ in my back. I‟m going to lie down.
2. Is she _________________________ enough to run two kilometers?

3. “Oh! Be careful with that coffee.” – “Look, now I have a ______________ on
my arm.”

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


5. Don‟t eat so quickly. You‟ll get a ______________________.

6. That‟s a bad _______________________. Why don‟t you have a glass of water?
7. “I have ______________________.” – “Why don‟t you telephone the dentist?”
8. I feel __________________________. Quick, I must get to the bathroom!
9. Rob has a _________________________ of 39oC.

10. My arm _____________________ after that game of volleyball.

<b>D. READING: </b>

<b>Bài 1.</b> <b>Read the passage , and then answer the questions </b>

Everyone suffers from the common cold at some time or other. It isn‟t a
serious illness, but people spend a lot of money on medicine. The medicine can only
relieve the symtomps. That is, it can make you cough less, make you feel better, and
stop your nose running for a while. So far, there no cure fro the common cold and no
medicine to prevent it. People also drink a lot of hot water with sugar, lemon juice. It
helps provide with a lot of vitamin C.

<b>a*Answer the questions</b>

1. Why is the common cold very popular?

2. Is the common cold a serious illness?


3. What does the medicine help people with the common cold?

4. Beside medicine, what do people do to make them feel better?

5. Why is it useful?

<b>b*Read the text again and choose T/F</b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

<b>Bài 2. Read the texts carefully and answer the following questions.</b>

<b>What is a calorie? </b>

We need calories or energy to do the things we do every day: walking, riding a bike,
and even sleeping! We get calories from the food we eat. If we eat too many, we can
get fat. If we don‟t eat enough, we feel tired and weak.

<b>Just the right amount </b>

People should have between 1,600 and 2,500 calories a day to stay in shape. Sports
like riding a bike and running use a lot of calories. Sleeping and watching TV use
less. Do you think you are eating more or less calories than you need?

<b>An expert</b><i><b>'</b></i><b>s view </b>

Dr. Dan Law is a diet expert. He knows exactly how much people need to eat, so
many people listen to his advice. His calorie tips? Eat less junk food, and count your
calories if you‟re becoming fat.

<b>1. </b>What is a calorie?


<b>2. </b>What happens when we have too many calories?


<b>3. </b>What is a healthy number of calories per day?


<b>4. </b>Which activity uses a lot of calories?


<b>5. </b>Why do people listen to Dr. Law‟s advice?


<i><b>Key: </b></i><b>1. </b>A calorie is energy that helps us do our everyday activities.

<b>2. </b>If we eat too many calories, we can get fat.

<b>3. </b>To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories.

<b>4. </b>Sports like riding a bike and running use a lot of calories.

<b>5. </b>People listen to his advice because he is a diet/ nutrition expert.

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


The average lifespan of the Japanese is 78 for males and 85 for females, the
(1) …………. in the world.

The main secret (2) ………….. in their food. They eat a lot of tofu, which is
made from soybeans. Tofu contains a lot of vegetable protein, calcium and vitamin B.
It doesn‟t (3) ……….. much fat, and it doesn‟t provide many calories.

Seafood like fish and vegetables play an important role in their diet, too. They
cook the seafood with less cooking oil and less time. For each meal, they have more
dishes on the table than us but eat only a little of everything, never stuffing

Japanese people also work very hard and do (4) …... exercise. This help
them burn the calories off easily.

1. A. longest B. longer C. long

2. A. lie B. lies C. lying
3. A. contains B. containin C. contain

4. A. less B. more C. many

<i><b>*Key 1. A 2. B 3.C 4.B </b></i>

<b>E. WRITING: </b>

<b>Bài 1.</b> <b>Rewrite the setences without changing the meaning as the first one.</b>
<b>1. </b>They have ten dogs in the kennel.

There………in their kennel(cũi/ chuồng chó).
<b>2. </b>No one in my family is as old as my grandma.

My grandma is……….
<b>3. </b>Tung is thinner than Thuy.

Thuy is……….………..
<b>4. </b>I love eating sandwich so much.

I enjoy………..……….
<b>5. </b>The soup is hot. I can‟t eat it now( because)

<b>6. </b>I have spots. ( Give the advice)


<b>7. </b>Ho Chi Minh City is larger than Ha Noi.

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


<b>9. </b>I want to eat some food. I have a sore throat. (<i>but</i>)


<b>10. </b>The Japanese eat healthily. They live for a long time. (<i>so</i>)


<b>11. </b>I feel tired. I feel weak. (<i>and</i>)


<b>12. </b>You can go and see the doctor. You can go to bed now and rest. (<i>or</i>)

13.We should not eat more junk food.

We should ………...

14.I find making pottery interesting

I think ……….……….
15.Children are more active than adults because they do more exercises.

Children do more exercise than adults ……….
16.She/ think/ making models/ creative

17.Vegetables/ play/ important/ role/ our meal.

18.It/ be/ harmful/ our body/ if/ we/ eat/ lot/ junk food.

19.We/ should/ eat/ plenty/ fruits/ because/ they/ be/ good/ our health.


<i><b>Key: </b></i><b>9. </b>I want to eat some food, but I have a sore throat.

<b>10. </b>The Japanese eat healthily, so they live for a long time.

<b>11. </b>I feel tired, and I feel weak.

<b>12. </b>You can go and see the doctor, or you can go to bed now and rest.

13.<b>We should eat less junk food. </b>

14.<b>I think making pottery is interesting </b>

15.<b>Children do more exercise than adults so they are more active. </b>

16.<b>She thinks making models is creative </b>

17.<b>Vegetables play an important role in our meal. </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


19.<b>We should eat plenty of fruits becuase they are good for our health. </b>

<b>Bài 2.</b> <b>Combine the sentences using an appropriate coordination conjunction </b>
<b>given. </b>

<b>so </b> <b>but </b> <b>and </b> <b>or </b> <b>however </b>

1. To stay healthy you eat more vegatable. You eat less high – fat food.

- ………..
2. To prevent flu, we eat a lot of garlic. We keep our bodies especially feet warm.
- ………..
3. It began to rain. I opened my umbrella.

4. It began to rain. He didn‟t open his umbrella.

– ………..
5. He worked hard. He could earn much money.

– ………..
6. Study hard. You willfail the exam.

- ………..
7. Dan didn‟t study for the exam. Lan did.

- ………..
8. I understand your point of view. I don‟t agree with it.

- ………..
9. He lied to her. She still likes and trusts him.

- ………..
10.It began to get dark. I turned on the light.

- ………..

<b>Bài 3.</b>

<b>Make sentences from the words/ phrases given. </b>

1. We/ keep/ our bodies/ warm/ avoid/ flu/ a cold.

2. You/ not/ play/ more/ computer games/ free time.


3. Vitamins/ play/ important/ role/ our diet.

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


5. Doctor/ asking/ Huy/ questions/ about/ health problems.


<b>F. SPEAKING: </b>

<b>Topic 2 </b>

1.Do you like sports?


2.How long do you do them everyday?


3.Do you think the calories you use depend on your activities?




4.Give some health tips








5. Is it easy to keep fit?


6. What should you do to keep fit?


7. Is eating healthily good for health?


8. What do you usually eat for meals?

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


9. Do you think more laugh help us to live longer?


<b>*Key: Suggested answer: </b>

1.Do you like sports? => Yes, I do . /No, I don‟t

2.How long do you do them everyday? =>I <b>often</b> play soccer 3 times a week.
3.Do you think the calories you use depend on your activities?

=>Yes , I think the calories depends on my activities. I need calories to do the
things I do every day :walking, riding a bike and even sleeping.

4.Give some health tips

- Do more exercises ( Tập thể dục nhiều )

- Eat more fruits and vegetables ( ăn nhiều trái cây và rau )
-Wash your hands more ( Rửa tay nhiều hơn )

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>

<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>

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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


<b>Giải bài tập SBT Tiếng Anh lớp 7 chương trình mới </b>

<b>Unit 2: Health </b>

<b>A. Phonetics - trang 10 - Unit 2 – Sách bài tập(SBT) tiếng Anh 7 mới</b>

1. Put the words on the left into their correct column.

Xếp các từ ở bên trái vào đúng cột.

Key - Đáp án:



breakfast, fried, soft, affect, fit, fresh, farm,

laughter, fruit, flu, harmful, cough

avoid, vavation, village, activities, vitamin,

vegetable, believe

<b>2. Listen and underline the word you hear in each sentence.</b>

Nghe và gạch chân từ bạn nghe được trong mỗi câu.

1. The fan/ van is running fast.

2. Laughing/ Loving is good for health.

3. Refer/ River to exercise 3, page 24 of your textbook.

4. Half/ Have is a verb.

5. Every day we take the ferry/ very to school.

Key - Đáp án:

1.The fan/ van is running fast.

2. Laughing/ Loving is good for health.

3. Refer/ River to exercise 3, page 24 of your textbook.

4. Half/ Have is a verb.

5. Every day we take the ferry/ very to school.

Audio script:

1. The van is running fast.

2. Laughing is good for health.

3. Refer to exercise 3, page 24 of your textbook.

4. Have is a verb.

5. Every day we take the ferry to school.

3. Tongue Twister

Luyện lưỡi

Repeat this sentence five times. Say it as quickly as you can.

Lặp lại câu sau 5 lần. Nói càng nhanh càng tốt.

Fat frogs fly fast in the very vast velvet vault.

<b>Vocabulary & Grammar – trang 10 – Unit 2 – Sách bài tập(SBT) tiếng Anh 7 mới</b>

<b>1. Underline the odd word/ phrase in each group.</b>

Gạch dưới những từ có nghĩa khác trong mõi nhóm

Key - Đáp án:

1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. C; 5. C

2. Put the words/ phrases in the box into the correct column.

Xếp các từ/ cụm từ trong hộp sau vào đúng cột.

spitting, junk food, rubbish, clean water, eating fast, sitting close to the TV, parks, fresh

milk, exercising, low-fat food, dusty area, making noise, cleaning teeth, trees, littering.



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<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>



Key - Đáp án:



Food and drinks

low-fat food, fresh rrdk

junk food


exercising, deaning teeth

spitting, littering, eating fast, sitting

close to the TV


clean water, parks, trees

rubbish, dusty area, making noise

<b>3. Use the words/ phrases in 2 to fill in the sentences.</b>

Sử dụng từ/ cụm từ trong bài 2 hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Some people have a very bad habit of_____ in public. They throw used things


2. It's harmful for your body if you eat a lot of____ .

3. _______ like running, playing ping pong can help you to stay in shape.

4. A public place should have a dust bin for people to throw________ in.

5. A good diet contains______ .

6. People who live in_______ often suffer from diseases.

Key - Đáp án:

1. littering; 2. junk food; 3. Exercising; 4. rubbish; 5. low-fat food; 6. dusty area

<b>4. Look at the keywords and write the corresponding thing or activity in the column on the </b>

<b>right. The first one is done as an example.</b>

Key - Đáp án:

1. washing hand; 2. obesity; 3. junk food; 4. cleaning teeth; 5. soft drinks; 6. smog

<b>5. Use the words in the box to fill in the text. You can use one word more than once.</b>

Sử dụng các từ trong hộp để điền vào đoạn văn. Một từ có thể sử dụng hơn một lần.

Key - Đáp án:

1. a lot of; 2. a lot of; 3. much; 4. many; 5. less; 6. more; 7. a little; 8. more

<b>6. Match the beginnings in A with the endings in B.</b>

Nối phần bắt đầu ở cột A với phần kết ở cột B.

Key - Đáp án:

1. b; 2d; 3.a; 4.e; 5.c

<b>7. Combine one independent clause 1 with the opposite independent clause 2 by using an </b>

<b>appropriate coordinating conjunction.</b>

Nối mệnh đề độc lập ở cột 1 với một mệnh đề độc lập ở cột 2 bằng cách sử dụng từ nối.

Key - Đáp án:

1. This afternoon you can go swimming or you can ride on the path through the forest.

2. The Asian diet is low in calories, but the Western diet is high in calories.

3. My town has a small population with little traffic and a lot of trees, so it is quiet and


4. To prevent flu, we eat a lot of garlic and we keep our bodies, especially our feet, warm.

5. People in the countryside have less stress, so they usually live longer.

<b>Speaking – trang 12 – Unit 2 – Sách bài tập (SBT) tiếng Anh 7 mới.</b>

1. Look at some sentences about how to stay healthy and happy. Tick (√) the ones you

agree with and cross (x) the ones you don't.

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<b> </b> <b> TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 –Thí điểm </b>

<b>Ngoại ngữ MTEC – Số 2A, ngõ 52, phố Nam Dư, Lĩnh Nam, Hoàng Mai, HN </b>
<b> Giáo viên : Nguyễn Thị Thuận Email & Facebook: </b>

<b> Điện thoại : 0969 953 568 Website: </b>


1. Don't hate people. It makes you tired.

2. The more you laugh, the happier you are, and the longer you live.

3. Never play in the sun. It harms your skin.

4. Don't drink fresh milk. You will get fat.

5. The more calories you take, the better it is.

6. Clean water, fresh air, and a balanced diet are the causes of a long life.

<b>7. Share your ideas with your partner and start conversations.</b>

Chia sẻ ý kiến của bạn với bạn bè và bắt đầu cuộc hội thoại.


- I don't agree with sentence one.

- Why not?

- Because there are bad people and I cannot stop hating them.

<b>3. Two people are talking about some common practices in Viet Nam. Put the sentences in </b>

<b>the correct order.</b>

Hai người đang nói về một vài bài tập chung ở Việt Nam. Điền thứ tự các câu sao cho


___ B: Why do they do that?

___ A: The fishermen in my village drink fish sauce before they get down to the sea.

___ B: It can prevent people from getting cancer.

___ A: Interesting. In my area we drink a lot of green tea.

___ A: Why green tea?

___ A: The sauce gives them strength to stand the cold in water.

Can you continue the conversation with another practice you know?

Key - Đáp án:

A: The fishermen in my village drink fish sauce before they get down to the sea.

B: Why do they do that?

A: The sauce gives them strength to stand the cold in water.

B: Interesting. In my area we drink a lot of green tea.

A: Why green tea?

B: It can prevent people from getting cancer.

<b>Reading - trang 13 – Unit 2 – Sách bài tập( SBT) tiếng Anh 7 mới</b>

<b>1. Here are some pieces of advice for you. Put them in the correct categories.</b>

Dưới đây là một vài lời khuyên cho bạn. Xếp chúng vào đúng loại.

Key - Đáp án:

<b>How to keep fit</b>

<b>How to keep your eyes healthy</b>

2. Stay outdoors more and do more physical


1. Eat a lot of red fruits and vegetables.

5. Eat less high-fat food.

3. Use eye-drops when you sit up late

and when you return from a dusty


6. Eat enough calories.

4. Don't read or study when there's not enough


<b>2. Here are the reasons for the advice in 1. Match them.</b>

Dưới đây là các lý do cho lời khuyên ở bài 1. Hãy nối chúng lại.

Key - Đáp án:



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