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english grammar ngoại ngữ 6 lê phương ngân thư viện giáo dục tỉnh quảng trị

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Simple Past Past Perfect

action in the past taking place once, never or

several times action taking place before a certain time in the past

actions in the past taking place one after the

sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive

action in the past taking place in the middle of

another action puts emphasis only on the fact (not the duration or course of the action)

<b>Questions in Past Perfect Simple</b>

Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple.

1. (what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school?
2. (you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre?

3. (he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow?

4. (she / find) a new job by that time?

5. (they / book) a room before they went to Dublin?

6. (how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door?
7. (why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party?

8. (Carly / wash) the dishes when her mum came home?

9. (you / read) the contract before you signed it?

10. (who / live) in the house before we moved in?

11. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) had built .
12. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997.

13. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework.
14. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) .

15. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before.
16. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) .

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18. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree.
19. (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London?
20. She (not / ride) a horse before that day.

<b>English Tenses – Graphic Comparison</b>

Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use
which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to
keep in mind.

If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be
able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

→ Legend


<b>moment in time</b>

 action that takes place once, never or several times
 actions that happen one after another

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<b>period of time</b>

 action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that


 actions taking place at the same time


 action taking place before a certain moment in time
 puts emphasis on the result

<b>Course /</b>

 action taking place before a certain moment in time
 puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action

English Tenses – Examples

Explanation Past Present Future

<b>Simple Past</b> <b>Simple Present</b> <b>Future I Simple</b>

action that takes place

once, never or several

He played football every

He plays football every

He will / is going to play
football every Tuesday.
actions that happen one

after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and thenhe goes home. He will play football and then he will go home.
state He loved football. He loves football. He will love football.

<b>Past Progressive</b> <b>Present Progressive</b> <b>Future I Progressive</b>
action going on at that


He was playing football. He is playing football. He will be playing

actions taking place at

the same time He was playing football and she was watching. He is playing football andshe is watching. He will be playing football and she will be

<b>Past Perfect Simple</b> <b>Present Perfect Simple</b> <b>Future II Simple</b>
action taking place before

a certain moment in time;
emphasises the result

He had won five matches

until that day. He has won five matches so far. He will have won five matches by then.

<b>Past Perfect</b>

<b>Progressive</b> <b>Present PerfectProgressive</b> <b>Future II Progressive</b>
action taking place before

a certain moment in time
(and beyond), emphasises
the duration

He had been playing

football for ten years. He has been playing football for ten years. He will have been playingfootball for ten years.

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Simple Past Present Perfect

action in the past taking place once, never or several

times action that stopped recently or is still going on

actions in the past taking place one after the other finished action that has an influence on the present

action in the past taking place in the middle of

another action action that has taken place once, never or several timesbefore the moment of speaking

<b>Use of Present Perfect</b>

 puts emphasis on the result

Example: She <i>has written</i> five letters.

 action that is still going on

Example: School <i>has</i> not <i>started</i> yet.

 action that stopped recently

Example: She <i>has cooked</i> dinner.

 finished action that has an influence on the present

Example: I <i>have lost</i> my key.

 action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking

Example: I <i>have</i> never <i>been</i> to Australia.

<b>Signal Words of Present Perfect</b>

 already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

<b>Exercise on Present Perfect Simple</b>

Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).
1. I (not / work) have not w orkedtoday.

2. We (buy) a new lamp.

3. We (not / plan) our holiday yet.

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5. He (write) five letters.

6. She (not / see) him for a long time.

7. (be / you) at school?

8. School (not / start) yet.

9. (speak / he) to his boss?

10. No, he (have / not) the time yet.

<b>Write questions in present perfect simple.</b>
1. you / correct / my mistakes -
2. you / practise / your English -
3. she / tidy up / her room -
4. the boss / sign / the letter -
5. Mary / shut / the door -

<b>Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.</b>

1. Tony has built a house. -

2. Avril has crossed the street at the traffic lights. -
3. They have never been to Australia. -

4. <b>Rupert has dialled the number. - </b>

5. Betty has spent 200 euros at the shopping mall. -


<b>Write the participle forms of the following verbs.</b>

1. shut →

2. spend →

3. give →

4. teach →

5. sell →

Complete the table in present perfect simple.

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We have chatted.

The lesson has not started.

Have we won?

She has turned around.

They have not arrived.

<b>Write sentences in present perfect simple.</b>
1. we / reach / our goal -

2. our team / lose / the match -
3. she / underline / the word -
4. they / not / discover / the treasure -
5. Ron / not / talk / about the problem -

<b>Write questions in present perfect simple.</b>
1. you / knock / at the door -

2. the teacher / mark / the tests -
3. she / buy / a new computer -
4. they / rescue / the girl -
5. Brad / wear / a blue shirt -

<b>Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.</b>
1. They have seen him at the library. -

2. Robby Robber has robbed another bank. -
3. Bill has ordered three desserts. -

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5. <b>Jane has asked a question. - </b>

<b>Simple Past (Past Simple)</b>

Exercises on Simple Past

The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used
for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action.

<b>Use of Simple Past</b>

 action in the past taking place once, never or several times

Example: He <i>visited</i> his parents every weekend.

 actions in the past taking place one after the other

Example: He <i>came</i> in, <i>took</i> off his coat and <i>sat</i> down.

 action in the past taking place in the middle of another action

Example: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly <i>rang</i>.

 if sentences type II (If I talked, …)

Example: If I <i>had</i> a lot of money, I would share it with you.

<b>Signal Words of Simple Past</b>

 yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday
 If-Satz Typ II (If I talked, …)

Write the verbs in simple past.

1. The first settlers (be) the Potawatomi.

2. They (call) this place Checagou (wild onion) because it (smell)
like onions.

3. Constructions on the Sears Tower (begin) in 1970.

4. Until 1997, the Sears Tower (be) the highest building in the world.

English pool of exercise

<b>Exercise on Simple Present</b>

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Simple Present.
1. Anna / the window / open

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2. I / bread / buy

3. they / their pens / count

4. Christine / her home / decorate

5. it / too much / weigh

6. we / the game / lose

7. the children / on the floor / sleep

8. Benjamin / the rules / break

9. you / the sentence / understand

10. they / trees / plant

<b>Exercise on Present Progressive</b>

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Present Progressive.
1. we / in the mountains / walk

2. I / a magazine / read

3. we / her / an apple / give

4. she / in a play / act

5. the teacher / our homework / check

6. my crush / at me / smile

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8. your father / a lorry / drive

9. Jamie / the race / win

10. the boss / the contracts / sign

Level 3 Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Present Progressive.
1. you / a question / ask

2. the dog / bark

3. she / a bag / carry

4. she / home / walk

5. they / their mum / thank

6. my crush / at me / smile

7. we / tea / drink

8. they / their furniture / sell

9. Katy / a lot of money / spend

10. the passengers / panic

<b>Exercise on Simple Past</b>

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Simple Past.
1. the dog / bark

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3. You / a song / sing

4. Eric / his homework / forget

5. he / cash / pay

6. she / her room / tidy

7. she / the chapter / copy

8. we / the numbers / divide

9. he / his girlfriend / marry

10. she / the word / underline

Check answ ers

Level 4 Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Simple Past.
1. you / high / jump

2. Albert / squash / play

3. you / thirsty / be

4. he / to school / go

5. they / their calculators / use

6. she / my mistakes / correct

7. I / my point of view / defend

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9. he / to our question / refer

10. his nose / bleed

<b>Exercise on Past Progressive</b>

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Past Progressive.
1. you / a question / ask

2. you / cards / play

3. it /rain

4. Betty / her best / do

5. I / a magazine / read

6. she / on a chair / sit

7. your father / a lorry / drive

8. he / a blue shirt / wear

9. We / our holidays / enjoy

10. the child / behind the tree / hide

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Present Perfect Simple.
1. Greg / the ball / kick

2. you / in the garden / work

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4. we / fish / eat

5. they / their calculators / use

6. we / the game / lose

7. he / his leg / hurt

8. she / a friend / phone

9. Harry / trouble / cause

10. they / a new gadget / invent

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Present Perfect Simple.
1. they / us / call

2. you / a box / carry

3. you / cards / play

4. you / the house / see

5. she / on a chair / sit

6. she / in a play / act

7. Amelie / the door / close

8. you / early / wake up

9. she / poems / write

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<b>Exercise on Past Perfect Simple</b>

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Past Perfect Simple.
1. they / us / call

2. we / her / an apple / give

3. the dinner / a fortune / cost

4. he / cash / pay

5. Henry / houses / build

6. we / the numbers / divide

7. they / computers / order

8. the secretary / the documents / print out

9. he / his goals / reach

10. they / to my question / react

Form <b>positive sentences</b> in Past Perfect Simple.
1. John / money / collect

2. we / the door / open

3. she / in a play / act

4. the policeman / the thief / arrest

5. she / her teeth / brush

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7. she / in London / teach

8. Jim / his head / cover

9. the secretary / the documents / print out


