Name: Group C Paper: 01F2g
Task: 01 EX
People attend college or university for many different reasons such as a new experience,
career preparation and increased knowledge. I think that these are the most common reasons.
The first reason will begin with career preparation. Many learners go to university or
college want to get a good job in the future. Therefore they tried to learn most subjects at school
meeting the demand of social.
The second one is having new experience in their late life. Many learners leave home and
enter a college and taste a new air in the college where is far from their houses or old school.
Because they meet new friends, eat new kinds of food, have a different daily routine from their old
Lastly is that learners can increase their knowledge. They can learn new things from their
teachers, friends and people around.
In conclusion, besides the above reasons, there are still some other reasons for students to
participate in college are that they have to at home if they don’t enter university, they will be
Name: Group D Paper: 02F5g
Task: 02 AD
I strongly agree with the statement that parents are the best teachers for three following
reasons: they are old and experience; they always bring the best for their children as good
education, good food, good living house and good friends; and they always give their kids better
advice. Parents are good so their children can follow
Firstly, parents are old and experienced people. They know many things in life and what
they know they want their kids can know. Moreover, they work, travel a lot so they meet the
difficulty time in their life, they will tell the students to avoid mistakes that they passed. So, parents
are the best teachers and they use their experience to teach their children
Secondly, parents always bring the best things for their kids. They work hard to earn money
to pay their children’s fee at school. They buy their son or daughter with good food; make a good
house where their children can come back to. Also parents want to choose best friends to play with.
Then, they are the best teacher for their kids.
Thirdly, children can get better advice from their parents. No mother or father give their son
bad advice. So they give the best advice then their kids can follow. More and more, they are good
examples that children obey.
In conclusion, parents are always the best teachers who have experience, give children good
things in life and best advice. However, children need to learn from other sources.
Name: Group A Paper: 02F6g
Task: 02 AD
It’s said that parents are always the best teachers but we strongly disagree with the above
statement. Because of the following reasons such as: children become more independent when
growing; children have a better access to the academic world; and children’s view may be different
from their parents’.
Firstly, when children are small, their parents can take care of them closely. But when they
grow up, they go to school, have friends and teachers, so they can learn from their friend, their
teacher and their books, too. Their books may be different from their parents’ books. Therefore, if
their [parents teach them at home with the old books, the children may not keep up with their
friends in class.
Secondly, nowadays children have a lot of opportunities to access the academic world such
as they have the Internet that their parent didn’t use to it when they were young. They children can
learn from the Internet too. However, the Internet has two points: good and bad. The important
thing is that they have to choose what they should learn.
Thirdly, children’s view on life, job, and marriage is different from their parents’. In the
parents’ time, if boys and girls lived together without marriage is a terrible idea and get heavy
punishment from the local authority but now the children can do so without paying care to it much.
As a result, parents insist on passing what they think is right on their children, there must be a
conflict between the two generations.
In conclusion, I must accept that parents are important teachers when children are small but
they cannot be the best ones all the time. There’s still a gap between children and parents in every
Name: Group A Paper: 02F7g
Task: 02 AD
When the children are small, they live and depend closely on their parents. At this time of
life, parents are the most important teachers. However, when children grow up, parents gradually
lose their role to them for three following reasons: children can be influenced from books they
learn at school; from friends they meet in life and from their own solution to their real troubles.
Books, friends and troubles are also their teachers besides their parents.
First, when children go to school, they learn many things from books. They learn many
subjects so with each subjects they can learn the good things. Moreover, through books they can
learn from their teachers. Many learners are directly influenced by their own teachers. They might
behave or have a dream that the teacher fire on them during the lesson.
Second, friends inside or outside school have to some extent, a great affect on them. They
interact and play with each other and can give them advice immediately. Moreover, they are at the
same or around age so they can more easily to understand each other than their parents.
Third, no parents can go with children all life, so it’s time children had to face up with
troubles in their life. The way they solve problem could give them some experience or lesson for
the next time. It’s said that “failure is mother of success”, therefore, they will be never successful if
they never taste the feeling of losing
In summary, parents are the very important and necessary teachers at the beginning of life
for any human being. Yet, when children are grown up they must need other teachers for example
books, friends and even failure.