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Unit 9: What colour is it?

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<b>Unit 9: What colour is it?</b>

<b>Lesson 1: 1 ,2, 3</b>

<b>Period : 54</b>

<b>Teaching date: </b>

<b>Objectives :By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask and answer the question “Is this/ that + school thing?”.</b>

<b>Materials : pictures, posters, cassette.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>




<b>I/ WARM UP :</b>

 <b>Let’s chant </b>

<b>Look! Look! Look</b>
<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>

 <b>Pre-teach vocabulary: </b>

-pencil sharpener : đồ chuốt
- desk : cái bàn

 Check vocabulary: (r&r)

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat:</b>

<b>2. Point and say:</b>

- ask and answer about someone’s
school things

-Ask Ps say the chant look! Look! Look!.

Model (x 3)
Choral (x 3)
Individual (x 3)
T writes

Ps give Vietnamese meaning

<b>* Completed Ss “pencil sharpener”, uncompleted</b>
<b>Ss “desk”</b>

-Tick pictures, ask ss questions to expand the
context. (Ss’ answers may vary).

-Ps listen to the CD (x3)
-Ps open their books

-T models; Chorus repetition
T – Ps; Ps – T<i><b> (Completed Ss)</b></i>

P1 – P2; P2 – P3

<i><b>-T elicits the form from Completed Ss.</b></i>

-Ask Ps to look at the pictures on page 58 and
repeat the words under it a few times

- Point to each instruction and check

- Ask Ps elicit the word to fill the gap.

- Get Ps to work in pairs , making the question
and answer.

<b>WEEK: 14</b>

<b>-Is this/ that your + school thing ?</b>
<b>* Yes, it is</b>

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<b>3. Let’s talk:</b>

- Have Ps look at the picture on page

<b>III/ Production : Free Practice</b>
A: Is this/ that…….?

<b>IV/ HOMELINK : </b>

-Practise the exercises again.
-Prepare Lesson 1: 4,5,6/p.59

- Perform

<i><b>*Note: Completed Ss will ask and Uncompleted Ss</b></i>
<i><b>will answer.</b></i>

-Ask Ps to look at the school things in the
pictures and check comprehension.

-Point to a school thing and elicit the words to fill
the gaps.

-Ps work in pairs.

-Call some pairs to act out the dialogue in front
of the class.

<i><b>*Note: </b></i>

<i><b>Completed Ss will present first, then </b></i>
<i><b>uncompleted Ss will repeat.</b></i>

-Ps look at the school thing in the classroom to

-Ps work in groups to do the task
-Ps do at home.

<b>Duyệt của tổ trưởng ………., ngày...tháng...năm 201…</b>
<b> Có xem của BGH</b>

<b>Unit 9: </b>

<b>What colour is it? </b>

<b>Lesson 1: 4,5,6 </b>

<b>Period : 55</b>

<b>Teaching date: </b>

<b>Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen and tik, read and answer the questions about school</b>
things, read the text and fill the gaps.

<b>Materials : pictures, posters, cassette.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

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<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>



<b>I/ WARM UP :</b>

 <b>Ask & Answer the question</b>

A: Is this/ that…….?
<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>

<b>4. Listen and tick:</b>

<b>Key: 1.b 2.a 3.c</b>

<b>5. Look , read and write:</b>

-Ask Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the
question about school things.

- T corrects

- Look at the picture and say the school things
-Ask Ps listen and tick the correct pictures.
-Play the recording three times for Ps to listen.
-Ps do the task in pairs, then check their

-T gives feedback.

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will help uncompleted Ss do the</b></i>

-Look at the pictures and read the text in
silence. Check comprehension.

-Work in pairs to complete the sentences.
-Check their answers, then write the answers
on the board.

-T gives feedback.

-Call some pairs to read aloud the dialogue.

<i><b>*Note: Completed Ss will ask and uncompleted</b></i>
<i><b>Ss will answer.</b></i>

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<b>*Key: 1. pen, it is</b>

<b> 2. pencil case, it isn’t</b>
<b> 3. school bag, it is</b>
<b> 4. book, it is</b>
<b>6. Let’s write:</b>

<b>*Key: 1. school bag</b>
2. school bag, it is

3. pencil case

4. pencil case, it isn’t
<b>III/ Production : Chain Game</b>
A: This is a pen

B: This is a pen, a school bag.
C: This is a pen, a school bag….
<b>IV/ HOMELINK : </b>

-Practise the exercises again.
-Prepare Lesson 2: 1,2,3/p.60


-Check comprehension and elicit the words to
fill the gaps.

-Ps work individually.

-Check their answer , then write them on the

-T corrects.

-Call some pairs to read aloud the dialogue.

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will help uncompleted Ss do the</b></i>


-Ask ps work in groups to make the sentence”
This is a….”.

-Ps do at home

<b>Duyệt của tổ trưởng …….., ngày...tháng...năm 201…</b>
<b> Có xem của BGH</b>

<b>Unit 9: What colour is it? </b>

<b>Lesson 2: 1,2,3</b>

<b>Period : 56</b>

<b>Teaching date: .</b>

<b>Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can ask for permission, using May I…?</b>

<b>Materials : pictures, posters, cassette.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>

4’ <b>I/ WARM UP :</b>

 <b>Networds</b>

<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>

 <b>Pre-teach vocabulary: </b>

-blue: xand dương
-white: trắng

-Ask Ps work in groups to write the words
about school things.

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will help uncompleted Ss do</b></i>
<i><b>the task.</b></i>

Model (x 3)
Choral (x 3)
Individual (x 3)
<b>WEEK: 14</b>

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-yellow: vàng
-brown: nâu
-green: xanh lá
-orange: cam

 Check vocabulary: (r&r)

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat:</b>

<b>2. Point and say:(Pictures drill)</b>

 Present the form (elicit from sts)

<b>ask and answer about colours </b>
<b>(singular noun).</b>


<b>Let’s talk:</b>

T writes

Sts give Vietnamese meaning.

-Tick pictures, ask ss questions to expand the
context. (Ss’ answers may vary).

-Ss listen to the CD (x3)
-Ss open their books

-T models; Chorus repetition

-T – Ps; Ps – T<i><b> (Above average and good Ss)</b></i>

P1 – P2; P2 – P3

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will ask. </b></i>
<i><b>-Uncompleted Ss will answer.</b></i>

-<i><b>T elicits the form from good and above </b></i>
<i><b>average Ps.</b></i>

- Ask Ps to look at the pictures on page 60
and talk about the colours of school things.
- Ask Ps about what they fill in the blanks.
- Ask Ps work in pair.

- Call on some pairs to perform the task.
- Comment and correct the mistake

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will help uncompleted Ss do</b></i>
<i><b>the task.</b></i>

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 60
and elicit school things’name and their

- Prompt Ps to say the words to fill in the

- Write the questions and the answers on the
board and have Ps repeat them a few times.
- Ask Ps to work in pairs.

- Call a few pairs to the front of the class to
act out the dialogue.

- Comment

<i><b>*Note: </b><b>- Completed Ss will practise first,</b></i>
<i><b>uncompleted Ss will repeat.</b></i>

-Ps work in groups to do the task.
<b>-What colour is your…….. ?</b>

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<b>III/ Production : Match</b>
1. blue a. vàng

2. green b. xanh dương
3. white c. xanh biển
4. yellow d. trắng
<b>Key: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a</b>
<b>IV/ HOMELINK : </b>

-Practise the exercises again.
-Learn new words by heart.
-Prepare Lesson 2: 4,5,6/p.61

-T gives feedback.

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Below Ps: givethe answers on the board.</b></i>
<i><b>- AbovePs: read the aloud the words on the </b></i>

-Ps do at home

<b>Duyệt của tổ trưởng ……., ngày...tháng...năm 201…</b>
<b> Có xem của BGH</b>

<b>Unit 9: What colour is it?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2 (4,5,6)</b></i>

<b>Period : 57</b>

<b>Teaching date: </b>

<b>Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can listen and number the correct boxes, read and matcch the</b>
sentences, sing the My new pen song.

<b>Materials : cassette, posters, pictures.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>



<b> I/ WARM UP :</b>

 Bingo Game

<b>yellow</b> <b>orange</b>

<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>
<b>4. Listen and number:</b>
<b>-Set the scene: picture</b>

-Ps use the vocabulary learnt

-Ps say Bingo if they have 3 words (line, down,

<b>-Point to each picture and elicit the names and </b>
colours of the school things.

-Play the recording 3 times for ps to listen, do the
task and check their answers.

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<b>Key: a.3 b.2 c.4 d.1</b>
<b>5.Read and match:</b>

<b>*Key: 1.b, 2.d, 3.a, 4.e, 5.c</b>

<b>6. Let’s sing:</b>
<b>-any: bất kỳ</b>

-here they are: chúng đây này

<b> </b>

<b>III/ Production: </b>
Sing My new pen song

<b>IV/ HOMELINK:</b>
-Practise the lesson again.
-Prepare Lesson 3: 1 2 3/p.62

-T gives feedback.

-<i><b>T elicits the form from good and above average</b></i>

-Ask Ps match the sentences on the left with the
pictures on the right.

-Give Ps to look at the pictures and read the text
in silence

-Ps work in pairs.

-Check their answers , then write them on the

-T corrects them.

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss will help Uncompleted Ss do the</b></i>

<i><b>Note: Uncompleted Ss: match</b></i>
<i><b> Completed Ss: correct</b></i>

-Tell pupils they are going to sing the My new
pen song.

-Give the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.
- Read each line of the song. Read the lyrics,
check comprehension and give feedback.
-Sing the song and do actions.

-Get groups of pupils to sit face to face to
practise singing and doing the actions.

-Call a group of 4 ps, each singing one line of the

<i><b>* Note: Completed Ss will come to the front</b></i>
<i><b>class to sing first.</b></i>

-the whole class
-Ps do at home

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<b>Unit 9: What colour is it?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3 (1,2,3)</b></i>


<b> : 58</b>

<b>Teaching date: </b>

<b>Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can practise saying the letters </b><i><b>i and o</b></i>, do a dictation and learn
the chant “What colour is it?”.

<b>Materials : cassette, posters, pictures.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>



<b> I/ WARM UP :</b>

 <b>Let’s sing</b>

<b> My new pen</b>

<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>
<b>* New words:</b>

<b>-favourite: yêu thích</b>
<b>1. Listen and repeat:</b>

-The whole class sing the song “My new

-Ss repeat 3 times

-Put the phonics letter i and o on the board .
- Play the recording and ask Ps to listen &

point to the lines, then listen & repeat.
- Let Ps practice in pairs.

- Get some pairs read aloud.

<i><b>* Note: Completed Ss will practise first, </b></i>

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<b>2. Listen and write:</b>

<b>*Keys: 1. it</b>
<b> 2. orange</b>

<b>3. Let’s Chant:</b>

<b>III/ Production: </b>

<b> Let’s chant: What colour is it?</b>

<b>IV/ HOMELINK:</b>
-Practise the lesson again.
-Prepare Lesson 3: 4 5 6/p.63

<i><b>uncompleted Ss repeat.</b></i>

-Ps are going to do a dictation.
-Ps read the text individually
-Ps listen and write the answers
-Check the answers with the partner.

-T corrects and get ps practise saying the

<i><b>* Note: Uncompleted Ss write the answers , </b></i>
<i><b>completed Ss correct them.</b></i>

- Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ps to read aloud each line in the
song and clap their hands

- Ask them to listen again and repeat

-- Have Ps practice the chant in groups
- Call each group, then pairs to perform
- Correct and comment

- Play the tape once to reinforce their

-Call 2 groups of six to the front of the class
to chant : one chants the questions and the
other chant the answers .

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-ps do at home

<b>Duyệt của tổ trưởng Mỹ Phú, ngày...tháng...năm 201…</b>
<b> Có xem của BGH</b>

<b>Unit 9: What colour is it?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3 (4 5 6)</b></i>

<b>Period : 59</b>

<b>Teaching date: </b>

<b>Objectives : By the end of this lesson, Ss can read and match the sentences, read and fill the gaps, colour</b>
the rainbow and talk about it with your classmate.

<b>Materials : pictures, posters.</b>

<b>Procedure :</b>

<b>Time</b> <b>Contents</b> <b>T’s & Ss’ activities</b>




<b>I/ WARM UP :</b>

 <b>Recite the chant (p.62):</b>

<b>What colour is it?</b>
<b>II/ NEW LESSON :</b>

<b>4. Read and match:</b>

<b>*Key: 1. c</b>
2. d
3. a
4. b

<b>5. Read and write:</b>

Ask Ps to recite the chant in page 62

-Tick posters

-Give instruction: read the sentences on the left

and pair them with those on the right by drawing
a line between them.

-Ps read and match (individually)
-Share the work

-Ps give ideas
-T gives feedback

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>-Uncompleted Ss: guess the answer. Completed </b></i>
<i><b>Ss will correct.</b></i>

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<i><b>*Key: </b></i><b> 1. green</b>
<b> 2. desk</b>
<b> 3. They</b>
<b> 4. pens</b>
<b> 5. colour</b>
<b>6. Project : </b>

<b>*Colour the rainbow. Talk about it with </b>
your classmate.

<b>EX: This is my rainbow. It is + colours</b>
<b>III/ Production : Chain Game</b>

P1: It is red
P2: It is red, green

P3: It is red, green, blue…..
<b>IV/ HOMELINK : </b>

-Practise the exercises again.

-Prepare Unit 10: What do you do at break

Lesson 1: 1,2,3/p64

-Ask Ps read and write the answers.
-Ps read the sentences in silence
-Check their answers with the partner.

-Write the correct answers on the board ,T
corrects them

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Uncompleted Ss: write the sentences</b></i>
<i><b>- Completed Ss: correct and read aloud.</b></i>

-Ask Ps to prepare the necessary school things to
carry out the project (paper, pencils, coloured

pencils, scissors, glue, etc).

-Ps work in group

-Call individual pupils to the front of the class to
present their rainbows

<i><b>* Note:</b></i>

<i><b>- Completed Ss: present their work first.</b></i>

-Ps work in groups (4Ps) to make the sentences
“It is + colour…..”

-Ps do at home



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