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Unit 14: My favourite stories

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (111.38 KB, 12 trang )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson:</b>

Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about the main event in a story.

<b> * Sentence patterns: </b>
A: What happened first?

<b> B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>
*Vocabulary: fox, crow, cowshed, beak, shake, yummy
IIITeaching aids:

<b> 1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,…</b>
2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…
<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<b> T’s activities</b> <b> P’s activities</b>

<b>*Warm up: Chatting</b>

A: What did you do in ___?
<b> B: First, I _____. Then I ___ .</b>
<b>*New lesson:</b>

<b>* New words: </b><i>(write on the boards and give the </i>
<i>meaning of new words).</i>

+ fox: con cáo
+ crow: con quạ

+ cowshed: chuồng bò

+ beak: cái mỏ

+ shake: lắc

+ yummy: ngon tuyệt

- gets Ps to repeat in chorus, individually
<b>1. Look, listen and repeat </b>

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 27 in part 1,
observe the pictures, read the title and the texts. Elicit
their answers to identify the character and get their
comments on the picture. Read each line in the pictures,
stopping at times to check Ps’ comprehensionusing
English or Vietnamese.

- Tell pls that they are going to listen and repeat. (Two

- Ask pls to work in groups to take turns to say the lines
from the dialogue.

- Ask pls to give the model sentences:
1, A: What happened first?.

B: the fox asked: “Will you give me some meat?”
2, A: What happened finally?.

B: the fox said: “ yummy, yummy!”

T- A good P/ some pairs
Whole class


Do in chorus, Group work,

Whole class

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<b>A: What happened first?</b>

<b>B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>
- Ask pls to give other examples to get the form,
meaning, intonation,…

<b>2. Point, ask and answer.</b>

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c, d, e and f on
page 20 and identify the activities in the pictures.
- Ask pls to practise in chorus.

- Tell pls to practise in pairs.

- Call some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the

- Check Ps pronunciation and offer them when


<b>* Homelink: Do Ex in the wb in a part of unit 13 </b>

Whole class/ T- w.c
Whole class/ T- w.c
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson:</b>

Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about the main event in a story.

<b> * Sentence patterns: </b>
A: What happened first?

<b> B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>

*Vocabulary: Review: fox, crow, cowshed, beak, shake, yummy
IIITeaching aids:

<b> 1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,…</b>
2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…
<b>IV. Procedures : </b>

<b> T’s activities</b> <b> P’s activities</b>

<b>*Warm up: Chatting</b>

A: What happened first?

<b>B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>
<b>*New lesson:</b>

<b>3. Listen and tick.</b>

- Get Ss to look at the picture and tell them the purpose
of listening : <i>You are going to listen and tick the correct</i>
<i>picture in each number</i>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess what they

- Run through all the pictures.
- Do the first example with Ss.

- Play the recording 1st<sub> time for Ss to listen all the way</sub>


- Play the recording 2nd<sub> time, pause after each part for</sub>

Ss to have sufficient time to select and tick the picture.
- Play it again for Ss to check their answer

- Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for

- Ask Ss to report the answers aloud to the class. The
others listen and give comments.

- Give feedback: 1 – b ; 2 – c ; 3 – a ; 4 - b

- Make some questions to check Ss’ comprehension
<b>4. Talk.</b>

- Get Ps to open their book on page 28, read the text and
observe the picture.

- T say: You are going to read the first part of the story

T- A good P/ some pairs

Do in chorus
Pairs work
Listen and do
Whole class

Whole class/ T- w.c
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Little Red Ring Hood. Then observe the pictures and
tell the rest of the story.

- Read the first part of the story. Stop at time to check
Ps’ comprehension.

- Get Ps to repeat each sentence a few times. Check if
Ps know the story. If they do not , tell the story, using a
mixture of Englissh and Vietnamese to help Ps

understand the story.

Do an Ex with the whole class to give Ps a clear idea of
the activity.

T: What story is it?
P: Little Red Ring Hood.

T: What happen in this picture?

P: Little Red Ring Hood met a wolf in the forest.

T: very good. On the way to her grand mother’s cottage
Little Red Ring Hood met a wolf in the forest. She told
it about her trip.

a. On the way to her grand mother’s cottage Little Red
Ring Hood met a wolf in the forest. She told it about her

b. the wolf ran very fast to the grandmother’s cottage.
c. it swallowed the grandmother. Then it lay in the bed
to pretend Little Red Ring Hood’s grandmother.

d. Little Red Ring Hood came to see her grandmother in
the bed. The wolf talked to her. The it jumped out of the
bed to swallow her.

e. luckily, a hunter came. He killed the wolf, and saved

Little Red Ring Hood and her grandmother.

- Ps work in pairs to take turn to tell the rest of the story
using pictures provided. Monitor the activity and ofer
help as necessary.

-Select a few Ps to perform the task in front of the class.
Praise the pair if Ps do well.

<b>* Homelink: Do Ex in the wb in a part of unit 14 </b>

Whole class

T- a good P

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<b>I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to:</b>

- Pronouce correctly the sounds of the letters ow as in crow and those of the letters
<b>ow as in cowshed.</b>

* Sentence patterns:

* Vocabulary: slow, show, know, over there
Phonics: ide, im

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,…

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…
<b>IVProcedures : </b>

<b> T's activities</b> <b>P's activities </b>

<b>* Warm up: chatting</b>
A: What happened first?

<b>B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>
- T give the situations

<b>* New lesson:</b>

* New words:<i> (write on the boards and give the meaning of</i>
<i>new words).</i>

+ slow: chậm chạp
+ show: trình diễn
+ know: biết

+ over there: đằng kia

- gets Ps to repeat in chorus, individually
<b>1. Listen and repeat.</b>

<b> Ask pls to open their books on page 29 and get pls to </b>
repeat the words a few times.

- Help pls practising the phonics

<b> Listen and read together .</b>

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 29 in part 2 and
ask them some questions to identify the characters in the

What are they doing? ( drive a car on the snowy day)
- Ask pls to listen and repeat each line in the dialogue.
- Call some pairs to roleplay the dialogue.

- Ask pls to change the pairs.

- tell Ps to find out pronounces which they have learnt in
part 1.

Whole class
Ps talk.
Whole class

Do in chorus, Group
work, indvidually
Whole class/

Whole class

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<b>3. Group and say it aloud.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the chart and the word box

- Check if they understand the activity and the meaning
of the focused words.

- Say each word and get Ss to repeat a few times.
- Set the time and let Ss do the task

- Ss check their answer in pairs.

- Call some Ss to report their answers to the class
- Have the whole class read in chorus all the words in

each column.

* Key: crow: show, slow, know, snow

<b> cowshed: town, down, tower, now, brown, wow.</b>
<b>* Homelink: Ps do homework in the workbook.</b>

Pair work
Opened pairs
Whole class

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<b>I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to:</b>

- Pronouce correctly the sounds of the letters ow as in crow and those of the letters
<b>ow as in cowshed.</b>


* Sentence patterns:

* Vocabulary: slow, show, know, over there
Phonics: ide, im

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

1.Teacher: fresh cards, CD player,…
2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…

<b> T's activities</b> <b>P's activities </b>

<b>* Warm up: chatting</b>
A: What happened first?

<b>B: S + asked/ said, “………..?/ ………….!”</b>
- T give the situations

<b>* New lesson:</b>

<b>4.Listen and number.</b>

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c, d on page 30 and
identify the activities in the pictures.

- Ask pls to guess the orders of the pictures.
- Let pls share their predictions.

- Ask pls to listen to the tape and check their predictions(2


- Get feedback

- Ask pls to listen and repeat all the sentences in the tape.
- Check pls’ pronunciation and offer them when necessary.
<b>* Answer key : 1- f; 2- g; 3- e; 4- c; 5- b ; 6- d ; 7- a</b>
<b>5. Fun time. </b>

<b>Line- up Story Game</b>
<b>How to play game:</b>

- Ps play the game in 2 groups of 10 Ps. Each P in 2 groups
has one piece of paper with a particular word written on it.
- The T tells the story The Clever Fox and the Crow. While
retelling the story, the teacher pause at times for ps of the
two groups to prompt a missing word.

Example: There was a (pause) fox standing on the (pause).
The Ps who have the mising words hold up the words and
say aloud the word(ground).

Whole class
Ps talk.

Pair work
Whole class
T- Ps

w. class

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- The T then says the complete sentence : There was a
hungry fox standing on the ground. And get Ps in two
groups repeat the sentence.

- When the T finishes the story telling, the group which has
the most words win the game.

<b>( T can call a good P to look hep T)</b>

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<b>I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to: </b>
- ask and answer questions about accident prevention.

- read an informative text on fall prevention for younger children and write a massage

* Sentence patterns: A: What character do you like?

<b> B: I like………. It/ He/ She is ………… </b>
* Vocabulary: good- nature, talented, tricky

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

1.Teacher: poster, flashcards

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b> T's activities</b> <b> P's activities</b>

<b>* Warm up:</b>

- Ps display their words cards and use these cards to play a game
of matching.

<b>*New lesson::</b>

* New words:<i> (write on the boards and give the meaning of new</i>

+ good- nature: tốt bụng
+ talented: có tài

+ ready: sẵn sàng
+ tricky: xảo quyệt

- gets Ps to repeat in chorus, individually
<b>1. Look, listen and repeat:</b>

- Have Sts to look at the picture on page 31 in part 1 and observe
the pictures and set the context: Nga and Phong are talking about
the story “ The Clever Fox and the Crow”.

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen and repeat. (Two times)
- Ask pls to work in groups to take turns to say the lines from the

- Ask Ps to give the model sentences:

- Ask Ps to give other examples to get the form, meaning,

1, A: What character do you like?
B: I like the fox. It’s very clever.
2, A: What character do you like?
B: I like Tam. She is good- nature.

=> form: A: What character do you like?

<b> B: I like ………. . It/ He/ She is ………..</b>
<b>2. point, ask and answer.</b>

- Ask pls to look at the pictures a, b, c and d on page 31 and
identify the books in the pictures.

Whole class
Whole class

Do in chorus,
Group work,
Whole class

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- Do model with a good student.
- Tell pls to practise in pairs.

- Call some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class.
- Check pls’ pronunciation and offer them when necessary.

<b> *Reinforcement:</b>

In this lesson, Ps have learnt to ask and answer questions about
the accident prevention, using

<b> A: What character do you like?</b>

<b> B: I like ………. . It/ He/ She is ………..</b>

- Do part 2 in their notebook.

Whole class
T- a good P
Pair work
Pair work

Whole class

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pls will be able to: </b>
- ask and answer questions about accident prevention.

- read an informative text on fall prevention for younger children and write a massage

* Sentence patterns: A: What character do you like?

<b> B: I like………. It/ He/ She is ………… </b>
* Vocabulary: forest, hare, tortoise

<b>III. Teaching aids:</b>

1.Teacher: poster, flashcards

2.Pupils: Mini-boards, Student’s book,…
<b>IV. Procedures:</b>

<b> T's activities</b> <b> P's activities</b>

<b>* Warm up:</b>

- Ps display their words cards and use these cards to play a game
of matching.

<b>*New lesson::</b>

* New words:<i> (write on the boards and give the meaning of new</i>

+ forest: rừng
+ hare: con thỏ
+ tortoise: con rùa

- gets Ps to repeat in chorus, individually
<b> 3. Read the passage and do the task.</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on P 32.

- Set the context:<i> you’re going to a passage and do the task </i>
<i>that follow.</i>

- Read the passage, check Ss’ comprehension.

- Tell them that they should scan the information in the
passage to do the task 1.

- Check if Ss understand the task. Do the first for example
- Give Ss sufficient time to do the task and move around to

monitor the activity.

- Have Ss to check their answers in pairs before call some Ss
to report the answer to the class.

* Key:

a, Draw a line to match the words that go together.
<b> 1- d; 2- c; 3- a; 4- b</b>

b, Tick the animal that win the race: a
C , Tick True(T) or False (F):

1- T; 2- F; 3- F; 4- T ; 5- F; 6- F

Whole class
Whole class

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<b>4. Write : </b>

- Ask Ps to open their book on page 33 and draw their attention
to the picture in this section.

- Tell them the writing purpose: You are going to obsever the
picture from the story.: The Hare and the Tortoise to complete
the speech bubbles. Get Ps to obsever each picture and gues
what each animal character says. Then they scan the story
quickly to find the approriate words for their completion.
+ Set the time . Ps works indipendently. Remind Ps to write a
draft before copying on to a clean sheet of paper for the class
display later. Mornitor the activity and offer help when


- Tell Ps role play in pairs.

+ Call on a few Ps to read their work to the class.
<b>+ Key: </b>

<b>Pb: Let’s have a race</b>
<b>Pc: Ready, steady, go.</b>
<b>Pd: I will win the race.</b>

<b>5. Fun time: Do the crossword puzzle</b>

- Ask Ps to look at the book on page 33 and look at the board
with the crossword puzzle.

- Make sure Ps understand how to play game.

- They should relate the base form of the verb phrase to the
corresponding pictures.( look at the pictures and cues letters in
the crossword puzzle to correct the words).

- T guide Ps to correct this part through a game.

In this lesson, Ps have learnt to ask and answer questions about
the accident prevention, using

<b> A: What character do you like?</b>

<b> B: I like ………. . It/ He/ She is ………..</b>

- Do part 2 in their notebook.

Whole class
Whole class

Pairs work

T- w.class
T- w.class



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