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Unit 2. My home. Lesson 1. Getting started

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Preparing date : / /2014
Teaching day: / /2014

<b>Period 8. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>lesson 1: Getting started</b>
<b>I.The aims and objectives.</b>

<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words describing the house, room and furniture.</b>
<b>Grammar: - revise simple tense.</b>

<b>- Skill : Listening and speaking.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts describe more about their home.</b>

By the end of this period, students will describe the position of things in their

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector.
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning./ How are you?/ Who’s absent today?</b>
<b>2. Checking up( 3’): Give correct tense of the verb.</b>

a. I ( do) my homework now.
b. He ( play) football everyday.

c. Lan ( watch) TV after dinner.
<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
3.The new lesson(38’):

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>A. Warm up.</b>

? What does HOME mean?

<b>B. Getting started: A look inside.</b>
<b>I. Vocabulary</b>

T presents Vocabulary by:

1. bathroom(n): nhà tắm ( picture)
2. bedroom(n): phòng ngủ( picture)
3. cousin(n): anh, chị, em họ ( eg)
4. apartment(n): căn hộ.( picture)
5. city centre(n): trung tâm thành phố
( situation)

6. behind(pre): đằng sau (eg)
7. next to( pre): ngay cạnh (eg)

T helps sts to read correctly then call some
sts to read again.

T checks vocabulary by Matching then ask
sts to copy in notebook.

<b>II. The text</b>

- Introduces the pictures and the situation
and asks sts to guess the content of the
dialogue.( mi and Nick are talking on



Sts answer T’ asking

A. the house/ apartment
where you live or can refer
to a family thing together.
Sts speak the answer loudly one
by one.

Sts listen to T’s eliciting then
gives new words.

Sts read vocabulary in chorus/

Sts match English words with
Vietnamese meaning by
speaking loudly.

Sts copy in notebooks.

A. Give the reasons:
+ quickly

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

Skype- you can make telephone calls using
your computer and the Internet).

- Ask sts to share experiences of chatting

- Asks sts to look at the dialogue and listen
to the conversation

- Asks sts to read the dialogue

- Asks sts to do part a ( T may ask sts to tell
which sentences they base on for


Read the dialogue again then complete the

<b>III. Prepositions of place</b>
<b>1. Matching</b>

Have sts do this exercise in pairs
Ask for sts' answers

<b>2. Word cues drill</b>

Ask sts to run through cues
- dog/on/ chair

- dog/ next to/ bowl
- cat/ behind/ TV
- cat/ in/ wardrobe

- dog/ in front of/ kennel

- cat/ between lamp and the sofa
- cat/ under/ table

<b>3. True/ false</b>

- Introduces the pictures of the home things
and asks sts to look at the picture carefully
then tick T/ F

- Asks sts to give the Ans

- Asks sts to write down in their books
<b>Task 4</b>

Asks sts to look at the picture again then
answer the questions





+ save time

- Look and listen at the same

- Read the dialogue in pairs
- Read the dialogue again and
find the answer.

a. dad, Mum, brother, aunt,

<b>b.- Work in pair to finish</b>

1. TV/ sofa, 2. town house, 3.
sitting on the sofa, 4. noisy, 5.

- Work in pairs to match words
with pictures.

A. on, B. next to, C. behind, D.
in, E. in front of, F. between, G

- Look at the cues, sts say loudly
<i>The dog is on the chair.</i>

<i>The dog is next to the bowl</i>
<i>The cat is behind the TV</i>
<i>The cat is in the wardrobe</i>
<i>The dog is in front of the kennel</i>

Sts do Ex individually
Share Ans with partners
Give ans out

1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. F, 6. T
1. They are on the desk/

<i>2. They are on the floor.</i>
<i>3. Yes, it is.</i>

<i>4. No, they aren't.</i>

<i>5. It's behind the b’okshelf.’6.</i>
<i>No, it isn't.</i>

<b>4.Consolidation(2’)’ - Describe things in the classroom:</b>
+ The book/the desk.

+ The ruler/ / the pencil box.

+ Students/ the class room.
+ The clock/ the wall.
<b>5. Homework(1’): </b>

- Write the new words

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

- Do Ex A( sts'book)

---Preparing date : / /2014

Teaching day: / /2014

<b>Period 9. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>lesson 2. A closer look 1</b>
<b>I. The aims and objectives</b>

<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to house, rooms, and furniture.</b>
<b>+ Pronunciation: - Helps sts how to pronounce: </b>/ <i><b>z</b></i> / , /<i><b>s</b></i>/ and /<b>iz</b>/

<b>- Skill : Listening and speaking.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts can know how to arrange things in their houses.</b>

By the end of this period, students will improve their pronunciation : / <i><b>z</b></i> / , /<i><b>s</b></i>/ and /<b>iz</b>/
with nouns.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, projector.
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up( 3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Finish these sentences:</b>

a. The textbook/ behind the TV.
b. The cat/ on/ the table.

* Key: a. The textbook is behind the TV.
b. The cat is on the table.

<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
<b>3.The new lesson(38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A. Vocabulary</b>

1.attic(n): phòng áp mái ( picture)
2. hall(n): phßng lín ( eg)

3. chests of drawers(n): ngăn kéo( drawing)

4. dishwasher(n): máy giặt. ( eg)

5. microwave(n): lò vi sang ( translation)
6. air- conditioner(n): máy điều hòa

T checks voc by Ro and R.
<b>B. Presentation</b>

<b>* Vocabulary</b>
<b>Task 1. Matching</b>

Have sts match the room with its name.
T gives time then check the answers.


Sts listen to T’s eliciting then
gives new words.

Sts read vocabulary in chorus/

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

T gives time then checks their answers
T explains which words go with rooms.
<b>Task 2. name things in each room</b>
T tells Sts to do the task in pairs.

Call some sts to go to bb to write in each

Check Sts' answers

Ex3* Ask sts to listen then repeat the words

<b>Task 3. Ex4: Play a game ( think of a room)</b>
T models this activity.

Ask sts to work in a small groups
A: what is in the room?

B: A sofa and a TV.
A: Is it the living room?
B: Yes.

T gets feed back

<b>*Pronunciation: </b>/ <i><b>z</b></i> / , /<i><b>s</b></i>/ and /<b>iz</b>/
T gives examples with nouns:
<b> lamp-> lamps</b>

<b>bench-> benches</b>
<b>ruler-> rulers</b>

T explain the use than asks sts to give e.g.
Lets sts practice the sounds: / z / , /<i><b>s</b></i>/ and /<b>iz</b>/
Ask sts to observe T' lip positions.

Ask sts to listen to the tape then repeat
<b>-</b> Ask sts to listen to the tape, do

individually to write words in right

/z/ / s / /iz/

Have sts comments on the way to
pronounce s/es at the end of the words

* Ask sts to do Ex individually then
compare with others.( Ex7)





Give answers out

<b>-</b> living room, b. bedroom, c.
attic, d. bathroom, e. kitchen,
f. hall.

Copy in NB
Sts work in pairs
Compare with others

Go to BB to write the answers

Sts write in NB

Sts listen to the tape then repeat

Sts listen to T’s guiding

Sts work in groups then say aloud

Listen to T’s saying

Give eg: chairs, textbooks,

/z/ / s / /iz/

es, beds



/z/ / s / /iz/

after /



<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

*Listen to the tape then repeat the

/z/ / s / /iz/


pictures chopsticlights,

Repeat the conservation and work
in pairs to say aloud.

<b>4.Consolidation(2’): - Fill words in the right column.</b>

Windows, door, chairs, sinks, lights, boxes, fridges.

/z/ / s / /iz/

<b>5. Homework(1’): - Write the new words</b>
- Do Ex1(A), E1,2,3-B in NB.


---Preparing date : / /2014
Teaching day: / /2014

<b>Period 10. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>Lesson 3. A closer look 2</b>
<b>I. The aims and objectives.</b>

<b>- Knowledge: + Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to house, rooms and </b>

<b>+ Grammar: There is/ there are/ there isn't, there aren't.</b>
<b>- Skill : Listening and speaking.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts can introduce more about their rooms.</b>

By the end of this period, students will be able to use "there is/ there are/ there
isn't, there aren't" correctly and appropriately.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, cues...
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures:</b>

<b>1. Organisation (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up ( 3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Find the different word: + cups, rulers, mothers, chairs. ( cups)</b>

+ Schools, rubbers, teachers, chalks.( chalks)
+ benches, boxes, vases, toilets ( toilets)
<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>

<b>3.The new lesson (38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>I. Vocabulary .</b>
T presents Vocab by:

1.cooker(n): nåi cơm điện ( picture) <b><sub>5'</sub></b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

2.ceiling light(n): ốn trần ( real )
3.ceiling fan(n): quạt trần( real)
4. brown (adj): màu nâu( eg)

Revision words: lamps, cat, dog, kitchen,

T check Voc by what and where.
<b>II. Presentation</b>

T sets the scene by asking sts to say how
many .... are there...?

T helps sts to read

T does drill: T- S/S-T, S-S, pairs.
T does concepts:

- Meaning.
<b>- Form:</b>

<b>+ There is + a/an N</b>
<b>There are + 2....Ns(es)</b>
<b>- There isn't+ a/an N</b>
<b>There aren't + 2....Ns(es)</b>
<b>? Is there + a/an N ?</b>
<b>Are there + 2....Ns(es)?</b>

<b>- Use: Dùng để giới thiệu có bao nhiêu đồ</b>
vật ở đâu

- Intonation.

* Gap fill ( is/are - not)- Ex1,2
Ask sts to do this exercises quickly
T gets feed back then give comments
<b>III. Practice</b>

<i><b>* Word cues drill: Ex3.</b></i>

Ask sts to run through the cues.
T gives the model.

T does drill then calls sts to say loudly.
a. a TV/ on the table.

b. a brown dog/ in the kitchen.
c. a boy/ in front of the cupboard.
d. a bath/ in the bathroom.

e. lamps/ in the bedrooms
<b>*Ex5: is there/ are there..?</b>

Ask sts work individually in 5 minutes.
? Share the answers with your partner.
- Get feedback orally.

<b>IV. Production ( Ex6)</b>



Read chorally
Copy in NB

- Listen and answer

<i><b>There is ( not) a book on the </b></i>


<i><b>There are (not) 3 books on the </b></i>

Read in chorus/ sides/ pairs
Answer T's asking

Copy in NB

Run through exercises, work

Give Ans out:

1. is/isn't, 2. are/ aren't, 3. are/
aren't, 4. is/ isn't, 5. are/ aren't
Run through cues, repeat loudly in
positive, negative, and the

questions with there is/ are....
<i> </i>

<i>a. There is (not) a TV on the table.</i>
<i>? Is there a TV on the table?</i>

Sts say out loudly


1. is there, 2. is there, 3. are there,
4. is there, 5. are there.

Copy in NB
Sts work in pairs

Report their conversation

a. There is a fridge in Lan's

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

Discuss with your partner to practice EX5
then answer th questions.

T go around to observe sts' working
call some sts to report

<b>T gives comments </b>


<b>4.Consolidation(2’): - Fill is/ isn't/ are/ aren't in the blanks ( EX4)</b>
1. is, 2. is, 3. are, 4. are, 5. aren't, 6. isn't.
- Say again the use : There is/ are .

<b>5. Homework(1’): - Do EX P9( textbook), Ex 4,5,6( sts' book)</b>
- Prepare communication

<b>DuyÖt cđa tỉ trëng</b>

Preparing date : /8/2014
Teaching day: /8/2014

<b>Period 11. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>Lesson 4. Communication</b>
<b>I. The aims and objectives</b>

<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T provides Sts with extra words related to house, rooms and</b>

<b>+ Grammar: Revise " there is/ are".</b>
<b>- Skill : Speaking.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts can introduce some things about the house .</b>

By the end of this period, students draw a simple plan of their house and
compare the differences between different houses.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up( 3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Finish these sentences with there is/ are:</b>
+ 40 sts/ our class room.

+ 3 ceiling lights / the ceiling.
+ 1 teacher.

<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
<b>3. The new lesson (38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>I. Vocabulary.</b>
T present Voc by :

1. town house(n): nh thà ị x·

2. country house(n): nhà nông thôn
3. stilt house(n): nhà sàn

4. villa(n): biƯt thù
5. photo(n): bøc ¶nh

T checks Voc by Ro and R

<b>II. Pre- communication: Making friends.</b>
Ask sts to answer the qs by looking at
Nick's house.

T helps sts to read

T does drill: T- S/S-T, S-S, pairs.
T does concepts:

- Meaning.
<b>- Form:</b>

<b>How many + Ns(es) are there in..?</b>
<b>There is/ are + 1/2... N</b>

- Use: Hỏi và trả lời về số lượng phịng/ đồ
đạc trong nhà của ai đó.

- Intonation.

<b>III. While- communication</b>
Task 1: Word cues drill.
Ask sts to run through cues:
a. rooms in Hoa's house/ 3.
b. books/ 45.

c. students/ 45.
d. Tv/ 1

T helps sts to do drill




Answer T's asking
Read in chorus

Go to BB to rewrite

Listen to T' saying and answer T'

H: Where does Mi live?

Lan: She lives in a town house.
H: How many rooms are there in
Mi's house ?

Lan: There are 6 rooms.

Sts read chorally/ in sides/ pairs:
Answer T's asking.,

Sts copy in NB
Sts run through cues
Read aloud

Sts read in chorus/ sides/ pairs

S1: How many rooms are there in
Hoa's house?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

T gets feed back
Task 2:

T give the situation, ask sts to practice in

T gives model:

<i><b>H: I. live in a town house. Where does Mi</b></i>

<i><b>Lan: She lives in a town house.</b></i>

<i><b>H: How many rooms are there in Mi's</b></i>
<i><b>house ?</b></i>

<i><b>Lan: There are 6 rooms.</b></i>
T helps sts to read

T gets feed back and gives comments
<b>Task 3: Ex1 gap fill</b>

Ask sts to work in pairs to fill 1 word in the

T gets feed back

<b>C.</b> <b>Post-</b> <b>communication:</b>

<b>Discussion( Ex3,4)</b>

Give sts 7' to draw a simple plan of their

Ask them to work in pairs to say the
differences between 2 houses

T gets feed back and gives comments



Give answers out.

Sts work in pairs
Give answers out:

1. country, 2. are, 3.is, 4.are, 5 on,
6. next to, 7. on, 8. is.

Sts draw a picture

Describe his/her house to friends
Sts present to the class to talk
about differences between 2

Sts talk loudly


<b>4.Consolidation (2’): - Report a house that you like. Why?</b>
<b>5. Homework (1’): - Do EX C1,2</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Preparing date : / /2014
Teaching day: / /201 4

<b>Period 12. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>lesson 5. Skills 1</b>

<b>I. The aims and objectives</b>
<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to houses.</b>

<b>+ Grammar: Revise present simple tense to talk about kinds of house/ room.</b>
<b>- Skill : Reading, speaking.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts can know more about houses in VN and other countries.</b>

By the end of this period, students express their opinion about the house they
like or don't like.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, cues...
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up (3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Interview to describe a house: </b>

How many rooms are there in your house?
There are 3.

<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
<b>3.The new lesson (38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>

<b>A. Pre- reading</b>
<b>I. Vocabulary:</b>

1.tourist (n): khách du lịch ( eg)
2. animal (n): động vật ( eg)
3. shape (n): hình dáng ( drawing)
4. strange (n): lạ ( translation)
5.cool (adj): mát mẻ( eg)

6. messy (adj): bõa bén ( synonym)
7. to see: thÊy/ nh×n ( trans )

8. to put: đặt ( mine)

T checks voc by what and where,
<b>II.T/F prediction:</b>

T sets the scene : We'll read about Nick's
weekend at Crazy House Hotel, ask sts to
look at the text quickly to predict.

<i><b>1. What type of text is it?</b></i>

<i><b>2. What's the title of this page?</b></i>
- Get feed back.

<b>B. While reading</b>

<b>I. Read and check prediction</b>



Answer in English
Read in chorus

Go to BB to write in correct place.
Copy in note book

Run through poster
Do individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

Ask Sts to read then check prediction.
T gets feed back.

T gives comments and ask Sts to copy.
<b>II. Answer the questions</b>

Sets a long time limit for sts to reread the
text and find the answers.

Asks sts to note where they found the
information that helped them complete the
sentences. Sts can compare answers before
discussing them as a class.

Allow sts to read in chorus once

Call some individual to read aloud to the

Check their pronunciation and intonation
<b>III. Find right things in the room</b>

Ask sts to do individually to find if there are
these things , sts tick ( V).

T gets feed back

<b>C. Post reading ( Speaking )</b>

Asks sts to work in pairs to describe their

living room/ bedroom/...

T gives model:

In my living room, there is a TV, a chair.
Next to the window is a bookshelf....

-> T does direct correction( content,
pronunciation, fluency, language)





Read the text to find the answer
Compare with others.

Give corrects answer.
<i><b>The key:</b></i>

<i><b>1. It's an e-mail.</b></i>

<i><b>2. It's " A room at the Crazy</b></i>
<i><b>House Hotel".</b></i>

Copy in note book.

Work in pairs then compare with

Read aloud the answers

<i><b>1No, he isn't.</b></i>

<i><b>2. There are 10 rooms.</b></i>

<i><b>3. Because there is a big tiger on</b></i>
<i><b>the wall.</b></i>

<i><b>4. It's under the bed.</b></i>
Sts do individually
Compare with others
Give answers out

<i><b>Key: a window, a lamp, a tiger, a</b></i>
<i><b>shelf, a desk.</b></i>

Answer T's asking
Work in groups
Sts talk to the class.

<b>4.Consolidation (2’): - What kinds of rooms do you like? Why?</b>
- Can you list things, furniture in your house.
<b>5. Homework (1’): - Do EX D.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

Preparing date : / /2014
Teaching day: / /2014

<b>Period 13. Unit 2. my home</b>
<b>Lesson 6. Skills 2</b>

<b>I. The aims and objectives</b>
<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T provides Sts with words related to houses.</b>

<b>+ Grammar: Revise present simple tense to talk about kinds of house/ room.</b>
<b>- Skill : - Listening to get information about rooms and houses.</b>

- Writing an email to a friend.

<b>- Living skill: Sts can know how to write an email.</b>

By the end of this period, students express their opinion about the house on

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, cues...
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up (3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Interview the questions:</b>

? How many TVs/ chairs/ lamps/ ceiling lamps.. are there in your house?
+ There is/ are...

<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
<b>3. The new lesson (38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>I. Vocabulary.( Revision)</b>

Ask sts to go to BB to write prepositions of

T give time and comments.
<b>* Listening.</b>

T introduces : Nick's parents are describing
their room in the hotel.

Ask Sts to look at the map quickly then
listen to the tape to match words with
correct place.

Big window window window

1 3

2 <sub>door</sub> <sub>fire place</sub>4 5

<b>A. Pre writing</b>
<b> I. Punctuation</b>
<b>Task 1(Ex2.)</b>

Tell the class the importance of the
punctuation marks the explain how to use.
Ask sts to correct the punctuation in the
sentences in their note book.


Go to BB to write in to 2 groups
<i><b>E.g.: next to, behind, on, in,</b></i>
<i><b>under, in front of...</b></i>

Read words loudly
Copy in NB

Look at EX.
Work individually

Listen to the tape then match
words with the right place.

Give aswer out

<i><b>1. bed, 2. wardrobe, 3. sofa, 4.</b></i>
<i><b>table, 5. stool ( 2)</b></i>

Sts do in NB then go to BB to

<i>Hi Sophia,</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

Call 5 sts to go to BB to rewrite.
Let the class comment and check.

Ask sts to correct the passage and write the
correct version in groups

<b>Task 2: How to write an e- mail to your </b>

T explain the way to write e- mail.

+ Subject line: briefly, in the left corner of
the paper.

+ Beginning: Dear.../ Hi.../ Hello..,

+ Introduction: ask about the health..., the
reason for e-mail.

+ Body: Write the subjects .

+ Conclusion: saying goodbye, asking for

writing back...

<b>B. While - writing: Writing an e-mail to</b>

Ask sts to answer the questions, write a draft

<i> E.g.: </i>
<i>Hi Nick,</i>

<i>Thank for your e- mail. Now I'll tell you</i>
<i>about my house.</i>

<i>I live with my parents in a country house.</i>
<i>It's big. There are 4 rooms: a living room, 2</i>
<i>bedrooms and a bathroom .I like bedroom</i>
<i>best. We're moving to a town house in BG</i>

<i>Tell me in your next e- mail?</i>
<i>Best wishes,</i>


<b>C. Post- Writing</b>

T asks sts to hang the posters then the whole
class correct.

- Meaing, - Grammar, - Punctuation.
Ask sts to copy in NB





<i>I live with ...house. It's big.</i>
<i>There are 6 rooms: ...bathrooms.</i>
<i>I like....best. We're moving....soon.</i>
<i>What about you? Where do you</i>
<i>live? Tell me in your next e- mail?</i>
<i>Best wishes,</i>


Look at the e- mail again then
answer T's asking

Write in the draft first.
Complete e-mail
Sts work in groups

Give comments for the writing.
Correct mistakes then copy in NB.

<b>4.Consolidation (2’): - How do you make an e-mail to your friends?</b>
- Find and correct mistakes:

1. man is studying english?
2. are they students.

3. shes an engineer.
<b>5. Homework (1’): - Do EX E.</b>

- Prepare “ Looking back+ Project” .

---Preparing date : / /2014
Teaching day: / /2014

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<b>I. The aims and objectives.</b>
<b>- Knowledge: </b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: T helps sts revise the words related to the topic of the lesson " My</b>

<b>+ Grammar: Revise present simple tense: " there is/are..."/ Ns(es)</b>
<b>- Skill : all skills.</b>

<b>- Living skill: Sts can introduce some things about the house .</b>

By the end of this period, students draw a simple plan of their house and
communicate well with their friends about the topic " my home"

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<b>-</b> T: Textbook, laptop, lesson plan, chalk, cues...
<b>-</b> St: Textbook.

<b>III. Procedures :</b>

<b>1. Organization (1’): Good morning.</b>

How are you?/ Who’s absent today?
<b>2. Checking up ( 3’): - Write vocabulary.</b>

<b>- Finish these sentences ( Ex 1- Grammar):</b>
a. The boy/ on/ the table.

b. The cat / between the bookshelf and the sofa.
c. The girl/ in the armchair.

d. The boy/ next to the armchair.

<b>-> T gives comments and introduces the new lesson.</b>
<b>3.The new lesson (38’):</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>T</b> <b><sub>Students’ activities</sub></b>

<b>A. Looking back.</b>

<b>I. Vocabulary( Revision)</b>

Ask sts to match the words with the right

Types of

building Rooms Furniture

T check their answers.
Ask sts to copy in NB

<b>B. Grammar: </b> There is/ are; there
isn't/aren't.(Word cues drill - Ex 3,4,5)

Ask sts to run through cues.
a. a clock/ on the wall.
b. books/ on the bookshelf.
c. a desk/ next to the bookshelf.
d.2 posters/ on the wall.



Sts list words in 3 groups
Read aloud words

Types of

building Rooms Furniture



house, stilt

, attic

chests of

Copy in NB

- Sts run through cues.

Read in chorus/ in sides/ pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

T gives models in 3 forms:

<i><b>+ There is a clock on the wall.</b></i>
<i><b>- There isn't a clock on the wall.</b></i>
<i><b>? Is there a clock on the wall?</b></i>
T does drill: T- W, W- T, sides, pairs
Call some pairs out.

<b>III. Communication: Ex7, 8</b>
Ask sts to work in groups

Ask sts to look at the picture then take turn
to draw a cat in the book.

Other sts ask where is the cat

A: Where is the cat?
B: Is it on the table.
A. No, it isn't.

B. Is is under the table?
A: Yes, it is.

<b>B. Project: Your strange house</b>
T hangs some pictures about houses.
Ask sts to imagine and write sts' houses
Ask sts to work in groups, draw then give
the reason.

House A B C


Ask sts to report



Role play say aloud
Sts work in groups

Draw and ak about the place of the

Work in groups then ask others
why they like this kind of the

House A B C

Name Ghost

Reasons strange,

Sts report the information.
<b>4.Consolidation(2’):- Using there is/ are/ isn't/ aren't to tell about your class:</b>
1. students.

2. teacher. 3. textbooks4. windows

<b>5. Homework(1’): - Do EX2. </b>

- Prepare Unit 3- getting started.


