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C++ language
Từ Trung Hiếu


the mixed language
the superset of C
the subset of Visual C++

C program elements
are functions and variables

C++ program elements
are objects


line comment
block comment


bitwise: & ^ | ~ >> <<
arithmetic: + - * / %
relational: > >= < <= == !=
logical: && || !
conditional: ?:
comma: ,
selector: * & -> . []

control statements

condition: if, switch
loop: for, while, do..while
jump: goto, return, break, continue
block: {}

common functions

string: strcpy, strcat, strlen, strcmp
math: cos, sin, pow, sqrt, exp, log, rand
file: fopen, fclose, feof, fseek, ftell

comon libraries

string : both C and C++
memory : both C and C++
stdlib : both C and C++
stdio : both C and C++
conio : both C and C++
math: both C and C++
iostream: native to C++

native to C++

the pointer this
the type reference
the concept class
the keyword friend
levels of hidding

Object Oriented Programming
with C++
Từ Trung Hiếu


C language
Using Internet Services (search, email)


One of these

Microsoft Visual C++
Turbo C++
Borland C++

Other tools


Using Turbo C++

starting the tools
create a new file
save the file
compile the file

run the file
and see the result

Using Microsoft Visual C++

project is a collections of file
start the tool
create a new project
create a file
compile the file
insert / delete files from project


Microsoft MSDN with keywords

C language reference
C++ language references

Turbo C++ Help

recommended books

Phạm Văn Ất - C++ và lập trình
hướng đối tượng
Nguyễn Cẩn - Tự học ngơn ngữ lập
trình C++

recommended links

google search

keyword: object oriented programming
keyword: c++ programming
filetype: pdf, ppt, all

some recommended links

class declaration
Từ Trung Hiếu


structure with member functions
inline and external definitions
standalone and member functions
declaration vs definition
levels of hidding
interface vs implementation

contents (1)

the pointer this
array of objects (initials)
dynamic object: new, delete, *, ->
array of dynamic objects: new / delete

From c struct to c++ struct
• Function as member
struct SinhVien {

char Ten[50];
int NamSinh;
double dk1, dk2;
int Tuoi() { NamSinh - getCurYear(); }
double DTB() { return (dk1+dk2)/2; }

From c++ struct to c++ class
class SinhVien {
char Ten[50];
int ns;
double dk1, dk2;
int Tuoi() { ns - getCurYear(); }

double DTB() { return (dk1+dk2)/2; }

standalone and member

standalone functions belong to no class,
eg cos, sin, printf, scanf,
member functions belong to a specific
class, eg
the definition of member functions has
a LITTLE different from that of
standalone ones

the syntax
class Name {
data-member declarations;
member-function declaration;
member-function definitions;

declaration vs definition

declaration tells the existence, the type
or the prototypes of the object
definition gives the meaning or the
semantics of the objects
