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Gợi ý trả lời VNU EPT speaking part 3 tháng1,2,3 4 2021

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TOPIC 1: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.- William
Yeasts. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
Giáo dục không phải là làm đầy xô nước mà là thắp sáng ánh lửa. William
Yeasts. Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm trên. Đưa dẫn chứng, ví dụ từ
việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.
1. Education is unlimited/ without ends.
- A bucket can contain hundreds of thousands of drops of water; however, it still
just contains a certain number of drops.
- A fire, on the other hand, can grow bigger and bigger like knowledge.
2. We should inspire people to learn new things, especially what they want
to ignite their needs instead of pouring knowledge which they do not like
into their brains.
- Filling the bucket is like feeding the brain.
- People can actually learn only if they have a preference for it.
3. Teachers do not just simply impart the knowledge and experience, but
they also affect the feelings, social behavior of their learners.
- Filling a bucket is a passive action which results in nothing more than a brain
full of theories.

- The ultimate goal of this action is to motivate and launch the passion inside the
4. Lighting a fire helps teachers free from passively feeding their learners.
- If education is just filling a bucket, then teachers need to fill knowledge into
their learners for the rest of their life.
- This is because students have no ability to explore things by themselves.
5. Teaching and learning process is like when we are lighting a fire because

it can automatically spread.
- When it lights, the fire burns bright and hot.
- Moreover, it lasts for a long period of time.

TOPIC 2: How can we prevent child abuse (including physical abuse,
emotional abuse, child labour,..) Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
Làm sao ta có thể ngăn chặn lạm dụng trẻ em (lạm dụng sức thể chất, tinh
thần và sức lao động,..) Đưa dẫn chứng, ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và
quan sát của bạn.

1. Teach children what their rights are
- It is very important for kids to know what they are allowed to do and what
results in punishments.
- They should understand in what case to reject what they do not want.
2. Educate ourselves/ adults

- Adults must know how to store their frustration/ anger and not to freely
express it in front of kids.
- Adults are not permitted to take advantage of their age to force children to do
something beyond their capabilities.
3. Report whenever we witness child abuse
- This case continues to happen as we pretend not to see it.
- If we directly report this to the police, for example, we can stop it from
4. Take part in prevention courses and programs
- In order to take action, we must at least know what child abuse is.
- We need to know how to be careful so that we can save that kid.
5. Discipline the kids gently and thoughtfully.

- Never criticize our kids when we are in anger.
- Spend time calming ourselves down first and then explain everything verbally
and nicely.

TOPIC 3: In your opinion, what are three most important events/ changes
in Vietnam and the world in 2020? Give reasons and examples from your
reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
Theo quan điểm của bạn, 3 sự kiện/ thay đổi nào quan trọng nhất ở Việt
Nam và trên thế giới năm 2020? Đưa dẫn chứng, ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.

1. Covid-19 pandemic
- This epidemic phenomenon arrived as soon as the year of 2020 began.
- It has damaged the life of people all over the globe.
2. The Covid-19 affects the nation’s economy tremendously.
- We are in need of reforming a stronger economy to help recover the business
- Many people are reported to have no jobs.
3. President election in the USA
- This is a cut-throat competition between two potential candidates.
- It turns out in the end that Biden is chosen to be the next president of America.
4. Extreme and violent natural disaster in the middle region of Vietnam
- Residents living in the middle areas have been suffering from a harsh
condition which is flood.
- However, they have been receiving support, both financial and emotional from
people from other places.

5. Vietnamese comedian Chi Tai passed away because of a stroke.

- He was one of the most famous and well-known artists in Vietnam.
- He was found lying motionless inside his apartment.

TOPIC 4: Instead of having a housemaid, it is better for parents to pay
their own children for their help with the housework? Do you agree or
disagree? Give reasons and examples from your reading, experience or
observations to support your point of view.
Thay vì thuê người giúp việc, cha mẹ nên trả tiền cho con cái để chúng phụ
việc nhà. Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm trên. Đưa dẫn chứng, ví dụ
từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.

1. It is a chance for children to learn how to do domestic work.
- Usually, kids do not have to pay attention to household chores.
- Eventually, they are not able to do basic housework such as doing laundry,
washing dishes, etc.
2. They learn how to take care of the whole family
- Children, while doing housework, simultaneously learn what they have to do
to keep their house clean.
- They also know the way to organize their own house in the future.
3. They understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to do

- Children often think that there is nothing challenging to wash some bowls and
dishes or clean the bedroom.
- They are likely to believe that sweeping the floor takes around 5 minutes at
4. Doing household chores helps clarify how difficult it is to make a living.
- Children realize that they have worked so hard and long but in return, they

receive just a small amount of money.
- They begin to know that it is not easy for their parents to raise them.
5. It increases the responsibility in children.
- When being paid, they are aware that they are hired.
- They have to work to deserve what they receive.

TOPIC 5: How can people be smart online shoppers? Give reasons and
examples from your reading, experience or observations to support your
point of view.
Làm sao để trở thành người mua hàng online thơng minh? Đưa dẫn chứng,
ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.

1. Visit many websites at the same time
- This is because it helps them have an overall look about the products.
- They have more choices to consider.

2. Compare the prices among different sites.
- It is a good idea to put distinct shops on a scale to compare.
- By doing so, online buyers know which shop offers cheaper products.
3. Read reviews carefully.
- It is advised that online customers should pay attention to the comments and
feedback of the previous buyers.
- They can have the general idea about the product before actually buying it.
4. Ask for detailed information about the products.
- Before deciding whether or not they should buy something online, they need
to ask the seller to get more details about the item.
- They might want the purchaser to consult which one fits them most.
5. Be sure that they know who sells the items.
- There are many cases when buyers are deceived.

- In case they want to reach the seller, there must be at least something like a
phone number to contact him/her.

More and more parents let their children watch English nursery rhythms
or English cartoons on Youtube. What are the effects of this trend? Give
reasons and details or examples from your reading, experience, or
observations to support your answers.

Ngày càng nhiều cha mẹ để con cái xem nhạc hay hoạt hình tiếng Anh trên
Youtube. Tác dụng của xu hướng này là gì? Đưa lý do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ
từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ câu trả lời của
1. Children acquire English unconsciously.
- By watching cartoons and videos in English, children expose themselves
to English speaking environment.
- Parents do not need to force them to sit at the table and learn English.
2. Parents have time to do something else.
- While children are watching Youtube, parents can continue with their
- They can arrange domestic duties like washing dishes, doing laundry, etc.
3. Parents can control what their children listen to or see.
- Letting children watch English videos on Youtube allows parents to
supervise their kids.
- They can manipulate what their children learn from.
4. English nursery songs and movies help adjust children’s behaviors.
- Those cartoons teach children how to be good members of society.

- They help children gain all-round development.
5. Children can also improve their life skills by watching English songs and
- Children learn how to make crafts from what they have seen on Youtube.
- They know how to communicate and interact with people accordingly.
With the development of technology, Internet fraud is increasingly popular
all over the world. Discuss some major cases in Vietnam recently and some
solutions to prevent it. Give reasons and examples from your reading,
experience or observations to support your point of view.
Với sự phát triển của công nghệ, lừa đảo trên Internet đang ngày càng phổ
biến trên thế giới. Thảo luận các trường hợp chính ở Việt Nam và đưa ra

giải pháp để ngăn chặn. Đưa lý do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn.

Be aware of our personal information.
- Many people are not fully alert that their personal information can
be leaked.
- Never publish our details if it is not necessary.


Do not make friends online often.
- Many criminals are available online in order to fraud people.
- People act differently in a good way to deceive naive online users.


Check everything carefully before making any decision.
- Before buying something, read comments from previous
- Before clicking on any link, make sure that that link is secure.


Never reveal our password to anyone.
- Cover your phone screen or desktop whenever you enter your
- Even if someone is close to you, do not let your password be
known to him/her.


Educate ourselves by reading news regularly to update information
about new tricks on the Internet.
- Read online and print newspapers daily to see what fraudsters often
do to swindle people.
- Try to be alert after reading the new tricks of swindlers.

What are some ways to control the increasing number of drug addicts in
Vietnam? Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples
taken from your reading, experience, or observations.
Làm thế nào để kiểm soát được số lượng người nghiện ở Việt Nam. Đưa lý
do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để
hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn.


The government should invest more in schools and education.
- This is to educate people about the adverse effect of drugs on drug
- People, especially school-age students, will never get involved in


Those holding the authority need to impose new laws.
- They must control their citizens using fear in order to ensure that
they will not be addicted to drugs.
- Introducing stricter laws is an effective way to control the number
of drug users.


Parents should talk to their children often.
- Drug addicts often have a poor family background.
- Their parents are not close to them and willing to listen to them.


Schools should have some events to share about the impact of drugs
on users to their students.
- Students need to gain a deep insight into how bad it is to become a
drug addict.
- Students will take it into consideration before they decide to get

stuck in it.


The government should carry out campaigns to encourage people to
live a healthy and happy life.
- The local and national government plays an important role in
reducing the percentage of drug users.
- These campaigns can be viewed as a powerful teaching method.

“Wearing make-up and dressing smartly can help a woman become more
successful at work.” Do you agree or disagree with the opinion? Give
reasons and details or examples from your reading, experience, or
observations to support your point of view.
“Trang điểm và ăn mặc đẹp có thể giúp người phụ nữ thành cơng hơn
trong công việc.” Bạn đồng ý hay không với quan điểm này. Đưa lý do và

chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn để hỗ trợ
câu trả lời của bạn.
1. Make-up and smart clothes can completely change the way one looks.
- Beauty is very crucial from a woman’s perspective.
- They can look a bit messy at home, but they should never be the
same at work.

Putting on some lipsticks can make women become more confident.
- Cosmetics and beautiful clothes are women’s secrets at the

- - When they become confident, they will work more effectively
and productively.


They may look more formal and powerful.
- Women should never be regarded as inferior, weaker than men.
- Wearing make-up and dressing smartly make them more powerful.


Women are also more of a representative of the company.
- They are the front face of their organizations.
- Other people will look at them to judge the whole company.


Caring about appearance helps women succeed in signing business
- Wearing make-up and wearing smartly are seen as a way to respect
- Signing contracts or any statements do not seem to be a big deal.

More and more families hire part-time maids. What are the causes of this
trend? Give reasons and details or examples from your reading, experience,
or observations to support your answer.
Ngày càng nhiều gia đình thuê người giúp việc bán thời gian. Nguyên nhân
là gì? Đưa lý do và chi tiết hoặc ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan

sát của bạn để hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn.


Part-time housemaids require fewer needs.
- They are not going to sleep over.
- They require no health insurance.


They receive bonuses per hour, which costs less than paying for a fulltime maid.
- It is often quite expensive to employ a full-time maid.
- Full-time maids may work for a couple of hours but receive
monthly salaries.


Full-time maids may cause some inconveniences to the host family.
- Living with a complete stranger causes awkward moments.
- The host family does not feel comfortable.


The host family may find it insecure living with a full-time maid.
- Family lives with the fear that that maid may steal material things.
- Domestic workers can just vanish into thin air after they steal
something priceless.


It is more of a flexible choice.
- The host family will find it convenient to hire a maid anytime that
suits them.
- Full-time domestic workers may not be a good choice when you
want to invite some of your friends over.

VNU- EPT Speaking Part 3 (11/2020)
Do you think the sidewalks cleanup campaign in Vietnam will be widely
successful? Why or why not? Give your opinion and support it with reasons
and examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.
Bạn có nghĩ chiến dịch dẹp sạch vỉa hè ở Việt Nam sẽ thành công trên diện rộng?
Tại sao và tại sao không? Đưa ra quan điểm của bạn và ủng hộ nó bằng các lý do
và ví dụ lấy từ q trình đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1. Street vending is a unique scene in Vietnam.
- We can hardly find this traditional way elsewhere in other parts of the world.

- It seems that Vietnam is one of the very few countries that still preserves this
conventional selling method.
2. Vietnamese people are familiar with this type of selling and buying products.
- Selling and buying along the street is embedded in the mind of generations.
- For years, Vietnamese residents have been used to purchasing things on sidewalks
and changing this habit is a real hassle.
3. This way of vending their offerings is more comfortable and convenient.
- It is easier for Vietnamese citizens to get what they want alongside the road than
going to the market or supermarket in a way that they do not need to find a place to
park their vehicles.

- It saves buyers a lot of time since they can sit still on their motorbikes and the
trading still succeeds.
4. Many foreign people pay Vietnam a visit because they want to observe this
way of offering creation with their naked eyes.
- Tons of people who come from other nations are curious about the way we sell and
buy things right on the sidewalks.
- Vietnam is known for its one-of-the-kind selling method which ignites the desire to
witness it among foreigners.
5. Selling things right on the pavement is widely developed, so it is not easy to
cease/stop it.
- Trading along the street has been passed down to the next successors for
- More and more Vietnamese people have applied it in their daily work to earn
“Due to the increasing number of motorcycles in Ho Chi Minh City, the traffic
situation is getting worse. Banning all motorcycles from the city will solve the
traffic problem.”
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons and examples
from your reading, experience or observations to support your point of view.
"Vì sự gia tăng xe máy ở TP.HCM, vấn nạn giao thông ngày càng tệ đi. Cấm xe máy
trong thành phố sẽ giải quyết được vấn đề này."
Bạn đồng ý hay khơng với câu nói này? Đưa lý do và ví dụ lấy từ quá trình đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1. It is impossible to stop this excessive number of motorbikes from
increasingly growing.
- There exists a great number of motorcycles being used now.

- It results in the difficulty in the process of replacing it with any other types of
2. Motorbikes are convenient compared to public transportation.
- Everyone has their own desired route, so with a personal vehicle like a motorcycle,
they can go wherever they want.
- In the event of traffic congestion, motorcycles help users take a shortcut easily.
3. It saves us lots of time when we use personal motorbikes to commute to
- Mass transit has its own route and it cannot serve all the passengers going to
different places.
- People commuting by buses are likely to be packed like sardine during rush hours.
4. Motorcycles are affordable compared to four-wheel means of transportation.
- It is obvious that motorcycle is the optimal choice when it comes to price.
- Cars can save more room on the street but they are criminally expensive.
5. This solution will make people living in HCMC struggle with everyday life.
- This is because they have already bought a motorcycle to handle the problem "How
to travel to work?"
- If motorbikes are inhibited, they have no idea what to do with ones that are
available at home.

What are some solutions to raise the position of Vietnamese agricultural
products in the world market? Support your position with reasons and
examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.
Những giải pháp để nâng cao vị trí của sản phẩm nơng nghiệp Việt Nam trên thị
trường thế giới là gì? Ủng hộ quan điểm của bạn bằng lý do và ví dụ lấy từ q trình
đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1. Increase the quality of the products.
- What makes the customers impressed the most is the quality inside the package.
- The end consumers will judge the quality strictly; therefore, investing more in the

process of enhancing products into high-quality ones is essential.
2. Make use of social networks.
- Knowing how to widely and successfully bring the products to customers is the key
to success.
- We can take advantage of common websites like Facebook or Twitter to advertise
our agricultural goods.

3. Upgrade the quality of packaging.
- What is written on the outside of the products needs to be readable and meaningful
to attract the world market.
- If our agricultural products are well made, but the package is easily torn apart, they
can hardly win the buyers' heart.
4. Change the outlook of packages.
The quality itself is significant; however, its appearance also plays a
pivotal/important role.
- It would be better if we invest more time and money to alter the products' outlook to
make them more impressive.
5. Accept feedback from consumers and be willing to learn from mistakes.
- Conducting monthly interviews or surveys is also a way to go if we desperately
want to spread our image.
- Listening with all our hearts to comments coming from the end consumers to
gradually fit their taste.

Topic 4
Should Hanoi model after Paris or Ho Chi Minh City model after
Singapore? Why or why not?
Give your opinion and support it with reasons and examples taken from
your reading, experience, or observations.
Hà Nội có nên xem Paris là hình mẫu hay Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh có nên

xem Singapore là hình mẫu để học theo? Tại sao hay tại sao không?
Đưa quan điểm của bạn và ủng hộ nó bằng lí do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh
nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.

1. Paris and Singapore are less crowded compared to Hanoi and HCMC =
There are not as many people living/ residing in Paris and Singapore as
in Hanoi and HCMC.
- The number of people inhabiting in Paris and Singapore is less than that in
Hanoi and HCMC => is worth living.
- No need to long for a spatial environment like in Hanoi or HCMC.

2. The living standard in Paris and Singapore is way higher than that in
Hanoi and HCMC.

- Those who spend their lives in Paris or Singapore will have a better living
standard in most aspects.
- Their income is way higher.
3. They are developed cities, unlike ours - developing ones.
- Paris and Singapore are called “big cities” while Hanoi and HCMC are still
growing every day.
- They have a better reputation and high profiles in the economy, developing
speed, etc.

4. The quality of infrastructure and public amenity is more concentrated.
- There are a variety of modern = state-of-the-art facilities to offer their
citizens, which should be a model to learn from.
- Venues for public purposes / recreational places are in high standard or good

5. Lives of the French and Singaporean citizens/ inhabitants/ people are
safer and better.
- Streets are safer for pedestrians / walkers.
- The environment, in general, is way cleaner and greener.
What are some social responsibilities of journalism? Support your position
with reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or
Những trách nhiệm mà phóng viên phải chịu là gì? Ủng hộ quan điểm của bạn bằng
lý do và ví dụ lấy từ quá trình đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc quan sát của bạn.
1. In the process of collecting news, the press needs to be proactive and
- To save themselves from being isolated from the society, they must always remind
themselves that they are not allowed to be careless while conducting a survey, for
- Being proactive is also necessary because if they are passive while asking
questions, they will collect less information, which can lead to the misunderstanding
between them and the interviewed citizens.
2. Those working as a journalist must keep in mind that every single detail
they unfold to the public must be accurate.

- They will be in a severe case of lawsuit if there exists any piece of information that
is proved untrue.
- Even a small change from the real story can cost a life.
3. Journalists need to remember their boundaries.
- The media, while gathering information, must be clear and objective, meaning that
they do not have the right to show their personal feelings.
- It is their limit not to be subjective or put their own perspective into the case.

4. The press must always support facts, not personal benefits.
- It is prohibited to take advantage of their position to go against what is true.
- If they do anything to profit for themselves, they will be alienated by the whole
5. True connoisseurs take responsibility for the right of their interviewed
- What is confidential needs to be kept to protect the interviewee.
- The press are not encouraged to sell those secrets to benefit themselves.

VNU- EPT Speaking Part 3 (12/2020)
Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which
you can use to change the world.”
Has Vietnam used this weapon effectively to change itself? Why or why
not? Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your
reading, experience, or observations.
1. In the past, Vietnam successfully implemented a project entitled “Binh
dan hoc vu”.
- People were living under the pressure of wars; however, they were still
encouraged to learn how to read and write.

- Illiteracy was something that needed to be erased since the war time.
2. In this day and age, it is a must to study until grade 9 or even grade
- The government acknowledges the essence of education for everyone.
- Even though they cannot follow the academic programme, they still need to
continue their education by attending vocational courses.
3. The authority tries to encourage people to continue their education by
charging no tuition fee in primary or secondary programme.

- Specifically in remote areas, children are supported to go to schools even
when their parents can hardly afford the fee.
- Besides, scholarships are always available to assist students.
4. In recent decades, more and more Vietnamese people have proven
that the education system in our homeland is on the right track.
- The number of talented scientists and mathematicians is increasingly
- We have gained many awards and international prizes, which we can surely
take pride in.
5. Those who have difficulty in seeing or hearing are still encouraged to
- It is clear that disabled people can still have a chance to go to schools.
- Society always facilitates the learning process of these people to strengthen
their will to study.


There is a shortage of medical staff in many remote areas all over the
country. What should be a solution, and why? Give your opinion and
support it with reasons and examples taken from your reading,
experience, or observations.
Lượng nhân viên y tế đang thiếu hụt ở nhiều khu vực vùng sâu vùng xa
trên cả nước. Giải pháp là gì và tại sao? Đưa ra quan điểm của bạn và
ủng họ nó với lý do và ví dụ lấy từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát
của bạn.
1. For those who are willing to work in far distance areas, they should be
rewarded as much as they deserve.
- Doctors and nurses working far from the city centre should have higher

- Besides, getting more related benefits like more days off can also fix this
2. We should improve their working place, specifically the hospitals to
facilitate their working.
- With few facilities, medical staff can hardly work effectively, which
deteriorates their will to work.
- We had better equip more cutting-edge devices to make everything easier
for them.
3. Living condition is also a thing we should consider carefully if we
want to attract more medical experts to remote areas.
- Doctors and nurses do need a place to put their feet up after a hard day at
- We should provide them with fully-equipped houses to boost their working

4. Another good idea is to support students who are living right at
remote areas to study medicines if they are interested in it.
- The local authority needs to assist immediately if there exists any student
who has a burning passion for this profession.
- After graduation, they can go back to their hometown to work.
5. We ought to regularly exchange medical staff over time.
- One will work in remote areas for a specific period of time.
- After that, they will move to big cities with the same amount of them.

What are some ways of reducing plastic for a greener environment?
Support your position with reasons and examples taken from your
reading, experience, or observations.

Chỉ ra một vài cách để giảm lượng nhựa cho môi trường xanh hơn. Ủng
hộ quan điểm của bạn bằng lí do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm hoặc
quan sát của bạn.
1. Reuse used products.
- Instead of throwing them all away, we should keep them for further use to
protect the environment.
- Plastic cups can also be reused to save the environment.
2. Have our own shopping bags.
- We had better use our shopping bags while going out to buy something so
that we can save at least one plastic bag at a time.
- We can use bags made from some other materials to replace plastic ones
such as canvas.
3. Recycle used paper or broken bottles.
- We had better gather/ collect bottles after use to recycle them.
- It will surely make the Earth greener and the environment cleaner.
4. Educate ourselves to treat nicely to the environment.
- Kids need to be taught seriously about this controversial issue.
- Adults must be in search of more solutions to solve this problem.

5. Reuse plastics.
- If we go to the supermarket to buy stuff, keep the plastic bags for future use.
- Plastic cups can also be reused to save the environment.

“Chinese-manufactured fake products are just as good as - if not better
than - the real deal”. Alibaba founder Jack Ma told journalists when
interviewed about his trade of Chinese-manufactured fake products in
the world market.

In your opinion, should fake products be made and sold widely if they
are just as good as or better than real ones? Support your position with
reasons and examples taken from your reading, experience, or
Đồ giả Trung Quốc tốt ngang bằng - nếu khơng muốn nói là tốt hơn đồ
thật. Jack Ma - Người sáng lập ra Alibaba nói với nhà báo khi được
phỏng vấn đề việc buôn bán sản phẩm giả Trung Quốc trên thị trường
thế giới. Theo quan điểm của bạn, sản phẩm giả có nên được làm và bán
rộng rãi nếu chúng tốt bằng hoặc tốt hơn đồ thật? Ủng hộ quan điểm
của bạn bằng lý do và ví dụ từ việc đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của
1. It will affect the reputation of branded names.
- People who are used to buying fake items are likely to continue purchasing
them instead of real ones.
- This phenomenon leads to the dramatic decrease in the total number sold in
branded companies.

2. Counterfeit products can really kill/ replace authentic ones one day.
- Fake products are certainly cheaper compared to real ones.
- Customers are likely to be allured to buy counterfeit items and at the end of
the day, not many people appreciate the value of authentic ones.
3. Fake products might look good from the outside but they might affect
the consumers in a long run.
- Unofficial products seem to look exactly the same with authentic ones;
however, they may damage the users’ health if they consume it in a long
period of time.
- Counterfeit products are unlikely to have safety guarantee, which are
unhealthy to the buyers.

4. Our tax revenue will be affected if we allow fake products to be widely
- Fake products producers do not pay taxes.
- The increase in the quantity of unofficial items decreases legitimate business
5. It prevents people from creating new ideas.
- Obviously, if we allow fake products to be sold widespread, it ignites a
dramatic concern in terms of innovation.
- No one wants to try to come up with new ideas if they can simply copy it.

Should BRT (bus rapid transit) be implemented in Ho Chi Minh City?
Why or why not? Give your opinion and support it with reasons and
examples taken from your reading, experience, or observations.

BRT (xe buýt nhanh) có nên được thực hiện ở TPHCM? Tại sao hoặc tại
sao không? Ủng hộ quan diểm của bạn bằng lý do và ví dụ lấy từ quá
trình đọc, kinh nghiệm và quan sát của bạn.
1. People are not getting used to this kind of transit.
- Some people are not willing to try it as they are familiar with normal buses
- This might be the first time they know about BRT, so they are quite reluctant.
2. BRT needs its own lanes to be driven.
- BRT requires its own separate lanes in order not to be delayed by traffic
congestion/ traffic jam.
- Reconstructing lanes is a must in this case.
3. It requires a lot of time to implement in reality.
- Government and authority need time to plan and adjust this project.

- It is also a waste of time to reconstruct everything.
4. Money needed to invest in this project is unimaginable.
- It is going to cost a lot of money to get this plan done.
- The residents also have to contribute to it.

5. There are too many strict requirements regarding all aspects.
- It needs off-board collection / A place to buy ticket.
- Unlike any other normal buses where we can easily pay right on the bus,
BRT asks for separates places to get tickets paid.
