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Unit 11. Sources of energy

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<b>Textbook : Tieng Anh 11 (Basic)</b>

<b>Class: 11B5</b> <b>Date: February, 9th<sub> 2015</sub></b>

<b>Unit 11: Sources of energy </b> <b>Listening</b>

<b>Teacher in charge: Cao Hoai Ngan</b> <b>Supervisor: Vu Khiem Ai</b>

<b>1. Objectives: </b>by the end of the lesson
- Languages: Ss will be able to

+ gain more knowledge about two different kinds of energy sources: renewable and nonrenewable
- Skills: Ss will be able to:

+ know how to do multiple choices and blank filling task.
+ improve listening skill such as listening for details

<b>2. Assumed knowledge</b>:

- Ss have already had background knowledge about sources of energy

<b>3. Anticipated problems</b>:

- Ss may not know many vocabulary items related to sources of energy -> T provides Ss necessary

- Ss don’t know how to get specific information -> T should give them instruction

<b>4. Teaching aids</b>: textbook, blackboard, speaker, projector, handouts.

<b>5. Procedures</b>

<b>Stages/ Time</b> <b>Teacher</b> <b>Students</b>

<b>Review the</b>

<b>(10 mins)</b>


<b>-</b> Give Ss instruction:

+ Introduce Ss a statement: We should use nuclear energy.
+ Divide Ss into 2 groups: Agree and Disagree

+ Leader of each group play paper, scissors, stone to gain a
chance to choose whether they want to agree or disagree with
the statement

+ Each group has 5 turns to protect their opinion
+ 1 different person/ turn/ < 1 minute

+ More convincing group will gain 2 points

<b>-</b> Encourage Ss to use expressions which they have learnt in
Speaking section.

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<b>-</b> Give Ss some suggestions (Appendix 1)

<b>-</b> Let Ss discuss in 3 minutes and then start to debate

<b>-</b> After 5 turns, T gives feedbacks

<b>Lead – in</b>
<b>(2 mins)</b>

T: Class, tell me. Is nuclear energy a limited or unlimited resource?
Ss: limited

T: OK. There are some ways to classify sources of energy. Fossil
fuels and alternative sources, limited and unlimited. To get more
knowledge, today we are going to listen to a short explanation about
another way to classify sources of energy.

Unit 11: Sources of energy. Part C: Listening

Ss listen and
answer T’s

<b>Pre- listening</b>
<b>(2 mins)</b>

<b>-</b> Pronounce some difficult words to help Ss get familiar to these

<b>ecologist </b>/iˈkɒlədʒɪst/

<b>fossil fuels </b>/ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəl/

<b>resources </b>/rɪˈsɔːsiz/

<b>unlimited </b>/ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/

<b>renewable </b>/rɪˈnjuːəbl/

<b>fertilized </b>/ˈfɜːtəlaɪzd/

Listen and repeat

<b>While –</b>
<b>(10 mins)</b>

<b>Task 1:Listen and complete the sentences by circling the letter A, </b>
<b>B, C or D.</b>

<b>-</b> Instruct Ss how to do a multiple choice task
+ Read through a whole task, underline key words

+ While listening, remember to find key words that help you
choose correct answer.

<b>-</b> Let Ss listen twice

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to answer and give key words heard in the tape. 1
correct answer = 1 point

<b>-</b> Give Ss answer keys:

1. D these resources … Ecologists study their importance
and how to use them carefully

2. C The natural environment includes all natural resources
3. D If the resource can be replaced quickly, it is called

4.A grass for animals is a renewable resource
5. B it takes millions of yearsto make coal

Ss listen and do
task 1

After listening,
Ss give T the
correct answer
and key words

<b>(5 mins)</b> <b>Task 2: Listen again to the last part of the talk and write in the </b>
<b>missing words</b>

<b>-</b> Instruct Ss how to do a blank filling task

Ss listen and do
task 2

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+ Read through a whole paragraph

+ Only pay attention to the missing word

<b>-</b> Let Ss listen once individually

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to write missing word on the board
1 correct answer = 1 point

<b>-</b> Let Ss listen again and give answer keys
1. unlimited

2. atmosphere
3. may

4. gases
5. amounts

Ss give T the
correct answer

<b>Post –</b>
<b>(2 mins)</b>

<b>Task 3: Decide which group some listed sources of energy belong </b>
<b>to: renewable and nonrenewable</b>

<b>-</b> Ask some Ss to give answer.

<b>-</b> Give Ss the answer keys:
Coal: nonrenewable

Geothermal heat: renewable
Petroleum: nonrenewable
Solar energy: renewable
Oil: nonrenewable
Wind energy: renewable
Gas: nonrenewable

Ss answer T’s

<b>Extra task</b>
<b>(13 mins)</b>

<b>Task 4: You will hear a young student talk about how to save </b>
<b>energy. Write down some ways to do so. </b>

<b>-</b> Give Ss instruction

+ Listen to the tape once individually

+ Take note what you hear (try to use exactly words/ phrases
heard in the tape)

+ Work in group, compare with your friends’ notes and write
everything on a piece of paper.

+ Pint your group’s paper on the board

<b>-</b> Mark each group’s paper depend on the number of ideas

<5 ideas: 6 points

6 - 8 ideas: 8 points
8 – 10 ideas: 9 points
>10 ideas: 10 points

- Recommend Ss “The little green book”. A book contains
many useful tips to save energy and protect environment.

Ss listen and take

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- Sum up total points each group has, then announce the

<b>(1 min)</b>

<b>-</b> Ask SS to watch 2 statistic clips at home to prepare for Writing

<b>+ BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2013 report</b>
<b> + BP Energy Outlook 2035</b>

Note down



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