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Gián án revision 12

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I-Choose the best answer:
1. You shouldn’t have criticized him in front of the class. It was extremely________ of you.
A. insensible B. insensitive C. sensible D. sensitive
2. You should make a(n) ________ to overcome this problem.
A. effort B. impression C. trial D. apology
3. All of us won’t go camping________ the weather stays fine.
A. so B. but C. however D. unless
4. The manager________ him for a minor mistake.
A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. complained
5. That pipe________ for ages – we must get it mended.
A. has been leaking B. is leaking C. leaks D. had been leaking
6. ________ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.
A. In B. With C. On D. To
7. Linda: “Excuse me! Where’s the post office?” Maria: “________.”
A. I’m afraid not B. It’s over there C. Don’t worry D. Yes, I think so
8. I’m going to have my house ________ this weekend.
A. redecorates B. redecorating C. redecorate D. redecorated
9. ________ I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a magazine.
A. When B. While C. Before D. After
10. Alice: “What shall we do this evening?” Tom: “________.”
A. No problem B. Oh, that’s good C. Let’s go out for dinnerD. I went out for dinner
11. ________ the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time.
A. In case of B. In spite of C. Because of D. Despite
12. Mary was the last applicant ________.
A. to interview B. to be interviewed C. to have interviewed D. to have interviewed
II- Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one:
1. It is a basic requirement in the modern would to be able to deal with figures.
A. The world requires us to have a basic understanding of figures.
B. Being able to deal with figures is a basic requirement in the modern world.
C. Dealing with the modern world requires a basic knowledge of figures.

D. Dealing with figures requires a basic knowledge of the modern world.
2. The captain to his men: “Abandon the ship immediately!”
A. The captain told his men to abandon the ship immediately.
B. The captain invited his men to abandon the ship immediately.
C. The captain ordered his men to abandon the ship immediately.
D. The captain suggested his men abandon the ship immediately.
3. The police said, “Don’t touch anything in the room.”
A. The police commanded not to touch anything in the room.
B. The police advised to not touch anything in the room.
C. The police said not touch anything in the room.
D. The police asked not touching anything in the room.
4. “Leave my house now or I’ll call the police!” shouted the lady to the man.
A. The lady said that she would call the police if the man didn’t leave the house.
B. The lady told the man that she would call the police if he didn’t leave the house.
C. The lady informed the man she would call the police if he didn’t leave the house.
D. The lady threatened to call the police if the man didn’t leave her house.
III- Rewrite these sentences:
1. I have never stayed in such an expensive hotel before.
→ This is the first time………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces o music before he was 35.
→ By the age……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. When she heard the news, Mary began to feel more confident.
→ Since……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. The last time Nancy came here was in 1996.
→ Nancy hasn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. “I haven’t read so interesting book since I don’t remember when.” She said
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. When we finally heard that David had arrived, we were very relieved.
→ We were relieved………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a car.

→ Harry’s parents’ didn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. What I want to do is start my own business. I am keen
→ I am keen……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………
10. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school.
→ Despite………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
IV- Ch oose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. instead B. deafness C. leader D. headache
2. A. advantage B. adventure C. advertise D. advice
3. A. nursery B. future C. secure D. manufacture
4. A. apply B. require C. finance D. applicant
5. A. certain B. conical C. celebrate D. ancestor
V- Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others:
1. A. competition B. residential C. expectation D. traditional
2. A. tennis B. between C. country D. into
3. A. pretend B. command C. leisure D. secure
4. A. marvellous B. family C. attractive D. industry
5. A. discovery B. difficulty C. simplicity D. commodity
VI- Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
In summary, for most visitors, the Japanese are (1) _____ and difficult to understand. The graceful act of (2) _____,
is the traditional greeting. However, they have also adopted the western custom of shaking hands, but with a light
grip. Meanwhile, to (3) _____ respect for their customs, it would flatter them to offer a slight bow when
being introduced. (4) _____ hugging and kissing when greeting. It is considered rude to stare. Prolonged direct eye
contact is considered to be (5) _____ or even intimidating. It is rude to stand with your hand or hands in your
pockets, especially when greeting someone (6) _____ when addressing a group of people. The seemingly simple act
of exchanging business cards is more complex in Japan (47) ____ the business card represents not only one's identity but
also his (8) _____ in life. Yours should be printed in your own language and in Japanese. The Japanese are not a
touch-oriented society; so avoid open displays of affection, touching or any prolonged (9) _____ of body contact.
Queues are generally respected; especially in crowded train and subway stations (10) _____ the huge volume of
people causes touching and pushing.
1. A. complex B. easy C. simply D. cheap

2. A. shaking B. hugging C. bowing D. looking
3. A. pay B. show C. point D. draw
4. A. Agree B. Avoid C. Recommend D. Allow
5. A. politely B. impoliteness C. impolitely D. impolite
6. A. or B. but c. either D. nor
7. A. because B. even if C. unless D. though
8. A. location B. stand C. status D. place
9. A. path B. route C. form D. style
10. A. that B. when C. which D. where

VII- Choose the part that needs correcting:
1. Simond finds it hard for making friends with other children
2. A person's body postures, movements but positions more often tell us exactly what they mean.
3. I can’t remember the name of the girl who sitting next to me at the party last night.
4. On the way home, we saw a lot of men, women, dogs which were playing in the park.
5. Although both of them are trying to get the scholarship, the younger may win it because she has the highest grade.
VIII- Read the passage and then answer choose the best answer:
Passage 1:
These days, most people in Britain and the US do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear
the right thing. Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go
out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts you can put on what you like
from elegant suits and dress to jeans and sweats. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.
But in Britain, as well as the US, men on offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dress or skirts. Doctors,
Lawyers and business people wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and
women wear smart dresses. In many years, Americans are more relaxed than in British people, but they are more careful with

their clothes. At home., or on holiday most Americans wear informal or sports clothes. But when they go out in the evening,
they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants, men often wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes and
smart hairstyles. It is difficult to say exactly what people wear formal or informal in Britain and the US, because everyone
is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch people do and then do the same. You’ll feel more relaxed if you
don’t look too different from everyone else.
1. Many British people wear freely when they________.
A. spend their free time B. attend meetings C. attend lectures D. meet their friends
2. Who doesn’t usually wear suits and ties?
A. Lawyers B. Doctors C. Drivers D. Accountants
3. If you visit an American friend at home in the evening, you may find that your friends wears ________.
A. pretty clothes B. informal clothes C. formal clothes D. plain cloths
4. If you are in foreign country, the best way the writer suggests to you is to wear ________.
A. strange clothes B. as the people there do C. your native clothes D. comfortable clothes
5. What do you think the passage is mainly about?
A. Recent dressing habit in Great Britain and in the US.
B. The reason why informal clothing is popular in the US and USA.
C. When we should wear in formal way.
D. Where we should wear in formal way.
Passage 2:
Mrs. Sand was having a lot of trouble with her skin, so she went to her doctor about it. However the doctor could
not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the local hospital for some tests. The hospital, of course, sent
the results of the tests direct to Mrs. Sand’s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of
the things that he thought she should not eat, as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble.
Mrs. Sand carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while
she went out to a ladies' meeting. When she got back home a couple of hours later, she found her husband waiting for
her. He had a big basket full of packages beside him, and when he saw her, he said, "Hello, sweetheart. I have done all
your shopping for you." "Done all my shopping?" she asked in surprise. "But how did you know what I wanted?"
"Well, when I got home I found your shopping list beside the telephone," answered her husband, "so I went down to
the shops and bought everything you had written down." Of course, Mrs. Sand had to tell him that he had bought all
the things the doctor did not allow her to eat!

1. The story is mainly about ____________.
A. Mrs. Sand's skin trouble B. Mrs. Sand's husband’s care for her
C. her husband's carelessness D. her husband's misunderstanding
2. Her doctor sent her to the local hospital because ____________.
A. she was not his patient
B. the medical tests there would tell him exactly what her problem was
C. the hospital would take good care of her thanks to the tests
D. hers was a very serious case
3. The ladies' meeting lasted ____________.
A. the whole morning B. exactly two hours
C. less than two hours D. more than two hours
4. Perhaps when Mrs. Sand left for the meeting, her husband ____________.
A. was working in the garden B. was in the bathroom
C. was somewhere in the house D. was out at work
5. Mrs. Sand's husband bought all the things on the list because ____________.
A. he wanted to help his wife with the shopping
B. he wanted to buy what she was not allowed to eat
C. he had nothing to do when he got home
D. he himself liked them very much

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