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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 97 đến period 101

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN Period 97. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Lesson 1: Reading. Date: 13/ 04/ 2009. I. Aims: help Ss develop their reading skills – reading about the Great Pyramid of Giza II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - guess meanings of words in context. - read to answer some questions about the content of the reading. - read to find the sentences that show facts and the ones that describe opinions. - talk about some wonders of the world III. Skills: - Main skill: Reading - Sub skills: Speaking – Listening - Writing IV. Methods: Communicative approach V. Teaching aids / Visual aids: textbook, sub board, handouts VI. Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm – up Ss – Ss 5’. Introduction T –Ss 1’ Pre – reading S–S 6’. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. T gets Ss to look at the pictures in the book and to answer some questions. Ss look at the pictures and discuss. +What are they? +Where are they? +When were they built? +Why were they built? +How were they built? +Who built them? T leads Ss to the topic of the reading: The wonders of the world. Ss listen to T. T introduces new lesson: UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD - Lesson 1: Reading T presents key words and structures in different ways. + wonder(n) -> wonderful (a) + pyramid (n) + pharaoh (n) + tomb (n) + burial chamber + surpass (v) + spiral ramp + weight arm + proceed (v) Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss listen and pay attention to T. Ss brainstorm to give ideas about the meanings of the words, listen and note down. Ss listen and read. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> + enclose (v) + The great Pyramid Is believed to have + It has been suggested that…. While – reading. Ind. 6’ S–S Ss - T T – Ss. S-S 12’ Ss – T T – Ss. T introduces the content of the reading and asks Ss to read through the text silently to get general comprehension. (T goes around the class to help Ss if necessary) Task 1: The box in the box all appear in the passage. Fill each blank with a suitable word. T explains the way to do task 1. T asks Ss to read the text again to locate the new words given and know their meanings in context, and then fill them in the blanks. T lets some Ss give their answers together with reasons and correct them.. Task 2: Answer the questions. T requires Ss to read through the questions in the book to understand them T makes Ss silently read the text again to answer the questions T gets Ss to work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions orally. T asks some Ss to give their answers and other Ss to remark these answers. Finally T corrects them.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. Some give answers, some give remarks and the others listen. Expected answers: 1. unknown 2.wonder 3. ramp 4. chamber 5. mysterious 6. spiral Ss read and make sure to understand the questions. Ss scan the story and answer the questions. Ss do as they were told Ss give feedback, listen, discuss, and take notes. Expected answers: 1. on the west bank of the river Nile around the year2560 BC. 2. About 147 m high and on a base of 230 m square. 3. To serve as a tomb when the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu died and to protect the burial chamber from the weather and from the thieves who might try to steal the treasures and belongings there. 4. It is thought that ancient Egyptians used straight or spiral ramps or huge weight arms to lift and place the blocks of stone. 5. The boat is believed to have been used to carry the body of Khufu in his last journey on earth before being buried inside the Pyramid.. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> S–S 8’ Ss – T T - Ss. Post – reading Ss – Ss 7’. Homework T – Ss 1’. Task 3: Scan the text and say what the following words refer to. T instructs Ss to do task 3. T requires Ss to do task 3. T asks Ss to work in pairs. T asks some Ss to give their answers and other Ss to remark these answers. Finally T corrects them.. * Discussion T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss this question: Which of the wonders of the world do you like best? Why? T goes around to offer help. T calls on some pairs to act out the conversation. T gives feedback. T summarizes the main points. T assigns homework. + Write a short paragraph about the wonders of the world you prefer.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss scan the text and say what the words given in the book refer to Ss listen and take notes. Ss give their answers and other Ss to remark these answers. Ss listen and take notes. Expected answers: 1. who (line 4) ---- the thieves 2. it (line 8) -------- the Great Pyramid 3. it (line 9) -------- the Great Pyramid 4. each (line 12) --- a block of stone Ss work in pairs to discuss this question: Ss act out the conversation. Some report and the others listen and give remarks. Ss listen and note down. Ss take notes.. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> LESSON PLAN Period 98. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Lesson 2: Speaking. Date: 13/ 04/ 2009. I. Aims: help Ss develop their speaking skills – talking about the Great Pyramid of Giza. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - distinguish facts and opinions. - talk about features of man-made wonders of the world. III. Skills: - Main skill: Speaking - Sub skills: Reading – Listening - Writing IV. Methods: Communicative approach V. Teaching aids / Visual aids: textbook, sub board, handouts VI. Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm – up Ss – Ss 3’. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Game: T divides the class into two groups and gives cues: 1. It is believed to have been built over a 20-year period. 2. It consisted approximately two million blocks of stone.. Ss look at the cues given by the teacher and guess what wonder of the world is. The group who gives the first correct answer is the winner. Introduction T – Ss 1’. T introduces new lesson: UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD - Lesson 2:Speaking. Ss listen to T.. Pre – speaking T – Ss 5’. Introduce what Ss are going to learn Make Ss recall the words they have learnt in the reading (page 179).  theory  construction  spiral ramp  bury Task 1: The sentences below all appear in the reading passage. Which sentences express facts (F) and which ones, opinion (O)? Put a tick () in the right column. Ask Ss to read through the sentences in task 1 and make sure that they understand them. Require Ss to discuss in pairs to distinguish between facts and opinions and tick in the right column. Make some Ss give their answers and give feedback.. Pay attention to T. Brainstorm to give ideas about the meanings of the words, listen and note down.. Ind. 6’ S–S Ss – T T - Ss. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Read the information. Discuss. Some give answers. The others remark, listen and note down. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> While - speaking S – S 14’ Ss – T T - Ss. Post – speaking S–S 14’ Ss – Ss Ss – T T - Ss. Homework T- Ss 2’. Task 2: Tell about some facts and opinions of the Great Pyramid of Giza, using the information in Task 1. Ask Ss to look at the examples and to give ideas about the way to make a sentence that show a fact and a sentence that describes an opinion. Let Ss work in pairs talking about the Great Pyramid of Giza, using the facts and opinions in task 1. Call the some pairs to perform their talk and give feedback. Task 3: Discuss possible answers to the following questions, using the suggestions below. Ask Ss to read the questions in task 3 and make sure that they understand them. Make Ss work in groups to ask and answer the questions about the Great Pyramid of Giza. Meanwhile T goes around the class to give help and finds out common mistakes. Require some pairs to report to the class what they have just discussed. Give feedback T summarizes the main points of the lesson. T assigns homework. + Write a paragraph about one of the historical places that you have talked about in the lesson.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Observe the examples, give ideas and take notes. Do as asked. Some pairs talk; the others listen and give remarks. Read the questions.. Ask and answer the questions. Some pairs talk; the others listen and give remarks Ss take notes.. Ss take notes.. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> LESSON PLAN Period 99. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Lesson 3: Listening. Date: 15/ 04/ 2009. I. Aims: help Ss develop their listening skills – listening to a passage about the Great Wall of China. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - Develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and listening for detailed information. - Use the information in the listening passage to talk about the Great Wall of China III. Skills: - Main skill: Listening - Sub skills: Reading – Speaking - Writing IV. Methods: Communicative approach V. Teaching aids / Visual aids: textbook, sub board, handouts VI. Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm – up S–S 4’. T shows some pictures of the wonders of the world and ask Ss to talk about name , location of these wonders. Introduction T – Ss 1’. T introduces new lesson: UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD - Lesson 3:Listening. Pre - listening T – Ss 3’ Ss – T. Ss ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Where do you think it is? 3. When do you think it was built? -Introduce to Ss that they will listen to a passage about the Great Wall of China -Pre-teach some new words + man –made wonder + magnificence and significance + World Heritage + UNESCO +Ming Dynasty + ancient + stone roadway + Beijing. T – Ss. 5’. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. -Listen and talk. Ss take notes. Look at the picture and answer the questions -The Great Wall - In China - During the Ming Dynasty -Listen and take notes. Ss work in groups of 4 and list down all what they know about Hoi An. Ss take notes. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> While – listening Ind. 12’ S–S Ss – T T - Ss. Ind. 14’ S-S Ss – T T - Ss. Post – listening Ss – Ss 5’. Homework T – Ss 1’. Task 1: Listen to the passage about the Great Wall of China and fill in the missing information. -Explain task1 and ask Ss to read sentences in Task 1 carefully -Play the tape twice and ask Ss to do the task -Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their friends -Give feedback 1. the moon; 2. 1987; 3.the Ming Dynasty; 4.200; 5. 200B.C; 6. 6,000km; 7. 11 metres; 8. stones Task 2: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. -Explain task 2 and ask Ss to read the questions carefully -Play the tape twice and ask Ss to do the task -Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their friends -Play the tape one more time and ask Ss to check the answers -Call one S asks and the other answers loudly. -Give feedback 1. The ancient Chinese started to build the Great Wall in 1368. 2. Five provinces 3. Because it can be seen from the moon 4. The part in the northwest of Beijing is the best choice for visit because it is still in its original state. -Read the sentences carefully -Listen to the tape and fill in the missing information -Compare their answers with a partner. -Read the questions -Listen to the tape and answer the questions -Compare their answers with a partner -Listen again and check the answer -Ask and answer the question. -Divide Ss into group of 4 and ask Ss to tell their partners why the Great Wall is considered one of the greatest wonders in the world and how it was built -Call some Ss to present their talks to the whole class -Give remarks. -Do as directed -Present their ideas to the class -Listen points.. -Write a short passage about the Great Wall. Ss take notes.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> LESSON PLAN Period 100. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Lesson 4: Writing. Date: 18/ 04/ 2009. I. Aims: help Ss develop their writing skills – write a short report on a visit to the Ponagar Cham Towers. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - write a short report on a visit to the Ponagar Cham Towers. - write a report III. Skills: - Main skill: Writing - Sub skills: Reading – Speaking - Listening IV. Methods: Communicative approach V. Teaching aids / Visual aids: textbook, sub board, handouts VI. Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS Warm – up Ss – Ss 5’. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Teacher asks Ss some questions: What do people often do on their holiday? Where do people go for their holiday? Why do people choose Nha Trang for their holiday? Why does the Ponagar Cham Tower attract a lot of tourists? Teacher shows Ss some pictures about the Ponagar Tower and leads them to new lesson. Introduction T – Ss 1’. T introduces new lesson: UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD - Lesson 4:Writing. Pre – writing T – Ss 12’. T asks Ss to read some notes made by a visit to the Ponagar Cham Towers and answer following questions: 1. Where are they? 2. Are they examples of Viet Architecture? 3. How many towers are there? 4. Where are they located? Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Students answer 1. stay at home, sleep, watch TV / travel / visit relatives 2. Vung Tau, Phan Thiet , Nha Trang… 3. B/c there are beautiful beaches, Ponagar Cham tower… 4. B/c of its architecture , people want to discover it. Students work in group , write the answer on a paper. in Nha Trang No, it is one of the most beautiful examples of Cham architecture in central Vietnam. four towers Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 5. When were they built? 6. What was the largest tower for? 7. How many hands does the statue of Lady Thien Y have? What are they holding? 8. How long did the tour last? 9. How did you feel after the tour? T walks around the class and offers help when necessary. Then T selects a few students to give the answer While – writing Ind. 16’. Post – writing Ss – Ss 10’ Homework T – Ss 1’. on Culao Marble Hill, 2km north of Nha Trang between the 8th and 13th centuries. The largest tower was built in honor of Lady Thien Y. 10 hands. They are holding specific objects. 5 hours I felt tired but the tour was enjoyable, memorable and informative.. T asks students to read the answers and notes carefully Students read silently T introduces Ss how to write a report, remember to use the past simple Ex: - Last year I visited.........../ I had a tour to……………….. Students work in groups The Ponagar Cham Towers consists of ……………………………… The tour to …………………lasted……………..I was …………… Teacher walks around the class and corrects Ss’ mistakes Teacher asks Ss to exchange their reports and suggest the correction and comments.. Students exchange and discuss their friends’ reports and then remark them. T summarizes the main points. T assigns homework. + write a report on the visit to other places.. Ss take notes.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> LESSON PLAN Period 101. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD. Lesson 5: Language Focus. Date: 18/ 04/ 2009. I. Aims: help Ss. - to distinguish and pronounce correctly 4 ending sounds /ft/, /vd/, /fs/ and /vz/ . - to learn how to use the structures with verb of reporting: 1. It is said that …………. 2. He is said …………….. 3. People say that ………. II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, my Ss will be able to: - distinguish 4 ending sounds /ft/, /vd/, /fs/ and /vz/ . - use the structures with verb of reporting: 1. It is said that …………. 2. He is said …………….. 3. People say that ………. III. Skills: - Main skill: Speaking - Listening - Sub skills: Reading – Writing IV. Methods: Communicative approach V. Teaching aids / Visual aids: textbook, sub board, handouts VI. Procedures: STAGES / TIMING FOCUS / SKILLS PRONUNCIATION Warm – up T – Ss 3’ Ss – T. Introduction T – Ss 1’ Presentation 1 T – Ss 3’. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. - T uses some pictures and asks Ss: Look at the pictures and tell what they are. P.1. P.2. P.3. P.4. - T has Ss read the words and guess what ending sounds they are going to learn today. - T introduces the new lesson. UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 5: Language Focus - T reads the sounds loudly. - T introduces and asks Ss to practise reading the words containing these sounds. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss close their books Ss look and answer: 1. gift 3. roofs 2. saved 4. scarves (expected) Ss write the sounds on the board. /ft/, /vd/, / fs/ and / vz/ (expected) Ss take notes. Ss listen and repeat. Ss listen and repeat. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Practice 1 T – Ss 4’ S–S. Practice 2 T – Ss 4’ S–S. /ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ Gift arrived coughs behaves Lift loved laughs loves Soft moved roofs arrives - T has Ss do exercises. T gives handouts for Ss. Handout: Listen carefully and make a cross (x) at the sound you hear /ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - T reads aloud the words: 1. left 6. loved 2. photographs 7. thieves 3. caves 8. spacecraft 4. proved 9. coughs 5. knives 10. swift - T checks in front of class. - T conducts the correction. - T has Ss practise reading these sentences and pick out the words containing these sounds. 1. They are not on the roofs now. They’ve been moved to the ground. Use the lift. I’ll ring to say you’ve arrived. 2. I think he’s improved. Still coughs but laughs a lot, of course. 3. We have plenty of laughs. We miss him when he leaves. 4. He loves a nurse. Her name’s Soft. He wants me to bring her Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss listen and decide if the words belonging to what sounds. Answers: /ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ 1. x 2. x 3. x 4. x 5. x 6. x 7. x 8. x 9. x 10. x. Ss practise individually, and then check in pairs. Answers: /ft/ /vd/ /fs/ /vz/ lift moved roofs leaves soft arrived coughs loves gift improved laughs. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> this gift. 5. He brought me a gift when he arrived. - T conducts the correction. GRAMMAR Presentation 2 T – Ss 3’ Ss – T. Practice 3 S–S 9’. Practice 4 Ind. 9’ S-S. - T gives an example on the board and asks Rewrite this sentence beginning with the word provided. E.g.: It is said that this house was built 100 years ago.  This house…………………………… - T asks one student to answer the sentence on the board. - T corrects the mistakes and explains. Exercise 1: - T has Ss do exercise 1 ( page 185). - T walks around the class, offers ideas and comments when Ss need help. - Then T calls some Ss to give their answers on the board. - T conducts the correction and explains. If the verbs of the main clause and the subordinate clause are same tenses, use To-inf. If the verbs of the main clause and the subordinate clause are different tenses (for example, M.C in present and S.C in past or perfect tenses), use To have + PP Exercise 2: Setting situation: E.g.: People believe that 13 is an unlucky number.  13 is believed to be an unlucky number. - T has Ss do exercise 2 (page 186) - T walks around the class, offers ideas and comments when Ss need help. - Then T calls some Ss to give their answers on the board. - T conducts the correction and explains.. - After practising two exercises, T asks Ss to summarize how to change the structures with verb of reporting. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Ss do the sentence.  This house is said to have been built 100 years ago. (expected). Ss read the sentences carefully and give answers to ex.1. Ss give answers individually and then check in pairs. Answers: 1. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods. 2. The prison is thought to have escaped by climbing… 3. He is believed to have driven through the town at… 4. Two people are reported to have been seriously injured… 5. Three men are said to have been arrested after … 6. The strike is expected to begin tomorrow. 7. He is said to speak English very well. (expected). Ss give answers individually and then check in pairs. Answers: 1. He is thought to eat … 2. The wanted man is believed to be living in New York. 3. He is known to be very rich. 4. The film is supposed to be... 5. Many people are thought to have been killed … 6. About a million puppies are thought to be born each year. 7. The factories are said to be... 8. Those dogs are said to be… Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - T’s comments.. Practice 5 Ind. 8’ S-S. Homework T – Ss 1’. More Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences: 1. They say that John is the brightest student in class.  It is said…………………………………. John is said ……………………………… 2. They think that he has died a natural death.  It is thought ……………………………… He is thought ……………………………. 3. They declared that she won the competition.  It was declared …………………………... She was declared ………………………… -T calls some Ss to give their answers on the board. - T conducts the correction. T summarizes the main points. T assigns homework. + Do exercises in the work book.. Summary S + V that S + V + O  1. It is + PP that S + V + O 2. S + be PP + to-inf. S + be PP + to have PP. Ss do them.. Ss take notes.. Lesson plan: Tiếng Anh 11. Prepared by NGUYỄN VŨ HỒNG LINH Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span>
