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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period: 17 - Unit: A party - Lesson 5: Language focus

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Long Khanh A High School. Teacher: Mai Truc Linh. Week: 6 Period: 17. UNIT : A PARTY Lesson 5: Language focus Preparing date: September 12th, 2010 Teaching date: September 22th, 2010 Class: 11CBa Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - Distinguish /l/, /r/, /h/. - Review the infinitive and gerund - Learn the passive infinitive and gerund. Language contents: Grammar Teaching aids: textbook and blackboard.. PROCEDURES Time. Contents. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. 4’. I. Warm up: Bingo Words: house, holiday, library, lemonade,hospital, husband, ready, really, restaurant, like, lovely, lunch.. -Gives the words on - Look at, prepare, the board and the rule and play the game. of the game. -Controls the game and leads to the new lesson.. 8’. II. Pronunciation 1. Listen and repeat : /l/ /r/. -Reads the words and asks ss recognize the sound /m/, /n/, / ŋ/ -Reads the words and asks ss listen and repeat. -Listen, recognize, repeat, and take note.. -Asks ss practice at home. -Take note to practice at home.. -Asks ss the form of the gerund and to infinitive after that change into the passive.. - Listen, look at the board, and take note.. -Gives the intruetion and the time for ss To do - Asks ss give the answer - correct. - Dothe exercice. -Gives the instruction and asks ss to do the. - Do theexercice in pairs.. /h/. 2. Practice reading aloud these sentences 7’. 8’. 8’. III. Grammar 1.Review the infinitive and gerund: 2. Passive of the infinitive and gerund Infinitive: V + Ving V+ being + V3,ed Gerund: V + to Vo V + to be + V3,ed IV. Exercises 1. Exercises 1: (p.40) Sentence completion Keys: 1. having 2. getting 3. to tell 4. practicing 5. to see 6. 2. exercice 2 (p.40) Multiple choice Keys Class 11CBa. - Take note. Page1 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Long Khanh A High School 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. Teacher: Mai Truc Linh. A A B B A. exercice(3 first) -Corretcts. - Take note. 9’. 3.Exercice3: (p.41) Multiple choice 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C. -Gives the instruction and asks ss todo the work by explaining the example. -Gets the answer and corrects.. -Dothe exercice indvidually - Give the instruction. -Take note. 1’. V. Homework : - Do the rest of exercices and test your sely -learn the grammar point - Prepare the reading lesson onpage 46.. -Gives assignment.. - Take note.. The guide teacher. Comments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Class 11CBa. Page2 Lop11.com.

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