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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 4 - Unit 1: Friendship

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period : 04 Date of preparation : Date of teaching :. Teaching item : LISTENING I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES . + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To help students develop the skills of listening by + Listening to the conversations and deciding the statements are True or False. + Listening to the conversations and noting down the ideas + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * Talk about friendship + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To educate in students about the value of friendship 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : + sense of humour (n) + Residential Area (n) + in common (phr) + take turns (v) + apartment building + guitarist (n) + happen to meet * Structures: 2/ Skill : Listening for specific information 3/ Educational factor : * To educate in students true friendship in daily life II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION . 1/ Method : Communicative approach . 2/ Techniques : Quiz , Bingo , Using pictures , True/False , Explanation , Synonym, Multiple Choice, Interviewing 3/ Materials needed : Lesson plan , Textbook , Colour chalk , Pictures of an apartment building and a guitarist, Cassette Player 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school . * Prepare the keys for the task in Before you listen and After you listen III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS . 1. Stablization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation 2. Checking-up the previous knowledge : (5 minutes) * Calling one student to B/B: + Complete the following sentences with the suggested words: generous / pleasant / thin / handsome / complexion 1. Nam’s very ……., helpful, ……… and caring. He always helps his friends with Mathematics. 2. He’s tall and a bit ……. I think, he is ……., too. He has white ……, deep brown eyes and black hair. He always wear jeans and T-shirt. They make him sporty. + Look at the useful languagein Task 1 and Task 2 in the textbook , descrbide one of your friends : * Correcting the mistakes , giving remarks and marking. The suggested answers: + Complete the following sentences 1. generous – pleasant Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. thin – handsome - complexion 3. Presentation of the new materials .. SPECIFIC STAGES TIME. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES. 5ms. 1. Warmer: Game : Quiz (for class of high level) If the class is weaker, please look at APPENDIX 1 * Dividing the class into 2 groups * Letting the sts listen to 5 pieces of popular songs relating to friendship Ex: 1. Season in the sun 2. You are my sun shine 3. Ngoài laïi beân nhau 4. Mong ước kỷ niệm xưa 5. Những người bạn bên tôi * The group that can name more songs will win the game. * Checking the sts’ understanding of the instructions and letting them start the game. Lead-in: * Using the questions on p.17 to ask Sts: 1. Who is your best friend ? 2. How did you happen to meet him or her ? 3. How long have you known each other ? 4. What qualities do you admire in your best friend ? * Emphasizing on the students’ answers and introducing the new lesson. Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 04 : LISTENING. 5ms. 2. Pre listening: * Providing the sts some vocabulary so that they can listen to the tape easily 1. apartment building [ə'pɑ:tmənt] (n) (Using picture) 2. guitarist (n) [gi'tɑ:rist] (Using picture) 3. sense of humour (n.phr)  humourous (a) (Using explanation) A person who can make you laugh easily is a person who has ….. 4. rough time (n) (Using synonym) = difficult time (luùc gian khoù). STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. * Playing the game * Dividing the class into 2 groups * Listening to 5 pieces of popular songs relating to friendship and guessing their names. Unit 1 : FRIENDSHIP Period 04 : LISTENING * Answering the T’s questions. * Copying the vocabulary from the board. Lop11.com. A. Before you listen : Key words and phrases 1. apartment building [ə'pɑ:tmənt] (n) 2. guitarist (n) [gi'tɑ:rist] (Using picture) 3. sense of humour (n.phr)  humourous (a) (Using explanation) + A person who can make you laugh easily is a person who has …...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> TIME. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES * Asking the sts to read the words above in chorus after the T * Calling on some sts to reread. 8ms. 3. While listening: Activity 1: Task 1 : (page 18) True / False statements * Asking the students to listen to the tape and decide if the statements are true or false according to the talks. * Playing the tape several times if necessary * Having the students compare their answers with a friend and correct the false ones * Calling on some students to read their answers aloud in front of the class. The suggested answers: Lan’s talk 1. F (They used to live in NCT RA…… They didn’t share an apartment) 2. F (…..friendly) 3. T (a two-day trip to Do Son) 4. F (Ha herself rode on her motorbike to Do Son) 5. T (She happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced me around. 6. F (They have become friends since they’ve lived in NCT RA……) Long’s talk 1. F (They have been friends since college) 2. F (Minh was a guitarist) 3. T (Minh has a sense of humor, … and that’s one of my favourite things about him) 4. T (They have a lot of the same interests) 5. T (when they’re going through a rough time , Minh always helped Long out of difficulties.) Activity 2: Multiple Choice (Worksheet) * Letting the sts’ listen again and circle the correct answers WORKSHEET * Playing the tape several times if. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. * Reading the words above in chorus after the T * Some sts to reread the vocabulary. 4. rough time (n) (Using synonym) = difficult time (luùc gian khoù). * Listening to the tape and decide if the statements are true or false according to the talks. * Comparing their answers with a friend and correct the false ones * Some students read their answers aloud in front of the class. Lan’s talk 1F 2F 3T 4F 5T 6F Long’s talk 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T. B. While you listen: Task 1 : (page 18) True / False statements Answer keys : Lan’s talk 1F 2F 3T 4F 5T Long’s talk 1F 2F 3T 4T 5T. * Listening again and circling the correct answers. Lop11.com. Multiple Choice Answer keys : 1C 2B 3C 4B. 6F. 5A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> TIME. 5ms. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES necessary * Having the students compare their answers with a friend and correct the false ones * Calling on some students to read their answers aloud in front of the class. The suggested answers: 1C 2B 3C 4B 5A. Activity 3: Task 2 : (page 18) Taking notes * Asking the sts to listen again and note the ideas in the table in task 2 (page 18) * Calling on some sts to read their notes and check with the class. Expected answers: How and where did they meet ?. 7ms. Lan. Long. 8ms. + They used to live in the same apartment building in Hanoi. + Lan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to help her. + They met in college + Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer. + They worked together. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES * Comparing their answers with a friend and correct the false ones * Some students read their answers aloud in front of the class. Answer keys : 1C 2B 3C 4B 5A. * Listening again and noting the ideas in the table * Some sts read their notes. What do they like about their friends ? + Ha’s very friendly and helpful + Ha’s sociable. She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced lan around.. Task 2 : (page 18) Taking notes Answer keys :. How and where did they meet ?. Lan. + Minh has a sense of humor. + Minh likes to go to plays and movies. + Minh is a good listener. + Minh is friendly and helpful. 4. Post reading: Speaking : Interviewing * Having the sts interview their partners about their best friends.  Suggested questions 1. How long have you known your best friends (or a good friend) ? 2. How did you meet this friend ? 3. What do you remember about the first time you met ? * Moving around to control and giving. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. Long. + They used to live in the same apartment building in Hanoi. + Lan went on a holiday to Do Son and Ha went there to help her. + They met in college + Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer. + They worked together. What do they like about their friends ? + Ha’s very friendly and helpful + Ha’s sociable. She’s got many friends in Do Son and she introduced lan around. + Minh has a sense of humor. + Minh likes to go to plays and movies. + Minh is a good listener. + Minh is friendly and helpful. C. After you listen: * Interviewing their partners about their best friends.. Lop11.com. Take turns to talk about how Ha has been Lan’s best friend and how Minh has been Long’s best friend.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> TIME. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES help if necessary. * Calling on some sts to report what they have known from their parents’ friends.. 1m. HOMEWORK: * Asking the students to write down the homework + Prepare WRITING + Learn the new vocabulary and make some sentences with them + Write a short paragraph (about 100 words) about their best friends based on the suggested questions in the postlistening.. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. * Some sts report what they have known from their parents’ friends.. * Writing down the homework. HOMEWORK: + Prepare WRITING + Learn the new vocabulary and make some sentences with them + Write a short paragraph (about 100 words) about their best friends based on the suggested questions in the post-listening.. Tapescript Lan’s Talk My best friend is Ha. We’ve been friends for a long time. We used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru Residential Area in Hanoi. Her family moved to Hai Phong in 1985. It’s said that Hai Phong people are cold but Ha is really , really friendly. I first started to get to know her when I was going on a two-day trip to Do Son last year and I didn’t know anybody there. I gave Ha a ring and she was so friendly, she said, “Oh, I’ll come to visit you.” So she rode on her motorbike to Do Son and 20 minutes later she was ther. She stayed with me for 2 days. She happened to know a lot of people there, so she introduced me around, and we’ve been best firiends ever since. Long’s Talk My best friend is Minh. We met in college. I was there singing and Minh was a guitarist. So we worked together a lot. Minh has a sense of humor, he’s very, very funny, and that’s one of my favourite things about him. And over the years, we have been through good times and bad times with each other, and that’s one of the things I like him best. And we have a lot of the same interests. We like to go to plays and movies together. But when we’re going through a rough time, he’s really a good friend and he’s a very good listener, and he always helped me through.. APPENDIX 1 Alternatives : 1. Bingo (for class of lower level)  Asking the sts to list the characteristics that they expect in their best friends.  Write down all their vocabulary on the board  Let Sts take out a piece of paper and copy down 5 characteristics that they like best  Read out 5 characteristics that T likes best  Any Sts who have 3 or more choices the same as the T will shout “Bingo” and they are the winners.  Expected answers: caring , supportive , helpful , honest , good-natured , quick-witted , humorous , friendly 2. Crosswords (1) F Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> (2) (3) 4) (6) 7) 8) (10). R I E N D S H I P. (1) I’m very thirsty. Let’s go to a ........................ to have some drink (2) I will be 18 on September 20th. I’m thinking of inviting my friends to my birthday .................. (3) At 17.30, most of offices close, except for restaurants and filling-....................... (4) A: How did you do in your last .........? B: Well-done. I got excellent mark (5) A: Does your school often held ................ trips for pupils? B: Yes, on March 26th. (6) …. are noisy places for people who like dancing. (7) Do you have to wear uniform at ............? (8) Would you like to go to the .................. tonight? There is a good play by Shakespeare. (9)A: How often do you go .....................? B: Once a month, especially when I need something for my kitchen. (10) It’s a very beautiful Sunday. Let’s go for a ............... Answer keys: (1) Coffee shop (4) Exam (7) School (10) Picnic (2) Party (5) Camping (8) Theatre (3) Station (6) Discos (9) Shopping. WORKSHEET 1. Ha’s family moved to Hai Phong in ……… A. 1983 B. 1995 C. 1985 2. People think that Hai Phong people are ……….. A. cordial B. unfriendly C. friendly 3. When Lan first went on a trip to Do Son , …………. A. she rode to Ha’s house to meet her. B. she and her family came to Ha’s house first. C. Ha rode to Do Son right after Lan gave her a ring. 4. Long is good at ………. A. painting B. singing C. playing guitar 5. A. Minh is not only a good listener but also a helpful friend. B. Minh doesn’t really like to listen to Long’s problem but he always helps Long. C. Minh is a good listener, but he doesn’t always help Long Self-evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . Lop11.com.

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