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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 9: The post office - Period: 62 - Lesson 5: Language focus

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Long Khanh A High School. Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG. UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE. Week 21 Period: 62. Lesson 5: Language Focus Date of teaching: Jan. 11th, 2010 Class: 11Cba, 11Cbo2, 11Cbo3  Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -. distinguish the sound / sp /, /st /, /sk /.. -. use defining and non-defining relative clauses appropriate..  Language contents: pronunciation, defining and non-defining relative clauses appropriate.  Teaching aids: Black board, textbook, handouts, pictures.. PROCEDURE Time 5’. Contents I. Warm up : Name the pictures. Zygomatic. Medulla oblongata Atlas. Teacher’s activities. Students' activities. shows the pictures and asks ss to give their names model and underlines the sound - introduces the lesson. - look at the pictures - listen and repeat - listen to T. Axis. Star /star/. 10’. Spider /spaid∂/. Mandible. Skull /skl^l/. II. Pronunciation: * Listen and repeat: /sp/ /st/ /sk/: voiceless unaspirated /sp/ speak speech speedy crisp spacious. /st/ Stanley stand stop best text. /sk/ ask disk dusk skill school. * Practice reading aloud this dialogue: (page 108). 9’. 3rd Cervical vertebrae. models the - repeat words - read aloud - asks ss to repeat - calls some ss to read aloud - asks practice dialogue. ss. to - practice the dialogue. the. III. GRAMMAR: 1. Presentation: Defining relative clauses and Non-defining relative - elicits the target - follow to T clauses language Ex 1: Elephants who marry mice are very unusual. checks - check and take. Class 11. Lop11.com. Page 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Long Khanh A High School. Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG. Ex 2: My friend John, who went to the same school as pronunciation, me, has just written a best-selling novel. form, usage Ex 3: Let's go to a country where the sun always shines. Ex 4: Elephants, which are large and grey, can sometimes be found in zoos A. Defining relative clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or thing we are talking about B. Non-defining relative clauses are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. Notes: 1. In non-defining clauses, you cannot use ‘that’ instead of who, whom or which. 2. You cannot leave out the relative pronoun, even when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause. 3. Non-defining clauses can be introduced by expressions like all of, many of + relative pronoun: Examples: There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years.. note. 2. Practice: 5’. 5’. 5’. Exercise 1: Explain what the words below mean, using the phrases from the box (Textbooks page 109): Answer key: 1. A burglar is someone breaks into a house to steal things 2. A customer is someone buys something from a shop. 3. A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop. 4. A coward is someone who is not brave. 5. A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat. Exercise 2: Complete each sentence, using who, whom, or whose:(Textbook page 109) Answer key: 1. who/that 2. whose 3. whom/who/that 1. 4.whose 4. whom/who/that Exercise 3: Join the sentences, using who, that, or which: (Textbook page 109) Answer key: 1. The man who answered the phone told me you. Class 11. Lop11.com. - Runs through - asks ss to do the exercise - Asks ss to give the answer - Gives feedback. - Runs through - asks ss to do the exercise - Asks ss to give the answer - Gives feedback. - listen to T - do the exercise give the answer - Listen To T. - listen to T - do the exercise give the answer - Listen To T. - Runs through - listen to T - asks ss to do the - do the exercise exercise Page 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Long Khanh A High School. 5’. 1’. Teacher: DUONG MY PHUONG. were away. 2. The waitress served us who was very impolite and impatient 3. The building which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. 4. The people who were arrested have now been rebuilt. 5. The bus which goes to the airport runs every half an hour. Exercise 4: Join the sentences below, using who, whose or which: (Textbook page 110) Answer key: 1. Peter, who has never been abroad, is studying French and German. 2. You’ve all met Michael Wood, who is visiting us for a couple of days. 3. We are moving to Manchester, which is in the North-west. 4. I’ll be staying with Adrian, whose brother is one of my closest friends. 5. John Bridge, has just gone to live in Canada, is one of my oldest friends.. - Asks ss to give give the the answer answer - Gives feedback - Listen To T. - Runs through - asks ss to do the exercise - Asks ss to give the answer - Gives feedback. - listen to T - do the exercise give the answer - Listen To T. V. Homework : - Finish the exercise at home.. - Prepare the next lesson (Test yourself C_ p.111). Class 11. Lop11.com. - gives assignment - listen. Page 3.

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