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Bài soạn Tiếng Anh 11 - Bài 8: Celebration

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN. Textbook: New English 11(Basic level) Date: Time allotted: 45’. Period(s): 4. Lesson. Writing. Teacher(s) in charge. Bui Thi Thuy. Unit 8: Celebration. 1. OBJECTIVES: - Write description of popular celebration in Vietnam. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: 2. TEACHING AIDS - Blackboard and chalk - Textbook - Picture - Poster - Hand out. 3. TEACHING PROCEDURE. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> STAGES. ACTIVITIES. INTERACTI ESTIMAT ON ED TIME. Warm up: Guesses the name of festivals. - Divide the whole class into 2 groups - Give 6 pictures (Picture A- appendix) of the festival and then ask them guesses the names of the festivals. - After 1min discussion, ask each group write out their answers on the board for 1min. Which group has most right answers will be the winner. Correct answers: 1. Halloween. 4. Christmas. 2. Teacher’s day. 5. Thank giving. 3. Valentine. 6. Tet holiday. Lop11.com. The whole class & work in group. 3mins.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Before writing. - Divide the whole class into five groups - Give each group a hand out (hand out 1-appendix) and asks them read the passage in the hand out, and then answer the questions follow.. Work in group. 7mins. - After 5mins, call five sts of five groups one after another stand up says loudly their answer. - Give feedback and correct answers with the whole class. Correct answers: 1. Its name is Christmas 2. Its main purpose is to mark the birth of Jesus. 3. It is held on December 25th. 4. People give presents to each other, send cards, sing, decorate Christmas trees and put up lights around the house. 5. Yes, they do. Because it is the time when they can share peaceful moment with family.. Task1: Complete the table While writing. - Give a picture of a festival (Picture B-Appendix)and a table (Poster- appendix) - Ask Sts copy the table and work in pair to complete the table. 5mins. - Model with a good student:. Work in pair. “Do you know this festival? What is the name of the festival?”. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Go around to observer and offer help if necessary - After 3mins, Call some sts stand up says loudly their answers. - Give feedback and model paper (hand out 2appendix). - Consulate the structure of paper: *Open: - Name * Body:. - Main purpose -Time - Main activities. * Conclusion: Feeling Task 2: Write a description of one of the popular celebrations in Vietnam. - T sets the scene: “you are going to write a description of one of the popular celebrations in Vietnam. - Firstly, get sts to work individually to write an outline using the main point T have just given in 5mins. - After 5mins ask them write a completely passage in 15mins. - Go around observing, providing vocabulary, structures if sts need and collect mistake to correct late.. Lop11.com. Work individually. 20mins.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Post writing. - After sts finish, ask them to exchange their paper with another one for peer correction. - Give something sts should check such as vocabulary, grammar, ... -. Home work:. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Appendix 1. Picture A 2. Picture B 3. Hand out 1 Christmas is an annual holiday. Its main purpose is to mark the birth of Jesus. Christmas is held on December 25th. People give presents to each other or send cards wishing each other a merry Christmas. At Christmas, people sing carols to get into the Christmas spirit. As well, people decorate Christmas trees and put up lights around the house. People love Christmas because it is the time when they can share peaceful moment with family. 1. What is the name of the festival? 2. What is its main purpose? 3. When is the festival held? 4. What do people usually do on this day? 5. Do people like the festival? Why/or Why not? 4. Hand out 2. Teacher’s Day Teacher’s Day in Vietnam is an annual holiday. Its main purpose is to show students’ thanks to their teachers. Teacher’s Day is on November 20th. Students visit their teachers; give those flowers, cards, or small gifts. People like Teacher’s Day because they love their teachers. 5. Poster Name of the festival The purpose Time Main activities The feeling (like? reason?). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Lop11.com.

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