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Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 11 - Tiết 72: Written test correction

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing:20th February., 2008…….. Date of teaching: …….. Lesson plan: period 72…… Written Test correction * Aims and Requirement - Sts revise and undersrtand all the lessons well to do the test carefully and concisely. * Language focus - Reading comprehension - Listening - Writing: Write a letter of invitation - Grammar. * Assumptions - Sts recognise their mistakes * Anticipated problem No problem I. Reading: Read the passage and Choose the best answers A, B, C or A (2.5p) . 1. Big Ben is in ………….. C: England 2 On ………… we can hear the Big Ben strike. A: B.B.C 3. Big Ben is a ………….. clock. B: famous 4. It always gives ………….. Time B: accurate 5 The clock is checked ………….. a day. B: twice 6. Why can we hear the clock when it is striking? C: because microphones are connected to the clock. 7. Who has the clock checked everyday? A: no one 8 .Big Ben takes its name from…………… B: Dr. Benjamin 9 .Has Big Ben ever given wrong time? B: No, it hasn’t 10. Choose the best title for the passage. D:LondonClock II. Pronunciation (1p): 11. a. participated b. attracted c. respected d. developed 12.. a. life b .time c. determination d. wisely Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 13. a. guests b. words c. conservations d. dinners 14. a. mine b. sing c.morning d. skin III.Grammar: Choose the best answers to fill in the gaps. (2.5p) 15. If he sold his car, he ………much money for it. c. would get 16. Do you mind…….some money? a. to lend b. lending c. lent d. lend 17. Do you enjoy… films? b. watching 18. I really want Mary ... to the party. a. to come 19 .Where these young trees….. c. will be planted 20. The fire…… the whole town in 2001. a. destroyed 21. When we arrived the party, they… before. a. had left 22. If you ……him a postcard, he would have been very happy. a.had sent 23. We…… the partybetter if you had come here b. would have enjoyed 25. The rose……to me yesterday is very beautiful now d.was given IV. Writing (2p) Complete the invitation letter, using the cues below. Dear Mary, We haven’t met since you moved.I miss you a lot. We are both having some days-off between the two terms soon. If you haven’t made any other plans, why don’t we spnd a weekend together? Do you feel like visiting the forest near my grandparents’ home again? It looks quite different now because very many young trees have been planted at the Tree- Planting festivals. Do come if you find it possible, and I’ll make all the preparations then. Give my love toyour parents. Your friend, Tom V. Listening (2p) * Listen to the tape and fill in the following passage: 1. seen 2. started 3. season 4. danger. Lop11.com.

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