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Bài ôn môn Tiếng Anh - Unit 1 - Class 11

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>II 3. come  ………. a play, movie, or book depicting amusing events. A) Vocabulary I/ Fill each gap in the sentences with one word from the box: 4. wit  ………. having the color of fresh snow or milk. 5. low  ………. a comic performer usually in a circus, who acquaintance, affairs, essence, gossip, mutual, principle, pursue, doesn’t speak and wears heavy make up. rumors, sorrow, sympathy. 6. host  ………. never cheating, lying, or breaking the law. 1. We are working together to ______ a common goal. 7. have  ………. act in particular way that expresses general 2. We are friends, but I don’t know much about their private ______ character. 3. He denied ______ that staff would lose their jobs. 8. most  ……… not having a high opinion of your own 4. The ______ of their argument is that life can not be explained by achievements or abilities. science. 5. I wouldn’t call Ben a friend. He’s just a ______ I knew him through 9. owe  ………. physical force or strength. 10. fair  ………. a matter that needs attention. Paul. IV/ Circle the best word or phrase: 6. They expressed great ______ for us and gave us fifty cents each. 1. She found it difficult to get ______ with new friends. 7. One day Sam heard an interesting piece of ______ a. acquaint b. acquainted c. acquaintance d. acquaints 8. ______ respect is important in neighborly relations between two 2. My friend often shows her ______ whenever I have troubles. countries. a. sympathy b. sympathize c. sympathetic d. sympathetically 9. Excelent customer service should be our guiding ______ 3. he doesn’t know much about the project but he is very _______ 10. Joe’s colleagues expressed _____ at his father’s death. a. enthusiastic b. enthusiast c. enthusiasm d. enthusiastically II/ Choose the word which doesn’t belong with the others. 4. Daisy is so ______ . She only cares about herself, not about other 1) a. active b. generous c. attractive d. sociable people. 2) a. honest b. modest c. handsome d. independent a. helpful b. selfish c. loyal d. talkative 3) a. hospitable b. beautiful c. handsome d. good-looking 5. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. Whatever a/an 4) a. crooked b. skinny c. slim d. ambitious ______ girl she is. 5) a. caring b. sincere c. kind d. effective a. uncertain b. mutual c. suspicious d. changeable 6) a. happy b. reliable c. experienced d. hard-working 6. Although we are classmates, I do not have an _____ relationship 7) a. friendly b. safely c. quickly d. happily with him. 8) a. guitar b. piano c. mandolin d. violin a. aimless b. unselfish c. special d. a cquaintance 9) a. incapable b. disloyal c. uncertain d. unlock 7. John left a ______ impression on me. I’ll never forget him. 10) a. tall b. fat c. quick d. broad a. loyal b. lasting c. capable d. constant III/ Add two letters to any place of each word to form another word 8. _____ is the qualcty of being faithful and loyal to a particular with its definition given: person or belief. 1. mate  ………. a substance or material. a. acquaintance b. constancy c. sympathy d. sorrow 2. again  ………. In the opposite direction to the movement, or 9. He was so ______ that he distrusted all his friends. position a. suspect b. suspicious c. suspicion d. suspiciously Unit 1- Class 11. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 10. Friendship offers us great _____ in life. a. please b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleased 11. He is always _____ in word and deed. a. loyal b. loyally c. loyalty d. loyalist 12. My father took _____ an interest in collecting stamps. He had a valuable stamp collection. a. on b. up c. in d. over 13. The father is the one that I can share both joys and sorrows. a. feelings of great happiness c. feelings of distress b. great eagerness d. intention 14. She felt an _____ to him when they first met each other. a. attraction b. enthusiasm c. interest d. aim 15. He has only one _____ in life - to become rich. a. quality b. feeling c. aim d. secret 16. Contrary to _____, no one was hurt in the accident. a. truth b. trust c. rumor d. joy 17. Mary didn’t approve their ideas. She had no sympathy _____ their point of view. a. about b. off c. with d. within 18. Man is engaged in a _____ struggle with Nature. a. constant b. constantly c. constancy d. inconstantly 19. Mary is often willing to help everybody. She is the _____ of kindness. a. essence b. essential c. essentially d. essentiality 20. Those villagers are very _____ to visitors. a. hospitable b. hospitably c. hospitability d. hospitabilities 21. _____ friendship is _____ two-side affair. a. the/ a b. a/ an c. a/ the d. no@ / a 22. Their friendship was based on _____ respect, trust and understanding. a. attractive b. loyal c. suspicious d. mutual 23. Whispers can never influence good friends. a. have effect on c. show a sympathy b. get acquainted with d. be mutual trust 24. We were obviously wrong to put our _____ in her. She is not reliable. a. enthusiasm b. trust c. concern d. selfishness. 25. A _____ is a conservation about other people’s private lives which might be unkind or not true. a. quality b. sorrow c. secret d. gossip 26. I do not have much time for leisure _____ these days. a. acquaintance b. pursuits c. qualities d. pleasures 27. Friendship is like a game. If you want to join it, you must learn the _____ a. laws b. facts c. customs d. rules 28. A good clock always keeps _____ time. a. accurate b. serious c. certain d. true 29. We can _____ the difficulty without too much effort. a. get off b. get away c. get over d. get in 30. I really like Emma Watson. She has much a good sense of _____ a. intelligent b. humor c. honesty d. patience 31. You may not believe it, but it’s true that soul mate can help you ease the pain. a. excitement b. sorrow c. boredom d. happiness 32. What characteristics do you expect from a good friend? a. actors b. performances c. favors d. qualities 33. We think their relationship is wonderful. a. great b. funny c. terrible d. modest 34. He annoys me by asking stupid questions while I’m working. a. irritates b. quarrels c. damages d. interests 35. Many foreigners think of the Vietnamese as hospitable people. a. pleasing b. hard-working c. helpful d. welcoming 36. Betraying someone is the easiest way to break the friendship. a. Being disloyal c. disappointing b. buying d. being satisfied with 37. I see no reason why you have to please your boss. He is irrational. a. need to b. ought to c. should d must 38. Sex discrimination should be eliminated as the society develops. a. girls b. gender c. boys d. race 39. Forgiveness is a gift to ourselves. It is a gift of peace. a. war b. calm c. trouble d. luck 40. Children tend to change their attraction to some new object more quickly than adults.@ a. subject b. toy c. target d. purpose. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> B) Pronunciation: 1) a. village 2) a. which 3) a. pasture 4) a. uncertain 5) a. chore 6) a. game 7) a. generous 8) a. cheese 9) a. machinery 10) a. page II.Grammar. 1.. b. dangerous b. changeable b. acquaintance b. tell b. machine b. bridge b. gene b. children b. march b. message. c. gossip c. each c. constant c. pursuit c. much c. against c. generally c. chemical c. cheerfully c. danger. d. passenger d. characteristic d. talkative d. picture d. such d. garage d. giving d. teacher d. merchant d. ringer. Lop11.com.

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