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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 65 đến period 99

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Tu ky High School – English Group 27th January 2009 Period 65 UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS LESSON 1: READING I. OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to: +use vocabulary items related to national parks. + guess the meaning of words based on contexts. + scan for specific information about national parks. II.MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS. Integrated, mainly communicative. IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may not know much about conservation, so T should be ready to give explanation. V. PROCEDURE. Time 10'. Teacher's activities Students' activities BEFORE YOU READ Discussing the questions: Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the three nationals and tell Answer the teacher's the class anything they know about these parks. questions. Discuss the questions Ask Ss to work in groups of 3 or 4 to discuss the questions in groups. in the book. Go round to provide help. Ask some Ss to present their group's answers and others to add any other ideas. 2. Pre-teaching vocabulary Elicit and teach some vocabulary items: + to be located in:n»m ë + establish(v):thµnh lËp + rainforest(n):rừng mưa nhiệt đới +orphan(n):trÎ må c«i +orphan(v):bÞ må c«i +orphanage(n):tr¹i trÎ må c«i +tropical(adj):thuộc về nhiệt đới + temperate(adj):thuộc về ôn đới +toxic(adj):độc Help Ss read all the new words fluently. T may ask some Ss to make sentences with the above words to check their understanding.. 1'. Listen. Listen and take notes get the meaning of the new words.. Read after the teacher.. WHILE YOU READ Setting the scene.. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. 10'. 12'. You are going to read three passages about three national parks. While you are reading, do the tasks in the textbook. Task 1: Matching based on word guessing *Instruction:You are required to find the word in the passage that can match with the definition given in task 1. Ask Ss to read through the passages silently. Instruct Ss to use some strategies to do the task. Go round to help when necessary. Ask Ss to check their answers with another one. Call Ss to present and explain their answers. Provide the correct answers: 2. contain 3. species 4. survival 5. sub-tropical 6. contamination Task 2: Answering questions. *Instruction:You are to read the passage again and answer the questions in the book. Instruct Ss some strategies to do the task. Ask Ss to work individually to do the task. Ask Ss to discuss their answers with their peers. Call on some Ss to speak out their answers. Feedback and give the correct answers: 1. 200 spare km(line 4). 2. Because the rainy season is over (line 7). 3. They can learn about the habits of animal, how to recognize the different species of animals and plant, and how one species is dependent upon another for survival.( line 11-13). 4. A lot of orphaned or abandoned animals are.(line 14-15) 5. Because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water(line 19-21). 6. Plants and animals will die/ be killed/ destroyed.(line 2122+ Ss' opinion) Extra exercise: Handout: Read the passage again and find out the information about three nationals parks. Cuc Nairobi Everglades Phuong National National Natioanl Park ark Park Location Special features Ask Ss to work in groups of 3-4 and complete the task. Walk around to provide help.. Listen to the teacher. Listen to the teacher. Read through passages.. the. Listen to their friends. Listen and check up. Listen to the teacher. Work individual and then in pairs. Give answers. Listen and check up.. Receive handouts.. Work in groups to. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group Call on some groups to present their work. Suggested answer: Cuc Nairobi Phuong National Natioanl Park Park Location In southwest In Kenya of HanoiVN Special features. 8'. 2'. - butterflies, caves, and 1000 years old trees. - it contains over 200 square k of rain forest.. large variety of animals and plants. - lots of orphaned animals are taken care of. complete the task. Present the work. Everglades National ark In the Southeastern United States. - plants and animas from both tropical and temperate zones. - toxic levels of chemical in the water. AFTER YOU READ *Instruction: You are required to interview different friends to find out who like to visit which of the three national parks most. Ask Ss to do in groups of three of four. While Ss are working, T goes round to help and collect errors which can be correct later. Call on some Ss to speak out their ideas. Ask the others to give the comments. WRAPPING UP Summarize the main points. Ask Ss to learn all the new words and redo all the tasks.. Listen to the teacher. Work in groups. Speak out their ideas. Listen and take notes.. 30th January 2009. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group Period 66. UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS. LESSON 2: SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to: +use conditional sentences type 3 to express regrets. + talk about an excursion II. MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS. Integrated, mainly communicative. IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about an excursion, so provide some. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities 12' 1. Task 1 Matching *Instruction:Last week Nga's class went on an excursion to Huong Pagoda.Unfortunately, the excursion turned out to be a disaster. Most of the things they did went wrong. You are required to match the thing in column A with the corresponding consequences in column B and read out the sentences. Ask Ss to read through the sentences in the two columns. Teach some words and expressions: 1. food poisoning:ngộ độc thức ăn 2. fine(n):tiÒn ph¹t 3. get lost:l¹c ®­êng 4. carsick(adj):say « t« Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task. Go round to observe Ss working. Call on some Ss to read out their answers.. 15'. T should be ready to Students' activities Listen to the teacher.. Read through the two columns. Listen and take notes.. Work in pairs to do the task.. Give feedback and correct answers: 1.f 2.e 3.h 4.g 5. b 6.c 7. a 8.d 2. Task 2: Showing regrets *Instruction:Imagine that you are Nga's classmates ans you are not happy with the excursions to Huong Pagoda. Now you are talking with some friends about what you wish you had or hadn't done. Ask Ss to read through the examples and tell T what grammatical structure is used in the examples. Revise the conditional sentence type 3. +Form: If + S + past perfect, S + could/ would + have + PII.. Some Ss read out their answers. Listen and check up.. Listen to the teacher. Read through examples.. the. Listen and take notes.. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group +Meaning: is used to talk about unreal situations in the past. Ask Ss to work in groups to do the task. Go round to observe, offering help and collecting mistakes. Ask Ss to compare their answers with another group.. 15'. Call on some Ss to speak out their sentences and ask others to listen and feedback. Give feedback and correct answers: 2. If we had brought enough food and drinks, we wouldn't have spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants. 3. If some of us hadn't had food poisoning, we could have enjoyed our visit. 4. If we had had rain coats, we wouldn't have got wet and have had a cold. 5. If some of us hadn't left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we could have had clothes and money with us. 6. If we hadn't thrown waste in the forest, we wouldn't have got a fine. 7. If we had stayed there more than one day, we could have visited all the pagodas. 3. Task 3: Asking and answering about the excursion] *Instruction: You are going to work in pairs. One of you is Nga and the other is one of Nga's friends who studies in another school. Ask and answer about the excursion. Give the Ss some suggestions. +What did they do? + The means of the transport Nga's class used to go to Huong Pagoda. + Food and drinks they brought. +The duration of the excursion. +Ask what they did in Huong Pagoda. Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task. Go round to observe and give help. Call on some pairs to act out their conversation. Ask other students for the comments. Write some typical errors on the board and ask for self and peer correction. Give the correction only when other Ss can not correct the errors.. WRAPPING UP Summarize the main points. Ask Ss to redo all the tasks and learn all the new words. th 30 January 2009. Work in groups to do the task. Compare the answers. Some Ss speak out their answers. Listen and check up.. Listen to the teacher.. Listen to the teacher's suggestions.. Use the suggestions to do task 3 in pairs. Act out the conservation. Give the comments. Observe and check up.. 3'. Period 67. Listen and take notes.. UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. LESSON 3: LISTENING I. OBJECTIVES - By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to: + listen to get specific information about Cuc Phuong National Park. II.MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board, cassette , tape. III . TEACHING METHODS. - T - Ss, S - S(pairwork, groupwork). IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may find some proper names in the tape dificult, so T should write them on the board before Ss listen to the tape. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities BEFORE YOU LISTEN Work in groups: Ask and answering the questions. 10' Work in pairs to Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. ask and answer the questions. Some Ss speak out Call on some Ss to speak out their answers. the answers. Ask the others for more information if they can. Suggested answers: 1. It is in the South West of Hanoi. 2. It contains over 200 square km of rainforest. 3. It is during the dry season from October to April when rainy season is over.s 4. Butterflies, caves, mountains and the 1000- year- old trees can be seen there. Guide Ss to the listening passage. Teach some new words given in the book and some more from Listen and take notes - get the the listening passage. + threatened and endangered species:c¸c loµi bÞ ®e däa vµ bÞ meaning of the nguy hiÓm new words. +ethnic minority:d©n téc thiÓu sè + flora(n):hÖ thùc vËt + fauna(n):hệ động vật +defeat(v): đánh bại +the Qing invaders: quân xâm lược nhà Thanh Read after the Help Ss to read all the new words fluently. teacher. Check Ss' understanding of the new words. WHILE YOU LISTEN 1.Task 1: Filling missing information and verifying the guess.. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group 10'. 12'. 10'. *Instruction:You are going to listen to the passage to fill in the missing information and check your answers to the quiz. Ask the Ss to read the sentences carefully. Get Ss pay attention to the key words in each sentences and guess the words to fill in. E.g.: 1. … in … (year) 2. … located … (number) 3. … nearly … (number) 4. … there are … (number) 5. … in … (place) Play the tape once for Ss to do the task. Ask for Ss' answers and write them on the board. Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers. Call on some Ss to speak out their answers. Give the correct answers: 1. 1960 2. 160 km southwest of 3. 100,000 visitors. 4.2,000; 450 5.surprise attack 2. Task 2: Answering questions. *Instruction:You are going to the passage again and answer the questions. Ask Ss to read through the statesments to understand them and underline the key words. Ask Ss whether they can do the task based on the previous times of listening. If Ss can, ask them to give the answers and write them on the board. Play the tape for Ss to check their answers.. Listen to the teacher. Read all the sentences carefully.. Listen to the tape and do the task. Give answers. Listen again and check the answers. Listen and check up.. Listen to T. Read through the statements. Do the task based on the previous task. Listen to the tape and check the answers. Compare. Speak out the Ans and explain.. Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare their answers. Call on some Ss to speak out their answers and explain them. T may play the tape again for Ss to check their answers. Give the correct answers: 1. It covers 3 provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa. Listen and check 2. It is about 160 km. up. 3. They come there to see work being done to protect endangered species. 4. Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in the spring of 1780. 5.They live mainly on bee keeping and farming. AFTER YOU LISTEN. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. 3'. Ask Ss to work individually to write about the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park in five minutes. Useful languages: - Cuc Phuong is the first ………………. - It covers…………………….. - In 2002, nearly ……………………. - There are about ………………………. After five minutes, tell them to stop writing and ask them the number of sentences they can write.The student with the biggest number of sentences will read his/ her sentences out aloud. Other Ss listen and give the comments. Listen and feedback. WRAPPING UP Summarize the main points. Ask Ss to learn by heart all the new words.. Work individually.. Stop the work and the student with the most sentences read them aloud. Listen notes.. and. take. February 2009 Period 68. UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS. LESSON 4: WRITING Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group I. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim: Students should write a letter of acceptance and refusal. 2. General knowledge: Students learn how to write a letter of acceptance and refusal. - Language: students should interpret a letter of invitation, recall the language used to write a letter of acceptance and refusal, and then write one. - New words: Words related to the topic 3. Skills: Writing a letter of acceptance and refusal. II.MATERIALS Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS Integrated, mainly communicative. IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. Ss may not be familiar with expressions used in an invitation letter , so T should teach them. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Task 1: Filling the blank *Instruction:You are going to complete the letters on page Listen to the teacher. 117 by filling each blank with one of the ways to accept or refuse an invitation provided in the table. 15’ Ask Ss to read through the expressions in the table to Read through the understand them. expressions in the table. Ask Ss to do the task in pairs and remind them that for each Work in pairs to do blank they can have more than one answer. task 1. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board.. Some Ss write their answers on the board. Listen and check up.. Call for peer correction and give feedback. Suggested answers: 1. That's a great idea! 2.I'd love to, but.............. / I'm afraid I can't come because.... 3. I'd love to / I'd be delighted to Listen to the teacher answer the Discussing the features of a letter of acceptance or and teacher's questions. refusal. Use the letters in the task as models to elicit the features of a letter of acceptance or refusal.. 5’. 2. Task 2: Ordering *Instruction:You are required to arrange the sentences in the correct order to make a letter of accepting an invitation Listen to the teacher. to spend a weekend in the country. Ask Ss to work individually to do the task. Work individually. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group Ask them then compare their answer with a partner.. Compare the work with a partner. Call on a student to read the letter out loud and ask other to Read the letter aloud. listen and give feedback. Comment and give the correct order. Listen and check up. 1. d 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. f 6. b 3. Task 3: Writing a letter of acceptance or refusal. *Instruction:One of your friends has invited you to go for a picnic to Cuc Phuong National Park next weekend.Write a Listen to the teacher. reply letter acception or declining his/ her invitation. 15’ Remind Ss that they should pay attention to all the features Listen to the teacher. of this type of letter. Ask Ss to write the letter individually. Write a letter individually. Go around to observe and give help. FEEDBACK ON SS' WRITING Ask Ss to exchange their letter with another student for peer Exchange the letter with another student correction. 8’ for peer correction. Go round and collect mistakes. Observe. Collect some writing for quick feedback. and peer Write Ss' typical errors on the board and elicit self and peer Self correction. correction. T provides correction only when Ss are not able to correct Correct the errors. the errors. Suggested answer: Dear Thanh, Thank you for inviting me to join your picnic to Cuc Phung National Park. I’d like to but I cannot because I’m very busy learning my old lesson to prepare for y coming test. Let’s go another time. Love, Lien. WRAPPING UP Listen and take notes. Summarize the main points. 3’ Ask Ss to write a letter of acceptance or refusal (if they have written a letter of acceptance in class, at home they will write a letter of refusal and vice versa). February 2009 Period 69. UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS. LESSN 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim: Students can distinguish the sounds /t/ -/d/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use the conditional sentences type 3 correctly and appropriately - New words: Words related to pronunciation /t/ -/d/ 3. Skills: -Pronounce the sounds /t/ -/d/. II.MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS. Integrated, mainly communicative. IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may make mistakes when using the third conditional, so T should prepare a lot of pracice. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities PRONUNCIATION Pronoucing the two sounds separately: 15' Listen to T Model the two sounds twice or three times. Pronounce the sounds and ask Ss to repeat. Ask Ss to practice pronouncing the sounds in chorus and Practice pronouncing in individually. chorus. Listen Give feedback. Pronoucing words containing the sounds. Listen. Play the tape once. Play the tape again, help Ss to distinguish the differences Distinguish the two sounds. between the sounds in the words. Listen and repeat. Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat. Practice in pairs. Ask Ss to practice pronouncing the words in pairs. Go round to provide help. Call on some Ss to pronounce the words. Listen to T. Give correction if necessary. Reading the sentences with words containing the sounds. Play the tape and ask Ss to underline the words with the Underline the words with the two sounds. sounds /t / and /d /. Pair work. Ask Ss to practice the sentences in pairs. Go round to provide help. Read the sentences. Ask Ss to read the sentences. Give feedback. GRAMMAR The conditional sentence type 3 a. Presentation Call on one student to write the form of the third One S writes the form on the board, conditional sentence on the board. 3' Ask another one to tell the class the meaning and use of the the others tell the. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. 20'. third conditional. If Ss forget, T can do a quick revision. b. Practice Exercise 1 and 2. Ask Ss to do exercise 1 and 2. Go round to provide help. Ask Ss to compare their answers with another students.. meaning and the use.. Do exercises 1 and 2. Compare the work Ask two students to go to the board to write their answers with a partner. on the board. Write the answers on Ask for self correction and peer correction. the board. Give the correct answers: Exercise 1: Listen and check up. 1. had known 2. had had 3. would have gone 4. would have passed 5. could have enjoyed 6. had known 7. had stopped 8. had killed Exercise 2: 1. If the driver in front hadn't stopped so suddenly, the Listen and check up. accidents wouldn't have happened. 2. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I would have waken him. 3. If Hoa hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car. 4. If Mary hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured. 5. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now. 6. If I had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi. Exercise 3. Ask Ss to do exercise 3 in pairs. Pair work. Ask them to compare answers with another partner. Compare the work with the partner. Call on some Ss to read out their answers. Read out the sentences. Feedback and give the correct answers: 1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I Listen and check up. would have waited on your table. 2.If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway. 3. Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn't been studying. 4. If the sun hadn't been shining, we wouldn't have gone to. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. 5'. 2'. the beach yesterday. 5. If the music hadn't been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr Lee said during dinner. c.Production Ask Ss to make their own sentences using the third condition. Call on some Ss to read aloud their sentences and ask the others for correction. WRAPPING UP Summarize the main points. Ask Ss to learn the use the form and the structure of the third condition. Ask Ss to redo all the exercises again.. Make their sentences. Read aloud.. own. Listen notes.. take. and. February 2009 Period 70. TEST YOURSELF D. I. OBJECTIVES By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to test themselves about the knowledge they’ve learnt in Unit 10, 11. II.MATERIALS. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS. Integrated, mainly communicative. IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. Ss may forget how to write a letter of invitation, so T should give them help when necessary. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities 10' I. LISTENING Listen to the passage and answer the questions: all the Ask Ss to read through all the questions carefully to make Read questions sure that they understand them. carefully. Take notes. Give a new word: +geyser(n):mạch nước phun Play the tape the first time for students to get the main ideas Listen to the tape. of the passage. Play the tape again and ask Ss to answer the questions. Listen again to If Ss have not finished their work, play the tape once more answers the Qs. for Ss to finish the work. Ask Ss to compare their work with a partner. Compare their work with a partner. Call on some Ss to read out their answers. Listen Ask some others for the comments. Some give comments. Feedback and give the correct answers: 1. They go to a national park to enjoy nature. Listen and check 2. It became a national park in 1872. up. 3. No, it isn't. It's the world's largest park. 4.It has about 70 geysers. 5. They mustn't pick the flowers, feed or hunt the animals. 10' II. READING *Instruction: You are going to read a passage about the Listen to T. conservation, so read it and do the tasks followed. Ask Ss to read the passage and do the tasks in groups of Read the passage and do the tasks. three or four. to the Call on some Ss to read aloud their answers and explain Listen others. them. Call some other ones to add more details. Feedback and give the correct answers: Listen and 1. a. junk and litter correct. b. landscape c. highway d. healthy. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group 10'. 12'. 3'. 2. a. T b. T c. F d. F e. T f. T III. GRAMMAR Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Ask Ss to work in pairs to do this task. Call two Ss to write down their answers on the board. Ask the others for the comments. Feedback and give the correct answers: a. 1. has been cleaned 2. have been turned on 3. are waiting b. 1. knew 2. would help 3. know c. 1. decided 2. to stay 3. would have gone out 4. hadn't been IV. WRITING Complete the invitation letter below, using the words and phrases given as cues. Ask Ss to work in pairs to do the task.. Work in pairs. Observe and give comments. Listen and correct.. Work in pairs to do the task. Call two Ss to do it on the board and ask the others for the Observe and give the comments. comments. Feedback and give suggested answers: Dear Alex, You will be delighted to know Father is giving a party to celebrate the New Year. He has invited some of our relatives Listen and correct. and his friends to make the party a success. I too have invited a number of my friends in the neighborhood. Mother has asked me to tell you to come home for the New Year celebration. I'm sure you will be here in time to share the fun with us on that day. Your sister, Helen. WRAPPING UP Listen and take Summarize the main points. notes. Ask Ss to prepare for the written test.. 14th February 2009 Period 71. A WRITTEN TEST.. I. OBJECTIVES - Students are able to do the test given by the teacher well. II.MATERIALS - Paper teSs. III . TEACHING METHODS. - Writing on the test paper.. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group IV. CONTENT: (have been photocopied).. 14th February 2009 Period 72. UNIT 12: MUSIC. LESSON 1: READING Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group I. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim: Students know the importance of music in the daily life. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to + use the vocabulary items related to music. +guess the meaning of words based on contexts. + scan for specific information about music. 3. Skills: + use the vocabulary items related to music. +guess the meaning of words based on contexts. II.MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board. III . TEACHING METHODS. - T - Ss, S - S(pairwork, groupwork). IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may not know many vocabulary items related to music, so T should be ready to introduce some. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities WARM UP Draw a circle on the board with the word MUSIC inside. Call on some Ss to go to the board and write down as many Write down as many 15' kinds of music that they know and as many words related to kinds of music that music as possible. they know and as many words related to music as possible. Check and have the whole class read out the words after the Repeat after T. teacher. Give some other questions for Ss to answer. Answer the questions. 1. Do you like music? 2. What band do you like best? 3. what singer do you like best? 4. what sort of music do you often listen to? 5. can you name some singers or bands who play pop music? BEFORE YOU READ Ask Ss to read aloud the types of music in column A to make Read the types of sure that they pronounce them correctly. music aloud. Ask Ss to give the Vietnamese equivalents of the types of Give Vietnamese music. names. Ask Ss to work in pairs to match each type of music in Work in pairs. column A with its description in column B. Ask some Ss to give the answers. Some give the answers Give feedback and the correct answers: Listen and correct. 1.b 2.e 3.d 4. a 5. c Encourage Ss to provide some more types of music: hip-hop,. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group country music............ T can check Ss' pronunciation of these types of music and explain these types if necessary. Pre-teaching vocabulary +express(v):biÓu lé, thÓ hiÖn +convey(v): biÓu lé, thÓ hiÖn +funeral(n):đám ma +solemn(a):trang träng, trang nghiªm +sense(n):gi¸c quan +integral part(n):phÇn thiÕt yÕu +lull(v):ru ngñ +set the tone:t¹o kh«ng khÝ Help Ss read the new words fluently. Ask them to make sentences with the above words to check their understanding.. 1'. 12'. WHILE YOU READ 1. Set the scene: You are going to read a passage about music. While you are reading, do the tasks in the textbook. 2. Task 1: Gap filing based on word meaning guessing. Instruction: Fill each blank with one of the words in the box. All of the words appear in the reading passage. Write the words on the board: emotion, lull, communicate, delight, integral part, mournful, solemn Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meanings. Check that Ss understand the words correctly.. Pronounce the words. Listen and take notes get the meaning of the new words.. Read after T. Make sentences with new words. Listen to the teacher. Listen to T. Write the words on their books. Read the quickly.. passage. Work individually. Ask Ss to work individually to do the task. Go round to help if necessary. Ask Ss to exchange their work with a partner.. 12'. Compare the work with a partner. Listen and correct.. Ask Ss for their answers and tell them to explain their choices Listen and correct. Give the correct answers; 1. communicate 5. solemn 2. lull 6. emotion 3. delights 7. mournful 4. integral part 3. Task 2: Answering questions: Instruction:You are to read the passage again and answer Listen to T. the questions in the book. Instruct Ss to use some strategies to do the task. E.g. Ss Listen. should skim the questions to understand them. As Ss do this. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group. 7'. 3'. they underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text. Ask Ss to work individually to do the task. Ask Ss to discuss their answers with a partner. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choice. Give the correct answers: 1. Language and music(line 2). 2. It can express ideas, thoughts and feelings.(lines 3-6). 3. It adds joyfulness to the atmosphere of a festival and makes a funeral more solemn and mournful(lines 9 - 11). 4. It makes people happy and excited. It delights the senses.(line 13) 5. It is a billion- dollar industry.(line 14) AFTER YOU READ Instruction: You are required to work in groups to discuss the questions in the textbook. Ask Ss to work in groups of three or four to discuss the two questions in the book. Go round to help when necessary. Call on some groups to report their ideas to the class. Give feedback. WRAPPING UP Summarize the main points. Ask Ss to learn all the new words by heart. Ask them to do all the tasks again.. Work individually. Discuss with a partner. Observe and check up. Listen and correct.. Listen to the teacher. Work in groups of three or four. Listen to get the other's ideas. Listen to the teacher.. Listen and take notes.. 14th February 2009 Period 73 UNIT 12: MUSIC LESSON 2: SPEAKING I. OBJECTIVES 1. Educational aim: Students should know how to talk about the music they like, when and why to listen to music… 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students could talk about the music they like, when and why to listen to music… - New words: words related to the topic 3. Skills: talk about the music they like, when and why to listen to music… Compare their favourite music with others. II.MATERIALS - Textbook, chalk, board.. Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Tu ky High School – English Group III . TEACHING METHODS. - T - Ss, S - S(pairwork, groupwork). IV. ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS. - Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should ready to provide help. V. PROCEDURE. Time Teacher's activities Students' activities 10' 1. Task 1: Answering questions based on the reading text. Instruction: You are going to read what Ha Anh says about Listen to the teacher. music. Work in pairs to answer the questions. Ask Ss to read aloud the passage. Read aloud the passage. Elicit some words: Take notes and get the +keep sbd happy:lµm cho ai vui meaning. +cheer sb up:làm cho ai đỡ buồn/phấn chấn +band(n):ban nh¹c +easy to listen to:dÔ nghe Ask Ss to work in pairs. Work in pairs. Go round to observe Ss working Ask some Ss to present their answers. Listen to the others' presentation. Give feedback and give correct answers: 1. She likes pop music. Listen and check up. 2. Because it keeps her happy. 3. The Backstreet Boys. 4. She listens to music all the time. 2. Task 2: Asking and answering about music taste. Instruction:You are going to ask two of your classmates to Listen to T. get the information to complete the table. 13' Ask Ss what questions they can ask if they want to know Answer the teacher's about their friend's favourite kind of music, reasons for questions. listening to music, favourite band/musician/singer, favourite song/piece of music and when their friend listen to music. Give some suggested questions if they can't: +What kind of music do you like? +Why do you like it" Listen and take notes. +Who is your favourite singer/musician? +What is your favourite song/piece of music? +When do you listen to music? Introduce some adjectives and expressions to talk about music and the importance of music: Listen and take notes. +make sb excited +make sb feel relaxed +help sb forget troubles and worried +relaxing(a) +peaceful(a). Prepared by Phuong Mai Lop11.com.

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