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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh khối lớp 11 - Unit 9: The body - Section a, b

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>-1-. UNIT 9: THE BODY SECTION A: PARTS OF THE BODY I.OBJECTIVES: Students learn parts of the body and how to describe the form of a person. II.CONTENT: 1. Language material: a/ Structures: He’s fat She’s tall b/ Vocabulary: head chest big small gymnast shoulder(s) leg(s) tall short weight lifter arm(s) foot (feet) fat thin hand(s) toe(s) heavy light finger(s) strong weak 2. Language skills: Listening – speaking – reading – writing 3. Teaching method: Communicative approach 4. Teaching aids:Pictures, cassettes, songs, charts 5. Teaching steps: Teacher’s activities A.1 Listen and repeat.. Students’ activities. - Uses a picture to introduce  Look at the picture and listen parts of the body. to the teacher.  Says the new words as pointing  Repeat the new words, pay to the picture and ask students attention to each part of the to repeat. body pointed by the teacher. New word: - head, shoulder(s), arm(s), hand(s), finger(s), leg(s), foot/ feet, toe(s).  Mentions the pronunciation of  Listen to the teacher and the final sound and the practice as he/she asks. Notice irregular form of the word the irregular form of “foot” → “foot”. Have them practice “feet”. Practice orally. these sounds.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> A.2 Practice with a partner.. -2- Lets them practice in pairs.  Practice with the partners. Ask Points to the pictures and ask, as many questions as possible. “What’s this?/What are these?/ P1: What’s this? What’s that?/What are those?” P2: It’s a head. (Try to answer quickly)  Has some pairs drill before the  Drill before the class as the class. teacher asks.  Has them write new words..  Write the new words in their notebooks..  Asks them to draw a body and  Try to draw a body and name put the words on. each part correctly. - Lets students listen to the A.3 cassette. Listen and  Asks them to look at the repeat. pictures and listen to the teacher again. Adjectives: Tall  short Thin  fat Heavy  light  Lets them repeat the adjectives first, then the whole sentence.  Points to the pictures and asks students to say the whole sentence.  Lets them write the sentences.. - Lets students listen to the A.4 cassette and choose the right Listen and picture. choose the right Key: 1/ d, 2/ c, 3/ b, 4/ a. picture. A.5 Listen and read..  Listen to the cassette.  Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher again..  Repeat the adjectives.  Repeat the whole sentence.  Say the sentences as the teacher points to each one.  Some students say the sentences as the teacher asks.  Write the sentences in their notebooks..  Listen to the cassette then choose the right picture.. - Lets the listen to the cassette  Listen to the cassette. the two paragraphs about Chi  Try to remember the details of and Tuan these two people.  Asks them to retell about Chi  Try to retell / describe Chi and and Tuan Tuan.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A.6 Practice with a partner. -3- Lets them practice in pairs,  Practice in pairs, use question ask and answer as in the word to ask Wh-question and example on page 94. Yes/no question.. SECTION B: FACES I. OBJECTIVES: Students learn how to describe a face, a form and the main colors of hair or skin. II. CONTENT: 1. Language material: a/ Structures: - What color is your hair? It’s black. - What color are your eyes? They’re brown. - She has long black hair. He’s tall and thin. b/ Vocabulary: eye(s) round ear(s) oval nose full lip(s) thin mouth long tooth/teeth short color beautiful good-looking. black yellow white green gray blue red brown orange purple 2. Language skills: Listening – speaking – reading – writing 3. Teaching method: Communicatives approach 4. Teaching aids: Charts of colors – Cassettes – Pictures 5. Teaching steps:. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -4Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. - Draws a face on the  Look at the picture drawn on B.1 blackboard, points to each the board. Listen and detail on the face and marks  Pay attention to each part of repeat the name of each detail. the face as the teacher introduces.  Asks them to repeat the new  Repeat the new words and look words as pointing to the at the points the teacher details. shows.  Has some students go to the  Go to the blackboard point to blackboard, points to the the details on the face and say details and says the name of the names of the details. each detail, then erases the words and asks some others to  Try to redo this exercise. redo.  Look at the pictures and listen  Uses picture to describe a face to the teacher’s explanation. and explain the meaning of Notice the meanings of the adjectives. adjectives: round, oval, full, thin, long, short.  Practice in groups. Look at the  Asks students to look at their partner’s face and describe. partners’ face and describe.  Write five complete sentences  Has students write 5 complete to describe their friends. sentences to describe their friends. - Uses a chart of colors to show  Look at the chart of colors and B.2 and tell the name of each color. listen to the teacher. Listen and repeat  Asks them repeat.  Repeat the new words.  Has them retell..  Retell the names of color..  Shows things around and asks  Try to say the colors as your students to say the names of teacher asks. Say as many the color. colors as possible.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> B.3 Practice with a partner. -5- Introduces new structures to  Listen and ask about colors. structures.. notice. the. new. “What color + is + S (Singular)?” “What color + are + S (Plural)?”  Lets them practice in pairs..  Practice with your partner try to ask as many questions as possible. - Reads the text describing Chi  Listen to the teacher and try to B.4 clearly and slowly remember the detail describing Listen and Chi read  Asks students to reread by themselves.  Reread the text  Has some students read the  text aloud.   Has them close their books and  ask questions about Chi.. Listen to your friends’ reading. Close the books and listen to the teacher’s questions. Try to answer..  Lets them answer individually.  Lets them practice in pairs. B.5 Listen.  Practice in pairs.. - Has them write to text, the  Write the text, the questions questions and answers. and answers in the notebook.  Learn by heart the text.  Lets them listen to the cassette  Listen to the cassette and write and write the number of the the number of the picture in picture. the notebook.  Retells the new structures to  Take notes and learn by heart. Notes ask about colors. What color + is/are +S?  Has them to take notes in their notebooks and learn by heart.. S + is/are +color What color is her hair? - It’s black. What color are her eyes? - They’re brown.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -6 Asks them to do some exercises  Do exercises as requested. in the workbook from page 81 to 84 Key: 1/ c, 2/ a, 3/ d, 4/ b. Lop11.com.

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