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Giáo án Tổng hợp môn học lớp 1 - Tuần lễ 15 năm 2011

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 2- English 11 VOCABULARY: Dùng những từ đã cho điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu: embarrassing damaged eager. idols pressure echo. empathy detect fantastic. witness collapsed recognition. 1. We know that a quick ________ of disease is very important for effective treatment. 2. The Hollywood film _______are glamorous figures and adored by millions of fans. 3. Thousands of buildings ______ in the earthquake. 4. Which sea mammal can move and locate objects through ________? 5. Which insect can ________ movements through 5 cm of earth? 6. It is quite ________ to be caught telling a lie. 7. Many buildings were badly ________ during the war. 8. We will never forget the beautiful riverside, the ________ waterfall, and the spectacular valley in our trip. 9. You've lived in other countries so I'd expect you to have some sort of ________ with people who've just arrived here. 10. I don't like to do the work with a lot of __________. 11. Lots of _________ volunteers have come here to help the injured after the storm. 12. Following the crash on the motorway last night, police have appealed for _______ to the accident to come forward.. GRAMMAR: I. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using Past simple or Present perfect. 1. I (just / finish) _________________my homework. I'm going to watch TV. 2. Mary (already / write) _________________five letters. She's going to send one of them. 3. Tom (move) _________________to this town in 1994. He likes this city very much. 4. My friend (be) _________________in Canada two years ago. Now she is living in Australia. 5. I (not / be) _________________to Japan so far. I hear that it's a beautiful country. 6. I (already / travel) _________________to London a couple of times. London is an exciting city. 7. Last week, Mary and Paul (go) _________________to the cinema. 8. I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) _________________a new film yet. 9. (they / spend) _________________their holiday in New Zealand last summer? 10. (you / ever / see) _________________a grey whale? II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using Past simple or Past perfect. 1. They (spend) _________________their honeymoon in Paris, where they (meet) _________________two years before. 2. When Alice (do) _____________________ shopping, she (pick) _________________her children up from school. 3. He (show) _________________us the place where he (hurt) _________________his leg. 4. I (look) _________________at the photoes that he (send) _________________ 5. Yesterday I (read) _________________an interesting article which my teacher (recommend) _________________to me. 6. Andy (win) _________________the match although he (not / play) v squash before. 7. When I (leave) _________________the house, I (not / have) _________________breakfast yet. 8. Jim (crash) _________________into another car because he (not / realize) _________________the red traffic light. 9. I (work) _________________on Saturday, so I (not / go) _________________to the party the day before. 10. Who (live) _________________in that house before the Smiths (buy) _________________it? III. Choose the best answer 1: Before I ______ for that job, I ________ my parents for advice. A. applied / had asked B. had applied / asked C. applied / asked. D. have applied / asked. 2: After Fred _______ his holiday in Italy, he ______ to learn Italian. A. had spent / wanted B. had spent / had wanted C. has spent / had wanted 3: By the age of 35, my uncle ________ his own business. A. would start B. has started C. had started. D. spent / wanted. D. started. 4: I ________ to bring my camera so I _________ any photographs. A. forgotten / couldn't take B. had forgotten / couldn't take C. had forgotten / didn't take D. had forgotten / can not take 5: When she _______, the match _________. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> A. had arrived / started C. arrived / already started. B. had arrived / had already started D. arrived / had already started. 6: I _________ you the work to do again because you _______ it badly. A. gave / did B. gave / have done C. gave / done. D. gave / had done. 7: Ted ________ the match although he _________ before. A. won / hadn't practised B. didn't win / didn't practise C. won / didn't practise D. won / not practise 8: We _______ in the house that my grandparents _________. A. lived / have built B. live / have been building C. lived / had built. D. lived / had been building. 9: They _______ at the office when we ________ them. A. hadn't been / telephonedB. weren't / telephoned C. didn't be / telephoned D. weren't / had telephoned 10: The sky ________ black for sometime before the rain ________ to fall. A. had been / had begun B. had been / began C. was / had begun. D. was / begun. READING: A. Read the following passage and do the following tasks About twenty years ago, I was a naughty boy and a little bossy. I think I was a boss among friends. I fought with other boys almost every day and sometimes I fought with my elder sister. I was five or six years old when I saw Superman on T.V for the first time. It seemed he could do everything, so he became my idol. I really wanted to be a Superman. Finally I made up my mind to be a Superman. So I called up all of my friends and said in front of my house, “ Is there anybody that can jump from that second floor?” A silence flew through my friends. I said, “ All right, all of you like chickens, but I can do it”. They said “ Are you sure?” I said “ Sure! And if I do it, I’ll get all the marbles that you have, but if I fail, you will get all of my marbles. Good deal?” They said, “OK”. So I went up to the second floor with the Superman costume, stood at the edge of the floor for a few seconds, and took a deep breath. I felt cold because I was almost naked. But what a brave boy! I jumped with my arms extended like Superman. During the flight, though it was just a second, I could see every eye of my friends get wider. “CRASH” I fell down on the ground. And I was knocked out for just a moment. When I opened my eyes slowly I could see my mom’s nose. I had to go to the hospital with my mom because a part of my tongue was cut in the crash. But I got all the marbles later and I became the leader in my group of friends Exercise 1: Find the words or phrases in the text which have the same meaning as the one given below: Paragraph 2: 1. decided __________________2 gathered _________________3 Do you agree? ________________ Paragraph 3: 4. clothes ______________________5. . opened out ___________________ Paragraph 4: 6. made unconscious _____________ Exercise 2: Choose the best answer 1. How old do you think the writer is now? A. 10- 15 years old B. 15- 20 years old C. 25- 30 years old D. 35- 40 years old 2. When his friends couldn’t jump from the second floor, he thought……….. A. they were cowards who were always afraid B. they were wise and intelligent C. they were stupid D. they were not Superman 3. The writer falsely assumed that A. he could be the leader of his friends B. he were a Superman and could fly C. he would win the marbles D. he would wear the Superman costume 4. When he was “flying”, how did his friends probably feel? A. sad and worried B. cheerful and eager C. excited and worried D. All are correct 5. How might the writer feel after all? A. Regretful; he shouldn’t have jumped off the second floor B. Frightened; the accident caused him so many injuries C. Disappointed; he turned out not to be able to fly D. Proud; he was brave and admired anyway 6. What is the best title for the passage? A. I Was a Superman B. I Wanted to Be a Superman C. An Embarrassing Moment D. The Stupid Boss B. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank I’m writing to tell you a story……(1) ….happened to me quiet recently. As you have known, I had a listening examination a month ago. It was so difficult that I was afraid I would get very…(2) ……marks. Two weeks after the exam, I was told by my friend that there ……(3) …..the results, but they hadn’t announced yet. She said she would try …(4) ……..a glance at the results when she was in the office to see how many students failed, because all the students were……(5) ……. Then, when she had managed ……(6) ….at the marks, she said I got only 4, which meant I failed. My heart sank, because I had expected ……(7) …..5 at least. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Last week, the results were put on the bulletin. I look ……(8) …..the board and couldn’t believe in my eyes! I got 6 after all, it’s not good but I didn’t fail anyway. I found out my friend had made a …(9) ……, she had got the result of the student right before me in the list. I was so happy and relieved then. Well, that’s my story. And I ‘m looking forward to …(10) …….yours. 1. A. which 2. A. high 3. A. has been 4. A. have 5. A. happy 6. A. to get 7. A. getting 8. A. on 9. A. fuss 10. A. hearing. B. what B. top B. were B. to have B. worried B. to have B. to get B. in B. cake B. to hear. C. when C. low C. had been C. having C. relaxed C. to look C. get C. about C. mistake C. heard. D. where D. good D. is D. had D. pleased D. to know D. got D. at D. noise D. hear. WRITING: Viết một bức thư cá nhân Dear John, Thank you so much for your lovely photograph. You looked great in the ceremony. You want to know my latest news, don't you? I'm going to tell you one of the most embarrassing experiences that has happened in my life. Last week, I was invited to a birthday party of one of my close friends, Fiona. I was excited about going there. I went to a gift shop and chose a lovely present for her. Then I ran home and put the present on the corner of the desk. The time for the party was coming, so I got dressed and hurried to Fiona's house. On getting there, I saw some of my friends standing at the door giving Fiona cards, flowers, and gifts. I didn't notice that I hadn't brought the present with me. When Fiona called me, I realized that I forgot one big thing. "Oh, my god. I don't take my gift with me. What should I do?" Some of my friends looked at me with a little surprise, so I felt very embarrassed and couldn't say anything. Finally, I tried to keep calm and told her that I had forgotten the present at home and I would send her later. You know I have never been in a situation like that. You can imagine how I felt at that time. Since then I have learned that I must be very careful and well-prepared before going to a party.. TENSES OF VERBS ( Con’t) Past simple , past Progressive or Pas perfect. Exercise 1: Give the correct forms of the Verbs, using Past simple or past Progressive. 1. While I (have)……………………a bath, the phone (ring) …………………… 2. I (watch) ……………………the news when the explosion(take) ……………………place. 3. She (get) ……………………dressed when Tom (come) ……………………in. 4. We (got) ……………………lost while we (look) ……………………for your house. 5. When he realized I (look) ……………………at him, he (turn) ……………………away. 6. We (clean) ……………………the carpet when we (find) ……………………the ring. 7. They (walk) ……………………along the river bank when they (see) ……………………a dead 8. I (think) ……………………of writing to you when I (hear) ……………………that you would come today. 9. Peter and Ann (decide) …………………… to redecorate their sitting-room themselves. 10. They (choose) …………………… cream paint for the woodwork and apricot for the wall. 11. They (begin) …………………… painting, but (find) …………………… the walls (be) ………………… too wet. 12. While they (wait) …………………… for the walls to dry, Ann (remember) …………………… she (have) ……………………a phone call to make. 13. Peter (start) ……………………painting while she (telephone) …………………… 14. Ann (report) …………………… that Peter always (complain) ……………………. 15. They (work) ……………………in silence for some time. 16. Just as they (start) …………………… the third wall, the doorbell (ring) ……………………. 17. It (be) …………………… a friend of Peter’s who (want) …………………… to know if Peter (play) ……………………golf the following weekend. 18. He just (climb) …………………… the step ladder when the doorbell (ring) …………………… again. 19. He (sit) ………………… on the bank fishing when he (see) ……………… a man’s hat floating down the river. 20. What …………you (do) ……………between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?’ (say) …………………… the detective. + ‘I (clean) …………………… my house,’ said Mrs Jones. ‘I always clean my house on Saturday morning.’ Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 21. The dentist’s waiting room was full of people. Some (read) …………………… magazines, others just (turn) …………………… over the pages. A woman (knit) ……………………; a child (play) …………………… with a toy car. Suddenly the door (open) …………………… and the nurse (say) ……………………, ‘Next, please.’ 22. They (build) …………………that bridge when I (be) ……………… here last year. They haven’t finished it yet. 23. Everyone (read) …………………… quietly when suddenly the door (burst) …………………… open and a complete stranger (rush) …………………… in. 24. When I (reach) …………………… the street I (realize) ……………………that I (not know) …………………… the number of Tom’s house. I (wonder) …………………… what to do about it when Tom himself (tap) …………………… me on the shoulder. Exercise 2: Give the correct forms of the Verbs, using Past simple or Pas perfect. 1. After they (go) __________, I (sit) __________ down and (rest) __________. 2. When I (arrive) ___________, the dinner (already, begin) ______________. 3. My friend (not see) _______ me for many years when I (meet) _____ last week. 4. He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England. 5. In England, he soon (remember) __________ all he (learn) __________ before. 6. They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before. 7. He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early. 8. She (say) __________ that she (already, see) ___________ Dr. Rice. 9. By the time Bill (get) __________ there, the meeting (start) __________. 10. When we (arrive) __________ at our place, we (find) __________ that a burglar (break) ____________ in. 11. They (go) __________ home after they (finish) __________ their study. 12. Yesterday when I (arrive) __________to the party, the (already go) __________home. 13. After the guests (leave) __________, she (go) __________back into the living-room and (switch) __________off the light. 14. On arrival at home I (find) __________that she (just leave) __________just a few minutes before. 15. Before he (go) __________ to bad, he (do) __________his homework. 16. When they (get) __________to the place, the man (die) __________. 17. He (do) _________ nothing before he (see) ___________ me. 18. He (thank) __________ me for what I (do) __________ for him. 19. I (be) __________ sorry that I (hurt) __________ him. 20. After they (go) __________, I (sit) __________ down and (rest) __________. 21. When I (arrive) ___________, the dinner (already, begin) ______________. 22. My friend (not see) _______ me for many years when I (meet) _____ last week. 23. He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England. 24. In England, he soon (remember) __________ all he (learn) __________ before. 25. They (tell) __________ him they (not meet) __________ him before. 26. He (ask) __________ why we (come) __________ so early. 27. She (say) __________ that she (already, see) ___________ Dr. Rice. 28. By the time Bill (get) __________ there, the meeting (start) __________. 29. When we (arrive) __________ at our place, we (find) __________ that a burglar (break) ____________ in. 30. Almost everybody (leave) _______ for home by the time we (arrive) _______. Exercise 3: Give the correct forms of the Verbs, using Past simple, past Progressive or Pas perfect. 1. She (walk) ……………………into the airport only to find that her plane (take off) …………………… 2. I (be) ……………………sorry that I (not be) ……………………nicer to him. 3. It was a singer that I (never / hear) …………………… of. 4. Yesterday (be) ……………………… the first day of the new school year. 5. He (have) …………………..a little trouble with his car last night. 6. When the student heard the bell, they (get) ……………………up and (leave) ……………………… 7. The light (go) ………………… out while we (have) …………………… dinner. 8. David (be) …… born after his father had died. 9. When I (get) ……………………home, the show (start)…………………… 10. By the time he (retire) ……………………, he (appear) ……………………in 10 movies. 11. He (write) ……………………4 novels by the time he (decide) ……………………to give up writing. 12. My mother (get) ……………………a fortune before she (get ) ……………………married to my father. 13. When I (go) ……………………to bed, I (turn) ……………………off the lights. 14. Linda no longer (own)……………………a car. She (sell) ……………………it. 15. After Richard (finish) ……………………work, he (go) …………………… home. 16. By the time they (arrive) ……………………, he (go) …………………… out. Exercise 4: Find out one word that needs correcting Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. While we were sitting in the garden, it suddenly was beginning to rain. When I saw the dog, I was stopping the car. When I arrived at his house yesterday, he still slept. Peter was breaking a window last week. Bill was having breakfast when I had stopped at his house. When I went to his house, he went out.. UNIT 2: PRACTICE TEST – English 11 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. hand. B. bank. C. sand. D. band. 2) A. money. B. month. C. monkey. D. monitor. 3) A. change. B. hungry. C. stronger. D. single. II. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4) A. experience. B. embarrass. C. floppy. D. embrace. 5) A. idol. B. video. C. birthday. D. imagine. 6) A. cotton. B. happen. C. extreme. D. quickly. I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 7) A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the .............. A. ideal. B. idea. C. idol. D. fan. 8) A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ...... A. picture. B. clip. C. news. D. cartoon. 9) She ..................... shyly at him and then lowered her eyes. A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted 10) This ........................ girl was disliked by the rest of the class. A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous 11) He pulled a(n) ......................... of 10 pounds notes out of his pocket. A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad 12) I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ............................ situation before. A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing 13) The children were ......................... about opening their presents. A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited 14) I know from ............................ that he’ll arrive late. A. knowledge B. experience C. understanding D. reality 15) Andrew .................... the test before so he...................... it very easy. A. did/ had found B. had done/ found C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding 16) You ...................... your new hat when I ...................... you yesterday. A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met C. wore/ was meeting D. were wearing/ met 17) As I .................... the glass, it suddenly ...................... into two pieces. A. cut/ broke B. was cutting/ broke C. cut/ was breaking D. was cutting/ had broken 18) A burglar .................. into the house while we ................... television. A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched 19) When I ............................... home, I ........................... a phone call. A. got/ received B. was getting/ was receiving C. got/ had received D. had got/ had received 20) They ................. small cups of coffee after they ..................... dinner. A. had drunk/ finished B. drank/ finished C. were drinking/ finished D. drank/ had finished 21) It was midnight. Outside it ........................... very hard. A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining 22) When he ....................... at the station, his train already..................... A. arrived/ left B. arrived/ had left C. had arrived/ left D. had arrived/ left II. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 23) While I did my homework, I had a good idea. A B C D 24) Don’t make so much fusses over the children. A B C D 25) John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday A B C D 26) After she bought herself a new motorbike, she sold her bicycle. A B C D 27) She did not know where most of the people in the room is from. A B C D III. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense. 28) I suddenly remembered that I (forget) ............................ my keys. 29) While Diana (watch) ..................................... her favourite TV programme, there (be) ............................a power cut. 30) Who (drive) ............................... the car at the time of the accident? 31) By the time Sheila (get) .................. back, Chris (go) ...................... home. 32) David (eat) ................................ Japanese food before, so he (know) .............................. what to order. 33) I (do) ............................. some shopping yesterday, when I (see) .............................. your friend. 34) What .............. you (do)...................... when I (come) ........................... to your office yesterday? 35) Laura (miss) .......................... the party because no one (tell) ............................... her about it.. Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank. MARIA’S HOMECOMING When the bus ... (1) ... in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn’t realize that she had arrived at her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said. “You’ve arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be ... (2) ... for us. Come on. I’ll carry the bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I ... (3) ... in New York, I used to dream if this moment. And now it’s real, I can’t believe it! Here I am, I’m really standing in the square.” Santa Teresa was Maria’s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six. She had some ... (4) ... of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She didn’t know. Nobody was waiting in the square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn’t received Maria’s letter. “What are we going to do now?” asked Martin. “There isn’t ... (5) ... a hotel here!” 1) A. reached B. got C. stopped D. came 2) A. expecting B. waiting C. welcoming D. receiving 3) A. was living B. have lived C. live D. am living 4) A. recall B. memories C. thinking D.remembering 5) A. even B. hardly C. too D. very Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. 41) to/ play/ five/ He/ piano/ started/ the/ years/ ago 42) he/ was/ not/ hungry/ all/ had/ day/ Tim/ because/ eaten 43) letter/ the/ ,/ opening/ the/ was/ telephone/ I/ rang/ While 44) the/ during/ quite/ Britain/ much/ winter/ It/ snows/ in 45) seen/ were/ the/ ever/ They/ poorest/ people/ I/ had/ I. 1) B. bank 2) D. monitor 3) C. stronger II. 4) C. floppy 5) D. imagine 6) C. extreme I. 1) C. idol 8) B. clip 9) C. glanced 10) B. sneaky 11) D. wad 12) B. embarrassing 13) D. excited 14) B. experience 15) B. had done/ found 16) D. were wearing/ met 17) B. was cutting/ broke 18) A. broke/ were watching 19) C. got/ had received 20) D. drank/ had finished 21) D. was raining 22) B. arrived/ had left II. 23) A. was doing 24) B. fuss 25) B. celebrated 26) A. had bought 27)D.had been III. 28) had forgot(ten) 29) was watching/ was 30) was driving 31) got/ had gone 32) had eaten/ knew 33) was doing/ saw 34) were... doing/ came 35) missed/ had told 36) stopped 7) B. waiting 38) A. was living 39) B. memories 40) A. even 41) He started to play the piano five years ago. 42) Tim was hungry because he had not eaten anything all day. 43) While I was opening the letter, the bell rang. 44) It snows quite much in Britain during the winter. 45) They are the poorest people I had ever seen. Lop11.com.

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