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Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 11 - Writing a biography

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Free selected topic English 11 Date of preparing: 7th April, 2008….. …. Lesson plan: period 31. Date of teaching: ……... Writing a biography * Aims and Requirement - Sts write a biography * Lexical items - New words/phrases and connectors in writing * Assumptions - Sts know something about the writing. * Anticipated problem - Some sts have difficulties in vocabulary and grammar. * Materials - Book, ruler, chalk, bb, reference book, teaching aid ( an envelop or a letter). * Procedure Time Procedure Aims. 7'. 5’. 10'. 18'. I. Check up and warm up - Ss summarize the listening To check sst' old - Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about the pictures lesson in the book - T suggests: - T uses some pictures and asks Ss: 1. Look at the picture and say who is he? To lead in 2. IS he a Russian or an American astronaut? 3. Who did he set foot on the moon with? Pairwork Key: 1. He’s Neil Armstrong To check sts’ 2. He is an American astronaut understanding 3. He set foot on the moon with Buzz Aldrin. II. New lesson Pairwork Task 1: Find out the necessary to write a biography - Sts work in pairs: - T explains - T goes around the class to check and help some sts. To prepare for the - Some sts present. writing - Other comment. - T comments and corrects: Biography: quote, date of birth, place of birth, career…. Task 2: Individually Below is some information about Neil Armstrong, the first human to set food on the moon. Put each of the headings in the box in the appropriate blanks. Sts work in pairs:. Duong Thi Thoa- Teacher of English Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Free selected topic English 11. 3’. - T explains some new words - T goes around the class to check and help some sts. - Some sts present. - Other comment. - T comments and corrects: 1. Birth 2. Place of birth 3. Known as 4. Career 5. Quote Task 3: Write a biography of Neil Armstrong - T guides ss with the form, some new words - T goes around the class to check and help some sts. - Some sts present. - Other comment.  Suggested writing: Neil Armstrong is an American astronaut .He is known as the first person to walk on the mon. He was born on August 5th , 1930 in Wapokeneta in ohio. From 1949 to 1952, he worked as a pilot in the United States Navy. Armstrong received his B.S from Purdue University in 1955. He joined the NASA astronaut programme in 1962. Nail Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon’s surface on July 20th 1969.He was joined by Buzz Aldrin forty minute later. Armstrong and Buzz spent two and half an hours on the moon’s surface. Armstrong received his M.s rfom the university of Southern California……… III. Consolidation - T gives the feedback of the lesson IV. Homework - Sts complete the writing. - Sts prepare the new word in the next period. * Comments after the lesson: ...................................................................................... ..................................................................................... ...................................................................................... Duong Thi Thoa- Teacher of English Lop11.com. To check writing. sts’.

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