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Giáo án word ( Tiếng Anh 9 ) - Yến

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Lesson plan 9 Date of planning :5.4.2020


UNIT 7 :


<b> ( Lesson 2 : Speak P 58 – 59 ) </b>

 <b>Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a response </b>
for suggestions about how to save energy .
 <b>Materials : Texbook. </b>

 <b>PROCEDURE : </b>


<b>CONTENTS</b> <b>T.’s AND STS’</b>

5ms <b>I – WARMER : Matching * Match the actions we should do in each picture : </b>

<b>Actions Pictures</b>

1. Turn of the air- conditioner A
2. Turn off the faucet B
3. Turn off the lights & TV C
4. Travel by bike instead of motobike D
5. Turn down the gas fire E
6. Turn off the fan F
7. Turn off the faucet in the bathroom G

before going out

8. Use public transport instead of H

private on

Answer key

1 – D ; 2 – A ; 3 – E ; 4 – G ; 5 – B ; 6 - C ; 7 – F
; 8 – H

- T gives instruction .
- Ss work in groups of four
to do the matching.

- T calls Ss to write the
answers on the board &
gives feedback.

13ms <b>II – PRESENTATION : </b>
<b> Vocabulary: </b>

- (an) air – conditoner : máy điề hoà nhiệt độ

- (a) gas fire : beáp ga ( picture)
- (a) fan : cái quạt ( picture )

- T gives instructions .
- Ss guess the words .

- T models the words,
conducts repetition and
write the words on the
board .

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+ Introduce the new topic :

What are these picture about ? ( waste energy)
Should we do these actions ? ( STS answer )
+ Introduce the stuctures :

into notebook .

- T uses the pictures

above to introduce the new
topic .

- Ss follow the T .
- T helps Ss to some

- Ss listen and copy into
notebook .

15ms <b>III – PRACTICE : ( picture drill)</b>

<i>a) Look at the expressions in the tables and pictures .</i>

<i>Make suggestions about how to save energy</i>.

Example :

Picture A : S1 : I think we should turn off the

( I suggest fixing the faucet . )
S2 : That’s a good idea.

Picture B , C, D, E , F , G, H

<i>b) Work in group of four : Work out an action plan to </i>
<i>save energy for your class .The expressions and ideas</i>

<i>in section a) may help you</i> .


- T gives instruction .
- Ss work in pairs.

- T calls Ss to present and
gives feedback.

- T gives instruction .

- Ss work in groups of four
to mak similar dialogue.
- T calls Ss to present and
gives feedback.


- OK

- That’s a good

- All right.

- No, I don’t want

- I prefer to ...
- Let’s + V ...

- I suggest + V-ing ...
- I think we should ...
- Shall we ... ?
- Why don’t

we ... ?

- How about + V- ing
… ?

- What about + V-
ing ....?

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A : I think we should take a shower instead of a bath
to save energy .

B : That’s a good iead.

C : How about making posters on energy saving and
hanging them around our school ?

D : Great ! Let’s do that<i> .</i>

8ms <b>IV – PRODUCTION : </b>

<b> What should we do after leaving home ? make the </b>
suggestions ?

Example : I suggest turning of the lights / fans .
// closing the window .

// cleaning the floor .

- T uses the pictures in a)
to ask.

- Ss listen and answer.
- T gives feedback .
2ms <b> CONSOLIDATION </b>

<b> Learn how to make the suggestions about saving </b>
energy and response them .

- T mentions what Ss
have just learnt.

- Ss follow the T.
2ms <b>V – HOMEWORK : </b>

- Learn by heart the newwords and structures .
- Rewrite the suggestions and response into

- Write the date and the title of the new lesson.

Lesson 3: Listen
- Read and prepare some newwords in UNIT7 :
Listen P. 60 first.

<b> solar energy (n) , resource (unc) , nuclear power</b>
(n) , (to ) install , solar panel

T asks Ss to do something
at home.

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Lesson plan 9 Date of planning : 5.4.2020


<b> UNIT 7 : </b>


( Lesson 3 : Read P60 - 61 )

 <b>Objectives : By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know more how </b>
North American and European countries save money and natural .
 <b>Materials : Texbook .</b>

 <b>PROCEDURE : </b>


<b>CONTENTS</b> <b>T.’s AND STS’</b>

5ms <b>I – WARMER : Kim’s Game</b> - T divides class into two groups and gives


- Ss work in groups, try to
remember all the words.
- T calls Ss in each
group to write the words
on the board and gives

13ms <b>II – PRE – READING : </b>

- (a) consumer : người tiêu dùng ( example)

- (a) bulb : bóng đèn trịn ( realia)
- scheme (unc) = plan : kế hoạch ( synonym)
- efficiency (a) : có năng xuất , hiệu quả

- ultimately (adv) = finally (adv) : cuối cùng
( synonym)

- innovation (unc) : sự đổi mới ( situation)
- (to) conserve : bảo tồn , giữ gìn (translation)
+ Introduce the topic :

- What’s this ? (electricity bill )

- How much is your family ‘s electricity bill ?
- Is it enomous ?

- T gives instructions .
- Ss guess the words
- T models the words,
conducts repetition and
write the words on the

- T gives Ss time to copy
into notebook .

- T gives situation to
introduce the new topic .
- Ss follow the T .

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- Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity in
your family uses ?

+ Pre – questions :

1- Do people in Western countries think electricity,
gas and water are luxury ?

2- Do people want to save electricity ? What do they
do to spend less on lighting ?

- T asks Ss some guiding

- Ss follow the T .

15ms <b>III – WHILE – READING : </b>

<i>* Answer the questions : </i>

1 – What are Western consumers interested in ?
2 – What can we do to spend less on lighting ?
3 – Mrs. Jones uses only two ordinary bulbs and she

US$ 8 for lighting . How much will she pay if she
uses two energy- saving bulbs instead ?

4 – What is the purpose of the labeling scheme ?

5 – Why should we save energy ?

Answer key

1 – Western consumers are interested in products
that will not only work effectively but also save
money .

2 – She can use energy – saving bulbs instead of
ordinary 100 watt – light bulbs to spend less on
lighting .

3 – We will pay USS2 for lighting if she uses energy
– saving bulbs instead .

4 – The purpose of the labeling scheme is to help
consumers to know how efficent each model is ,
compared with other appliances in the same category
so that thay can save money and energy.

5 – Because when we save energy , we’ll save
money and conserve the Earth’s resources .

* Which of the following is the best summary of the
<i><b>passage ? </b></i>

- T gives Ss time to read
the text & answer the
questions .

- Ss work individually first
then compare with their
partners .

- T calls Ss to write
answers on the board and
gives feedback .

- Ss copy the corect
answers into notebook .

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1 – Energy- saving bulbs should be used to save
electricity .

2 – In Western countries electricity, gas, and water
are necessities .

3 – North American and European countries are
interested in saving money and natural resources .
4 – Labeling schemes help save energy .

Answer key

3 – North American and European countries are
interested in saving money and natural resources .

summary of the passage.
- Ss work in groups to do
the task .

- T calls Ss to answer and
gives feedback.

8ms <b>IV – POST –READING : </b>

<b> * What can you do to save energy ? </b>

- use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100
watt-light bulbs .

- turn off the light before leaving the rooms
- use household appliances properly

- keep refrigerator door closed .

- T asks Ss to work in
groups of four to write the
things we can do to save

- T calls some groups to
write on the board and
gives feedback.

2ms <b> CONSOLIDATION </b>

<b> Read and understand the text about saving energy </b>
to know how North American and European

countries save money from saving energy.

- T mentions what Ss
have just learnt .

- Ss follow the T.
2ms <b>V – HOMEWORK : </b>

- Learn by heart the newwords .
- Read the text again .

- Read and prepare some newwords in UNIT 7 :
Write P.61- 62 first.

- T asks Ss to do
something at home.
- Ss copy into notebook .
*Rút kinh nghiệm :

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