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Giáo án English 10 - Unit 4: Special Education - Lesson 5: E.Language Focus - Năm học 2012-2013

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Pre : 20.10.2012 Tea: 22.10.2012. UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Lesson 5: E/ Language focus. Week: 10 Syllable Period: 26. I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Education aim: Distinguishing the sounds / ᴐ / and / ᴐ: / and using the + adjective, used to + infinitive and which 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: Talk about the past habits. - Language: Talk about the past habits. Structure: Used to + Verb _infinitive. 3. Skills: Relative pronoun “which” as a connector. II. METHOD: Mainly communicative. III. TEACHING AIDS: Some pictures. IV. PROCEDURE: 1. Class organization: Greeting and checking the attendance 2. Check up: 3. Presenting the new lesson: Contents. Teacher’s & Students’ activities. I. WARM-UP (5’) + What did you used to do when you were young? + Did you often cry at night? + Did you go to bed late? + Were you afraid of ghost?. T gives some questions and asks Ss to answer the questions related to their childhood T calls on some Ss to answer the questions individually in front of the class T gives comments if necessary and introduce the new lesson to the whole class. II. PRONUNCIATION (7’) Notes: - socks, on, top, of, box - lost, job, doctor, hospital - what, wrong, you, boss - walking, called, sport - talk, more - four, of, walked, for, fourteen. T asks Ss to read all new words including / ᴐ / and / ᴐ: / T reads the words aloud and asks Ss to repeat chorally & check their pronunciation T asks Ss to practice these sentences with a friend and calls on some Ss to read aloud T corrects some mistakes and asks them to practice more at home. III. GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 1. The + adjective = Plural noun (12’) The poor: people who do not have enough to money to have a comfortable life The injured : people who have been hurt The unemployed : people who cannot find a job The sick: sick people The rich: people with a lot of money or property The young: young people Exercise 1: * Expected Answers: 2. the inured 3. the employed 4. the sick 5. the rich/ the poor. Lop10.com. T gives some examples and explains their uses and meanings of the + adjectives T asks Ss to pick out the form of the + adjective T asks Ss to read and study the sentences carefully T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually T asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends T calls on some Ss to read and explain the answers T corrects mistakes if necessary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2. Used to + infinitive (10’) + He used to cry for candies + He is used to living here. T asks Ss to review the uses of ‘used to + infinitive’ and give some examples T calls on some Ss to read and explain their examples T corrects mistakes if necessary T asks Ss to distinguish the differences between ‘used to’ and ‘to be used to’ through the following examples. * Expected Answers: Used to + bare-infinitive To be used to + gerund/ noun Exercise 2: * Expected Answers: 2. used to have 3. used to live 4. used to eat 5. used to be 6. used to take 7. used to be 8. Did you use to go. T explains the request of the exercise and asks Ss to do the exercise 2 individually T asks Ss to exchange their answers with a friend T calls on some Ss to read and explain their answers T corrects mistakes if necessary. 3. Relative pronoun “Which” : (7’) + She can’t speak English, which is a disadvantages + Sheila couldn’t come to the party, which was a pity. Exercise 3: * Expected Answers: 1. e 2. c 3. f. 4. g. 5. a. 6. d. 7. b. T gives some examples and asks Ss to give comments on the use of relative pronoun “Which” T explains the use of relative pronoun ‘Which’ and asks Ss to take notes T asks Ss to read all sentences in column A and in column B T asks Ss to sit in pairs and join a sentence from A with one from B to make new sentence using ‘Which’ T calls on some Ss to read and explain their answers T corrects mistakes if necessary. Homework ( 2’) T asks Ss to review all grammatical points and do exercises again T asks Ss to prepare the new lesson ----◊----. Lop10.com.

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