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Presentation the audio lingual method

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Pham Van Dong University
Department: Foreign Language

The Audio –
Lingual Method


1. Listen and read paragraph
2. Vocabulary
3. Grammar
4. Answer the question

1. Listen and read paragraph

The Audio-Lingual method was popular in the West in the
1960’s and in Asian in the 1970’s.
“ Audio” means listening and “Lingual” means speaking,
so this method aimed at teaching speaking through
listening. It was also based on the idea of Behaviourism.
This was a theory that students learn through repetition
to form habits – so the Audio-Lingual method
concentrated on learning a language through repetition
and memorisation. The students had to listen again and

again to sentence patterns ( of grammar) or dialogues and
then repeat them. The most common technique was to use
drills. Often these drills were on audio cassette tapes and
it was because of this method that the language
laboratory became so popular.



Method (n): phương pháp, cách thức
Aimed(n):sự nhắm
base on(n):tần số cơ bản
Behaviourism(n):chủ nghĩa hành vi
Theory(n):học thuyết; lý thuyết
Repetition(n):điều nhắc lại, điều được nhắc lại
habit(n):thói quen, tập quán
Concentrate(v):tập trung (sự chú ý, cố gắng.....)
Memorisation(n):sự học thuộc lòng; sự ghi nhớ
Patterns(n):gương mẫu, mẫu mực
Dialogue(n):cuộc đối thoại
Common(adj):thuộc về, được chia sẻ bởi
Technique(n):ỹ thuật, phương pháp kỹ thuật
Drill(n):sự tập luyện
Tape(n):dây, dải (để gói, buộc, viền)
Laboratory(n):phịng thí nghiệm; phịng pha chế

3. Grammar

THE SIMPLE PAST(Thì quá khứ đơn)

*Cấu trúc:
I/You/We/She/It/We/They + verb (past tense)
Subject + did not/didn’t + verb
 Did + subject + verb (bare – inf.) ?
*Cách dùng
Thì quá khứ đơn (The simple past) được dùng thường xuyên để diễn
tả :
- Sự việc diễn ra trong một thời gian cụ thể trong quá khứ và đã kết
thúc ở hiện tại
- Sự việc diễn ra trong một khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ và đã kết
thúc ở hiện tại
* Các cụm từ thường dùng với thì quá khứ đơn: yesterday, two
days ago, three weeks ago, last, in, from,…..

4.Answer the question
Question 1: What was this method popular?

The Audio-Lingual
method was popular in
the west in the 1960's and
in Asia in 1970's

Question 2 : With this method, what was taught
in terms of systems and skills?

This method aimed at

taught spoken
through listened

Question 3 : Which techniques were used?

The techniques was to
use drills. Often these
drills were on audio
cassette tapes
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Question 4 : Is this method used in Vietnam
today? Where?

Yes, this is. This method
used in primary school,
high school, universities
and the language center
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