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<b>Trường THCS Hội An 2 </b>

<b>ÔN TẬP HỌC KỲ I TIẾNG ANH 8 NĂM HỌC 2014-2015</b>


<b>1/ Present simple tense (thì hiện tại đơn):</b>

<b> S + V(es/s) (-) S + don’t / doesn’t + V (?) Do / Does + S + V? </b>

(Đối với các chủ ngữ: He / She / It / tên riêng + Ves / s (-o, -ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z +ES))

* Dùng để diễn tả: Chân lí, sự thật hiển nhiên, thói quen, hành động thường xuyên xảy ra (Một số trạng từ /
cụm từ: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, occasionally, rarely, every …, on Mondays / Tuesdays, once a
<b>week </b>

<b>2/ The near future tense: (be going to : sắp, sẽ)</b>
<b>(+)S + am / is / are + going to + V(bare-inf) </b>
(-) S + am / is / are + not + going to + V(bare-inf)
(?) Am / Is / Are + S + going to + V(bare-inf)?

 <b>Dấu hiệu: Next, tonight, tomorrow, soon, one day </b>
<b>3/ The present progressive tense (thì hiện tại tiếp dieãn):</b>
<b>(+)S + am / is / are + V-ing </b>

(-) S + am / is / are + not + V-ing.
(?) Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing?

* Dùng để diễn tả:

+Hành động / sự việc đang diễn ra ở hiện tại.
Ex: they are watching TV at the moment.

+ Sự than phiền đi kèm với always

Ex: She is <b>always </b>borrowing me money.

+Diễn tả tình trạng/hành động mang tính tạm thời (khơng thường xun xảy ra)

(Một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian: now, right now, tomorrow, tomorrow morning/ afternoon, evening, , at present, at
<b>the moment, this week / month / …, listen!; look!, …)</b>

<b>4/ Present perfect tense (Thì hiện tại hồn thành):</b>
 Dấu hiệu: <b>since, for, yet, ever, just,recently</b>


+ S + have/has + P.P(_ed/d-cột 3)
- S + haven’t/hasn’t + P.P

? Have/has + S + P.P
_he/she/it + <b>has</b>

_I/we/you/they +<b> have</b>

have/has + <b>already/just/ever/never</b> + P.P

 Ex: They <b>have just received</b> a package from their grandfather.
Lien <b>hasn’t prepared</b> her lesson <b>yet</b>.

 The present perfect with “since” or “for” (sử dụng “since” hay “for” trong thì hiện tại hồn thành)

<b>* SINCE</b> + mốc thời gian
since 2000

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since 2 <b>o’clock</b>

since I was young
* F<b>OR</b> + khoảng thời gian
for 8 years

for a month
for 3 months
for 2 <b>hours</b>

for a long time
several weeks

nearly two years

<i> <b>.Supply "for" or "since" in the sentences</b></i>
1. Tom's lived here __________ 10 years.

2. Have you waited for me _________ yesterday?
3. The boy has played the game __________ 3 pm.
4. I haven't seen her _________ a month.

5. They have kept in touch __________ they left school.
6. I haven't known about that __________ a long time.
7. Dad's worked this office __________1990

8. Peter has married ___________ half a month
9. We have finished the test __________ three hours.

10. Children have learned English __________ they were young

<b>5/ Past simple tense (Thì quá khứ đơn)</b>

S + Ved/2 + O  S + didn’t + V + O  Did + S + V + O?
(Tobe: was / were)

Ex: I bought this book yesterday morning.

* Dùng để diễn tả hành động / sự việc: đã xảy ra và kết thúc tại thời điểm xác định ở quá khứ (Một số trạng từ
chỉ thời gian : yesterday ; last night / …, ago)

<b>6/ ENOUGH (đủ … để có thể):</b>

Ex: She is old enough to go to school

 S + be (not) + adj + ENOUGH + (FOR S.O)+ to - V
Ex: I have enough money to buy that book.

 S + V + ENOUGH + N(s) + (FOR S.O)+ to – V
NOTES - Enough đứng trước tính từ /trạng từ, đứng sau danh từ

<i>-</i> <i>Nếu 2 chủ từ không cùng đối tượng thì phải sử dụng “For Someone”</i>
<i>Ex: This suitcase is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.</i>

 <b>Modal 1: Adj + enough + to-inf</b>

1. He is tall. He can play volley ball.->He is ________________________________________________
2. Mr. Tam is not rich. He can’t buy a house.

->Mr Tam isn’t________________________________________________
<i>3.</i> My sister is old. She can go to school.

->My sister is old ………
4. He is very old. He can stop working.

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5. Tom isn't experienced. He doesn't apply for this job.

6. We don't have money. We cannot go on a trip.

7. My sister is old, so she can drive a car.

-> _________________________________________________________.
8. The ladder wasn’t very long. It didn’t reach the ceiling.

-> _______________________________________________________
9. The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle.

-> _______________________________________________________
10. Lan isn’t strong. She can’t swim across the river.

◦<b>Modal 2: not + adj + enough + to –inf</b>

1. The lady was too old to live there by herself.

-> The lady was not _____________________________________
2. They are too busy to help you.

-> They are not ___________________________________________________________
3. The film was too boring to attract us.

-> The film is not _________________________________
4. Peter is too young to see the horror film.

->Peter is not __________________________________________________________
5. My sister is too young. She can’t drive a car.

->My sister is not ______________________________________________
6. She is very short, so she can’t play basketball.

-> She is not _______________________________________________________
<b>7/ Adverbs of place (trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn):</b>

Thường đứng cuối mệnh đề và đứng trước trạng từ chỉ thời gian. (here - ở đây; there - ở kia; outside - ở bên
ngoài; inside - ở bên trong; upstairs - ở tầng trên; downstairs - ở tầng dưới; around - quanh; out of the window - ở
ngoài cửa sổ …)

Ex: Come and sit here.

<b>8/ Reflexive pronouns (đại từ phản thân):</b>
I  myself (chính tơi) You  yourselves
you  yourself it  itself
he  himself we  ourselves
she  herself they  themselves
Ex: He bought himself a new car.

<b>9/ Modal verbs: must / have to / ought to/ should + bare-inf</b>

<b>10/ Why ? (Tại sao……..? ) – Because……….. ( Bởi vì……….)</b>

E.g: <b>Why were you late for class this morning?</b>
 Because I went to school on foot.

<b>11/ Prepositions of time (giới từ chỉ thời gian):</b>

<b>- IN (trong, vào): Thế kỉ, năm, tháng, mùa, các buổi trong ngày (trừ at night)</b>

<b>- ON (vào): Các ngày trong tuần, ngày tháng, ngày cụ thể (on christmas day; on my birthday)</b>
<b>- AT (lúc, vào lúc): giờ, ban đêm, và những dịp lễ (at christmas)</b>

<b>- AFTER (sau, sau khi) </b> BEFORE (trước, trước khi)
<b>- BETWEEN (giữa hai khoảng thời gian, ngày, năm …)</b>

<b>12/ USED TO (thường, đã từng): diễn tả thói quen trong quá khứ.</b>

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e.g: - I used to live in HCM city .  S + USED TO +bare-inf

-I didn’t use to like milk, but now I like it.  S + didn’t + USE TO +bare-inf
- Did you use to go there ?  Did + S + USE TO + bare-inf ?

<b>13/ Adverbs of manner (Trạng từ chỉ thể cách):</b>

Cho biết điều gì đó xảy ra hoặc được thực hiện như thế nào? Được thành lập bằng cách:
ADJ + ly = ADV


(S + V + ADV)

Ex: bad  badly happy  happily beautiful  beautifully
Soft  softly quick  quickly careful  carefully
* Một số trường hợp đặc biệt:

Good  well fast  fast early  early

Hard  hard late  late
<b>14 Gerunds (danh động từ) = V+ ing:</b>

Sau các động từ: like, hate, love, enjoy, avoid, begin, finish, mind , suggest, stop + V-ing.

- Danh động từ là một loại từ vừa có tính cách như một động từ vừa có tính cách như một danh từ.
<b>15. Comparison with:</b>

a/ Like (gioáng nhau): Like + N / Pronoun: You look like your mother (gioáng)

He can like

the wind (như)

<i><b>S1</b></i> <i><b>Tobe</b></i> <i><b>Hình thức so sánh</b></i> <i><b>S2</b></i>

A is

like ( gioáng)

similar to ( gioáng)

(not) as adjective as ………bằng/ Không bằng
are (not) the same as . . . giống / không giống

different from ( khác )
b/ (not) as … as (không / ngang bằng nhau)

e.g: - He is as tall as his father.

- Nam speaks English as well as Mary.

(Thể Khẳng định)
- Hoa doesn’t speak French as well as the French.


(Theå phủ định)

c/ (not) the same (...) as (sự khơng đồng nhất) different from (sự khác nhau)
e.g: + Her hair isn't the same color as her mother's

+ She is very different from her sister.
+ She sings louder than me.

16. Reported Speech

<b>a/ Command and requests (câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu trong câu nói gián tiếp):</b>
e.g: - “Can you meet me after class?”

 He asked me to meet him after class.
- “Don't open your book, Tom” she said.

 She told Tom not to open his book.

S + + as + + as + N / Pro






be not

S + don't


<b>So / as</b>

+ +


+ N / Pro

doesn't + V




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<b>b/ Advice in reported speech (lời khuyên trong lời nói gián tiếp):</b>
e.g: “You should stop smoking” he said.


He said (that) I should stop smoking.


S1 + said (that) + S2 + should (not) + bare-inf

<i><b>18. In order to – so as to + V(bare-inf) : được dùng để diễn tả mục đích </b></i>

Ex: He’s saving money in order to / so as to go on holiday next summer.
<b>Word Forms –English 8 </b>

1. extreme(adj) : raát
-> extremely(adv)

2. generous(adj) : rộng lượng
-> generosity(n)

3. humor(n) : hài hước

-> sense of humor : khiếu hài hước
-> humorous(adj): có tính hài hước
4. lucky(adj) : may mắn

≠ unlucky (adj) : không may mắn
-> luckily(adj)

≠ unluckily(adj)

5. orphan(n) : trẻ mồ côi

-> orphanage(n) : trại mồ coâi
6. social (adj)

-> Sociable(Adj) : Cởi mởi

7. Arrange(v) : Sắp xếp

-> Arrangement

8. Assist(v) : phụ tá

-> Assistant : Người phụ tá

9. Exhibit(V) : Triễn lãm

-> Exhibition(n)

10.Commerce(n) : Thương mại
-> Commercial(adj)

11.Succeed(v) : Thành công

-> Success(n)

-> Successful(adj) ≠ unsuccessful
-> Successfully # unsuccessfully

12.Deliver(v) : Phân phát

-> Delivery

13 . chemistry(n) : Ngành hóa học
-> Chemical(adj) : Ngành hóa học

14. Safe(adj) : An toàn

-> Safety

15. Destroy(v) : Hủy diệt

-> Destruction(n)

16. Electricity(n) : điện

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17. Equip(v) : Trang bị
-> Equipment(n)

-> Well- equipped(adj)

18. Tradition(n) : Truyền thống

-> traditionally(adv)

<b>19.appear(v)</b> <b>: xuất hiện</b>
<b>-> appearance(n)</b>

<b>20.excited(adj)</b> <b>: phấn khởi, hào hứng</b>
<b>-> be excited ABOUT something : phấn khởi về…</b>
<b>-> exciting (adj)</b>

<b>-> excitement(n)</b> <b>: niềm phấn khởi</b>
<b>21.fool(n)</b> <b>: ngu ngốc</b>
<b>-> foolish(adj)</b>

<b>22.magically (adv)</b> <b>: kì diệu</b>
<b>23.fortunate(adj)</b> <b>: may mắn</b>
<b> ≠ unfortunate(adj) : bất hạnh, rủi ro</b>
<b>-> unfortunately(adv) : khơng may</b>
<b>24.wise(adj)</b> <b>: khơn ngoan</b>
<b>-> wisdom(n)</b> <b>: trí khơn, trí tuệ</b>
<b>25.behave(v)</b> <b>: cư xử</b>

<b>-> behavior(n) </b>

<b>26.improve(v)</b> <b>: cải tieán</b>
<b>-> improvement(n)</b>

<b>27.pronounce(v)</b> <b>: phát âm,đọc</b>
<b>-> pronunciation(n)</b> <b>: cách phát âm</b>

<b>28. to be proud of </b> <b>: tự hào về….</b>
<b>-> pride(n)</b> <b>: niềm hãnh diện</b>
<b>-> take pride in s.o/ sth</b>

<b>29.revise(v)</b> <b>: ơn lại, đọc lại</b>
<b>-> revision(n)</b>

<b>30.good(adj)</b> <b>: tốt</b>
<b>-> well(adv)</b>

<b>31.organize(v) </b> <b>: tổ chức</b>
<b>-> organization(n)</b>

<b>32.young(adj)</b> <b>: treû</b>

<b>-> youth(n)</b> <b>: thanh niên</b>

<b>33.encourage(v)</b> <b>: khuyến khích</b>
<b>-> encouragement(n)</b>

<b>34.voluntary(adj)</b> <b>: tự nguyện</b>

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<b>35.apply for </b> <b>: xin việc </b>
<b>-> application(n)</b> <b>: đơn xin việc</b>
<b>36.act(v)</b> <b>: diễn tập</b>
<b>-> activity(n)</b> <b>: hoạt động</b>
<b>37. excellent(adj)</b> : Xuất sắc


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Meaning

Luck Lucky ≠ unlucky Luckily #


May mắn

Extreme Extremely Cực kỳ

Sociability Sociable Cởi mở

Generosity Generous Generously Hào phóng

Volunteer Volunteer Voluntary Voluntarily Tình nguyện


Cơ nhi
Cô nhi viện

Peace Peaceful Peacefully Yên bình

Humor Humorous Humorously Vui tính

Annoy Annoyance Phiền

Arrange Arrangement Sắp xếp

Emigrate Emigration


Di cư
Người di cư

Transmit Transmission Truyền đi

Assist Assistance


Sự phụ tá
Người phụ tá

Demonstrate Demonstration Demonstrative

Exhibit Exhibition Triễn lãm

Commerce Commercial Thương mại

Succeed Success Successful ≠


Successfully #

Thành công

Deliver Delivery Phân phát

Serve Service Phục vụ

Precaution Precautious Phòng ngừa


Chemical Ngành hóa học

Nhà hóa hoc
Hóc chất

Safety Safe An toàn

Destroy Destruction Hủy diệt

Injure Injury Bị thương

Cause Caution Cautious Gây ra , nguyên


Electrify Electricity Electrical


Thuộc về điện
Dẫn điện
Thuộc điện tử

Equip Equipment Well- equipped Trang bị

Tradition Traditional Traditionally Truyền thống

Morality Moral Morally Đạo đức

Fortune Fortunate #


Fortunately #

May mắn # ko may

Fool Foolish Ngốc

Excellence Excellent Excellently Xuất sắc

Pride Proud Proudly Hãnh diện

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Improve Improvement Cải thiện

Pronounce Pronunciation Phát âm

Believe Belief Niềm tin

Behave Behavior Cư xử

Cooperate Cooperation Cooperative Hợp tác

Participate Participation

Tham gia
Ng tham gia

Satisfy Satisfaction Satisfactory Satisfactorily Hài lòng

Sign Signature Ký tên

Necessity Necessary Necessarily Cần thiết

Revise Revision Ôn tập

Enjoy Enjoyment Thích

Apply Application


Đơn xin việc
Người xin việc

Enroll Enrollment Đăng ký

Encourage Encouragement ủng hộ

Explain Explanation Explanatory Giải thích

Establish Establishment Thành lập

Differ + from Difference Different Differently Khác

Environment Environmental Environmentally Môi trường

<b>B. </b>


<b>I.Choose the best answer:</b>

1. Would you (like / love / want) to go with me? I’d love to.
2. Her mother (left / leave / is leaving) this city two years ago
3. They enjoy (tell / telling / told) jokes.

4. The children are old enough to look after (themselves / herself / ourselves)
5. We ought (put / putting / to put) the wardrobe opposite the bed.

6. You’ll have to cook dinner (yourself / myself / ourselves)
7. They’ll arrive (in / on / at) Monday, 11th<sub> July</sub>

8. We must be there (at / after / between) 7.30 and 9.30.
9. They want to know (why / where / what) she left early.
10. Don’t go (outside / inside / into). It is too dark.

11. Our team won the game because they played very (well / good / bad)
12. His parents are always proud (on / of / about) him.

13. She asked her children (stop / to stop / stopping) playing.
14. I know you worked really (hard / hardly / good) this semester.

15. Mary was born in France. French is her (foreign language / mother tongue / second language)
16. Do you want (become / to become / becoming) a singer.

17. They have studied (to / for / since) six o’clock.

18. She has (written / write / written) over 50 pages since yesterday.
19. Airmail is (like / as / more) expensive than surface mail.

20. (How / How long / When) have you lived in this town? For 20 years.
21. He does exercises every day(so as to / in order / so that) improve his Math.
22. I’m going to Hanoi (at / in / on) January.

23. What are you doing? I’m looking at (myself / herself / himself)
<b>II . Choose the word or phrase that best complete each sentence. </b>

1- The children are old enough to look after ______

A . themselvesB. ourselves C. herself D. himself

2-He isn’t_________get married.

A .enough old to B.old enough to

C .enough old for D. old enough for

3- We --- to go to the market and buy something for dinner.

A.must B. should C. ought D. have to

4. I’ll see you……….. Sunday , April 1st<sub> .</sub>

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5. My friends worked really………. this semester.

A. hardly B. hard C. very hardly D. bad
6. Tuan hates ……….. computer games all day

A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays

7. My father used……….. us to the zoo when he was alive.

A .take B. to take C. took D. taking

8. Tam told his friend………..him a ride.

A. give B. to give C. giving D. gives
9. Revision is ……… when we learn new words.

A. necessary B. necessarily
C. more necessary D. unnecessary

10. ………is a story passed on in spoken form from one generation to the next .

A. Talking B. Talk C. Folktale D. Speaking

11. Mary was born in France. French is her………

A. first langugeB. mother tongue C. foreign D. A and B

12. - Lan doesn’t talk much in public. She’s rather --- in public.

A. reserved B. silent C. talkative. D. sociable

13- Deaf-mutes can _______speak _______hear.

A . both….and B. neither…nor

C. not only… but also D . either… or
14-You’ll _________ cook dinner yourself

A. have to B. ought to C.must D. should
15- Would you like________ a message?

A . leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left

<b>III. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verbs:</b>

1. Would you like (listen)...to some music?
2. Yesterday, Ba ( go)...to Da Nang by car.
3. Nam enjoys ( play)...soccer after school.
4. Lan asked me (go)...to the supermarket.
5. Mai is (buy)...a new bicycle next week.
6. I think you should (do)...the morning exercise.
7. They used (go) ...to work by train.
8. Don’t let children (play)...alone.

9. You ought to (do)...the homework yourself.
10. My father stopped (smoke)...

11. Mai has enough money (buy)...a new bicycle.
12. Hoa often (do)...the homework after school.
13. Look! A baby (cross)...the road.

14. I need (buy)...some notebook.

15. My teacher said I should (spend)...more time on my English.
16. Mr Hung told me (tell)...him the truth.

17. Nga likes ( play)... badminton.
18. They asked their children ( stay)...at home.

19. Nam must (do)...the homework himself.
20. My mother (buy)...a house last week.

<b> IV. Complete the sentences with right prepositions</b>


1. That’s very kind ____ you to help me _____ this Math.

1. We hope to earn some money _____our school Y & Y.

2. What did you do _____ the ninth of April, 2002? (April 9th<sub> , 2002)</sub>

3. Well, let’s go ____ a walk ______ the weekend.
4. Minh has high marks ___ exam ___working very hard.
5. Are you interested _____ studying English?

6. When did you see him? _____ lunch today.
7. Does it rain _____ spring?

8. His birthday is ____ May 1st<sub>.</sub>

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10. I don’t know he is doing ___ the moment
11. She was interested ____ folktales.

12. I’ll be home ______ 7.00 because I want to see the seven o’clock news.
13. I go to school _____ Monday ______ Saturday.

14. We’ve not seen her _______ 2006.

<b>V. Combine each pair of sentences, using ENOUGH</b>

1. He is intelligent. He can answer all the questions
2. He isn’t tall. He can’t reach the shelf

3. she is good. She’ll pass the exam
4. You aren’t well. Don’t go to school.

5. They are sociable. They can make a lot of friends

6. Don’t sit in the garden. It isn’t warm

7.He is intelligent. He can answer all the questions
8. He is good. He will pass the examination.
9. The book is small. I can put it in my pocket.
10. Those shoes are large. He can wear them.

<b>VI. Turn into reported speech:</b>

1. Their mother said to them, “Don’t make so much noise.”

2. The traffic policeman said, “Show me your driving license, please.”
3. Mrs. Jackson said to Tim, “Could you give me a hand, please?”
4. The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out too far, boys.”

5. Nam said to the taxi driver, “Please turn left at the first traffic light.”
6. She said to her son, “Go straight upstairs and get into bed.”

7. The policeman said, “Don’t touch anything in the room.”
8. Mary said to John, “Can you carry my suitcase, please?”
9. The doctor said to him, “You should give up smoking.”
10. The dentist said to me, “You shouldn’t eat too much sugar.”

11. The teacher said to his students, “You should learn harder for the exam.”
12. “Please lend me your dictionary, Quang,” said Hoa.

13. “Can you help me with my homework?” Minh said to her sister.
14. “You should practise speaking English everyday,” the teacher said.

15. “You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese,” my brother told me.

16. “Can you turn down the radio?” Miss Jackson said to Mary.

17. “ Can you explain this word to me?” Trang asked Hue.
18. Her teacher said: “You should revise the lessons carefully.”
19. “Check your answers carefully before handing in,” my father said.
20. “Don’t look out of the window,” Linh’s teacher said.

<b>VII. Correct the mistakes in the sentences:</b>

1. He lived in this city since 2007. ……….

2. Her bag is different to mine. ……….

3. The meeting will be held in April 2nd<sub>. </sub> <sub>……….</sub>

4. She speaks English quite good. ……….

5. They didn’t reported a book last week ……….

6. I have not seen him for last Sunday. ……….

7. She has went to the mountain. ……….

8. She has black long hair. ……….

9. She ought to staying in bed. ……….

10. She is as tall so her sister. ……….

11. We have attended this course since two weeks. ……….

12. He drives very careful. ……….

13. Our father used to smoking when he was young. ……….

14. She studies English so as to going abroad. ……….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

16. He said that he is a doctor. ……….

17. She asked me keep silent. ……….

18. There are many differently ways of learning words ………...
19. They are interested in do something different at weekend. ………

20. My book is the same of yours. ……….

<b>Read the passage and choose whether the statements are true (T) or false (F):</b>

Last week, Mr and Mrs Lam took their children back to their home village about ten kilometers from Da Lat. The
village lies at the foot of a hill where people plant a lot of vegetables . Their parents have lived there for nearly fifty
years. Their house is in the center of the village .It’s a new house built of bricks, located in the middle of a large garden.
Their bedrooms look out over the yard behind the house where various kinds of flowers are in full bloom all year round.

 <b>True / False statement:</b>

1.Mr and Mrs Lam took their children back to their home village in Da Lat.
2. People plant a lot of vegetables at the foots of a hill.

3. Their parents have lived in Da Lat for nearly fifteen years.
4. Their new house was built in the middle of a large city.

<b> Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C, D ) for each question: (2ms)</b>

Prague has the population of over one million people. It is not the biggest city in Europe, but it is certainly one of the
most beautiful. People call Prague the “ Golden City” and the “Mother of City” because it has beautiful buildings and
statues. Perhaps the most popular building is the Old Town Hall with its amazing 15th<sub> century clock. People also call </sub>
Prague “Europe’s School of Music” . There are many concert halls and every May there is a famous music festival:
”Prague Spring” ,There are also twenty theaters and many old pubs, wine bar and restaurants. There is now a modern
underground, but traffic is still a problem. It is often better to walk and feel the atmosphere of the pretty little streets.
13. The population of Prague is ……….

A. over one million people B. one million people

C. only two million people D. less than one million people

14. Prague is one of the most beautiful city in………..
A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. America
15. Which building in Prague has 15th<sub> century clock?</sub>

A. The Golden City B. The Mother of City C. The Old Town Hall D. Europe’s School of Music
16.The famous music festival: “Prague Spring” is held ………

A. every year B. on June C. every May D. every July

<b>III . Read the passage below and answer each question: </b>

Once a farmer lived a comfortable life with his family. His chickens laid many eggs which the farmer used to
buy food and clothing for his family. One day, he went to collect the eggs and discovered one of the chickens laid a
gold egg. He shouted excitedly to his wife: “We are rich! We are rich! “ His wife ran to him and they both

looked at the eggs in amazement. His wife wanted more, so her husband decided to cut open all the chickens and find
more gold eggs. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find any eggs. When he finished, all the chickens were dead. There were
no more eggs of any kind for the foolish farmer and his greedy wife.

1. What did the farmer do when he discovered one of his chickens laid a gold egg?
2. What did the farmer shout to his wife?

3. Why did the farmer decide to cut open all his chickens?
4. Did the farmer find any more gold eggs?

<b> Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. </b>

1A. generous B. reserve C. festival D. message

2A. escape B. equipment C. excited D. emigrate

3A. appear B. annoy C. agree D. after

4. A.hoped B.raised C.died D.appeared

5A. graze B. magical C. grandmother D. rag

6A. match B. catch C. watch D. math

7A. rug B. cushion C. cupboard D. rule

8A. knife B. wife C. nice D. children

9A. happy B. try C. candy D. electricity

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

14. A. answer B. always C. wrong D. write
15. A. injure B. knife C. kill D. sink

16. A. fun B. lunch C. run D. humor

17. A. mend B. semester C. letter D. report

18. A. shout B. loud C. group D. about

19. A. promise B.revise C. stick D. visit

20A. match B. pan C. transmit D. safety

21A. equipment B. upset C. end D. help

22A. folk B. hold C. photo D. neighbor

23A. fairy B. train C. afraid D. wait

24A. excited B. prince C. once D. escape

<b>Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others </b>

1.A. equipment B.farmer C.grandma D.story
2.A.tradition B. equipment C. electricity D.semester

3.A.servant B.master C.wisdom D.escape

4.A.believe B.improve C.promise D.prefer
5.A.language B.learner C.meaning D.revision

6. A. escape B. unite C. wisdom D. appear



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