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week 19- lesson plan 2

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<b>Date of preparing: 18/1/2019 </b>

<b>WEEK 19 </b>

<b> </b>

<b>PERIOD 37-38</b>

<b>UNIT 8: LETTER Uu</b>

<b> </b>

<b> </b>

<b>LESSON 3-4</b>
<b>I. AIMS</b>:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

 Recognize and pronounce the letter Uu and its sound correctly
 Understand, recognize and say the three Uu words

Write the letter Uu

<b>2. Skills: </b>Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing skill

<b>3.Attitude: </b>Recognize and pronounce the letter and its sound
Requirements: students with disability can see and practise


- Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade 2 , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards
- Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 2, p.34 & 35 -36

Activity book – p.37


- Communicative approach.

- Techniques: + Ask and answer (say individually)
+ Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss

<b>IV. PROCEDURES:Time: 40mins </b>

<b>1 . Organization: (2mins )</b>
<b> - Greeting</b>

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent Student</b>


<b>2.Warm up:(5mins)</b>
.Greet students

Play the song from Unit 2, ask students to sing along and do corresponding actions
<b> 3.Newlesson</b>

<b>Teacher’s and Students’ activities</b> <b>Content</b>
<b>Activity 6</b>

<b>6. Listen and circle (Track 51) (5 mins)</b>

Ask the students to take out their colour

pencils/ crayons.

Point to the pictures and elicit their name.


<b>6. Listen and circle </b>

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Ask the students to listen and circle the


●Ask students with disability listen and

Requirements: students with disability can
see and practise

<b>Activity: Memory Game </b>

Ask the students to memorise the order of

items in the first row of the activity.

Ask the students to close their books then

teacher covers 1 item in the first row.

Ask the students to guess the name of the

covered item.

Repeat the activity with other items or

other rows.

●Ask students with disability read and

Requirements: students with disability can
see and practise

<b>Activity 7</b>

<b>7. Listen, point and repeat. Colour the </b>
<b>pictures of the words that start with the </b>
<b>u sound. Say the u words (Track 52) (5 </b>

Show the students the under phonics card.

Point to it and say: /<sub></sub>/<b> - </b><i>under. Ask them </i>
to repeat.

Point under the desk and say: //<b> - </b><i>under .</i>

Encourage the students to do the same

Say the letter. The students perform the

action and say the letter and the word (if
they can).

Play the CD. The students listen, point to

and repeat the word.

Point to the picture and have students

name them.

Allow the students some time to colour in

the pictures of words start with the /<sub></sub>/

4. Sun up sun ugly

<b>Activity: Memory Game </b>




students with disability can see and

<b>7. Listen, point and repeat. </b>
<b>Colour the pictures of the words </b>
<b>that start with the u sound. Say </b>
<b>the u words </b>

<b>U </b><i>under</i>

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Go around the classroom providing any

necessary help.

●ask students with disability point to it and

<b>Activity book</b>

<b>Revision & Practice</b>

<b>1.Trace and say (Page 18 – Activity </b>
<b>Book) – 5ms</b>

Write on the board the capital letter U
(write slowly to demonstrate its


Point to it and elicit the sound //

Show the formation in the air (taking care

when facing to the students that the letter
is formed the correct way for them.

Repeat with the small letter u

The students trace the letters in their

activity books.

Go around and provide any necessary

help. Ask the students to say the sound of
the letter.

Ask students with disability take part in
Requirements: students with disability can
see and practise

<b>2.Trace and match (page 18 – Activity </b>
<b>Book) (5 mins)</b>

Explain the activity

First, the students trace the letters in the

Then draw lines from the letters to the
corresponding pictures.

<i>Answer keys: 1 Rr- robot 2 Ss- star 3</i>

<i>Tt- tiger 4 Uu- umbrella</i>

Ask students with disability take part in
Requirements: students with disability can
see and practise

<b>3.Write the letter Uu. Then circle the </b>
<b>pictures of the words that begin with the </b>
<b>u sound (Page 19 – Activity Book) (5 </b>

●students with disability point to it
and say

<b>1.Trace and say (Page 18 – </b>
<b>Activity Book) </b>


u u u u u u

students with disability take part in

<b>2.Trace and match (page 18 – </b>
<b>Activity Book) </b>

<b> R s</b>
<b> S r </b>
<b> U u</b>

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Explain the activity

Ask the students to write the letter Uu in

the box.

<b>Activity: Stand and Sit</b>

Tell the students to listen for words that

begin with the /<sub></sub>/ sound.

Ask the students to stand when they hear

the words beginning with /<sub></sub>/ sound and
sit when they hear words beginning with
another sound.

Slowly say: ugly, up, ring, snake,

umbrella, under, tiger

Repeat the activity by saying the words

quickly and ask the students to circle the
correct pictures.

Go around the classroom and provide any

necessary help.

<i>Answer keys: ugly, up, umbrella, under</i>
Ask Ask students with disability take part

Requirements: students with disability can
see and Write

<b>4.Draw and color (page 19 – Activity </b>
<b>book) (5 mins)</b>

Explain the activity
Read the words

Ask the students to use their pencils to

draw an umbrella and a tent in the
provided spaces.

The student finishes first will raise his/ her
hand and shows his/ her pictures to the

Ask the students to color their pictures

(use any color they like)

Go around the classroom and provide any

necessary help.

Ask students with disability take part in

<b>the pictures of the words that </b>
<b>begin with the u sound (Page 19 </b>
<b>– Activity Book) </b>

<b> </b>





Ask students with disability take
part in

Requirements: students with
disability can see and practise

<b>4.Draw and color (page 19 – </b>
<b>Activity book) </b>





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Requirements: students with disability can
see and practise

<b>4.Consolidation: (1min)</b>

- In this lesson, pupils have learnt: recognize and say the Uu word

<b>5. Homework:( 2mins) </b>

-Prepare next lesson

<b>6. Evaluation</b>



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