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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

2. The role of context

in interpretation

2.1. Pragmatics & discourse context
2.2. The context of situation

2.3. The expanding context

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Pragmatics & discourse context

Some basic concepts:

 Reference

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

 The pragmatic approach: necessary in

doing discourse analysis.

 DA is more concerned with the relation

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>


 Traditional view: relationship which

holds b/t words & things: words refer to
things. (Lyons 1968)

 Modern view: it is the speaker who

refers (by using some appropriate

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

 Referring is not sth an expression does;

it is sth that someone can use an
expression to do.

 Reference is an act in which a

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What are the referents?

 Shakespeare takes up the whole bottom


 Picasso’s on the far wall.

 Where’s the cheese sandwich sitting?
 He’s over there by the window.

 Vietnam wins the Suzuki Cup.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

 Is it legal for a man to marry his

widow’s sister?

 Have you stopped beating your wife?
 Would you like anther biscuit?

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 what is taken by the speaker to be the

common ground of the participants in the
conversation. (Stalnaker 1978)

 Defined in terms of assumptions that the

speaker makes about what the hearer is likely
to accept without challenge. (Givon 1979)

 Constant under negation: the presupposition

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 Used by Grice (1975) to account for what a

speaker can imply, suggest, or mean, as

distinct from what the speaker literally says.
(more being communicated than is said)

 <b>Conventional implicatures: </b>

 determined by the conventional meaning of

the words used (e.g. but, even, yet, and)

 Do not depend on special contexts for their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

 He is an Englishman, he is therefore, brave.

 Mary suggested black, but I chose white.

 Even John came to the party. He even helped

tidy up afterwards.

 Yesterday, Mary was happy and ready to


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 <b>Conversational implicatures:</b>

 Derived from a general principle of

conversation plus a number of maxims
which speakers will normally obey.

 The general principle: the Cooperative

Principle (Grice 1975) (p. 31)

 This principle is supported by the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

What’s the trouble?

There is a woman sitting on a park bench and
a large dog lying on the ground in front of the

Man: Does your dog bite?

Woman: No.

(The man reaches down to pet the dog. The
dog bites the man’s hand.)

Man: Ouch! Hey! You said your dog doesn’t

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

 She: You remind me of the ocean.
 He: Wild, romantic and restless?
 She: No, you just make me sick.

 Lady (at a party): Where is that pretty maid

who was passing out cocktails a while ago?

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 The process by which the hearer/reader

arrives at the intended meaning of the

 Inferences: the meanings arrived at by

the hearer/reader.

 E.g. (p. 33)

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Bases for inferencing (Leech 1984)

 The conventional conceptual meaning

of the utterance.

 The assumption that the speaker is

observing the cooperative principle, and
assuming the hearer to assume that


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The context of situation

 The non-linguistic factors that contribute

and constrain our interpretation of

 Features of context:
1. Firth (1984):

A: The relevant features of participants
(their verbal & non-verbal actions)

B: The relevant objects.

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2. Halliday’s terms of context:

 Field of discourse: subject matter
 Tenor of discourse: interpersonal

relations b/t the participants.

 Mode of discourse: channels/ways by

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 Hymes’ terms of context:
1. Addressor & addresse

2. Audience
3. Topic

4. Setting
5. Channel
6. Code

7. Message-form
8. Event

9. Key

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 The stretch of language that occurs before

or after the utterance which needs to be

 Language material, linguistic factors.

1. The storm landed at dawn.

2. A fly landed on his nose.

3. We shall be landing shortly.

4. She has gone and my arms are empty. I


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The expanding context

 Lyons’ statement (p 51)

 Discourse exists in dynamic,

ever-changing contexts.

 Context is re-created in the process of


 New factors are added: deitic roles,

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<b>The principle of ‘local interpretation’ </b>
<b>& of ‘analogy’</b>

 The principle of local interpretation

instructs the hearer not to construct a
context any larger than he needs to
arrive at an interpretation.

 The principle of analogy enables the

hearer/listener to interpret discourse in
light of his past experience &



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