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unit 1 my friends unit 1 my friends i tenses exercise 1 open the brackets with the correct tense of the verbs 1 she usually go to school on foot 2 it take me twenty minutes to go to school everydd

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<b>Unit 1: My friends.</b>

<b>Exercise 1:Open the brackets with the correct tense of the verbs.</b>
1. She usually (go)……… to school on foot.

2. It (take) ………..me twenty minutes to go to school everydday.
3. I (not like) ……….watching football.

4. …….you (go) …………..there tomorrow?
5. most rivers (flow)……… into the sea.
6. They (be)…………. Here in ten minutes.

7. My father (go)……… to Ha Noi yesterday.
8. Where ………Martin (come)……….from/

9. ………your father (work0………..in an office?

10.When I (be)……….young, I (like)……….. playing football
very much.

<b>Exercise 2: Open the brackets with the correct tense of the verbs.</b>

Bao (be)……(1) one of myfriends. He (be)……….(2) the most sociable. He
usually (spend) ………..(3) his free time doing volunteer work at a local
orphanage. He (learn) …………...(4)well, so he always (get)……..(5) good
grades. Last year he (be)………..(6) the best one of our class.He (have )

(7) a 10 day- tour in Nha Trang for the pride. He (say)

..(8) it (be) .(9) very interesting there, he (meet)

……… ………

(10) a lot of people, (see) ..(11) many interesting

……… …………

palces, (eat)……….(12) a lot of sea food and (buy)………
(13) some souvenirs for us. He (tell) …………(14) me that he (go)………(15)
to Nha Trang again next year.

<b>Exercise 3: Underrline the correct word in brackets for thebest ansawer.</b>
1. I (was/ were/ am) born in Ha Noi but I (spend/ spended/ spent) most of my

childhood in the country.

2. I (learn/ learnt/ will learn) English next year.

3. My mother usualy (cook/ cooked/ cooks) for my family.

4. Look! A man (running/ is running/ runs) after the train. He (wanted/ wants/
is wanting ) to catch it.

5. He (stay/ going to stay/ will stay) here untill she comes back.

6. Why are you working so hard? Because I (will buy/ am going to buy) a car
so I’m saving as much as I can.

7. Dad! Can you mend it for me? Sorry, I can’t. Ask Mom she (will/ is going to)

do it for you.

8. I haven’t got enough money to get a house. No problem, I (will/ am going to)
lend you some.

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2. The farmer (work)………..in the field now.

3. Mrs Green always (go)………… ……….. .to work by bus.
4. She paid for the ticket and (leave)………

5. Do you know that man who (smoke)………...over there?
6. Rivers usually (flow)……… ….. to the sea.

7. If it cost too much, I (buy)……….. a small one.

8. How often……… ….. you (read)………..a new spaper?

9. As soon as he (finish)………his work, he (go)………..home.
10.I (give)……… it to them when they (visit)………..us.
<b>Exercise 5: Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple.</b>

<i><b>Ex: The sun (rise)</b></i>………. in the east.
The sun rises in the east

1.She………..(not drink) coffe. She ………(drink) Coca Cola.
2.It……….(be) often hot in the summer.

3. What……….you………..(do) every evening?

4. The earth……..(circle) the sun once every 365 days.

5. I………..(see) her very often.
6. Vegetarians………(not eat) meat.

7. Bees ………..(make) honey.

8. Rice………(not grow) in cold climates.
9. Where……….Martin……….(come) from? – He (be)


<b>II. Adjectives and positions of adjectives.</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Put the adjectives in the brackets into correct places to completes </b>
<b>the sentences</b>

1. Bring me something to drink (cool)

2. The leaves turn in Autumn.(yellow)

3. Woolen clothes keep our body (warm)

4. Shelly is a poet all over the world(famous)


5. I thought him very (intelligent)

6. Ping Pong is a sport for boys and girls (good)

7. I have nothing to give you (interesting)

8. The corn waved in the wind(ripe golden)

9. Vietnam is a country (rich and beautiful)

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<b>Exercise 2: Arrange these words into the correct order to have the meaningful</b>

1.dark has he hair got

2. brother quite my looking good is

3. and you brother got? Sisters have any

4. Bobby got hair has fair

5. much postcards these are how?

6.you piano play? Can the

7. can’t car I a drive

8.to morning in it’s four the twenty.

<b>Exercise 3: Arrange these words into the correct order to have the meaningful</b>

1.a it’s dress green short nylon

2. are they shoes black newleather.

3. woolen an it’s brown light tie expensive

4. a shoe big brown plastic it’s

5. interesting something is there the picture in

6. saw he asleep a lion mountain the on.

7. he moustache with man interesting meets an a big


9. man both a he witty and wise is

<b>Exercise 4: Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order.</b>

<i><b>Eg: Mr Thanh has a (black/ long/ straight) hair.</b></i>
Mrs Thanh has a long straight black hair.
1.It is a (wooden/ round) table.

2. She is wearing a (green/ new/ beautiful) hair dress.

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3. What a (sunny/ lovely) day!

4. My uncle lives in a (old/ lovely/ small) house.

5. That girl has (blue/nice/big) eyes.

6. he gave me (black/ leather) gloves.

7. My teacher has a (round/ pink/ small) face.

8. It’s a (small/ metal/ black) box.

<b>III. Adverbs: too </b>–<b> enough</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with: enough or too to complete the sentences.</b>“ ” “ ”
1. He hasn’t got …………....money to buy this car.

2. It is cool………for youto drink.

3. There is………..much pollution in big cities.
4. It is………high for me to jump over.
5. There are………....many people on the road.
6. There aren’t ………..chairs for these people.

<b>Exercise 2: Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence,</b>
<b>using (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive.</b>

Eg: He is tall. He can play volleyball.
<i>He is tall enough to play volleyball.</i>
1. My sister is old. She can drive a car.

2. The radio isn’t small. You can’t put it in your pocket.

3. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.

4. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.

5. The weather was fine. We could go camping.

6. Those applesaren’tripe. We can’t eat them.

7. Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He can’t buy a house.

8. The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood.

<b>Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentencs in the other way with the suggestion so </b>
<b>that the meaning is kept unchanged.</b>

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This mountain is too………
2. Are you very tall? Can you reach that picture?

Are you tall………..

3. There are ten people in the room but there are only eight chairs.

There aren’t……….

4. This tea is very hot, I can’t drink it.

This tea is too………
5. This picture is $10.50, I have only $ 9.50 so I can’t buy it.

I haven’t……….

6. She is six years old, she can start school.

She is old……….

<b>Exercise 4:Complete the dialogue, using enough as an adjective (before </b>
<b>nouns) or adverb (after adjectives) with the words in the brackets.</b>
Eg: Is she going to get married?

No, she is not old enough to get married.(old)
1.Did he pass the examination?

Yes, he worked………the examination. (hard)
2. Do you want to play tennis today?

No, I don’t fee……….tennis today. (well)
3. Why don’t we go swimming?

Well,it’s……… (warm)
4. Are they going tfo buy that house?

You must be joking. They aren’t ………such an expensive hourse. (rich)
5. Would you like to go on holiday?

I’m sorry, I can’t. I haven’t got ………on holiday. (money)
6. Hurry along, children! We must get to the airport on time.

Don’t worry, Mom. We have……… to the airport. (time)
7. Could you move the piano/

I’m afraid I’m not……….it. (strong)
8. Can she read a newspaper in French?

No, she doesn’t know………..a newspaper. (French)
9. Let’s get a taxi.

No, I think it’s not……….a taxi. (far)

10.How many people will be there for the meeting tonight?

There will be twenty. Have we got……….for everyhone. (chairs)

<b>Answer key</b>

<b>Exercise 1:</b>

1.goes 2. takes 3. don’t like 4. will- go 5. flow

6. will be 7. went 8. does- come 9. does – work 10. was- liked
<b>Exercise 2:</b>

1.is 2. is 3. spends 4. learns 5. gets 6. was

7. had 8. says 9. was 10. met 11. saw

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<b>Exercise 3:</b>

1.was – spent 2. will learn 3. cooks 4. is running 5. will stay
6. am going to buy 7. will 8. will

<b>Exercise 4: </b>

1.finished 2. is working 3. goes 4. left 5. is smoking
6. flow 7. will buy 8. do- read 9. finishes – will go
10. will give- visit

<b>Exercise 5:</b>

1.doesn’t drink- drinks 2. is 3. do- do 4. circles 5. see
6. don’t 7. make 8. are not grown 9. does - come
<b>II. Adjectives and positions of adjectives.</b>

Exercise 1:

1.Bring me something cool to drink .
2. The leaves turn yellow in Autumn.
3. Woolen clothes keep our body warm
4. Shelly is a poet famous all over the world
5. I thought him very intelligent

6. Ping Pong is a good sport for boys and girls .
7. I have nothing interesting to give you .

8. The golden, ripe corn waved in the wind.
9. Vietnam is a rich and beautiful country.
10.I found him still asleep in his bed.
<b>Exercise 2:</b>

1.He has got dark hair.

2. My brother is quite good looking.
3. Have you got any brothers and sisters?

4. Bobby has got fair hair.

5. How much are these postcards?
6. Can you play the piano/

7. I can’t drive.

8. It’s twenty to four in the morning.
<b>Exercise 3: </b>

1.It’s a short green nylon dress.
2. They are new black leather shoes.

3. It’s an expensive loght brown woolen tie
4. It’s a big brown plastic shoes.

5. There is something interesting in the picture.
6. He saw a lion asleep on the mountain.

7. He meets an interesting man with a big moustahe.
8. He is a man both witty and wise.

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2. a beautiful new green dress
3. a lovely sunny day.

4. a lovely small old house.
5. nice big blue eyes

6. black leather gloves
7. a small round pink face

8. a small black metal box
<b>III. Adverbs: too </b>–<b> enough</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Fill in the gaps with: enough or too to complete the sentences.</b>“ ” “ ”
7. He hasn’t got enough money to buy this car.

8. It is cool enough for you to drink.

9. There is too much pollution in big cities.
10.It is too high for me to jump over.

11. There are too many people on the road.
12.There aren’t enough chairs for these people.

<b>Exercise 2: Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence,</b>
<b>using (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive.</b>

Eg: He is tall. He can play volleyball.
<i>He is tall enough to play volleyball.</i>
1. My sister is old enough to drive a car.

2. The radio isn’t small enough to put it in your pocket.
3. This coat isn’t warm enough to in winter.

4. She is beautiful and intelligent enough to become Miss World.
5. The weather was fine enough to go camping

6. Those applesaren’tripeenough to eat them
7. Mr. Robinson isn’t rich enough to buy a house.

8. The worker is clever enough to make fine things from wood.

<b>Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentencs in the other way with the suggestion so </b>
<b>that the meaning is kept unchanged.</b>

1.This montain is too high to climb.

2. Are you tall enough to reach that picture?
3.There aren’tenough chairs for ten people.
4. This tea is too hot for me to drink it.

5. I haven’t enough money to buy this picture.
6. She is old enough to start school.

<b>Exercise 4:</b>

1.hard enough to pass
2. well enough tfo play

3. warm enough to go swimming
4. rich enough to buy

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