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unit 3 unit 3 a party part 1 phonetics exercise 1 choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter a b c or d 1 a celebrate b

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<b>Unit 3</b>


<b>Part 1. PHONETICS:</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced </b>

<b>differently. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or </b>

1. A. celebrate B. helicopter C. memorable
D. refreshment

2. A. anniversary B. attitude C. affect
D. clap

3. A. silver B. icing C. idol
D. time

4. A. cosy B. constancy C. hostess
D. host

5. A. childish B. children C. chamber
D. chemistry

<b>Exercise 2: Choose one word whose stress pattern is different. Identify your </b>
<b>answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D:</b>

<b>6. A. refreshment</b> B. memorable C. unselfishness
D. appreciate

7. A. affect B. idol C. sneaky
D. cosy

8. A. loyalty B. floppy C. embrace
D. childish

9. A. constancy B. confidence C. celebrate
D. acquaitance

10. A. anniversary B. enthusiasm C. apartment
D. embarrassing


<b>Choose from the four given options marked A, B, C and D one best answer</b>
<b>to complete each sentence by circling the correcponding letter A, B, C or D:</b>

11.---people in your country celebrate their birthdays?

A. Does B. Do C. Doing

D. Did

12.---do teenagers in your country give their friends on their

A. What B. Which C. When

D. Why

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A. his B. her C. our
D. their

14. Do people in country often have wedding party at home---at the

A. with B. or C. between

D. maybe

15. How---have your parents been married?

A. far B. time C. age

D. long

16. What do people---the 25th<sub> wedding anniversary? Is it “silver </sub>


A. speak B. say C. call

D. talk

17.---the 50th<sub> wedding anniversary called the “golden </sub>


A. Is B. Are C. Do

D. Does

18. Are you going---your 25th<sub> wedding anniversary?</sub>

A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating
D. celebrated

19. Have you ever---to a wedding party?

A. been B. gone C. visited
D. seen

20.---sort of food and drinks do they often have at the wedding

A. Which B. How C. What

D. Where

21. Do vietnames women often---traditional clothes (ao dai) at
the wedding party?

A. put B. show C. take

D. wear

22. Are there---people at the wedding party?

A. a lot B. many C. any

D. much

23. Do you---your birthday each year?

A. get B. celebrate C. have
D. open

24.---would you like to celebrate your birthday, at the day time or
in the evening?

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25. Do you---your birthday cake or you buy it?

A. make B. do C. made

D. did

26. Who are usually---to your birthday party?
A. to invite B. invited C. inviting

D. to be inviting

27. What activities often---place at the party?
A. to take B. take C. took

D. taken

28.---you often dance at the birthday party?

A. Do B. Are C. Did

D. Were

29. Last nigh I---to my close friends birthday paarty.

A. go B. went C. to go

D. going

30. There---a lot of fruit and drinks at the party yesterday.

A. is B. are C. was

D. were

31. My close friend invited a lot of people---her party.

A. to B. in C. with

D. on

32. I am glad you dcided---to my party.

A. come B. coming C.came

D. to come

33. Everyone seems---a good time at her party.
A. have B. to have C. having

D. had

34. I like---, but also enjoy meals out at restaurants.

A. to cook B. cook C. cooked

D. cooking

35. I cant imagine not---a television.

A. to have B. have C. having
D. had

36. I shall never foget---her for the first time.
A. to meet B. meeting C. meet

D. met

37. Alice didn’t expect---to Jims party.

A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite
D. to be invited

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A. come B. coming C. to come
D. came

39. Most people don’t need---financially once they have found
reasonable jobs.

A. support B. supporting C. to support
D. supported

40. We’ve arranged---outside the school at 5 oclock.
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting

D. met

41. He doesn’t allow us---personal phone calls.
A. to make B. make C. making

D. to be made

42. He tried to avoid---my questions.

A. to answer B. answer C. answering
D. to be answered

43. Have you ever considered---English in England?
A. learn B. learning C. to learn

D. learnt

44. I hope---to university next year.

A. to go B. go C. going

D. went

45. Would you like---an orange juice?

A. have B. having C. to have
D. had

46. instead of---about the good news, Tom seemed to be


A. exciting B. to excite C. being excited
D. to be excited

47. Jack got into trouble when he refused---his briefcase for the
customs officers.

A. opening B. being opened C. to open
D. to be opened

48. We cant count on---by our parents every time we get into
financial officers.

A. rescuing B. being rescued C. to rescue
D. to be rescued

49. The nurse suggested---two aspirins.

A, to take B. taking C. to be taken
D. being taken

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A. picking B. pick C. be picked
D. being picked


