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slide 1 welcome teachers to class 8a bài cũ use gerund to complete the sentences 1 does she hatecook dinner 2nam lovetalk to his neighbors 3 i enjoylisten to music 4do you likeswim in the

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<b> 1/ Does she hate(cook)……… dinner?</b>

<b> 2/Nam love(talk)………to his neighbors.</b>
<b>3/ I enjoy(listen)……… to music</b>

<b>4/Do you like(swim)……….. in the sea?</b>


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<b>saturday, October 24</b>


<b><sub>, 2009</sub></b>

<b>Unit 6 </b>


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<b>* Answer the questions *</b>

<b>1, What social activities do the Y&Y in VietNam often </b>

<b>2, Do you know any organizations similar to the Y&Y in </b>
<b>other countries? </b>

<b>3, Do you know anything about the Boy Scout and Girl </b>
<b>Guides in the USA?</b>

<b>Từ "đạo" trong cụm từ "Hướng đạo" có nghĩa là</b>
<b>"đường"; Hướng đạo có nghĩa là "dẫn đường" </b>

<b>và khơng có liên quan đến mt </b>

<b>tôn giáo</b>

<b> no. </b>

<b>Hu ht cỏc n v Hng đạo không phân biệt </b>
<b> tôn giáo của thành viên, trừ các đoàn Hướng đạo</b>

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<b>*Hướng Đạo Sinh được thành lập với mục đích giao </b>
<b>lưu & kết bạn giữa các Hướng Đạo Sinh , cũng như </b>
<b>học hỏi , tham khảo thêm về các lĩnh vực trong </b>

<b>phong trào ... </b>

 <b>Sự giáo dục cho cuộc sống, phong trào cho giới </b>

<b>trẻ, quốc tế,</b>

 <b>Mở rộng cho tất cả mọi người, </b>

 <b>Cuộc vui chơi có mục đích, </b>

 <b>tự nguyện, </b>

 <b>Khơng chính trị, </b>

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<b>I. NEWWORDS</b>

<b> scout (n)</b> <b> Hướng Đạo Sinh</b>

<b>build</b> <b>(v)</b> <b>rèn luyện</b>
<b>character (n) </b> <b>tính cách</b>

<b> khỏe</b> <b>mạnh</b>

<b> quyền công dân</b>
<b> khuyến khích</b>

<b> citizenship (n) </b>

<b> encourage (v) </b>

<b> fitness (n)</b>
<b>explain (v)</b>

<b> cross</b> <b>(v)</b>
<b>- </b> <b> similar (adj</b>

<b>- </b> <b> coeducational (adj)</b>

<b>- voluntary( adj)</b>

<b> khaùc</b>

<b>giảng giải, giải thích</b>


<b>giáo</b> <b>dục</b> <b>hỗn</b> <b>hợp</b>

<b>differ (v)</b>

<b> tình nguyện</b>

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<b>+) The boy Scouts of America: Hội nam h ớng đạo Mĩ</b>

<b>+) The Scout Association: Hội h ớng đạo</b>

<b>+) The Girl Guides Association : Héi h íng dÉn viªn nữ</b>

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<b>II. True/False statements</b>

<b>1, The Boy Scout of America is a youth </b>

<b>2, Scouting began in America.</b>

<b>3, William Boyce is a businessman in London</b>

<b>4, Boys and girls can join BSA.</b>

<b>5, The Scouting Association is the biggest </b>
<b>voluntary youth organization in the world.</b>


<b>-> Scouting began in England.</b>

<b>-> William Boyce is an American businessman</b>

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<b>Date</b> <b>Events</b>

<b>III. Fill in the missing dates</b>

<b>a, 1907</b> <b>The beginning of the Scout Association</b>

<b>b, 1909</b> <b>William Boyce was introduced to scouting.</b>

<b>c, 1910</b> <b>The founding of the Girl Guides </b>

<b>Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls.</b>

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<b> IV. Answer the questions:</b>


<b> William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in </b>


<b> Girls can join in the Girls Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls.</b>

<b> They are building characters, good citizenship and personal fitness.</b>
<b>a/ When did scouting begin in England?</b>

<b>b, What led the scouts Asscociation crossing the Atlantic in</b> <b>1910?</b>

<b>C, What are the scouting groups that girl can join?</b>

<b>d, What are the three aims of the scouting program?</b>

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 Learn by heart the new



