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answer key activity a 1 said 2 will collect 3 should obey 4 has destroyed 5 is suggesting 6 was pulling 7 had driven activity b 1 a falling brick hit tina 2 my mother taught me the principles of good

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>How to turn a passive verb into active verb:</b>

<b>Passive Verb = Verb (be) + past participle (main verb)</b>
So to change a passive verb to an active verb, cross out
verb (be) and put the main verb in the same tense of that
of verb (be).


<b>was written (passive) </b><b> wrote (active)</b>
‘was” (form of verb ‘be’) is crossed out

‘was’ is the past form of verb (be), this means that
‘written’ should be changed to ‘wrote’ (past form) of the
verb ‘write’

<b>had been eaten (passive) </b><b> had eaten (active)</b>
‘been’ (form of verb be) is crossed out

‘had been’ (past perfect)  ‘eaten’ should be changed to
‘had eaten’ (past perfect of ‘eat’)

<b>Forms of verb “Be”:</b>

(present) = am, is , are

(past) = was, were

(present participle) = being

(past participle) = been

<b>The past participle of a verb is:</b>

verb + ed (regular verbs):




3rd column in the list of irregular

verbs: break



Name: ………
Date: ………
 A verb is said to be in the <b>active</b> voice when the subject

does the action.

 A verb is said to be in the <b>passive</b> voice when the
sentence shows what is done to the subject.

<b>A.</b> <b>Change the underlined passive</b>
<b>verbs into active.</b>

1. These words are said by Sue.
Sue said these words.

2. Our papers will be collected by
the teacher tomorrow.

The teacher ………
our papers tomorrow.

3. The speed limit should be
obeyed by all drivers.

All drivers ………
the speed limit.

4. The small village has been
destroyed by the hurricane.
The hurricane ………
the small village.

5. A new idea is being suggested
by Charley.

Charley ……… a
new idea.

6. The farmer’s wagon was being
pulled by two horses.

Two horses ………
the farmer’s wagon.

7. The enemies had been driven
away by our soldiers.

Our soldiers ………
the enemies away.

<b>Changing Passive Voice into Active Voice:</b>
Take this sentence as an example:

subject verb compliment agent

<b>The cup was dropped on the floor by Tom.</b>

1. Find the agent in the passive sentence and put it at the
beginning of the active sentence (as a subject).

<b>Tom ………</b>

2. Change the verb from passive form to active form by
crossing out verb (be) and putting the main verb in the
same tense as verb (be).

Tom dropped …………

3. Make the subject of the passive sentence the object of
the active one.

Tom dropped the cup …………

4. Complete the rest of the sentence.
Tom dropped the cup on the floor.

<b>The verb should agree in number with the subject.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

<b>C.</b> <b>Change to the opposite voice (active to passive or passive to active).</b>
1. Earthquakes kill hundreds of people

every year. 

2. This party was organized by Danny. 

3. This museum was built many years ago. 
4. The company offered Sally a good job. 
5. Salma needs to fax the letters now. 
6. People should not waste energy at all. 
7. Sam was putting the tins and cans in the

recycle container. 

8. The kidnappers are being followed by the

police at this moment. 

9. Bad weather had delayed the flight. <sub></sub>
10. My room at the hotel was being cleaned

when I arrived. 

11. My car has been stolen from the garage. <sub></sub>
12. Governments must take action against

crime. 

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>Changing Passive Voice into Active Voice:</b>
Take this sentence as an example:

subjectverbcomplimentagentThe cupwas dropped on the
<b>floorby Tom.Find the agent in the passive sentence and </b>
put it at the beginning of the active sentence (as a

<b>Tom ………</b>

Change the verb from passive form to active form by
crossing out verb (be) and putting the main verb in the
same tense as verb (be).

Tom dropped …………

Make the subject of the passive sentence the object of
the active one.

Tom dropped the cup …………

Complete the rest of the sentence.
Tom dropped the cup on the floor.

<b>The verb should agree in number with the subject.</b>
<b>How to turn a passive verb into active verb:</b>

<b>Passive Verb = Verb (be) + past participle (main verb)</b>
So to change a passive verb to an active verb, cross out
verb (be) and put the main verb in the same tense of that
of verb (be).


<b>was written (passive) </b><b> wrote (active)</b>
‘was” (form of verb ‘be’) is crossed out

‘was’ is the past form of verb (be), this means that

‘written’ should be changed to ‘wrote’ (past form) of the
verb ‘write’

<b>had been eaten (passive) </b><b> had eaten (active)</b>
‘been’ (form of verb be) is crossed out

‘had been’ (past perfect)  ‘eaten’ should be changed to
‘had eaten’ (past perfect of ‘eat’)

<b>Forms of verb “Be”:</b>

(present) = am, is , are

(past) = was, were

(present participle) = being

(past participle) = been

<b>The past participle of a verb is:</b>

verb + ed (regular verbs):




3rd column in the list of irregular

verbs: break



 A verb is said to be in the <b>active</b> voice when the subject
does the action.

 A verb is said to be in the <b>passive</b> voice when the
sentence shows what is done to the subject.

<b>B. Change the underlined passive</b>
<b>verbs into active.</b>

8. These words are said by Sue.


these words.

9. Our papers will be collected by
the teacher tomorrow.

The teacher ………
our papers tomorrow.

10. The speed limit should be
obeyed by all drivers.

All drivers ………
the speed limit.

11.The small village has been
destroyed by the hurricane.
The hurricane ………
the small village.

12. A new idea is being suggested
by Charley.

Charley ……… a
new idea.

13. The farmer’s wagon was being

pulled by two horses.

Two horses ………
the farmer’s wagon.

14. The enemies had been driven
away by our soldiers.

Our soldiers ………
the enemies away.

<b>C.</b> Change the following sentences from passive into active:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Answer key:
Activity A:

<b>D.</b> Change to the opposite voice (active to passive or passive to active).

13. Earthquakes kill hundreds of people

every year. 

14. This party was organized by Danny. 
15. This museum was built many years ago. 
16. The company offered Sally a good job. 
17. Salma needs to fax the letters now. 
18. People should not waste energy at all. 
19. Sam was putting the tins and cans in the

recycle container. 

20. The kidnappers are being followed by the

police at this moment. 

21. Bad weather had delayed the flight. <sub></sub>
22. My room at the hotel was being cleaned

when I arrived. 

23. My car has been stolen from the garage. <sub></sub>
24. Governments must take action against

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

1. said 2. will collect 3. should obey 4. has destroyed
5. is suggesting 6. was pulling 7. had driven

Activity B:

1. A falling brick hit Tina.

2. My mother taught me the principles of good conduct.
3. The mayor will open the library.

4. The police should arrest the burglars.
5. Did your father teach you to drive?

6. Most drivers don’t obey the speed limit on highways.
7. The plumber has fixed the leaking pipe.

8. The weird scientist created a horrible monster.

9. Has the company accepted the plans for the new project?
10. Many friends always send Suzie lots of emails.

11.Lucy is playing the guitar now.

12. The guests in the party let the cat loose.
Activity C:

1. Hundreds of people are killed by earthquakes each year. (active to passive)
2. Danny organized this party. (passive to active)

3. They built this museum many years ago. (passive to active)
4. Sally was offered a good job by the company. (active to passive)
5. The letters need to be faxed by Salma now. (active to passive)
6. Energy shouldn’t be wasted at all. (active to passive)

7. The tins and cans were being put (by Sam) in the recycle container.

8. The police are following the kidnappers at this moment. (passive to active)
9. The flight had been delayed by bad weather. (active to passive)

10. They (the maids) were cleaning my room in the hotel when I arrived. (passive to active)
11. Someone has stolen my car from the garage. (passive to active)


