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<i><b>Choose the best answer </b></i>

1. She was very surprised………..the grade she received.

a. at b. on c. of d. about

2. We might need more food, depending……….how many people turn up

a. for b. on c. at d. with

3. She always takes good care……….her children.

a. for b. in c. of d. with

4. They translated the letter………..French

a. for b. with c. into d. about

5. The medical center is close…………campus.

a. to b. for c. up d. with

6. Catherine became accustomed…………spicy foods when she was traveling

a. to b. on c. for d. about

7. His computer is ot capable……….running this software.

a. to b. on c. of d. about

8. Bluegrass music is somewhat different……….other types of country music.

a. from b. with c. upon d. on

9. Washington State is famous………its apples

a. in b. for c. of d. with

10. Were you aware……….the regulations against smoking in this area?

a. in b. with c. of d. about

11. I’m not familiar…………that song.

a. to b. of c. with d. about

12. This movie is based…………..a true story

a. of b. at c. about d. on

13. I'm sorry ______ the noise last night.

a. for b. about c. at d. of

14. Linda is married ________three children.

a. of b. to c. with d. for

15. After rain, the sky is clear………..clouds.

a. to b. from c. on d. of

16. My mother is skillful……….decorating the living room.

a. with b. of c. at d. for

17. You should be responsible………..what you have done.

a. of b. for c. with d. on

18. The customer insisted………seeing the manager.

a. of b. on c. in d. about

19. I do feel rather ashamed………..having told Alice a lie.

a. on b. of c. in d. from

20. Brazil is famous……….

a. on their coffee b. with the coffee c. for its coffee d. of coffee
21. There is nothing to worry………

a. up b. on c. off d. about

22. The scientist was absorbed………..the experiments.

a. in b. on c. at d. for

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a. of b. with c. to d. for
24. I’m tired………..boiled eggs.

a. to b. of c. with d. by

25. That type of music is quite popular……….teenage boys and girls.

a. for b. about c. with d. by

26. It’s contrary………our custom.

a. to b. with c. about d. for

27. I’m astonished……….the matter.

a. with b. against c. to d. at

28. My children are important………me.

a. to b. for c. with d. by

29. He is different………his mother.

a. from b. with c. for d. at

30. His present was not acceptable……….me. She proudly said.

a. for b. by c. with d. to

31. I was confused………..what to say in answer to his unusual question.

a. of b. in c. about d. on

32. I don’t think that I’m acquainted………him.

a. with b. to c. by d. for

33. Contrary……….what most people used to believe, these minerals are not renewable.

a. with b. for c. against d. to

34. Admission to the club is open………people under 30 only.

a. with b. for c. to d. by

35. Since all vehicles were banned from the city centre, the air has been safe………….pollution.
a. about b. apart from c. from d. against

36. Is the government capable………finding a solution to the unemployment among

a. of b. to c. for d. at

37. His solution to the math problem is similar………mine.

a. with b. as c. for d. to

38. Wearing long hair and colorful clothes was very popular………..young people of the

a. for b. to c. by d. with

39. The boss insisted………the workers’ demand.

a. to refuse b. on refusing c. not refuse d. refusing
40. He is very good...telling jokes.

a. on b. in c. for d. at

41. All of you here are capable...doing that job.

a. at b. in c. on d. of

42. Peter was very familiar...planting potatoes.

a. to b. with c. from d. at

43. John is absorbed...solving mathematical problems.

a. on b. in c. at d. with

44. Is she accustomed...doing her homework?

a. with b. to c. at d. in

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a. in b. to c. at d. on
46. Mary is afraid...getting married now.

a. of b. in c. at b. by

47. Mr Brown is tired...living in a big city.

a. from b. for c. of d. at

48. He is absorbed...collecting stamps.

a. for b. with c. on d. in

49. He is not used...driving on the left.

a. to b. for c. in d. at

50. My sister is fond...dancing.

a. on b. at c. in d. of

51. Who will look...the baby while they are out?

a. at b. up c. after d. for

52. I was watching an international football match...the TV.

a. on b. in c. by d. through

53. The Scottish police are looking...two missing climbers.

a. about b. for c. to d. at

54. They’re staying_____ the Metropolis Hotel while they are in Brighton.

a. on b. for c. to d. at

55. Andrew normally goes to school____ the bus.



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