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đề cương ôn tập học kỳ ii choose the words which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1 a plenty b energy c only d hydropower 2 a research b such c change d machine 3 a geother

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<b>Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ II</b>

<b>Choose the words which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the </b>

1. a. plenty b. energy c. only d. hydropower
2. a. research b. such c. change d. machine
3. a. geothermal b. other c. without d. although
4. a. enough b. high c. through d. thought
5. a.exhausted b. hundred c. however d. heat
6. a. Asian b. basketball c. tennis d. solidarity
7. a. shooting b. squash c. sport d. sure
8. a. rugby b. nearby c. cycling d. apply

9. a. hoped b. attracted c. added d. participated
10. a. athletics b. participants c. afforts d. skills

11. a. things b. paitings c. posters d. books
12. a. visitors b. pots c. keeps d. disks
13. a. exchanged b.visited c. collected d. collected
14. a. offered b. dusted c.amused d. cleaned
15. a. shopped b. booked c. missed d. wanted
Unit 9

<b>Choose a,b,c ord that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the </b>
<b>underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one.</b>

1. Mrs pike has just bought some kitchen……...for her new house.
a. equip b. equipped c. equipment d. equipping
2. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very……of you.

a. think b. thoght c. thoughful d. thoughfully

3. thanks to the progress of science and…..,human life has become better and better.
a. technology b. technological c. technologically d. technician

4. I would like to sent these letters……air mail.

a. in b. with c. by d. over

5. Could you please provide us…..some more modern equipment?

a. for b. by c. in d. with

6. …..fax transmission is commonly used in most offices.

a. a b. an c. the d. O

7. That post office provides us with……best sevices with…..well-train staff.

a. the/a b. O/the c. a/the d. the/O

8. He was a kind and courteous mailman.

a. polite b. strict c. unpleasant d. rude

9. Without more training or advanced technical skills, they’ll lose their jobs.
a. out of date b. backward c. upto date d. old

10. there was a…..parking area to carterfor the tourist trade.

a. thoughful b. courteous c. possible d. spacious
11. Newspapers and magazines are often delivered early in the morning.
a. offered b. given c. provided d. distributed

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a. post b.express c. parcel d. fax
13. With our senses, we perceive everything……

a. is around us b. whom is around us

c. that is around us d. whose is around us

14. The volunteers,……enthusiasm was obvious, finish the work quickly.

a. who b. whom c. whose d. that

15. The musicians….. yesterday have played together for many years.
a. to who we listened b. who we listened to

c. to that we listened d. to whom we listened
16. yesterday I went to……I had never been to before.

a. Thanh Ba post office, that b. Thanh Ba post office where
c. Thanh Ba post office which d. Thanh Ba post office which
17. She has two grown children, both of…..live abroad.

a. who b. whom c. that d.whose

18. …..is used to describe special services in which things are sent or done faster than
usual for a higher price.

a. Express b. Message c. Distribution d. Press

19. I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness to return to work soon.
a. thoughful b. gradual c. courteous d. quick

20. John often uses Express Money…..to sent money to his parents in the countryside.
a. Change b. Exchange c. Transfer d. Send

21. The messager Call Servuce helps you to notify the recipient of the time and place to
receive the call.

a. receiver b. fax c. call d. telephone

22. Fax…..has become mare and more popular because it is cheap and convinient.
a. exchange b.distance c. sending d. transmission

23. Express Money Transfer is one of the quickest ways….helps us to send money.

a. who b. whose c. when d, that

24. My friend, …..i visited last week, is taking a holiday soon.

a. that b.that c. which d. whose

25. He bought the present….from a souvernir shop in Paris
a. that he gave me b. that he gave me it
c. that he gave it to me d. he gave it to me
unit 10.

1. Many organizations have been set up and fund have been raised.

a. established b. collapsed c. delayed d. deceased
2. The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly.

a. dangerously b. quickly c. mostly d. gradually

3. A species of rare animal or plant that is…..no longer has any living members,either in
the world or in a particular place.

a. extinct b. rare c. survival d. productive

4. Those who concern are very worried about the……of many spicies.
a. disappearance b. establishment c. supply d. provision

5. Because of people’s…….with the environment,many kinds of plants and animals are
becoming rare.

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a. a b. an c. the d. O
7. Their ……is rejected due to some problems of population.

a. suggest b. suggestion c. suggestive d. suggestible
8. We all regard pollution as a…….matter to human beings.

a. serious b. seriously c. seriousness d. seriousful

9. Human beings are adding more and more pollutants……the environment.

a. from b. for c. on d. to

10. You should make sure …….you have just told us.

a. in b. on c. over d. of

11.Water is one of the most precious resouces………for our life.
a. we depend on which b. which we depend
c. on which we depend d. on that we depend
12. Do you know that environmentalist……….?

a. with whom I used to work b. with that I used to work
c. with I used to work d. with who I used to work

13. The farmer and their cattle………had been trapped in the storm were fortunately

a. who b. whom c, which d. that

14. Laws have been introduced to prohibit thae killing of endangered animals.

a. advised b. decreased c. ban d. encouraged

15. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soils………wildlife.
a. protect b. conserve c. destroy d. survive
16. Human beings can exist without water and air.

a. result b. live c. skill d. change

17. Garbage is considered to be some kind of……

a. pollute b. pollutants c. pollution d. polluting

18. The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in……

a. danger b. interest c. encouragement d. production

19. Air pollution interferes……..our body’s ability to process oxygen

a. with b. on c. to d. to

20.The…….is the air, water and land in or on which people,animals and plants live.
a. consequence b. environment c. planet d. resouce

21. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the

a. destruction b. introduction c. influence d. environment
22. The earth is one of the….in the solar system.

a. planets b. resouces c. environments d.results
23. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
a. changing b. rasing c. becoming d. damaging
24. During a long drought, farmer had to find ways to …..their crops.
a.The area is ropped off because the water is seriously polluted.

a. save b. cook c. raise d. set

25. She is a famous …….. She tried her best to protect rare animals from extinction.
a. environment b. environmental c. environmentalistd. environmentally

26. Do you know how many pandas remain…..the wild?

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27. That is the house in…I used to live.

a. that b. which c. where c. there

Unit 11

1. Water energy is used to create electricity.

a. produce b. design c. operate d. heat

2. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.

a. strenght b. rule c. might d. energy

3. Carbon dioxide is the gas…..human beings and other animals exhale.

a. that b. to which c. to that d. of whom

4. The energy……by the windmill drives all the drainge pumps.
a. that is producingb. which produces c. producing d. produced
5. Carbon Dioxide is the gas…..human beings and other animals exhale

a. that b. to which c. tothat d. of whom

6. Oil,coal, and natural gas are……..

a. solar system b. nuclear power c. hydropower d. fosill fuels

7…..energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for and fuel,
rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power.

a. Alternative b. Solar c. Hydroelectricity d. Electricity

8. The sun ealeases large amounts….energy everyday.

a. for b. in c. for d.of

9. The solar energy can change……electricity.

a. to b. for c. with d. into

10. We do not have plenty …..energy as we think.

a. of b. on c. over d. for

11. Coal power stations……sunlphur dioxide into the atmostphere.

a. clean b. built c. release d. sun

12. The potential of alternative sources of energy is great.

a.ability to achieve b.solar system c. use d. heat
13. Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite.

a. strong b. rapid c. limited d. without limit
14. Our building was cut off…..so we had to stop working.

a. power b. powers c. powerful d. powerfully

15. A……is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water flowing and to
make a lake.

a. panel b. sailboat c. dam d. mill

16. Do you know when automobiles were invented?

a. cars b.carts c. trains d. steamboats

17. It is automobiles that provide millions of people with transportation.

a. supply b. submit c. bring d. cause

18.Is the electricity energy….within thebatteries powerful enough to operate a car?
a. stored b. that is storing c. storing d. to store

19.there is ….of solar energy that we can not make full use of.

a. plenty b. plenties c. plentiful d.plentifully

20. The nuclear power plant that was completed last year will come to operate

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21. I think we should use hydroelectric power,……

a. that is clean and safe b. to be clean and safe
c. being clean and safe d. which is clean and safe

22. Solar power,……a potential of alternative sources of energy, is a big question for

a. being b. is c. tobe d. which is

23. Scientists will find ways……our suplies of coal, oil, and gas.

a. to increase b. increasing c. that si increasing d. increased
24. Airplanes…..in the twentieth century is one of the sources of pollution.

a. which invented b. to invent c. invented d. that is invented
25. They buried thousands of fish ……by poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.
a. to kill b. killing c. which kill d. killed

unit 12.

1. How many sport are there….the 14th<sub> Asain Games?</sub>

a. in b. on c. at d.to

2. Do you know when the 2006 Asian games took place?

a. happened b. deepened c. added d. struggled

3. The Asian Games advanced in all aspects since the first Games was held in 1951.
a. developed b. competed c. taken place d. decreased

4. Only 489 athletes took part in the 1st<sub> Asian Games.</sub>

a. participated in b. got rid of c. gave up d. added to
5. Korea was choosen tobe….of the 2002 Asian Games.

a. athlete b. host c. participant d. guest

6. …..is the way of life, especially the general sustoms and beliefs, of a particular group
of people at aparticular time.

a. Friendship b. Solidarity c. Event d. Culture
7. After the accident he lost his…….for the sport.

a. enthusiasm b. enthusiast c. enthusiastic d. enthusiastically
8. The Asian games take …..every four years for the countries in the Asia to compete.

a. seat b. stand c. place d. spot

9. Simming is one of the……sport.

a. mountainous b. aquatic c. racing d. running

10. ……can help an athelete to improve the strenght of muscles and the appreance of
the body.

a. Shooting b. Table tennis c. Weightlifting d. Playing chess
11. All sportmen that take part in the Olympic games must beamateur………
a.athletes b. athletic

c. atheletically d.athleticism

12.On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their……..

a. nation b. event c. culture d. solidarity

13.The winners of each event were presented with gold, silver, and bronze…..

a. flags b.banners c. medals d. sheet

14. …is the sport fo fighting with long thin swords.

a. Basketball b. Fencing c. Hockey d. Wrestling

15. All the international games have been developed in all….., from the qualitty of the
atheletes to the sports equipment.

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16. ….is a sport in which two competiors fight by hitting each other with their hands.

a. Football b. Fencing c. Wrestling d. Boxing

17. He rang James, …..a good friend as well as his trainer.

a. who was b. that was c. being d. tobe

18. …..came from France were reallymore friendly than any others.
a. The athletes, that b. The atheletes whom

c. The atheletes who d. The athletes which
19. That is Mr> Pike, a referee, …..i told you about.

a. that b. which c. whom d. whose

20. He took out a photo of Pele,…….he adored

a. whose b. whom c. that d. which

21.The athelete……could not compete because of his injury.
a. about I told you b. about I told you
c. whom I told you d. I told you

22.The official, …..the drug was found, has been arrested.

a. in whose car b. in which car c. car in which d. in that car
23. The boy are talking about the exciting match……on TV.

a. seeing b. they saw c. whom they saw d. to see
24. Thousands of people……along the road watched the bicycle racing.

a. stand b. that stand c. standing d. stood

25. The death of his son was an experience from……he never fully recovered.

a. when b. why c. that d. which

26. The gymnasium has just equipped with some new sports…..

a. facilities b. events c. athletes d. medals

27. It is said that there will be some more new sports added…the Games

a. in b. for c. with d. to

unit 13

1.what do you prefer doing…..your free time?

a. in b.at c. for d. on

2. She is a very accomplished pianist.

a. skilled b. beautiful c. interesting d. admired
3. To be a good guitarist, you have to practice regularly.

a. never b. rarely c. seldom d. often

4. They live in a fairly modest house, considering their weath.

a.expensive b. fairly small c. very cheap d. very much
5. I am quite keen on my father’s valuable stamp……..

a. collect b. collecting c. collection d. collector
6. ……. I bought the golden fish.

a. it was my uncle who taught b. My uncle who taught
c. It was my uncle taught d. It is my uncle teaching
7. There is a large……of fish in his living room.

a. jug b. bottle c. tank d. pot

8. I would not call myself an avid stamp collctor.

a. interesting b. exciting c. amateur d. enthusiastic
9. He got the stamps and threw away the envelopes.

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10. Today children have more…..to decide their own future.

a. free b. freedom c. freely d. freeing

11. More and more young men are interested……collecting stamps.

a. in b. at c. over d. upon

12. …. I first met my girlfriend.

a. It was in London that b. It was in London where
c. It was london that d. It was London which
13. …..on the phone.

a. It is his mother whom is b. It was his mother whom is
c. It was his mother who is d. It is his mother who is

14. you should not screw and throw….waste paper. Keep it for the mini-project.

a. out b. away c. up d. over

15. The boy does not want to keep those common stamps

a. ordinary b. special c. rare d. strange

16. Once in a while I visit my grandparents on the farm and stay there for some days.
a. Regularly b. Sometimes c. Usually d. Rarely

17. I really admire him for his….

a. succed b. success c.sucessful d. sucessfully

18. Folk music and dancing are still popular hobbies.

a. pastimes b. amusements c. relaxations d. recreations

19. ……England won the World Cup.

a. It was in 1966 that b. it was on 1966 that
c. It was in 1966 when d. It was 1966 in that
20. It was the stamp collection…….

a.about I have told you b. I have ever told ypu about
c. about that I have told you d. That I have ever told you
21……taught me how to collect butterflies.

a. It was my father b. It is my father
c. It was my father whom d. my father
22. ……took my document?

a. It is peter that b. It was Peter that
c. Was it Peter that d. Was that Peter
23. It is the library……..

a. that often borrow books b. that I often borrow books from
c. where I often borrow books from d. from that I often borrow books
24. The teacher sometimes keeps his students……until the afternoon.

a. study b. to study c. studying d. studied

unit 14

1. Tommy decided to……..his interest in working a profestional footballer.

a. take part in b. pursuit c. pay d. practise

2. teenagers have a…..to imitate their idols, and collect their pictures as a hobby.

a. way b. trend c. path d. show

3. Football is a sport that attracts the most spectators.

a. viewers b. players c. observers d. reporters
4. Football has gained in……since the time it appeared.

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a. watch b. notice c. observe d. look
6. Which is the most popular recreation……summer?

a. for b. at c. on d. in

7. Some training cources can provide people……practical skills.

a. from b. on c. for d. with

8. What are you interested….doing in your free time?

a. for b. in c. over d.on

9. There are several sophisticated hobbies that require hobbyist a lot of time and money.

a. complex b. simple c. easy d. pleasant

10. His English speaking ability is better and better. It has been……

a. entertained b. improved c. viewed d. paid

11. In some countries, women’s rights are not equal….men’s.

a. for b. with c. from d. to

12. There are many other pursuits such as listening to music, reading and gardening.

a.hobbies b. sports c. cources d. decisions

13. ……is a particular activity that somebody does when he is not working.

a. Saying b. Recreation c. Leisure d. Popularity

14. Our recreation is quite different……yours.

a. between b. among c. with d. from

15. He got a schorlarship so his parents did not have to pay his school……

a. report b. fee c. equipment d. master

16. He neither drank……smoked so he has good health.

a. nor b. or c. but d. also

17…….are teachers.

a. both of them b. them both c. both they d. both them
18. Tom did not say a word and……

a. both I didn’t b.neither did I c. neither I didn’t d. I didn’t too

19.Not only John but also his brothers…..football as their recreation every weekend.

a. play b. plays c. were playing d. has played

20. John does not like cycling, and Mary doesn’t……

a. too b. neither c. so d. either

21. …..late, he also forgot his books.

a. not only he got up b. did he not only get up
c. not only did he get up d. did he get up not only
22. Not only does Tom play the guitar well……beautifully.
a. but also he sing b. but also sings
c. he but also sing d. but he also sings
23. Eitheir you or John….going to help Peter with his work.

a. are b. is c. were d. be

24. Neither Tom nor his classmates…..ready for the coming examination.

a. is b. has been c. are d. was

25. John can not play football and run fast because of his leg injury.
a. John not only plays football but also runs fast

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

1. Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of….accidents.
a. tragedy b. tragic c. tragically d. tragedies
2. Since the former days,stars have……cosmologists all over the world.

a. attact b. attraction c. attracted d. attractive
3. He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s…….

a. die b. dead c. deadly d. death

4. He failed again,which was a/an……dissapointment.

a. enormous b. big c. wide d. large

5. in 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the Earth.

a. circle b. fly c. get back to d. attract

6. The flight will take approximately three weeks.

a. closely b.exactly c. about d.precisely

7. ….is the empty area outside the Erth’s atmostphere, where the planets and the atars

a. The Sun b. The earth c. The moon d. Space

8. How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space…..?-Only 108 minutes.

a. lengthen b. last c. late d. strengthen

9. There’s a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and

a. look b. watch c. notice d. stare

10. When….astronaut travels into space, if a technical failure happens, he can never get
back to……Earth.

a. a/an b.O/an c. an/O d. the/O

11. Do human beings have any problem to survive…….weightlessness?

a. for b. at c. in d. on

12. The spaceship was launched into space……..the speed of 25,000 miles per hour.

a. in b. at c. on d. with

13. Do it….the way that I have ever told you.

a. by b.on c. at d. in

14. You ……right, I suppose.

a. could be c. was able to be

c. can be d. was not able to forget

15. Don’t worry, they….to phone.

a. could forget b. were able to forget
c. could have just forgotten d. were not able to forget
16. Help me with housework,…….?

a. don’t you b. do you c. will you d. won’t you

17. You have ever heard aboutYuri gagarin,……?

a. do you b. haven’t you c. don’t you d. didn’t you
18. Jenny….leave the hospital only for days after the operation.

a. was able to b. could c. can d. will be able to

19. At last, they………..get through the mountain in such a heavy rain.

a. can b. could c. are able to d. were able to

20. ……your cell phone?

a. I can borrow b. could I borrow c. Am I able to d. Was able to
21. Despite yesterday snowfalls, we……arrive at school on time.

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22. The girl….tell what had happened to her after she had been unconcious for three

a. could b. will be able to c. can d. was able to
23. They used to work as astronauts,……?

a. don’t they b. weren’t they c. did they d. didn’t they
24. A spaceship is one of the extraordinary……of human beings.

a. feats b. moments c. reactions d. tentions

25. …….is a feeling of worry and anxiety which makes it difficult for you to relax.

a. Precision b. Tention c. Weightlessness d. Satisfaction
26. Can we never know precisely what would happen in space?

a. interestedly b. approximately c. amusing d. exactly
27. The footballer…..play again in spite of his severe injury.

a. could not b. could not c. was able to d. was not able to
28. Let’s begin the meeting, ……?

a. don’t we b. do us c. were you d. shall we

29. You did not read anything about the space,…….?

a. didn’t you b. did you c. were you d. weren’t you
30. Go with us, …..?

a. will you b. won’t you c. shall we d. shan’t us

<b>Join the sentences in the place marked with a correct relative pronoun.</b>
<b>1. </b>Most of the people speak German. They live in Australia.

2. The bus isn’t running today. It goes to Oxford.
3. I don’t like the man. He is going out with my sister.

4. Michelangelo is one of Italy’s greatest artists. He lived until he was 90.
5.Mary was staying with her friend. He has a big house in Scotland.

6. The person asked me some very difficult questions. He interviewed me.
7. What’s the name of the writer? His book won a prize last week?

8. Charlie Chaplin became a very rich man. He was from a poor family.
9. The 1992 Olympics were held in Bacelona. It is the north-east of Spain.
10. We want to visit a museum. It opens at 12.00.

11. A boy’s bike was taken. He visited the police station.
12.A friend met me at the airport. He carried my suitcase.
13. Tom cooked a meal. It was delicious.

14. The friend is staying with me. She comes from Paris.
15. I found a man’s wallet. He gave me a reward.

16. I go to a shop in the centre. It is cheaper.
17. I go to a girl’s party. She phoned me.

<b>Combine each pair of sentences in to one, using a relative clause </b>

<b>following a preposition.</b>

1. The woman smiled. I was looking at her.
2. The flat is very dirty. He lives in it.

3. Helen is the girl. I’ve talked to you about her.

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6. that’s the house. I lived in it when I was young.
7. The man is called Eric. She works for him.
8. The boy is very nice. I go to school with him.

<b>Reduce the relative clauses to Participle or To infinitive</b>


<b>1. I don’t like people who arrived late.</b>

2. I lie in a house which was built a century ago.
3. The people who work here are very intersting.

4. The handkerchief which was embroidered by my sister was really beautiful.
5. I want you to meet the woman who taught me how to drive.

6. The cake which was made by my mother was very delicious.
7. This morning I received a letter which upset me a lot.

8. The composition which was wriiten by Jane was really interesting.
9. The last person who was interviewed yesterday was Jack.

10. Valentina Tereskova was the first woman who flied in to space.
11. The only person that remain in the classroon was Peter.

12. Is there any place where we can stay tonight.?

13. This is the second person who was to be killed in that way.
14. He hasn’t got anything that he can wear.

15. He was the first man who told me the truth.

16. There are some reports which you have to type right now.
17. The road which connects the two towns is very narrow.

18. The police never found the money which was stolen in the robbery.
19. Th boy who was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital
20. The taxi which was taking us to the airport broke down.

21. Do you know the man wh left the massage?

22. Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew in to space.

23. The first group that gives the correct answer will win the game.
24. He is the last person who leaves the room.

Using conjuctions: either…or, neither…nor, both…and…

<b>1 Mai plays the guitar well. Mai dances beautifully. ( not only ………but also ) </b>

<b>2 Nam is handsome. Nam is intelligent.</b> <b>( not only ………but also )</b>

<b>3. You can have fish for dinner. You can have potatoes for dinnder. ( both…and)</b>
4. She is American. She is Swiss.( either…or)

5. She can’t play badminton. David can’t play football.( neither …nor)
6. They came late. They left early.( not only…but also).

7. She’s tired. She’s hungry.( not only…but also).

8. Goat provide milk for cheese. Goats povide wool for clothing.( both…and).
9. Jim doesn’t play vollyball. Jim doesn’t played table-tennis.( neither….nor)
10. She’s at home. She’s at the office.


Rewrite each sentence in reported speech, beginning as shown


<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

David apologised……….
3. “ why don’t we go back to Singapore?” I said.

I suggested………..

4. “ No, I really don’t want to stay the night, Sophia,” Ann said.
Ann insisted on……….
5. “ Congratulation on getting engaged, Sue” said Harry.

Harry congratulated on………..
6. “ Make sure you don’t take the A20, Tim,” said Jack.
Jack warned Tim………..
7. “ you stole Tim’s watch, didn’t you, John”

Tim’s mother……….
8. “ I’m very grateful to you for your help, Mr Smith”
9. “ It’s true. I’ll killed the man”

10. “ I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier” He said to me.
He apologized………..`

11. “ Would you mind not smoking in this room?” she said to him.
She asked him………
12. “ You should not drink too much coffee at night,” said Bob.

Bob advised………
13. “ Don’t be late for class again, Jim”

The teacher asked………..
14. “ Would you like to go out for dinner with us tonight.”

Mary invited………..
15. “ All right, I’ll pick you up at 6 pm tonight.”

She agreed……….
16. Don’t forget to water the flowers for me, Tom”

He promised………

17. “ I’m sorry I can’t lend you this book. I need it right now.” Minh said to me.
Minh refused………

18. “ You’d better spend more time learning to write,” I said to the boy.
I advised ………..
19. “ Would you like to have dinner with us tonight? Mike said.

Mike invited………..
20. “ Mr Brown, this is Miss White,” he said.

He introduced………..
21. “ don’t touch that switch, Peter,” I said.

I warned……….
22. “ read it before you signed it,” he said to his client.

He advised………..
23. “ Will you help me, please? She said. “ I can’t reach the top shelf”
She asked……….
24. “ Please do as I say,” he said to me

He begged………..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

26. “ I won’t answer any questions,” said the suspect.

The suspect refused……….
27. “ I’m sorry I’m late,” said Mr Thanh.

Mr Thanh apologized……….
28. “Would you like a cigarette” said one of the guests

One of the guests offered………

29. “ if I were you, I’d try to get a room on the top floor” he said
He advised………..

30. “ Remember to switch off when you’ve finished” He said
He reminded………
31. “ Don’t argue with your father” I said

I told ………
32. My teacher said “ You should study harder”

My teacher advised………
33. He said “ get out of my way”

He told……….
34. “ climb in through the window” he ordered

He ordered……….
35. “ Don’t watch late-night horror movies” I warned them
I warned………

36. “ I feel like seeing you soon, Susan,” said her mother

Her mother looked forward………

37. “ The manager said to the workers, “ You have done excellent work this month”
The manager congratulated the workers on………
38. Mr. madison said “ why don’t you buy a motorbike”

Mr. Madison suggested………..
39. “ People have a right to say what they think”, he said

He said we couldn’t stop people………
40. “ you told a lie, Tom”, she said

She accused Tom……….

Using conditional sentences

1. We didn’t know you were in hospital, so we didn’t visit you.
2. He’s very thin; perhaps that’s why he feels the cold so much.
3. She didn’t speak to him possibly because she was so shy.
4. he can’t buy the car unless he saves from now.

5. People drive very fast. That’s why there are so many accidents.
6. I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.

7. I feel tired now because I stayed up too late last night.
8. I didn’t turn left at the station, and I lost my way.

9. I didn’t realize you were tired when I asked you to go for a walk.
10. My friend advised me to sell the car.

Supply the correct form of the verb in bracket

1. Last month I (visit)Phu Quoc Island. I (like) it very much. That is the nicest island I
ever ( see)

2. We already ( do) our homework. Let’s (go) to the cinema for a change.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

4. We never (see) puppet show in our life. I hope I’ll see it when we ( be) in Hanoi.
5. The film just ( begin) .You (be) a bit late.

What an amazing book. It’s the most amazing book I ever (read).
6. David is very hungry. He (not eat) anything today.

7. I (see) you in Royal Hotel last night.
_ No, it (not be) me. I never (be) there.

8. How many times you (take) your driving test ?
_ Twice, my third one is next week.

9. Edward ( not learn) very much since the term (begin). He needs (study) harder.
10. Any one (see) my pencil? I ( leave) it here.

11. Phillip ( not eat) meat. He is a vegeterian.

12. We (live) here for three years, but we are going ( move) again

13. I can’t believe that you ( eat) three pizzas already. I only ( buy) them in fifteen
minutes ago.

14. Let’s (have) lunch in the garden

15. I ( not understand) what you (wait) for.

16. Recent research (show) that Columbus ( not discover) America, but that Vikings
( land) there five hundered years before him.

17. Julia usually ( take) a bus to the office but today she( drive) because she (be) late.
Last night her manager ( telephone) her and (ask) him ( be) at the office at 8.30 am
for an important meeting. “ I never (be) late for a meeting in my life. Why my
mother (forget) to wake me up this morning?

18. Up till now, the teacher (give) our class five tests.
19. Recently, he ( set) a new record .

20. you ever ( be) to China?

21. How long you ( not hear) from her?

22. How many times Brazil ( win) the World Cup?
23. I ( lose) my keys.

24. I (know) Peter for a long time.
25. Mary never (travel) to America.

26. I (see) that man before but I can’t remember where
27. I ( learn ) English for three years


