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<b>A. DANH ĐỘNG TỪ : (Gerund)</b>

<i>Danh động từ có cấu trúc giống như hiện tại phân từ ( tức là động từ thêm ING) : talking, learning, cutting,</i>


Danh động từ, như tên gọi, là động từ dùng như danh từ. Danh động từ chủ yếu đứng ở vị trí, và thực hiện chức
năng, của một danh từ trong câu. Nó thường được :

<b>1/ Dùng làm chủ từ : (subject)</b>

<i><b>- Swimming is good for our health.</b></i> <i><b>- Being friendly will bring you friends.</b></i>

<b>2/ Dùng làm túc từ cho động từ : (object of a verb)</b>

<i><b>- These boys like swimming.</b></i> <i><b>- My brother practises speaking English every day.</b></i>

<b>3/ Dùng làm bổ ngữ cho chủ từ : (subject complement)</b>

<i><b>- My hobby is swimming.</b></i> <i><b>- Seeing is believing.</b></i>

<b>4/ Dùng làm túc từ cho giới từ : (object of a preposition)</b>

<i><b>- He is fond of swimming.</b></i> <i><b>- She is interested in learning English.</b></i>

<b>5/ Dùng trong câu ngăn cấm ngắn (short prohibition) hoặc để thành lập danh từ kép</b> (compound noun)
<i>- No smoking.</i> <i>- No talking, please.</i> <i>- a swimming pool.</i> <i>- a dining room.</i> <i>- a washing machine.</i>

<b>6/ Dùng sau tính từ sở hữu :</b>

<i>- Please forgive my coming late.</i> <i>- His driving carelessly often causes accidents.</i>

<i><b>7/ Dùng sau một số động từ và một số cách diễn đạt nhất định như : admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay,</b></i>
<i><b>deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise, postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear,</b></i>
<i><b>can’t stand, be worth, be busy, it’s no use, there’s no…</b></i>

<i>- We enjoy listening to music.</i> <i>- I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes.</i>

<b>B. ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU : (Infinitive)</b>

<i><b>Động từ nguyên mẫu thường có giới từ to đứng trước (to do, to learn, to help, to advise…) và được dùng trong</b></i>
những trường hợp sau :

<b>1/ Làm chủ từ (subject), túc từ (object) hoặc bổ ngữ (complement) trong câu :</b>

<i>- To conceal the truth from her was foolish.</i> <i>- He wanted to become a spaceman.</i>

<b>2/ Làm tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ :</b>

<i>- He was the first man to leave the room.</i> <i>- English is an important language to master.</i>

<b>3/ Làm trạng từ diễn tả các nội dung sau :</b>

<i>* Mục đích của hành động.</i>

<i>- He went to the station to meet her.</i> <i>- He bought a dictionary to study English.</i>
<i>* Kết quả, hậu quả. (sau TOO +Adj / Adv)</i>

<i>- She is too tired to go for a walk.</i> <i>- The box was too heavy for her to carry.</i>
<i>* Hiệu quả. (sau Adj / Adv + ENOUGH)</i>

<i>- I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box.</i> <i>- He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.</i>

<i><b>4/ Dùng sau một số động từ nhất định như : afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend,</b></i>
<i><b>learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like…</b></i>

<i>- They promised to come back soon.</i> <i>- He can’t afford to take a taxi.</i>

<i><b>…và dùng sau một số động từ có túc từ (verb + obj + to inf) như : advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, expect,</b></i>

<i><b>forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, teach, tell, want, warn…</b></i>

<i>- They don’t allow us to smoke in the office.</i> <i>- I taught myself to play the guitar.</i>

<b>+ Chú ý : Một số động từ có thể theo sau bởi danh động từ hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu nhưng có sự khác biệt về</b>

nghóa trong caâu.

<b>(*) Remember + gerund : nhớ lại việc đã thực hiện.</b>

- I remember posting the letter.

<b>Remember + to infinitive : nhớ để thực hiện.</b>

- I remember to post the letter.

<b>(*) Stop + gerund : ngưng thực hiện việc đang làm.</b>

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<b>Stop + to infinitive : ngưng làm một việc gì khác để làm việc này.</b>

- He stopped to have a drink.

<b>(*) Try + gerund : thử làm việc gì .</b>

- I try writing in blue ink to see if my handwriting is better.

<b>Try + to infinitive : cố gắng làm việc gì.</b>

- They tried to work as hard as they could.

<b>(*) Mean + gerund : mang yù nghóa.</b>

- Failure in the exam means having to learn one more year.

<b>Mean + to infinitive : dự định làm việc gì.</b>

- He means to take the coming exam.

<b>(*) Forget + gerund : quên điều gì đã xảy ra.</b>

- I forgot telling her this story.

<b>Forget + to infinitive : quên làm điều gì.</b>

- I forgot to tell her about this.

<b>(*) Regret + gerund : hối tiếc việc đã xảy ra.</b>

- She regrets going to a village school.

<b>Regret + to infinitive : hối tiếc sẽ làm việc gì.</b>

- The party was great. He regretted not to go there.

<b>C. ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU KHƠNG “TO”. (Bare Infinitive)</b>

<b>Đây là động từ ngun thể khơng đi kèm với to (infinitive without to) và được sử dụng trong các trường hợp</b>
sau :

<b>1/ Dùng sau các động từ khiếm khuyết (Modal verbs) như : can, could, may, might, must, ought to…</b>

- You may go now. - They must finish the work by now.

<b>2/ Dùng sau các động từ : HAVE, LET, MAKE, HELP…</b>

- I helped the child tidy his desk. - He had a painter paint the gate.
- They let him enter the room without a ticket. - My parents make me go to bed early.

<b>3/ Dùng sau BUT, EXCEPT với nghĩa “ngoại trừ”</b>

- Why don’t you do anything but complain? - She agreed to do everything but help him with the homework.

<b>4/ Dùng sau các động từ chỉ giác quan như : see, watch, hear, notice, observe, spot…</b>

- We heard them sing all morning. - He saw the thief enter the hall.

<b>Chú ý : như ta đã biết hiện tại phân từ (present participle) có thể được dùng cho các động từ trên để diễn tả</b>

hành động đang tiếp diễn. Còn động từ nguyên thể dùng trong trường hợp này chỉ hành động đã hoàn tất.
- I watched them playing football for a while. (trận đấu vẫn đang tiếp diễn)

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<b> LESSON4 :</b> <b> MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ</b>


<i><b>Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề được bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ (relative pronouns) như : who, whom,</b></i>

<b>which, whose, that.</b>

<i><b>- The man who met me at the airport gave me the money.</b></i>

<i><b>Trong câu trên, mệnh đề “who met me at the airport” là mệnh đề quan hệ trong đó “who” là đại từ quan hệ</b></i>
<i>được dùng để thay thế tiền vị từ (antecedent) “the man” và mệnh đề còn lại “The man gave me the money” là</i>
mệnh đề chính.

<b>1/ Hãy xem các ví dụ :</b>

- The man gave me the money. He met me at the airport. <i><b>à The man who met me at the airport gave me the</b></i>

- This is the man. We saw him at the party yesreday. <i><b>à This is the man whom we saw at the party</b></i>


- The pencil belongs to me. It is in your pocket. <i><b>à The pencil which is in your pocket belongs to me.</b></i>

- The car is very expensive. He bought it. <i><b>à The car which he bought is very expensive.</b></i>

- There is the man. His wallet was stolen. <i><b>à There is the man whose wallet was stolen.</b></i>

<i><b>- The tree should be cut down. The branches of the tree are dead.à The tree whose branches are dead should be cut</b></i>

2/ Cách dùng đại từ quan hệ:

<b>Chủ từ (subject)</b> <b>Túc từ (object)</b> <b>Sở hữu (possessive)</b>
<i><b>For people</b></i>

(Chỉ người) Who / that whom / who / that whose

<b>For things, animals</b>

(chỉ vật, thú vật) Which / that which / that whose
<b>Thơng thường ta có thể dùng that để thay thế cho who, whom hoặc which.</b>

<i><b>- The man that met me at the airport gave me the money.</b></i>
<i><b>- This is the man that we saw at the party yesterday.</b></i>
<i><b>- The pencil that is in your pocket belongs to me.</b></i>
<i><b>- The car that he bought is very expensive.</b></i>

<b>3/ Phân loại : Ta cần phân biệt mệnh đề quan hệ làm hai loại : mệnh đề xác định (defining relative clause) và</b>
<b>mệnh đề không xác định (non-defining relative clause) :</b>

<b>(*) Defining clause:(hoặc Restrictive clause) </b>

<i>- The man who met me at the airport gave me the money.</i>

<b>Ta gọi mệnh đề who met me at the airport là mệnh đề quan hệ xác định vì nó rất cần thiết để định nghĩa hoặc</b>

<b>giải thích cho tiền vị từ the man. Nếu khơng có nó, từ the man sẽ rất mơ hồ và ta khơng biết người đàn ơng đó là</b>

<i>- The book (which / that) you lent me is very interesting.</i>

<i>- The man (whom / that) you met yesterday is coming to my house for dinner.</i>
<b>(*) Non-defining clause : (hoặc Non-restrictive clause)</b>

<i>- Shakespeare, who wrote “Romeo and Juliet”, died in 1616.</i>

<b>Ta gọi mệnh đề who wrote “Romeo and Juliet” là mệnh đề quan hệ khơng xác định vì nó chỉ bổ túc thêm</b>
<b>nghĩa cho tiền vị từ Shakespeare nên dù có bỏ đi mệnh đề này thì nghĩa của câu văn vẫn rõ ràng. Mệnh đề quan</b>
<b>hệ không xác định thường được ngăn cách bởi dấu phẩy (trước và sau mệnh đề) và không được dùng that để thay</b>
<b>thế cho who, whom hay which.</b>

<i>- My brother Jack, who came here last night, is an engineer. - Vietnam, which lies in Southeast Asia, is rich in</i>

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Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định được dùng khi tiền vị từ là tiếng được xác định : thường là danh từ riêng chỉ
người hay địa danh (Mr. Brown, Vietnam…), hoặc danh từ đi với các tính từ chỉ định (this, that…) hay tính từ sở hữu
(my, his, her, their…) hoặc do ta tự qui định lấy.

<i>- A man, who said he knew my father, asked me for money.</i>

<b>4/ where, when và why trong mệnh đề quan hệ :</b>

<i><b>- That is the village in which I used to live.</b></i>
<i><b>à That is the village where I used to live.</b></i>
<i><b>- Sunday is the day on which most people rest.</b></i>
<i><b>à Sunday is the day when most people rest.</b></i>

<i><b>- There must be a reason for which you said that.</b></i>
<i><b>à There must be a reason why you said that.</b></i>

<i><b>In (on / at) which --- (place)-- à where</b></i>
<i><b>On (in / at) which ---(time )-- à when</b></i>
<i><b>For which --(reason)-- à why</b></i>

<b>Where và when có thể được dùng để giới thiệu mệnh đề xác định và mệnh đề không xác định.</b>

<i>- We visited the town where I was born.(defining)</i>

<i>- I bought them at the supermarket, where I met Mrs.Brown.(non-defining)</i>
<i>- I saw the film last year, when I was in Paris.(non-defining)</i>

<i>- I think that was the time when I lost all my money.(defining)</i>

<b>Why thường được dùng trong mệnh đề xác định và thường theo sau a reason hay the reason.</b>

<i>- That is the reason why I didn’t come to the party yesterday.</i>

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Week 14

Ngay soan:

Ngay day:


<b>(Tense of the verbs, Conditional sentences with “wish”)</b>


<b>I/ Conditional sentences type 2 with “wish”.</b>

Ex: I wish I had a computer.( the fact is that you don’t have a computer.)

She wishes she worked in Hanoi.

*Form : S + wish (es) + S + V( past tense).

<b>*Note :1.Tobe : S + wish(es) + S + were……….</b>

Ex: She wishes she were younger.

<b> 2. Modal verbs : S + wish(es) + S + Modal verbs(past tense)</b>

Can -> could

May -> might

Must -> had to

Will -> would

Ex : I wish I could fly.

<b> II/ The present perfect tense</b>

<i><b>1/ Form (+) S + have/has + PII</b></i>

(-) S + have/has + not + PII

(?) Have/Has + S + PII …?

<i><b>2/ The uses.</b></i>

a) Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ không nêu rõ thời gian.

Ex : I have read the introduction but I don’t understand them.

She has painted her room.

b) Một hành động mới xảy ra gần đây mà kết quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại.

Ex : Tom has had a bad car accident.

c) Một hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ nhng còn tiếp diễn đến hiện tại (thờng dùng với since và


<i>-Since: thời điểm</i>

<i>-For: thời lợng</i>

Ex : We have lived in this house since 1972.

They have stayed in that hotel for two weeks.

d) Một hành động xảy ra trong một khoảng thời gian cha chấm dứt ( thờng dùng với today, this

morning, this month, all night, all week…….)

Ex : He has played video games all night.

I have got many bad marks this semester.

e) Đợc dùng với các cấu trúc :

* This/That/ It is the first/second/third…………time……..

* This/That/ It is the only………..

* This/That/It is + superlative.

Ex : This is the first time I have been to London.

This is the only party I’ve ever enjoyed in my life.

That is the most exciting novel Ive ever read.

f) Thờng dùng với các thành ng÷ : already, not………yet, yet, ever, never, just, so far, recently,

lately, several times………..

Ex : Have you seen Ann lately ?

My parents have just bought a new house.


<b>I/ Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.</b>

1. Lan wishes Maryam………leave.

a. doesn’t have to b. didn’t have to c. don’t have to

2. He wishes he ………around the world.

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3. The children……….their grandprents for a long time.

a. didn’t see b. haven’t seen don’t see

4. They………cycle to school when they were students.

a. used to b. was use to c. did use to

5. I and Kenny………penpal friends since I………Singapore.

a. are-visit b. were-visited c. have been-visited

6. He wishes he………..the billionaire.

a. were b. is c. will be

7.All the students wish they………the President again.

a. will meet b. would meet c. meet

8. My children are lucky……….a chance to visit the capital.

a. have b. having c. to have

9. She know how ……….French

a. to speak b. speak c. speaking

10. My friends………to the zoo but we…………..yesterday.

a. didn’t go-were b. didn’t go-did c. don’t go-were

<b>II/ Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.</b>

1. What you (do)………..last weekend?

-I (go)………to the theater with my family.

2. John and I (be)………..pen pals for nearly three years.

3. We used (write)………to each other every month when we ( be)………

at secondary school.

4. Minh (know)……….a little English , so she (wish)………..she (can)

………..speak it fluently.

5. Maryam (stay)………..with us at the moment. She (be)……….my sister’s


6. They (read)……….those interesting books several times.

7. His classmate (wait)………for him since 8 o’clock.

8. Her son (just design)……….a new hospital in the suburb.

9. This book (write)………for the children last year.

10.I (get)……….a lot of bad marks this month.

<b>III/ Complete the following dialogue.</b>

Lan: Oh, Nga! You have been to Malaysia, haven’t you?

Nga: That’s right.

Lan: So (1)………..?

Nga: I got home two days ago.

Lan: (2)………?

Nga: I stayed there for five day.

Lan: (3)………?

Nga: It was fine and sunny all the time.

Lan: (4)………?

Nga: We visited PETRONAS Twin Towers and some other interesting places in Kuala Lumpur.

Lan: (5)……….all the time?

Nga: Yes of course. I spoke English to every one I met.

<b>IV/ Rewrite the following sentences, beginning with: S + wish / wishes</b>

1.I miss the cartoon on TV

I wish………

2. Lan cannot meet her friend.

She wishes………

3. They don’t know how to speak Chinese.

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He wishes……….

5. Their team don’t play very well.

They wish………

6. Lien never goes on a camping trip.

She wishes………..

7. She doesn’t get good marks.

She wishes……….

8. Her mother doesn’t buy her new clothes for Tet.

She wishes……….

9.He got a bad mark yesterday.

He wishes……….

10. They cannot eat carrots.

They wish………

11. It rains today.

I wish……….

12.Phong gets bad marks this semester

He wishes……….

13. It’s cold and windy.

I wish………..

14. I can’t hear that srange noise.

I wish………..

15. Hoa and Ba won’t go fishing this weekend.

They wish………..

16. Tuan doesn't write the composition.

He wishes...

17.Some students are late for class.

They wish...

18. Uyen has to stay at home because of her sickness.

She wishes...

19. Hoa and Ba won't go fishing this weekend.

They wish...

20. Her little brother can't swim.

He wishes...

Week 15


<b>Conditional sentence type 1 with modal verbs, reported speech</b>


<b>I/ Reported speech.</b>

<b>1/ Form</b>

E.x “I’m very happy to see you.”

-> She said she was very happy to see you.

“We are learning English now”

->They said they were learning English then.

* Quy tắc chung khi biến đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp là “lùi lại một thì”.Ta có thể tn

theo bảng sau.

<b>Direct speech</b>







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Future simple Would + V



Can / May

Could /



That day


Had to



following day

<b>2/ C¸ch chun câu hỏi trực tiếp sang gián tiếp: Khi chuyển câu hái tõ trùc tiÕp sang gi¸n </b>

tiếp ta cũng áp dụng những thay đổi nh với câu nói gián tiếp. Ngoài ra ta cần chú ý thêm:

<i>-Động từ trong câu hỏi gián tiếp là : asked, wondered, inquired, wanted to know…..Nếu động </i>

từ tờng thuật ở câu hỏi trực tiếp là said, said to hoặc told thì đổi thành asked.

Ex: “Do you lived in Truc Phu?” Nam said.

-> Nam asked me if/whether I lived in Truc Phu.

->Nam wanted to know if/whether I lived in TP.

<i>-Không dùng liên từ that. Dấu chấm hỏi c b i. </i>

<b>*Công thức chuyển câu hỏi yes-no sang gi¸n tiÕp.</b>

<i><b>S + asked + (object) + if/whether + S + V.</b></i>

<b>*Cơng thức chuyển câu hỏi có từ để hỏi sang gián tiếp.</b>

<i><b>S + asked + (object) + question word + S + V.</b></i>

<b>II/Conditional sentence type 1 </b>

Ex: If you study hard, you will get good grade.

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go swimming.

<b> ->If + S + present simple, S + future simple</b>

-Câu sử dụng if với động từ tình thái:

<b>If + S + present simple tense, S + modals + V.</b>

Ex: If you want to get good grade, you must study hard.

<b>I/ Put the following sentences into reported speech.</b>

1. Lan said “I will be very busy tomorrow”

Lan said………
2. Nam said “ I am told to be at school before 7 o’clock”

Nam said (that) he………
3. Thu said “All the students will have a meeting next week”.

Thu said (that)………
4. Lan said to Tam “ You should stay at home and do the homework”.

Lan told Tam (that)………
5. Phong said “My parents are very of my good marks”.

Phong said (that)……….
6. The teacher said “ All the homework must be done carefully”.

The teacher said (that)………
7. Her father said to her “You can go to the movies with your friend”

Her father said (that)……….
8. Hoa said “I may visit my parents in summer”

Hoa said (that)………..
9. She said “She doesn’t buy this book”.

She said (that)……….
10. He said “I will go to school by bus tomorrow.”

He said (that)………..
11. “If you want to learn English , I can help you,” John said.

John said (that)………..
12. “Where are you studying?” Mr.Bruce asked.

Mr.Bruce asked me………
13. “Are youinterested in this Language Center?”asked Lan.

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14. “We will spend our holiday in Da Lat next month,” said Mrs Chi.

Mrs Chi said ……….
15. “Do you live here?”Liz asked.

Liz asked me……….
16. “what does your son want to learn?”the man said to Mrs Linh.

The man asked Mrs Linh……….
17. “You must come today,” Hoa said.

Hoa said………
18. “I don’t understand what you are saying,” Tom told us.

Tom said………
20. “There isn’t any information about these college,”Nam said.

Nam said………

21 “Where does your father work?”

The teacher asked me………
22. “How many people are there in your family?”

She asked Lan……….
23. “ How long will you stay in England?”

Tam’s friend asked him……….
24. “Why do you collect waste paper?”

She asked Ba……….
25. “When will you visit Hanoi?”

Hoa asked her parents……….
26. “What language do you speak?”

Mrs Brown asked Thu……….
27. “How do you go to the airport?”

His friend asked him……….
28.”Where do you learn English?”

She asked Lan………
29. “How much does this dress cost?”

Lan asked Lien………..

30. “What kind of book do you read?”

Thu asked Huong………..
31. “What television program do you like best?”

She asked me……….
32. “Why is she crying?”

Thu asked Hoa……….
33. “Are you Mrs Lien’s student?”

Lan asked me………..
34.“Do you enjoy reading book?”

Phong asked Peter………..
35. “Does she like sport?”

Hoa asked Lan………
36. “Does Hoa play badminton?”

Lan asked Thu……….
37. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?”

She asked Nam……….
38. “Are there some oranges in the fridge?”

She asked her Mom………
39. “Will it rain tomorrow morning?”

He asked his friend………..
40. “Do you travel to school by bus?”

Tam asked Peter……….
41. “Are Tam and Hoa late for class?”

Tuan asked Lan………
42. “Does Lan’s mother work in a hospital?”

Thu asked Ba………
43. “Can you speak Chinese?”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Tam asked Thu………..
45. “May I have a look at your pictures?”

Lan asked Hoa……….
46.”Do you see sombody using my book?

Lan asked Thu……….
47. “Are you fond of watching television?”

Tuan asked Ba………
48.”Is there a fridge in the kitchen?”

I asked her………..
49. “Do you sometimes have a party?

She asked me………..
50. “Can I move the furniture around?”

I asked her………
51. “What country do you come from?”

Bill asked me……….
52. “ What kind of sports do you like best?”

Peter asked me……….
53. “What game do you often play?”

I asked her………
54.”My sister is now having a wonderful time in Nha Trang.”

He said………
55. “Our new house is beautiful.”

Nam said……….
56. “I must come to the meeting tomorrow.”

Thanh said……….
57. “I don’t live with my parents.”

She said……….
58. “I can’t speak Chinese.”

Hoa said………

<b>II/Choose the best answer.</b>

1. Please let us know if the new teacher ………

a. will come b. comes c. coming
2. If you ……….to pass the exam, you should try harder.
a. wanted b. want c. will want

3. They have to asked for their parents’ permisson if they………….out after school.
a.went b. go c. are going

4. If Loan ………to lose some weight, she must do more exercices.
a. wanted b. wants c. want

5. Learn more vocabulary if you want…………good at English.
a. be b. tobe c. being
6. Thu said she was ………….yesterday.

a. here b. there c. in this place
7. My mother has to learn English ………..her work.
a. for b. of c. from

8. You should practice………..English in order to talk to your foreign friends.
a. to speak b. speak c. speaking

9. …………..television is also mean of learning English.
a. watch b. watching c. watched
10. We learn our mother tongue quite………

a. easy b. easily c. ease
11. Long ago, French……….in Viet Nam.

a. is spoken b. was spoken c. has spoken
12. Chinese is a difficult language ……….

a. to learn b. to be learnt c. to be learning
13. She asked me if I………speak Chinese.

a. can b. will c. could

14. If the librarian …………to work today, I can’t borrow any book for my report.
a. didn’t go b. won’t go c. doesn’t go

15. Viet got up late………he couldn’t catch the first bus.
a. then b. so c. as

<b>III/ Give the correct form of the verbs.</b>

1. If it (rain)………tomorrow, we won’t go on a camping trip.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

3. If her mother (return)………..home early, she can cook the meal for the family.
4. I (go)………..to Lan’s party if she invites me.

5. They will pass the exam if they (study)……….hard.

6. They said that they (will try)………..their best to do the test.
7. The kids (sleep)………when the bell rang.

8. She (eat)………a lot of fruit yesterday.

9. The book (just publish)……….by Kim Dong publisher.
10. The Brown (travel)………..to Asia many times.

11. Lan (borrow)………..some books from the Library since Monday.
12. The boys wish their team (not lose)……….the game.

13. The farmers (work)………on the field when we (come)………

14. The farmers wish it (not rain)……….so heavily this season.
15. Ba’s uncle wishes he (get)……….good crops this year.

16. ……….you ever (be)……….to India ?-Yes.I (be)………there twice.
17. The girls (sew)………..some clothes for their dolls now.

18. She asked me if I (can)……….speak Chinese.

19. If he (want)……….to become a doctor, he must (study)……….hard.
20. You should practice (listen)………..to the radio every day.

21. Please call me if the bell (ring)………

22. My father wishes he (take part)………..inthe Chess Club.
23. (Read)………magazines is my favorite activities in free time.
24. Enlish (speak)………in Viet Nam many years ago.

25. You should (do)……….a lot of grammar exercises if you want ( learn)…………..English well.

<b>IV/Complete the sentences with suitable prepositons.</b>

1 . The students were excited …………..their Tet holi day.
2. We are fond………story books and picture books.
3. The children are very interested ………..those cartoons.
4. Shakespeare was very famous………….his plays.
5. Their parents are very proud …………their results.

6. The students in grade 9 are very familiar ……….book report.
7. People often go fishing and sailing………..summer.

8. The students usually play badmintons……….the afternoon.
9. Lan went to bed ……….10 o’clock last night.

10. Schools often close………June.

11.What is the difference………..”clean up” and “clean out”?
12. When will you arrive………your destination?

13. Lan used to play the piano…………us …………weekend.

14. Playing computer games so often is not a healthy habit ……….a growing children.
15. The passage is written………Enlish.

16. Vietnamese women usually wear the Ao dai, sometimes ………work, and
especially…………..speacial occasions.

17. Our little brother played games from 1 p.m………..5 p.m.
18. Phong sometimes stays………his uncle’s farm.
19.She talked…………..an hour to persuade her parents.
20. They have learnt English……….many years.

V/ Compplete the sentences below . Use the preposition in the box.
After at between by during
For in on since until

1. Mr Thanh isn’t here at the moment. He’ll be back……….a few minutes.
2. We were at the seaside………two weeks.

3. I haven’t seen Liz………Monday.

4. Mrs Nhung has gone away. She’s been away………Friday.
5. Where’s Trang? She should be here……….now.

6. There are usually a lot of parties ………New Year’s Eve.
7. Can I meet you………8 am and 9 am?

8. We met a lot of people………..our holiday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>VI/ Write complete sentences with the cues given.</b>

1. This dog / name / Lucky.

2. Thu / wish / have / new bike.

3. They / be / in Ha noi / twice.

4 . We/ used / go / pinic / weekends / last year.

4. The chilren / not see / that show / T.V / last week.

5. Hoa / visit / her aunt and uncle / this summer.

6.Phong’s father / catch / a train / Hai Phong / last night.

7. The teacher / have / a meeting / tomorrow.

8. Lan’s brother / win / the race/ last month.

9. They / not see / one another / long time.

10. I / wish / it / not rain / today.

Week 16 <b>consolidation</b>

<b>I/ Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful passage.</b>
<i><b>1) </b></i>


<b> Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It’s a beautiful (1)………….With lots parks and</b>

open places. It’s also a very (2)………city.

Most of the people (3)………in high rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district is
very modern with (4)………..of high new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections.
In China town, there (5)………rows of old shop houses. The Government buildings in Singapore are very
(6)………..and date from the cononial days.

Singapore is famous (7)………..its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers.
Most of the (8)…………..are duty free. Singapore’s restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay, and European

food, and the prices are quite reasonable.

<b>2) </b>


I believe that it is (1)……….to wear uniforms when students are at school. Firstly, (2)………
encourage the children to take pride in being students of the school they are going to because they are wearing
uniforms with (3)………bearing their school’s name. Socondly, wearing uniforms helps students feel
(4)……….in many ways. They all start (5)……….the same place no matter they are rich or poor.
They are really friends to one another (6)………one school roof.

Last but not least, it is (7)…………to wear uniforms. It doesn’t take you time to think of what to wear
every day.

In conclusion, all students, from primary (8)…………..high schools should wear uniforms.


My village is about 50 kilometers (1)………..the city center. It is a very beautiful and (2)

………place where people (3)………flowers and vegetables only. It’s very famous for its pretty
roses and picturesque (4)………. .The air is quite (5)…………..; however, the smell of the roses make
people (6)……….cool. In spring, my village look like a carpet with plenty of (7)……… . tourists come
to visit it so often. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn’t take the (8)……….much time to water the roses.
And even at night, peopple can walk along the path and enjoy the fresh smell of the flowers.


asleep-stations-through-looking-journey-while –of-relax

Although I have a car, I prefer to travel by train, especially if I have to make along

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

waiting on cold (7)...and I get angry when I have to waste time (8)...for a taxi or a bus at
the beginning or end of my journey.



English is a very useful language. If we (1)...English, we can go to any countries we like.
We will not find it hard to make people understand (2)...we want to say. English also help us to
learn all kinds of (3)... . Hundred of books are (4)...in English every day in

(5)...countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge (6)...all corners of the
world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better (7)...and (8)...among
countries of the world.



Television is an important (1)...of the 20th<sub> century. It has been so (2)...that </sub>
now we can’t imagine what life would be like if there were no television. Television is a (3)...mean
of (4)... . It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of home. TV

(5)...can see and learn about people, places and things in far away lands. TV widens our

(6)...by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition

to the news. TV provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste . Most people now seem to
like (7)...their evening watching TV. It is more (8)...for them to sit at home watching
TV than to go out for amusement elsewhere.

<b>II/Write a paragraph of 100-150 words using outline.</b>


<b>Secondary school students should wear casual clothes</b>

<b>Wearing casual clothes :</b>

 makes students feel comfortable

 give students freedom of choice (size, colors
and fashion,etc……….)

 makes students feel self-confident when they
are in their favorite clothes.

 Make school more colorful and lively




<b>Vietnamese women should wear the ao dai at work</b>

<b>Wearing the ao dai </b>

+ encourages them feel proud of the traditions andcustoms
+ makes them more beautiful and charming

+ is practical . No need to think of what to wear at work
everyday .


<b>II/Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.</b>

1.Lan (write)………to her penpal for three years, and they first (meet)……….each other last

2. Jeans (make)……….about two hundred years ago, and now they (sell)……….in every corner of
the world.

3. I wish that I (know)……….how to mend this shirt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

5.A new shop (just open)………near my aunt’s house.

6. Her brother (talk)………to his penpal on the phone at the moment. They (not contact)
……….to each other for a long time.

<b>III/Use the following words to complete the letter.</b>

<i>Dear Sir,</i>

1 I / see / school’s advertisement / TV / last night.


2.I / interested / learn English / and / I / like / information / school.


3. I / study / English / four years / but / want / improve / speaking / and / listening / skill.


4. I / be / very / grateful / if / you / send / details / courses / fees.


5.Look / forward / hear / you / soon.


<i>Yours sincerely,</i>
Nguyen Thanh Nam.

<b>WEEK 17</b>


<b> </b>

<i><b>The passive voice.</b></i>

Active : Hemingway wrote “The old man and the sea “

Passive: “ The old man and the sea” was written by Hemingway.

<b> S + be + PII + by + O</b>


<b>Active voice</b>

<b>Passive voice</b>

1. Simple Present

2. Simple Past

3. Simple Future

4. Present Perfect

5. Past Perfect

eat, eats


will, shall eat

has, have eaten

had eaten

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

6. Present Continuous

7. Past Continuous

8. Modals

am, is, are eating

was, were eating

can eat

am, is, are being eaten

was, were being eaten

can be eaten

<b>Notes: </b>

- Trạng từ thời gian đứng sau “by”

Ex : She does the housework every morning.

The housework is done by her every morning

-Trạng từ thể cách đứng giữa “to be” và PII

E x : She cooked the meals carefully.

The meals were carefully cooked by her.

-Trạng t nơi chốn đứng trớc “by”.

Ex : She will put the flower vase in the living room.

The flower vase will be put in the living room by her.

-Đối với chủ ngữ là : nobody, nothing, no one “ cã thĨ ¸p dơng 2 c¸ch chun.

Ex : Nobody saw him last night.

He was not seen last night.

He was seen by nobody last night.

-Các chủ ngữ mơ hồ : somebody, something, people, they, someone, khi chuyển sang câu bị

động có thể lợc bỏ “by + O “

Ex : Somebody has stolen my purse.

My purse has been stolen.

- Động từ nêu lên ý kiến : say, think, believe, report, know………..có thể đổi theo 2 cách:

Ex : People said that he had gone abroad.

It was said that he has gone abroad.

He was said to have gone abroard.

<b>I/Rewrite the following sentences .</b>

1.My sister gave me a new pair of Jeans on my fifteen birthday.

A new pair of jeans………

2. The worker are building a supermarket on our street.

A supermarket………
3. Mary is sorry.She isn’t on the beach now.

Mary wishes………
4. They have sold their car to pay their dept.

Their car………
5. We are going to grow flowers in the front garden.

6. You musn’t use this machine after 5.30 pm.

This machine………..
7. I can’t understand what he says.

I wish………..
8. Lan bought some comic books for her brother.

Some comic books……….
9. We don’t use this kind of cloth to make shirts

This kind of cloth………..
10. “Where do you learn English?”

She asked Lan……….
11 . “What’s your address?”

I asked Lien……….

12. “I need to learn more new words”

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

13.Lan is going to invite her friends to her birthday party.

Her friends……….
14. “I will go to school by bus tomorrow.”

He said……….
15. Thomas Edition invented the electric light bulb.

The electric light bulb……….
16 “Do you speak any other languages, Mai?”

I asked Mai……….
17. People speaks English in many countries.

18.The police has just caught the thief.

The thief……….
19. “Can you explain this word to me?”

She asked me……….
20.Lien couldn’t open the door of the classroom.

The door of the

21. Lan doesn’t know how to make a cake.

She wishes……….
22. Phong has to return the book to the library.

The book……….
23.People must repair that old building.

That old building……….
24. “What are you doing now?”

He asked me……….
25. “Are you interested in listening to music?”

Lien asked Hoa……….
26. She can solve the problem in just 2 minutes.

The problem……….
28 What a pity ! I can’t go there with you.

I wish……….
29. They should tidy this room twice a week.

This room……….

<b> II/Complete the sentences by using the tag-questions .</b>

1.Lan enjoys sewing clothes for her doll,………..?
2.Hoa did a lot of homework last night,……….?
3.They have visited Hue many times,……….?
4. I am making a big mistake,………..?

5. Ba doesn’t like chocolates,………?
6.You will have cable TV soon,………..?
7.Lan cannot lift this box,………..?
8. These shoes need to be fixed,……….?

9.Thu didn’t take part in the competition,………..?
10.It will rain tomorrow,…………..?

<b>III/Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets . </b>

1.The children prefer (watch)……….TV to (read)…………..books.
2. The boys likes (play)……….games but hate (do)………..lesson.
3. Would you like (go) ……….now or shall we wait till the end?
4.I can’t find my favorite book.You (see)…………..it?

5. We used (dream)………..of a television set when we (be)………….small.
6. Would you mind (show)……….me how (send)……….an e-mail.
7. I (not see)……….your brother recently.

-No. He (not be)………..out of his room since he (buy)………..a new computer.

8. When I (come)………to see Mr.Robinson last night, he (read)………..a newspaper and his two
children (listen)………to an English song.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

10. Thanh prefers (listen)………to music to (watch)……….TV.

<b>IV/ Complete the following sentences using promts.</b>

1. My children/ enjoy/ watch/ television.

<b> ...</b>

2. Lan / be interested in/ watch/ cartoon.

3.Sister/ wear / new Ao dai / only twice/ since / she / buy / it.

4.We / not use / wear/ jeans / when / study / primmary schools.

5. Liz / wish / she / be going / Ha Noi / parents / next Sunday.

6. Wear / uniform/ encourage / students / proud / school.

7. He / work / that company/ for / 20 years


<b>V/ Match the two halves of the sentences.</b>

<b>A</b> <b>B</b>

1. Maryam and Lan have been pen pals
2. It seems very difficult for us

3. Malaysia is devided into two regions,

4. In the 1990s the worldwide economic situation got worse,
5.Wearing uniforms is practical

6. A new style of shirt
7. The little boy wishes

8. I used to learn five English words a day
9. If you want to do this work well,
10. None of them went to the party,

a. when I was a student.
b. did they?

c. you must improve your knowledge of English.
d.he could fly.

e.has just been introduced this year.

f. because students don’t have to think of what to
wear everyday.

g. so the sale of jeans stopped growing.

h. known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia.
i. to buy that expensive car.



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