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the tenses 1 the present simple dieãn taû hanh ñoäng söï vieäc thöôøng xaûy ra trong hieän taïi hay moät söï thaät moät chaân lyù moät thoùi quen ex1 my mother often goes to shopping ex2 the sun

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1/ The present simple

-Diễn tả hanh động ,sự việc thường xảy ra trong hiện tại, hay một sự
thật, một chân lý, một thói quen.

EX1: My mother often goes to shopping
EX2: The sun rises in the east

EX3: Ae plays tennis in the morning
EX4: The students go to school by bike
EX5: Hoa doesn’t go to school everyday
EX6: I don’t go to school everyday

EX7: Does Miss Lien live in the country?
EX8: Do you live in the country?

-Trong thì hiện tại đơn thường co trạng từ always, often, usually,
sometimes, everyday, week, month, years…

Khẳng định(+)

Phủ định(-)

Nghi vaán(?)

2. the present simple(HTHD)

Diễn ta 1
hành động đang xảy ra trong lủc nói.

Trạng từ:now, right now, at the momemt,at present.

S+is/am/are +not +V-ing
Is/Am/Are +S+V-ing..?
Ex1:Ba is going to school

Ex2:Iamnot playing video games now.
Ex3:What are you doing?

I am doing my homework.

Write_ Writing

S is
S +V /be am
ES are

S + +V(ing)


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3. The past simple(QKÑ)

Diễn tả hành động xảy ra và kết thúc tại một thời điểm, thời gian hoặc
khoảng thời gian xác định trongqk.

Trạng từ: yesterday,ago, last night….
S+V(II,ED) /be(was/were)

Did+S+V(inf) …..?

Ex1: He arrived here yesterday.
Ex2:She was ill two days ago.

Ex3:Tom and Peter were in England.
Ex4:We went to Ha noi last summer.
Ex5:Ididnot meet Lan last night.

Ex6:Dd he study English three years ago?
4.The past progressive(QKTD)

Diễn tả hđ,sự việc xảy ra trong qk xc định thời cụ thể.
S +was/were +V-ing

Ex1:We were going to HCM city at 8o,<sub>clock yesterday.</sub>

Ex2:My mother wasn,<sub>t watching TV at this time last night.</sub>

Ex3:What were you doing When Mai came?
5.The present perfect(HTHT)

Diễn tả hđ,sự việc xảy ratrong qk kéo dài đến hiện tại.

Trạng từ:just,already,ever,never. Yet, recently, for ,since,several times ,the
first/ second/third time.


S+have/ has+not + P.P
Have/Has +S+P.P….?

Ex1:I have come to Hueá recently.

Ex2:His father has bought this car for two years.
Ex3:Mr Brown hasnot built the house yet.

Ex4:Miss White has already cooked the meal.
Ex5: Have you ever been to Nha Trang.
6.The past perfect (QKHT)

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S+had +P.P
S+had+not +P.P
Had +S +P.P….?

Ex1:After he had done the homework,he watched the football match on

Ex2:I had spoken to MrJohn beforethe meeting began .
Ex3:Lan went to school after she had had breakast.
7.The simple future(TLÑ)

- Diễn tả hđ xảy ra trong tương lai

-Trạng từ: next, tomorrow.
S +will/shall +V(inf)
S +will/ shall +not +V(inf)
Will/Shall +S +V(inf)….?
Will not=won,<sub>t</sub>

Shall not=shan,<sub>t</sub>

Ex1:We,<sub>ll have our exam next month.</sub>

8.Modal verbs

Can/must/ might/ could/ should/ would/have to/hasto/be going to/+V(inf)
Ex:Nga can swim

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A : S + V + O


P: S +be +P.P +( byO)

Ex:They grow rice in Vieät Nam.
-Rice is grown in Vieät Nam.
Ex:Tom saw Linda at the bus stop.

-Linda was seen at the bus stop byTom.

1/. S O
I me
He him

She her
We us
You you
They Them

2/ a.Những “s” trong câu “A” là những đại từ “I,She.he.we

you.they,people,someone, somebody.everyone.everybody,noone,nobody,…khi đổi
sang câu”P”ta bỏ “byO”

Ex1:She gives me a book.
-Iam given a book.

b.Những “S” trong câu”A”là danh từ(the student, MrMinh…..)đổi sang âu “P”
giữ lại”byO”.

Ex:The children were playing soccer in the school yard.

-Soccer was being played in the school yard by the children.
3/ -Adv of time đặt sau” byO”

-Adv of places đặt trước”byO”.
Ex:Lan met her friends yesterday.

-Her friends was met by lan yesterday.
4/The structures

a/P in the present simple: S + is/am/are/+P.P +(byo)

b/P in the present progressive :S +is/am/are +being +P.P +(byo)
c/P in the past simple : S +was/were +P.P +(byo)

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e/ P in the present perfect “s + have/ has +been + P.P +(byo”)
f/P modal verb “: S +mv +be +P.P + (byo)

5/ Reporting with passive verbs :It is said (that)….; He is said( that)…..
Ex: People say that many people are homeless after the floods.
-It is said that many people are homess after the floods.
-Many people are said tobe homeless after the floods.

* Một số động từ dùng trong cấu trúc: consider, think, expect, propose, belive,…….
Ex: people expect that the strike will end soon.

-The strike is expected to end soon.

6/ Passive infinitive and gerund (Dạng nguyên mẫu P và dạng V-ing P)


Infiintive without to Be +P.P

To-infinitive To +be +P.P

Perfect infinitive (to) +have )been +P.P

Gerund(present) Being +P.P

Gerund(past) Having +been +P.P

Ex1: The room must be cleaned. (=Somebody must clean the room ).

Ex2:He is asking to be allowed into Britain . (=He is asking he government to
allow him into Britain).

Ex3:Idonot mind being paid low wages at first. (=I donot mind them paying me
low wages at first.)

7/Causative form( câu cầu khiến)

A : S + have/has/had +S.one + do something

P : S + have/has/had +something +done (by someone)
Ex: He has a porter carry his bag.

-He has his bag carried (by a porter).

I/Change sentences into Passive.

1. She has a hairdresser wawe her hair once a week.
2. We had the carpenter make the desk.

3. Did you have anyone paint the chair ?

4. He has just had a mechanic check the motorbike.

5. Please, have the photographer take another photograph.
6. Mrs Green had had Mary feed the cat.

7. The teacher ia going to have Tom clean the floor.
8. people say that she works 16 hours aday.

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10. People say that the company lost a lot of money last year.
11. People report that two people are killed in the explosion.

12. People think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall.
13. They can’t make tea with cold water

14. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plant
15. Somebody has teken some of my books away

16. They will hold the meeting before May Day
17. They have to repair the engine of the car

18. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures
19. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday
20. They may use this room for the classroom

21. The teacher is going to tell a story

22. Mary is cutting the cake with a sharp knofe
23. The children looked at the women with a red hat
24. They have provided the victims with food and clothing
25. People speak English in alost every corner of the world
26. You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m

27. Luckily for me ,they didn’t call my name

28. After class ,one of the students always erases the chalk board
29. You must clean the before you paint it

30. They told the new pupil where to sit

31. I knew that they had told him of the meeting
32. Nobody has ever treated me with such kindness
33. No one believes his story

34. A sudden increase in water pressure may break the dam
35. We must take good care of books borrowed from the library
36. A man I know told me about it

37. We can never find him at home for he is always on the move
38. They use milk for making butter and cheese

39. Science and Technology have completely changed human life
40. John used to visit Mr Cole at weekends

41. Weeds cover the river bank
42. Smoke filled the room

1/Reported speech

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<b>Present simple</b>

Ex<i>:Tom said,”I never eat meat.”</i> <b>Past simple</b>Ex:<i>Tom said( that)he never ate meat.</i>

<b>Present progressive</b>

Ex:<i>He said,”Iam waiting for Ann.”</i>

<b>Past progressive</b>

Ex:<i>He said he was waiting for Ann</i>.

<b>Present perfect</b>

Ex<i>:She said”I have seen that film.”</i> <b>Past perfect</b>Ex:<i>She said she had seen that film.</i>

<b>Present perfect progressive</b>

Ex:<i>Jane said,”Ihave been learning</i>

<i> Chinese for5 years.”</i>

<b>Past perfect progressive</b>

Ex:<i>Jane said he had been learning</i>

<i> Chinese for 5 years.</i>

<b>Past simple</b>

Ex:<i>They said,”We came by car.”</i> <b>Past simple/past perfect</b>Ex:<i>They said they came/had come by car</i>.

<b>Past progressive</b>

Ex: <i>He said,”Iwas waiting in the park</i>

<i>At 8 o,<sub>clock.”</sub></i>

<b>Past progressive/past perfect progressive</b>

Ex: He said he was waiting/had been
wait-ing in the park at 8 o,<sub>clock.</sub>

<b>Past perfect</b>

Ex<i>:David said,:My money had run out.”</i> <b>Past perfect</b>Ex:<i>David said his money had run out.</i>

<b>Future simple</b>

Ex<i>:Judy said,”I will phone you.”</i> <b>Future in the past</b>Ex: <i>Judy said he would phone me.</i>

<b>Can/ must/may</b>

Ex:He said.”Imust finish the report.” <b>Could/ hadto/might</b>Ex:<i>He said he had to finish the report</i>.
Đổi một số trạng từ và trạng ngữ

This that
These those
Here there
Now then
Today that day

Tomorrow the day after/ the next,followingday

Yesterday the day before/the previuos day
The day before yesterday two day before

Ago before
This week that week

Last week the week before/ the previuos week
Next week the week after, the following week

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- Động từ giới thiệu ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn.hiện tại hoàn thành
hoặc hiện tại đơn.

Ex:The farmer is sayi ng,” I hope it will rain tomorrow.”
The farmer is saying (that) he hopes it will rain tomorrow.

-Lời nói trực tiếp diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý hay một thói quen ở
hiện tại.

Ex: The teacher said,” The moon moves around the earth.”
-The teacher said the moon moves around the earth.
Ex: Tom said,”You,<sub>d better not contact her .”</sub>

Tom said (that) I,<sub>d better not contact her.</sub>

2/ <b>Reported” Wh questions”</b>

Ex1: “where are you studying?”Mr Brown Asked.
Mr brown asked me where Iwas studying.
Ex2:” How do you go to school?” Lan said to Nam.

Lan asked Nam how he went to school.

Ex3: “How many students are there in your class?” the teacher asked us.
The teacher asked us how many students there were in our class.
Ex: “What did you do yesterday?” Minh said toHoa.

Minh asked Hoa what she had done yesterday.
3/ <b>Reported “Yes/No question”</b>

Ex1:”Are you interested in this Language Center ?”asked Mai.
Mai asked me if/ whether Iwas interested in Language Center.
Ex2: “Do you live here?” Liz asked Peter.

Liz asked Peter if/ whether he lived there.

Ex3:”Can you use computer ?” Miss white said to John.
Miss white asked John if he could use computer.

4/<b>Reported speech with infinitives</b>

*Advise, sak,beg,command,encourage, entreat,warn ,expect, implore ,instruct,
order, persuade,recommend,remind,request,tell,urge,want +O + to-inf

*Agree.demand, guarantee, hope,offer,promise ,swear ,propose ,threaten +

Ex1: “Give me your homework.”

The teacher told us to give her/him our homework.
Ex2: “I,ll buy you an ice-cream.”

My mother promised to buy an ice-cream.

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5<b>/Reported speech with gerund</b>

 sau các động từ”dream of, admit, advise ,apologise for ,deny ,insist on

,mention,recommend, report, suggest “ +V-ing
*thank of
Warm against
Accuse +O + V-ing of

Prevent from
Stop from
Congratulate on

Ex1:”I will drive you to the airport ,I insist” John said to Linda
John insisted on driving Linda to the airport.

Ex2:”I am happy you have passed the final exams.Congratulations”,Mrs
smith said to Peter.

Mrs smith congratulated Peter on passing the final exams.

I/.Write these sentences into reported speech
1.” Please,don,<sub>t smoke in my car.” He said to me.</sub>

I asked
him---2. “we,<sub>ll come badk again.”</sub>

promised---3. “Could you close the window?”John said to Peter.

asked---4. “You,d better not swim too far from the shore.” The lifeguard said to us.
The lifeguard

advised---5. “You should join the football team,Eric,” said the teacher.
The teacher
encouraged---6. “I,<sub>ll give it ti himtomorrow,”John said.</sub>


promised---7. “Remember to lock the door before going to school,”my sister said.
My sister

reminded---8. “I,d like Lan to become a doctor,” my mum said.
My mum
wanted---9. “You should go home and rest for awhile,” said the boss.

His boss advised---
10. “I hearyou passed your exams.Congratulations!”John said to us.

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11. “Iam sorry Ididnot phone you earlier,”Mary said.
Mary apologised for______________________________.
12. “I,<sub>ll drive you to the station.I insist,” Peter said to Linda.</sub>

Peter insisted on________________________________.

13. “You didn,t pay attention to what I said,” the teacher said to the boy.
The teacher accused________of_________________________.

14. “I,<sub>ve always wanted to be rich,”Bob said.</sub>

Bob has always dreamed of__________________________.
15. “Don.t stay at the hotel near the airport,”Isaid to Ann.
I warned _________against_________________________.

16. It was nice of you to visit me.Thank you,”Miss whitesaid to Jack.
Miss white thanked________for________________________.
17.”Iam going to town with my sister,”Hoa said.

Hoa said____________________________________.
18. They said”we are unlucky today”

They said_____________________________.
18. She said tome “I want to speak to your father.”
She told me___________________________.

19. “Hai had done his homework well” The teacher said.
The teacher said________________________

20. “Can you speak English?” Ba said to Nam.
Ba saked Nam_______________________________.
21. “Will you go with me?” Mary asked me.

Mary saked me___________________.
22. “what is your name?”Isaid.

Isaked her____________________________.
23.”where do you live?” Mr Brown asked Tom.
Mr Brown saked Tom_______________________.
23. “Don,<sub>t talk in class.”The teacher said to her students.</sub>

Theteacher said to her students______________________.
24. “How long have you studied English?”Mrs Nga asked me

Mrs Nga asked me_______________________.
25. “Which class are you in?” Tuan said to Mai.

Tuan asked to Mai_________________.

II/ Do the exercise 4 page 39 in the text book,and the ones 2,3,4,5 pages28,29,30
in workbook.

III/Put tte following sentences into direct speech

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2. The examiner saked Lan how she learned English in her country.
3. Mr Phong said that he was learning english in an evening class.
4. Paula told Lan not to be late for the exam the following day.
5. Nga asked Jane if she could speak Vietnamese.

6. Mrs hue asked me how far it was from my house to school.
7. The students sais that hey were having a test the next day.
8. Trung asked the landlord how much the rent was.

9. Mai asked Hoang whether his brothe lived in Ho Chi Minh City then.
10. Phuong sai dthat she didn,t have much time to write to her friends.

IV/ Fill in each blanks with the correct form of the word in capitals.

E,g: You must be <i>careful </i>when you open that door. CARE
1. Our school has a lot of__________ teachers. QUALIFY
2. When you take an exam, yo are an________. EXAMINE
3. We could see some strange_______ on her face. EXPRESS
4. Your English is much better, but there is still room IMPROVE

5. You should write aletter of_______ to tha institte. INQUIRE
6. We,re very inpressed by the_______of your town,s people. FRIEND
7Liverpool is an ________ city in the north of England. INDUSTRY
8. Is Buddhism the country,s_______ religion of Thailand?

9. This handbook gives us________information about ASEAN


10. Should English be a_____foreign language in VietNam?

COMPA RISON (So sánh )
I/Com parative (So sánh bằng)

a. * dạng khẳng định

as + adj adv + as
EX1:Ba is as tall as Nam

EX2:She drives as carefully as her husband
b. *dạng phủ định

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c. chúng ta có thể thay thế cấu trúc

as + adj + as baèng the same + as
EX1:This room is as long as that one

Or:This room is the same length as that one
EX2:She isn’n as tall as her brother

Or:She isn’t the same height as her brother

d. Trong so sánh chúng ta còn dùng:like,the same as,not the same as,similar to
(giống với),different froom (khác với)

Ex1:I think Loan looks a bit like Lan
(Tôi cho rằng Loan hơn giống Lan)
Ex2:The noise war like a pistol shot

(Tiếng dộng nghe như tiếng súng ngắn)

Ex3:Motels are the sameas hotels =Motels are similar to hotelr

(Khách sạn cho người lái xe ô tô trong giống như các khách sạn khác)
Ex4:Motels are not very different from hotels

II/ Sosánh hơn

a –adj / ngắn:”adj / adv có 1 âm tiết:” So sánh giữa 2 người hay 2 vật
Adj / adv + ER + than

-cold colder hot hotter
-long longer big bigger
-short shorter noisy noisyer
-tall taller happy happier
-narrow narrower large larger
Ex1:HCM city is bigger than Ha Noi (big)

Ex2:La is (short) Hoa shorter than

Ex3:Living in the city is (noisy) than living in the country noisier
b. adj / adv dài :”những adj / adv có 2 âm tiết”

more + adj / adv +than
Ex1:interesting more interesting

Ex2:That movie is (boring) than this one more boring

Ex3:This house is (expensive) than that one more expensive
c adj / adv bất qui tắc

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far farther / further
Ex1:Ba learns English (well ) than Nam

Ex2:Fruits are (good) candy
Better than

III/ Superlative (So sánh nhất) :So sánh giứa 1 người với nhiều người , 1vật với
nhiều vật

a adj / adv ngaén : the + Adj / adv + EST
Ex1:Lan is (tall) pupils in her class

The tallest

Ex2:The number to is the (cheap) apartment

b adj / adv daøi: The + most + adj / adv
Ex1:Ha is (intelligent) student in our class

The most in telligent
Ex2:This is the (expensive) car
The most expensive
c Adj / adv bất qui tắc

good / well best
bad / badly worst
little least
many / much most
far farthest
Ex1:Minh is (good) studentin our class
The best


I/ Give the correct form of adj / adv in backets
1. July is (hot) than August

2. Ho Chi Minh is (big) city in Viet Nam
3. What’s (happy) day in your life?
4. She is as (young) her sister

5. These bags are (expensive) than that one
6. That is (comfortable) I have

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11.He isn’t (old) as his brother

12.What is (hing) mountain in Viet Nam?
13.Who is (young) teacher in your school?
14.Who is (happy) Minh or Nam?

15.This is the (far) roud in this village
16.Film are (interesting) than plays

17.That is (beautiful) school in our country
18.Some book are (cheap) than that one
19.Ha Noi is one (busy) cities in Viet Nam
20.Water in rivers and seas is getting is (dirty)

21.The air in the early morning is (fresh) that at claytime
22.They are (poor) family in this area

23.The villa is (good) the apart ment

24.I was very tired yesterday but now I ‘m (good)

25.Eiffel Tower is one of (famous) structures in the world
26.The village is (lasge) in the city

III/Complete the unfnished sentence in such a way that it means the same as the
one above

1. This exercise is not as difficult as that one

That exercise_____________________________
2. Hung is 10 years old . Hoang is 8 years old.

Hoang is______________________________
3. Hoa doesn’t speak French 80 well as Lan
Lan speaks______________________________
4. My brother is a more careful driver than I am
My brother drives__________________

5. An works harder than Tam

Tam doesn’t________________________
6. They like basket ball more than soccer
They prefer_________________________
7. My house is bigger than your house

Your house________________________________
8. The black car is cheaper that the red car

The red car_____________________________

9. No one in the group is tall than Trung.Trung_____________________
10. My house is the oldest house on the street

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

The bathroom________________________________
12. Nam studied English four yearsago


A. Adjectives (tính từ)

*Vị trí

-Đi với động từ”tobe”
Ex:She is beautiful
-Đứng trước danh từ
Ex1: He is a good student

Ex2: My friend has a nice huose

- Theo sau động từ liên kết (lingking verbs) :become get ,feel ,look ,seem ,grow
(trở nên),appear (trơng có vẻ)taste (có vị) smell(có mùi) ,sound (nghe có vẻ).
- Ex1: The coffee smells good

- Ex2: She looks beautifun
B. Adverbs (trạng từ)

Ex: slow + ly => slowly
easy + ly => easily

happy + ly => happilly
possible + ly => possibly
simple + ly => simply

*Vị trí : trạng từ theo sau động từ thường
Ex: My father drives carefully

C. Notes (chuù ý )

Một số adj và adv có cùng một dạng như : fast ,hard, easly, straight ,long ,high
,late ,enaigh ,pretty (khaù)

Ex:This is a hard exercise
He works hard

D. Adjectives + (that) + clause (mệnh đề)

Ex: Một số tính từ chỉ cảm giác (pleased,excited / sorry / disappointed (thất
vọng),amazed / lad / afraid

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

I/ Complete the sentences

1. He is a_______ soccer player.He plays______(good / well

2. 2.He’s a ________volley ball player.He play_______.(skillfully / skillful)
3. She swims_______. She’s a ______ swimmer. (slow / slowly)

4. My friend is a ____________tennis player. She plays tennis (bad / badly)
5. Nga’s a ________ runner . She runs _______ (quickly / quick)

6. Nam’s a _______ cyclist . He cycles______ (safe / safely)
7. grandmother walks_________ (slowly / slow)

8. What a ______ baby!He sleeps all night and he never cries during the day.
(good / well)

9. Rook clim is a ________ activity. (dangerously / dangerous)

10. _________Students write their exercise____________ (easy / easily)

11. I learned the words_______ I learned the _________ words (easy / easily)
She sings song________. She sings______ song. (beautifl / beautifully)

12. He has ________ pronunciation. He pronounces words_______ (good /

13. She speaks________ . I don’t under stand_______ speech (fastly / fast)
14. Tom is usually________. He usually writes____________ (correct /

15. The man was________He shouted ______ (angrily / angry)
16. He looks_______. He looked_________ (unhappy / unhappily)

17. He gave a _______explanation. He explained the lesson_________ (full
/ fully)

18. George is_________ . He works________ (diligent / diligently)
II/ Choose the correct words

1. I opened the door (slow / slowly)

2. Why are you (angry / angrily)? I haven’t done anything

3. Nam is a (carefully / caeful) driver. He driver (care / carefully)
4. Can you repeat that (slow / slowly)?

5. The party was very (good / well) . I enjoyed it very much
6. Tam didn’t do very (good / well) . in his examination

7. Where is Loan? She was here , but she lyt (sudden / suddenly)
8. Don’t eat your dinner so (quick / quickly) . It’s not good fory
9. She seems (happy / happily)

10. Those oranges look (nice / nicely) . Can I have one?

11. I don’t want to work for that company . They pay their workers very (bad /

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

III/ Give the correct form of the words in brackets
1. He always does his work_________ (good)
2. Her sister plays the violin__________ (beautif)
3. you walk very ___________ (fast)

4. She always speaks___________ to her child (soft)
5. Helen is a very_________ student . (Slowly)

6. Helen work very _________ in her new job . (hard)
7. You should drive more__________along this road.(slow)
8. This is an____________exercises________(easy)

9. Tiss an_______exercise. (easy)

10. Come here________we need your help. (quick)
11. My mother is a________of English. (teach)
12. He is a famoun_________. (act)

13. Her father is a __________. (fam)

14. She sent her best wishes for my future_______. (happy)
15. ________are trying to find out new stars. (science))
16. We are proud of uor _______(friend)

17. There articles were written by a good_______(report)
18. He war punished for his______(lazy)

19. This______ has written manystories for children (write)
20. This is the biggest______in the city .)build)

21. He,<sub>ll never forget his happy_______(child)</sub>

22. Peter is an _____member of our club. (act)

23. We like going in his car as he is a______driver. (care)
24. AIDS is a_____disease. (danger)

25. Do you ofter read_______newspapers ? (day)

26. They are watching an ______foot ball match on TV. (excite)
27. She is ______of doing the same things everday. (tire)

28. What do you usually do on ______days ? (sun)
29. These are ______toys for children. (use)
30. She looks ______in her new coat . (attract)

31. he turns out tobe the _____student in his slass. (good)
IV/ Fill the blanks with one suitable word

England is not a large (1)______. No town in England is very far (2)_______the
sea and many English families (3)________their summer holidays at

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

There are many town in (6) ________The English (7)______ between the
town looks (8) ________ beautiful,esprecially in (9) ________ and summer .
All the forests,the fields and the gardens are green , red , blue , yellow and write
(10) __________ flowers.

*Notes: ful

N + al =>adj

I/ The past simple with “wish”

Ex1: I wish they were a good student
Ex2: She wishes she were a doctor
Ex3: I wish I lived in a large house

Ex4: He wishes he didn’t live far from school

S + wish + S + V< II <sub>ed / be (were)</sub>

II/ The modal with “wish”
Ex1: He wishes he could fly
Ex2: I wish I wouldn’t snow


S + wish + S + + V(ing)

* noter: Can => couln,<sub>t</sub>

can,<sub>t => could</sub>

Won,<sub>t => would</sub>

Will => wouldn,<sub>t</sub>

I/ Make sentences with” I wish”

1. I can’t have a new computer
2. I don’t stay in Hue

3. It rains soften here

4. I can not go fishing with my friends
5. I don’t Know how to swim

6. I don’t remember Hoa’s phone number

7. I can not see the film “Spigerman” with you now becase I’m busy
8. I have to do a of homework today

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

10.Lan doesn’t speak English well
11.Nam doesn’t pass the exam
12.He will be a farmer

13.They won’t come here on time
14.Hoa can go abroad

15.The students don’t leasn English well
II/ Write sentences with”wish”

1. Mai doesn’t know a lot of students in her dass

2. We live in the city but we don’t like it

3. I would like to go to Huong’s birth day party but I can’t

4. Lan has to stay in bed because she is sick

5. Nam doesn’t go to my party


I/ Type1: Điều kiện có thễ xảy ra

Ex1: If I have enough money , I’ll take a vacation

Ex2: If it rains this afternoon , I’ll stay at home and watch TV
Ex3: If my dog sees a stranger , it barks

If clause main clause

- (mệnh đề phụ) (mệnh đề chính)

-Simple present -Simple future / can /
E is will

S + V / be am S + + V (inf)
(ssit) ES are shall

Ex4: If it (be) nice , we’ll go to the park

Ex5: you (fail) the exam if you don’t study hard

Ex6:you must study hard if you (want) to get good grades
Ex7: If she (not come) here , they’ll not go to the movie
II/ Type2: Điều kiện khơng có thật ở hiện tại

Ex1: If I had much money now , I would buy a new car
Ex2: I could fly everywhere if I were a bird

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

I would

S + V / be (were) S + could + V (inf)
Ed might

Ex3: If you saw a UFO , what you (do)?

Ex4:you would experience those marvelous things If you (be) on board now
Ex5: What would she do if she (meet) an alien from outer spake

Ex6: If I (be) you , I would tell the truth
Laøm baøi taäp 2,3,4 trang 90,91,92 on SGK 9

I/ complete the sentences , using the modal verbs in brackets and the information
in the box

Take /medicine find a job pass/entrance exam
Miss /bus go and see finish/home work
Read /no vels , stories eat/vegetable , meat

1.+ I’m not good at literature , and my parents are terrible
- If you want to get good marks , you--- (should)
2.+ May I go out with friends , Mom?

-you--- If you want to go out.

3.+ It’s really a good film for children. you--- (ought to)
4.+ Do you think Tom is able to support his family?

- Well , he--- if he wants to support his family
5.+ I’d like tobe a teacher

- If you want to be a teacher , you--- (have to)
6.+ Has Tuan come yet?

- If he doesn’t come soon , we---(might)
7.+ I don’t feel well

- you ---if you want to get well
8.+ I’m getting fatter and fatter

- if you want to lose weight , you--- (should)
9.+ I’m not rich . I don’t live in a big house


If---10.+ He works in the evening . He has no time to play with his chidren

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

-If---13.+ I go tobed late , In the morning I;m tired

If---14.+ She hasn’t got a watch , she’s always late

If---II/ Supply the correet form for the verbs in brackets

1.If I (lose) my job , I’d go back to university
2. If it (rain) tomorrow , we’ll cancel the barbecue.
3. Where would you live if you (can) choose?

4. If the warther (be) fine , we often have lunch outside.

5. My mother (worry) about me if I didn’t phone hereveryweek
6. If you finish work before5o,<sub>clock I (come) and pick you up.</sub>

7. If we (hurry) , we’ll get to the shops before they close
8. I don’t know what she (do) if she couldn’t go on working.
9. I might have enough time tonight

If I (have) enough time , I (write) a letter to my cousin
10. The weather is terrible today.

If the weather (be) good , I (go) for a five mile walk
11. She studies hard

If she (study) hard , she (have) good grades

12.I have a cold today , but I will probably feel better tomorrow
If I (feel) better tomorrow , I (go) to class

* Làm bài tập 4,5,6 trang 68,69,70 on work book

“And , But , Or , So , therefore , however, because “.
1. “And “ Ex: They eat fish and eggs

Ex: He is tall and strong

2. “But “ nối 2ý tương phản nhau
Ex: It was sunny but cold

Ex: He is fat but his brother isn,t.
3. “Or” diễn tả sự lưa chọn

Ex: Do you live in the city or in the country ?
Ex: Does Nam study math or chemistry?

4. “So” = “Therefore” đứng trước mệnh đề chỉ kết quả
EX: Iwoke up late so Ididn,t have time for breakfast.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

Ex: Mai is very tired, however, she has to finish her home before she goes
to bed.

2. Because =As =Since + mệnh đề chỉ lí do
Ex: Na got wet because he forgot his umbrella.
Ex: I stayed at home as Iwas sick .


I/ Complete the sentences using connectives

1. Mary wants to go out with her friends ________ . She has to stay at
home to look after her little sister.

2. Hoa failed her math test ________ she has to do the test again

3. It is raining ______ Ican’t go to the beach

4. I’d love to play volleyball ______ I have to complete an

5. Mrs Quyen bought corn , potatoes _______ cabbage at the market.
6. Ba’s ho bbies are playing football ______ collecting stamps .
7. It rained a lot _____ we enjoyed the vacation verymuch.
8. I learned English easily _______ I don’t like our friends.
9. I like oranges _________ apples

10. She went home ________ She was tired

11. She is a French teacher ________ . She speaks French perfectly.
12. The weather was terrible ________ we didn’t enjoy the picnic.
13. He passed the exam _______ he worked hard.

14. Which would you prefer , tea _______ coffee?

15. Does your father want vietnamesetea ______ milk tea?
II/ Lam bai tap 1 trang 47 sach bai tap

III/ choose the best option

1. She is very tired _______ She has to finish her home work

a. or b. so c. and d. however
2. Is he an actor _______ asinger? An actor

a. an b. or c. with d. so

3. He was ill _______ He took a rest before continuing the work
a. so b. an c. but d. if

4. I want to see the ________ of environment from the local authority
a. protect b. protected c. protecting d. protection
5. He’s going to the post office ________ he wants to send a letter
a. letter b. but c. and d. however
6. I broke the vase because I was ________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

7. They learn English _______ they intent to go abroad

a. and b. so c. so d. because
8. Her hobbies are playing videogames ______ going on apicnic
a. and b. but c. however d. although
9. He’d love to play volleyball _______ he must complete hic home

a. since b. therefore c. but d. and

10. She won’t take all there suiteases ___________ she likes to travel

a. so b. but c. because d. therefore
11. I wear a hat _______ I don’t want tobe sick

a. because b. but c. therefore d. and
12. We stayed at home ______ it rained heavily

a. because b. and c. but d. so
13. This new spaper is _____ everyday . It’s a daily new spaper

a. publishing b. published c. to publish d. publish
14. She sings very ______

a. beautiful b. beauty c. beautifully d. beautifh
15. If the poplution _______ what will happen

a. continue b. continues c. continued d. continuing
16. If it doesn’t rain , we ______ to the movie

a. will go b. would go c. is gone d. went
17. Be ______ ! He is looking at you

a. care b. careful c. carefully d. careless
18. you turn ______ the TV , Iwant to see the news

a. on b. off c. in d. of
19. His parents ________ him a computer if he finds a good job
a. will give b. would give c. give d. was given

TAG QUESTIONS (caâu hỏi đuôi)
Ex: -you are a student , aren’t you?

-He isn’t an engineer , is he?
-Mary can’t drive a car , can she?
-you study here , don’t you?
-Nam saw a kite , didn’t he?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

Phủ định , khẳng định ?
* Chú ý: a/ câu hỏi đuôi của I am là aren’t I

Ex: I’m going to do it again , aren’t I ?

b. + Câu mệnh lệnh: cóp phần đi là “ won’t you “ và diễn tả lời mời.có
phần đi “will you” diễn tả lời yêu cầu

Ex1: Take your seat , won’t you?

Ex2: Have a piece of cake , won’t you?
Ex3: open the doodr , will you?

c. + Câu yêu cầu: thường có phần đi là “will you”
Ex1: please keep silent , will you?

Ex2: please don’t make anoise , will you?

d. + phần đuôi của câu với “ Let’s … “ là “shall we”
Ex: Let’s go swimming , shall we?


I/ làm bài tập 4 trang 38,40 sách bài tập , 1 trang 45 sách bài tập
II/ complete the questions with a correct tay

1. Van couver is in canada , ____________?
2. you don’t like hamburgers , ___________?
3. We had a good time , ___________?
4. I am not a teacher , ___________?

5. We can’t use a computer , ___________?
6. you won’t tell anyone , __________?
7. you haven’t met Jane , ________?
8. please be quiet , _________?
9. Let’s play tennis , _________?
10. Raise your hand , ________?

11. Paul and Tim got married last year _________?
12. I don’t think John’s very friendly ,__________?
13. David is bringing some wine,___________?
14. you don’t need me any more , _________?
15. Don’t leave anything behind , _________?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

3. Aneswer the phone for me ,will you / do now ?
4. you’re not doing what I told you ,do you / are you ?
5. Jim hasn’t been waiting long ,war he / has he ?

2 chủ từ giống nhau : adj / adv + ENOUGH + TO _ing

2 chủ từ khác nhau : adj / adv + ENOUGH + FOR + O + TO_ing
(đủ ……… dể làm điều gì)

EX1 : Ba isn’t old. He can’t stay home alone.
-> Ba isn’t old enough to stay home alone
EX2 : She is strong . She can carry the box
-> She is strong enough to carry the box
EX3 : This shirt is big . He can wear it
-> This shirt is big enough for him to wear
EX4 : The ice ii quite thick .We can walk on it
-> The ice ii quite thick enough for us to walk on

EX5 : This seat isn’t wide .We can’t sit on
->This seat isn’t wide enough for us to sit on


* Combine the sentences using “enough”

1. The weather wasn’t very warm .We couldn’t go swimming
2. He wasn’t very experienced .he couldn’t do the job

3. The ladder isn’t very long .It didn’t reach the window
4. The tea isn’t strong .I won’t keep usawake

5. The fire isn’t strong .It won’t boil the kettle

6. It wasn’t very warm .We couldn’t sit in the garden
7. He is strong .He can carry that suitcase

8. The ladder wasn’t very long .Ididn’t reach the window
9. Minh is not tall .He can’t be a good basketball player
10. The buffalo isn’t big .He can’t harm you

11. Hoang war very foolish .he told lies to the police
12. It war very hot .you could efry an egg on the pavement
2 chủ từ giống nhau TOO + adj / adv + to_ing

2 chủ từ khác nhau TOO + Adj + Adv + for + O + to_ing
EX1 : I am very busy .I can’t talk toyou

-> I am too busy to talk toyou

EX2 : The food war very hot .We cuoldn’t eat
-> The food war too hot for us to eat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

-> Tom is too short to touch the ceiting
I/ * Combine the sentences using “too”
1. Alice is very young

2. He spoke very quickly .We can’t understand him
3. It’s late .We can’t go to the movie

4. Ilive too far from shool .Ican’t walk there

5. The meeting is very important .They can’t miss it
6. The picture is heavy .We can’t hang it on the wall

7. I war very sleepy .I couldn’t finish my home work last night
8. Some movies are violent .Children shouldn’t watch them
9. We can’t go swinmming because it’s very cold

10. Peter can’t study because .He is tired

II/ Combiine the sentences using “enough” or “too”
1/ This coat is not warm .I can’t wear it in winter

2/ The test war very long .The students couldn’t finish it half an hour
3/ are you very tall ?Can you read the top shelf ?

4/ Ba is busy .He can’t go to his aunt’s house
5/ The pencil is very short .She can’t use

III/ Rewrite each of the sentences ,Beginning as shown ,sothat the
meaning stays the same

1/ Do you know who broke the window the boy ?The man asked
-> The man askedif

2/ “My parents are arriving tomorrow” .She said
-> She said

3/ To learn English is easy
-> It is easy

4/ I began to play the piano syeass ago
->I have

5/ The tooth is very decayed .It can not be quiet
-> The tooth is too

6/ She doesn’t find a good job

-> If She (have) a good job ,her parents (give) her a computer

7/ We stopped playing tennis because it started to rain
-> It started to rain

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

9/ people learn English because it is useful for their work

-> Why

10/ People cut down the trees to make
-> The trees

11/ I war given a beautiful glass on my birthday by Hung
-> Hung

12/ I would like you to help me to put chair away
-> Do you mind

13/ The water was so cold that the children could not swim it
-> The water was too

-> The water was not

14/ We don’t have a longer vacation
-> I wish

/ RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Đại từ quan hệ)
1/ That is the girl .She lives near my house

=>That is the girl who lives near my house
* “Who” thay thế cho n/pro làm “S” chỉ người

EX1 : My friend Tom can compose songs .Sings western folk songs very

-> My friend Tom Who sings western folk songs very well can compose

2/ Those are the boys .We see them at the theater
=> Those are the boys whom we see at the theater

* “whoo” thay thế cho n/pro chỉ người lám “O” trong câu sau
EX2 : the people were very nice .We visited them yester day

3/ tet is a festival .Tet occurs in late January or early February
=> Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February
EX1 : That is the bicycle .My mother bought it at the store:


* “which” thay thế cho n/pro chỉ vật ,hành động ,sự việc ……Làm “S,O”
trong câu

4/ The boy called the police .His wallet war stolen
=> The boy whose wallet war stolen called the police

* “whoes” thay thế cho đại từ sở hữu (her ,my ,your ,his ,their) or sở hữu
cách (‘S , of)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

EX2 : The man is my father .Irespect the opinion of my father
=> The man whose opinions irespect is my father

EX3 : Mark twain is an auther .You like his books best

* Làm bài tập 1 trang 70,71 SGK 1,2 trang 81,82 SGK

I/ Combine the following sentences : using relative pronouns
1. Have you seen the dress .I’ve juat bought it

2. The man didn’t come back again .Ishouted at him
3. They’re the people .Their shop burned down last week
4. Is this the person ? He stole your handbag

5. That is the only woman : He wants to meet her

6. What’s the name of the man ? you borrowed his book
7. It was the worst film .I’ve never seen it

8. I know the young woman .Her mother writes detective stories
9. Please ,tell us about the film .You saw the film last

10. The letter is full of interesting news .Ireceived week it tow days ago
11. The man is an architect .We talked to him last night

12. The woman was wearing a gree hat .I was sitting behind her
13. He works in a factory .It makes bicycles

14. Is that the girl ?Her son won the derby last week

15. The building is the town hall.you can see it in front of you
16. The book was too expensive .Iwanted to buy it

17. He married a girl called Jill .He met her there
18. The girl jirl laughed .Her dog bit me

19. My brother Jack plays the piano very beautifully .He has just come
back from Australia

20. English is the language .It is spoken all over the world

* Relative pronouns “that” có thể thay thế cho “whom ,which” và dùng
“that” khi thường danh từ đó đứng sau all ,every ,only ,the first ,the best
và sau everybody / one ,nobody ,those

EX 1 : All the apples are eaten by the pigs .They fall

EX2 : Everyone liked him .They knew him

II/ Add the missing relatives

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

2. The book________has some wonderful pictures is about africa
3. Mother is the person_______goes to market and prepares our meals
4. This is the teacher________we saw

5. The boy______you met him is my brother
6. The car_______was crashedis my father’s

7. Tom’s brother________lives in LonDon is an enfineer

8. The table ________is in the corner of the room is covered with green

9. The woman_________is wearing the blue hat is my aunt

10. Show me the cup board ________you put the glan

11. The big chair _______lives between the ward robe and the cup boar is
an armchair

12. There is some body_______wants you an the telephone
13. The person_____I saw is not very clever

14. I come from a country_______history yoes back thousands of years
15. The pro fessor________carse Iam taking is excellent

16. There is the boy_____father is my teacher

17. The magazine_______you lent me is very interesting
18. The man______you want to meet has just left

19. He is the first person______discovered that

20. The lady______was here yester day has gone to LonDon
21. The letter _____we received today had no stamp on it
22. The man______I gave the book to has died

23. This is the man ______we saw

24. It war the first time________I speak to him

RELATIVE ADVERBS (Trạng từ quan hệ)

1/ New year’s day is the day .Family members gather on that day
=> New yaer’s day is the day when family members gather

* “when” dùng để thay thế cụm từ chỉ thời gian (adv of time)
EX : 7:30 is the time : we met at that time


2/ Truong Mit is the village .I was born in that village
=>Trong Mit is the village where Iwas born

* “where” dùng để thay thế cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn (adv of place)EX : Tay
Ninh is the town .We grow up there


<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

I/ Combine the sentences using the adjective clause (raletive adverbs)
1. The building is very old . He lives in that building

2. I’ll never forget the day . I met you on that day.

3.The city was beautiful . We spent our vacation in that city .
4.Monday is the day . We will come on that day.

5.That is the restaurant . I will meet you at that restaurant.
6.The town is small . I grew up in that town.

7.1960 is the year . The revolution took place in that year.
8.July is the month . The weather is usually hot in that month.
9.Viet Nam is the country . It export the rice.

10.Viet Nam is the country . We were born there .
II/ Làm bài tập 1,3 trang 52,54

III/ Finish each of the sentences in such asway that it is as similar as
possible in meaning to the original sentences

1.My kitchen is smaller than yairs
-> Your kitchen

2. They will change the date of the meeting gain
-> The date

3. The children liked to walk in the rain
-> The children enjoyed

4. My grand mother is very old . She can’t work now.
-> My grand mother is too old

5. The children couldn’t go swim ming because the sea was rough
-> Th sea was too

6. The question was difficult . Noone could answer it
-> The question was so

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

8. The exercise is so easy that all the students can do it
-> It is such

9. They will hold an internationad conference in Ha Noi next month .
-> An internationad conference

10. She hasn’t finished the letter yet
-> The letter

11. He thinks learing English is easy
-> He thinks it is

12. Hung is taller than Ba
-> Ba

13. His parents advised him to study hard for his exams
-> He was

14. They have just stolen his car
-> His car

15. It was such a borring film that we left before the end
-> The film

16. I would like you to help me to clean the floor
-> would you mind

17. The water was so cold that the children couldnot drink it
-> The water was noy

18. What’s your date of birth?
-> When

19. Peter is too young to see the horror film
-> Peter is not

20. The doctor said to her patient .” Do you feel better now?

21. The teacher asked me if I played football at school

22. I am not able to ride a motorbike
-> I wish

23. She can’t come to the party because she’s working late next Friday
-> She’s working late next Firday

24. It only takes me 15 minutes to walk to school
-> How long

25. you are tired because you often stay uplate
-> If

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27. Long is a bad swimmer
-> Long swims


1/ Write a paragraph about your partner (name ,age ,appearanc,characters:
Sociable ,humorous ,helpful / family ,friends

2/ Write a description of a room in your house/about your house.

3/ Write a letter to your pempal in san Francisco.Use the in formation in
the box

-Mother’s Day

-Second semester report / last month
-good grades / Geography / physics / math
-teacher / tell / im prove English / History

-in a few weeks / Mid-Autumn Festivel / moon festival
-Ha Long Bay / aunt and uncle / bus / this afternoon
-Send you / postcard

4/ Write one notice about your class meeting / your sports club meeting
5/ Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood.There question may
held you

Where do you live?

What does your house look like?

What can you see from your bedroom window ?
How far is it from your house to school ?

How do you get to school ?

What kinds of facilities are there in your neighborhood ?

What things in your neighborhood do you like best ? Why
6/Write a letter to your friendfor other occassions

7/ Write a thank you note to a friend . invite your friend to go on a picnic
with you . Arrange to contact your friend

What did your friend give / send you?
On what occasion?

What was / were it / they like?

How did you feel when you received the present?
How do you feel now?

Do you want to invite your friend some where?
If so , then when?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

8/ Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place / city in Viet
Nam . Write a postcard to a friend about your trip . (place , how you feel
about the people / what the weather is like / who you meet , see / what you
see / what you buy

9/ Write a similar report on a festival you joined recently
What is the name of the festival?

Where was the festival held?
How long did the festival last?

How many activities were there ? Were there any competititions?
How were the activities organized?

How many people took part in each actioity?
What did you think about the festival?

10/ Write a letter to a friend . Tell him / her about a place you’ve visited
recently , use the following prompts to held you


Pistance from your city
How to get there

Sights:beautiful , breath taking

Weather:tempareta / sunny / cool / windy
How you feel:happy / excited / relaxed…
11/ Report about your picnic

12/ Ordering the sentences to make the correct dialogue
a)1. Yes,he’ll be back at about eight thirty

2. Right I’ll tell him you called.Bye Bye

3. Good morning , Mrs Huong . My name is Ñinh Nguyen . I’d like to
speak to your husband.

4. Good bye mrs Huong

5. I’m afraid he’s not in . He’s at a conference in his company all day .
Can I give him a message?

6. Fine I’ll ring him at about nine them

7. well , when I met him in Nha Trang , he asked me to call him when I got
back to HCM city will he be at home this evening?

b) 1. well they are bringing Lan to dinner too
2. Why ? What is happening?

3. Well , stop now . And put your best clothes on

4. Are they ? Well my homework can wait after all . Just a minute , Dad .
I’m brushing my hair and putting on my best clothes

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6. I’m writing my essay

7. Hung up . Their car is just coming along the street

8. I’m sorry , Dad , but I have much home work to do . can’t you have
dinner without me?

9. What are you doing , Nam?

13/ Choose A,B,C or D to complete the following passage

If you look at a map of England , you (1) _______ see a number of
lakes in the noeth west corner . This is one of the (2) _______ beautiful
parts of (3) _______ because , in addition to the lakes themselves , there
are green valleys , wooded hills and waterfalls . As there are boating ,
bath and fishing , many people (4) _______ the lakes to th seaside fo a
holiday . There (5) ________ no big cities very near the lakes , but a
number of small towns with good hotels for visitors . Those (6) _______
want quieter place to (7) _______ at can usually find rooms (8) ______ a
village or farmhouses.

1.A. could B. would C. will D. should

2.A. most B. more C. many D. much

3.A. English B. England C. the England D. the English
4.A. like B. liking C. prefer D. prefreing
5.A. is B. are C. be D. tobe
6.A. whom B. which C. whose D. who
7.A. stay B. staying C. stays D. stayed
8.A. on B. in C. for D. to

14/ Complete the conversation with the correct tense of the verbs in the

Talk do take go arrive
Ring answer have work do
Hung: Hi , Mai

Mai: Hello , Hung . Are you ok?

Hung: Yes , But I have some difficult math problems to ask you. I called
you last night but I couldn’t . What were you (1) ______ at 8 o’clock last

Mai: I (2) ______ abath in the bathrom . I couldn’t hear the phone from
the bathrom.

Hung: But I called you again later and no one (3) _____ What did you (4)
_______ then?

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Hung: So you (7) _______ to her office

Mai: Yes , we (8) _______ home while the phone (9) ______ . That was
tom , my sister’s friend . Then they (10) ______ until 10.30

Hung: Oh , my god , can you held me with Math home work now?
Mai: Certainly

15/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable word

Most British homes have a choice of four broad cast televisions
channels.But (1) _____ March 29th<sub> , 1984 (2) _______ in fourteen cities </sub>

and towns (3) ________ Britain (4) ______ there extra channels to
choose from . This was the start of cable television (5) ______ there will
be twenty cable channels altogether . Ordinary broadcast television comes
into homes through an aerial (6) ______ is (7) _____ the roof of the
house . Cable television comes into people’s homes through (8) ______
wines or cables.

16/ Do as directed

1.Is this the letter?you wanted me to mail it . (combine the sentence using
“relative pronoun”)


2. We should buy some canned food before a typhoon.(make a question)

3. She hasn’t got a watch . She’s always late.(combine the sentence using



4. He got up late in this morning , but he still came to class on time.

(combine the sentence using “adverb clauses of concession” although
“mệnh đề chỉ sự nhượng bộ” though

5. He asked “Mary , can I borrow your dictionary?” (rewrite the sentences
beginning “He asked Mary”)


6. Someone is going to repair my TV set tomorrow . (change into


7. The test is difficult . (begin with “He wishes”)

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9. I don’t meet my friends . (begin”I with”)

10. many trees are being planted in the school yard by the students

( change sentences into opposite voice )


11/ if felt very tired so I went to bed earey .(begin with “because” )


12/ It is not warm .We can’t go swimming .(using “enough”)

13/ The shoes is very big .I can’t wear it .(using “too”)

14/ Watching the cartoon is interesting .(using “It”)

17/ Rewrite each of the sentences ,beginning as shown .so that the
meaning stays the same

1/ john is fat because he eats so many chips
-> If

2/ She started working in this compary for 5 years
->She has

3/ In spite of his good salary ,he was unhappy in his job
-> Although

4/ Why don’t we go to the movie ?

-> What about

5/ “Who can I ask about the history of computer?”
->My brother wanted to know

6/ Keeping the environment clean is very important

7/ They will show the time machine to the public when they finishit
-> The time machine

8/ He was delighted to receive his aunt his aunt’s letter
-> He was delighted that

9/ Microphone was invented in 1878
-> When

10/ Hoa doesn’t spaek French so well as Lan
-> Lan speak

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12/ The seas and rivers are so dirty that we can’t swim in
-> The seas and rivers are

13/ There wasn’t enough rain , so the crop were not good
->The crops

14/ How did you use this machine ? asked the man
-> The man asked me

15/ The botanist has just produced a new kind of plants

-> a new kind of plants

16/ “Do you often watch TV programs ?”
-> John asked daisy

17/ The water was so cold that the chidren could not swim in it
-> The water was not

18/ We were asked amang difficult questions
-> He

19/ you smoke a lot . It’s an annoying habit!
-> I wish you

20/ “finish the test now “, please
-> My teacher told me

18/ There is one mistake in each sentence . Find and correctit

1. My teacher wants me improve my English . (improve -> to improve)
2. you worked really hardly this semester

3. Mr John son told you should practice your French pronunciation
4. What did you gave your mother yesterday?

5. How you should study English ?
6. He speaks sapanish very good

7. Mirs Mai asked me give you this book
8. you should to do your homework

9. Can you get to home by half past ten?
10. My sister can’t speak English fluent
11. We are too tired continuing the journey

12. She came back home early in otder for meet her friends
13. She tried her best so an to not fail the examination

14. The girl turned out tobe an old friends whose I offered to carry bag
15. The woman who I was sitting behind was wearing a green hat
16. I am not a teacher , am I ?

17. you don’t like hamburgers ,

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