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preparing date sat oct 30th 08 preparing date sun november 1st 2009 teaching date 2nd period 31st unit 6 future jobs lesson a – reading i aim by the end of the lesson ss will be able to guessing wo

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Preparing date: Sun, November, 1st<sub> 2009 </sub>
Teaching date: 2nd<sub> </sub>

Period: 31st<i><sub> </sub></i>

<b>Unit 6</b>:

<b>future jobs</b>

<b>Lesson A – Reading </b>

<b>I. Aim</b>: By the end of the lessonSs will be able to: Guessing words’ meanings in contexts
- Guessing words’ meanings in contexts

- Reading for details of information about job interview.- Reading for gist to make discussion

<b>II. Teaching aids</b>:

Pictures, poster, handouts


Steps <b>T</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>
<b>Warm </b>–<b> up </b>

 <b>Warm-up Eliciting pictures</b>

- Ask students to look at the pictures in their books and work in pairs
to answer the question:

<i>- What do they do?</i>

<b>Expected answers:</b>

<i>1.He is a waiter 4. She is a teacher</i>
<i>2.He is a mechanic </i>[mi'kænik]<i> 5.He is a doctor</i>

<i>3. She is a farmer</i>

<b>Ticking (</b>ü) <b>the factors</b>

- Ask students to work in groups of four to tick the factors that they
think would help them succeed in a job interview.

- Ask some groups to report their answers.
- Give T’s own comments.

<b>Possible answers:</b>

ügiving clear, honest answers] ü feeling self-confident

ü having good sense of humor [sens əv 'hju:mə] co oc hai huoc

5’ Pair work

<b>Before you read</b>

 <b>Vocabulary.</b>

- pressure ['pre∫ə(r)] sức ép
- vacancy ['veikənsi] chổ trống
- resumes [ri'zju:mz] ly lich

- technical aspect ['æspekt] mat ky thuat
- keenness ['ki:nnis] su thich thu

- best side (n) mat tot

 <b>Checking technique:</b> Translation



<b>While you read</b>

<b>Task 1:</b>

- Ask students to work in pairs and guess the meanings of some new
words in task 1 basing on the contexts in the reading text, then circle
the options

- Call some students to read aloud their answers and ask the others to


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listen and comment

- Give T’s own remarks and corrections if necessary.

<b>Expected answers:</b>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b>

<b>B</b> <b>C</b> <b>A</b> <b>B</b>

<b>Task 2:</b>

- Ask the whole class to read through the sentences then decide
whether the statement are true or false

- Ask them to work in pairs, comparing their answers

- Call some students to read aloud their answers others listen and
give their comments

- Listen to students’ answer and give remarks

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

<b>1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.T</b>


Ask the whole class work in groups of four and discuss the question:
<i>+Which pieces of advice given in the passage do you find most useful</i>
<i>and least useful? Why?</i>

- Walk around to encourage students to express their opinions and
give some suggestions to students

- Ask some groups to make discussion on the question in front of the

- Give comments

<b>Expected opinions:</b>

- I think that trying to reduce the feeling of pressure and a good
impression on your interview is the most useful advice because you
will get a high mark after the interview and stand a good chance to
get the job.

Group work


<b>- </b>Ask students to write a paragraph about the job they would like to
do after finishing school

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Preparing date: Mon November, 2nd<sub> 2009 </sub>
Teaching date: 3rd<sub> </sub>

Period: 32nd<i><sub> </sub></i>

<b>Unit 6</b>:

<b>future jobs</b>

<b>Lesson B – Speaking </b>
<b>I. Aim</b>: By the end of the lessonSs will be able to:

- Practise talking about characteristics of some future jobs: teachers, doctors, farmers…

- Develop students’ ability through discussing and giving personal opinions on some kinds of

- Provide students with some knowledge about job interview and raise their awareness about
future job.

<b>II. Teaching aids</b>:

Pictures, poster, handouts


Steps <b>T</b> <b><sub>arrangement</sub>Work</b>
<b>Warm </b>–<b> up </b>

<b>Whisper game</b>

- Divide the class into 4 groups then give them the instructions of
the game

<i>- Each group chooses a representative!</i>

- Give each representative a piece of paper that describe a job
- Observe students playing the

game and stop it when the game is over.

The last member of each group in turn stand up and tell the whole
class the sentence that (s) he was whispered and guess the job.

5’ Pair work

<b>Before you speak</b>

<b>Task 1:</b>

- Ask students to read the request and the information in the
columns carefully

- Ask students work in pairs, talking about some descriptions of the
jobs given in column A.

- Go around and observe students’ speaking activities or help them
if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to stand up and talk about the descriptions of
the jobs.

- Ask pls to listen and give comments

<b>Expected answers</b>

<b>- </b>a doctor -> take care….. + help save ….
- a farmer -> construct …. + apply ….
- a tourist guide -> find … + take people …
- a writer -> tell … + create imaginary…


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T may ask pls to descript the jobs by using the definition

EX: A doctor is the one who takes care of sick people and helps save
people’s lives

üA farmer is the one who constructs irrigation system and applies
new farming techniques.

üA tourist guide is the one who finds good and safe hotels for
customers and take people to place of interest.

üA writer is the one who tell stories through pictures and create
imaginary characters and events.

<b>Task 2:</b>

- Ask students to read the request and the information in the
columns carefully

- Ask students work in pairs, discussing the jobs that they like or
dislike to do and the reasons why

- Go around and observe students’ speaking activities or help them
if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to stand up and make discussion others listen
and give comments.

<b>Possible discussion:</b>

S1: Do you like to be a<b> journalist</b>?

S2: Yes, I would like to work as a <b>journalist</b>.
S1: Why?

S2: Because I think that working as a <b>journalis</b>t would be a

<b>fascinating</b> job, and I’d like to have a chance to travel all over the
world and meet many <b>interesting</b> people.


Pair work

<b>after you speak</b>

<b>Task 3:</b>

- Call one S to read aloud the request

- Ask students to work in groups of four, discussing the jobs they
may do after finishing school

- Go around and observe students’ speaking activities or help them
if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to choose representatives to report the result..
others listen and give comments

<b>Possible description:</b>

<b>- </b>After finishing school, I’d like to <b>work</b> for a foreign company. I
will have a chance to <b>work with</b> foreigners. I think that I will get a

<b>high salary</b> and the <b>working conditions</b> are good.


Group work


- Ask pls to prepare the lesson C listening. 2’ Whole class

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Teaching date: Nov, 4th<sub> 2009 </sub>
Period: 33rh<i><sub> </sub></i>

<b>Unit 6</b>:

<b>future jobs</b>

<b>Lesson C – Listening </b>
<b>I. Aim</b>: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- Listening to a passage for missing words to fill in the boxes
- Listening for gist and do true/false exercises.

- Summarizing information in a job a job advertisement

<b>II. Teaching aids</b>:

Pictures, poster, handouts and real objects


<b> Stages</b> <b>T’s activities</b> <b>Sts’ activities</b>

<b>Before </b>


<b>Warm up: Discussion</b>

<b>* Ask pls to tell the most important job in Vietnam</b>
<b>using the jobs given.</b>

- accountant - nurse
- lawyer - teacher
- computer programmer


A: I think the most popular job in Vietnam is a teacher.
B: Why?

A: Because we can see the school everywhere in Vietnam
and there are many teachers there…..

<b>* Listen and repeat.</b>

- Introduce the new words that will appear in the listening
task and elicit the meanings

- Read these words aloud and ask students to read them in
chorus and individually

Group work

Individual work



- Ask students to carefully read all the boxes silently in 1

- Play the record and ask students to listen for main ideas
of the text

<b>Task 2:</b>

- Play the record again and ask them to do the task

- Ask students to compare their answers with their friends
- Call some students to give their answers

- T listen to and correct or comment




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(4) ……….

<b>Expected answers:</b>

1. manufacturing 4. finance 3.

2. service 5. service

<b>Task 2:</b>

- Ask students to spend 2 mins to read all the statements
- Play the record once again and ask students to do the

- Ask students to work in pairs to exchange their answers
- Ask some students to read aloud their answers

- Listen and give remarks. T can play the record again if
students cannot give correct answers

<b>Expected answers:</b>

<b>1</b> <b>2</b> <b>3</b> <b>4</b> <b>5</b>

<b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>T</b> <b>F</b> <b>F</b>

Pair work



Ask students to work in pairs retelling the content of the
listening passage

- Walks around to help students if necessary

- Call some pairs to retell the content of the listening


- Listen and give comments

Group work



- More practice the main topics at home.

- Prepare the section D (The Writing part of Unit 5). Whole class

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Let's look at some of the recent changes in the US job market and see if we can make some
predictions for future jobs.

A good way to begin is to look at the <b>American workforce</b> and how it is changing. The
most important change has been the shift from <b>manufacturing job</b> s to <b>service jobs</b>.

Manufacturing jobs are jobs in which people make something or produce things. Fo
example, people produce cars. <b>Service jobs</b> are those in which workers provide services, or
we may say, they do something like washing people's cars. Generally, service jobs are
grouped into five categories:

One: <b>Transportation companies</b>
Two: <b>Wholesale companies</b>

Three: <b>Retail companies</b>

Four: <b>Finance companies</b>

Five: <b>Personal services</b>, such as hotels, cars repair, accounting, education and medicine.
Now the point here is that people have changed from manufacturing jobs to service jobs.
For example, one hundred years ago, 80% of workers produced goods, today only 30% do.
Economists predict that by the year 2020, nine out of every ten workers will work in service

Preparing date: Sun, Nov, 8th<sub> 2009 </sub>
Teaching date: Nov, 9th<sub> 2009. </sub>

Period: 34th<i><sub> </sub></i>

<b>Unit 6</b>:

<b>future jobs</b>

<b>Lesson D – Writing </b>
<b>I. Aim </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- Understand the main information in job advertisement.
- Write a formal letter of job application.

<b>II. Teaching aids</b>:

- Textbooks, board, chalks


<b> Stages</b> <b>T’s activities</b> <b>Sts’ activities</b>

<b>Before </b>


- Ask students to read the advertisement in their books carefully.

- Help students if there is any new works Individual


<b>While </b>


<b>Task 1:</b>

- Ask one S to read aloud the request of task 1
- Ask students to work in pairs and do task 1

- Walk around to observe students’ activities and help them if

- Call some pairs to give their answers

- Give corrections if necessary and remarks.

<b>Possible answers:</b>

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- Type of job: <b>tour guide</b>

- Level of education needed: <b>high school diploma</b>

- Work experience: <b>experience as tour guide, fluent in English</b>

- Characters and interests: <b>Good manner, willing to work hard</b>
<b>for long hours</b>

<b>17’</b> <b>Task 2:</b>

- Ask one S to read aloud the request of task 2

- Ask all students to write a letter applying for the job mentioned
in the advertisement in task 1

- T may call 1 or 2 students to write his/her passage directly on
the board

- Walk around help students if necessary .Ask them to pay
attention to such linking words as first, second, etc.

Ex: Chau Hanh Village, Quy Chau District,
Nghe An Province
Hanoi Vinatour
250 Nguyen Du Str, Hanoi
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in reply to your advertisement in the Vietnam news
for experienced English-speaking local guides to accompany

foreign visitors on trips throughout Vietnam.

I think I meet all of the qualification that you specify. I was
awarded High School Certificate two years ago. After leaving
high school, I worked as an accountant in a small travel agency
for one year, where I was given a training course on tourism.
Then I had one year of experience as a tour guide so I know many
tourist areas in Vietnam and have a basic knowledge of
Vietnamese culture, history and geography.

I speak English fluently. In addition, I am a sociable and
confident person and can work hard for long hours. I would like to
work for you and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this
position with you in person.

I am looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.
Yours faithfully. Nguyen Van Nam




- Ask all students to look at the board and correct their friend’s
writings - Give T’s own comments and corrections



2’ More practice the main topics at home.<sub> - Prepare the section E (The Language Focus part of Unit 5).</sub> Whole class

Preparing date: Mon, November, 9th<sub> 2009 </sub>
Teaching date: 10th<sub> </sub>

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<b>Unit 6</b>:

<b>future jobs</b>

<b>Lesson E – Language Focus</b>
<b>I. Aim</b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- practise pronouncing stress of more than three-syllable words
- study the structure as well as the usage of conditional sentences

- learn to use words relating to the topic application process to tertiary study and some
abbreviations of some main high school exams

<b>II. Teaching aids</b>:
textbooks, board, chalks


<b> Stages</b> <b>T’s activities</b> <b>Sts’ activities</b>



<b>1.Listen and repeat</b>

-Read the words in the textbook or play the record once or

-Read and ask students to repeat in chorus then individually or
in pairs

-Call some students to read the words aloud
-Listen and correct if necessary

<b>2.Practice reading the sentences </b>

-Read the sentences once or twice then ask students to practise
reading in pairs

-Call some students to read the sentences aloud.

-Listen, correct if necessary and ask students to practice more
at home

Pair work

<b>Grammar &</b>


<b>Exercise 1</b>: <b> </b>

-Ask students to read the request of task 1 carefully and do the

-Walk around to help students if necessary

-Ask students to compare their answers with their friends’
-Call some students to read out the answers

-Give correction or comments if necessary

<b>Suggested answers:</b>

1.whom 2. which 3. Whoever 4. which.
5. which 6.who 7.whose 8.who
9.which 10.whom

<b>Exercise 2:</b>

-Ask students to read the request of task 1 carefully and do the

-Walk around to help students if necessary

-Ask students to compare their answers with their friends’
-Call some students to read out the answers

-Give correction or comments if necessary

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<b>Suggested answers:</b>

1. I read a book written by a friend of mine.

2.A man carrying a lot of money in a box got on the bus.
3. In the street there were several people waiting for the shop
to open

4. Britain imports many cars which/that were made in Japan
5. There are a lot of people in your office waiting to talk to

6. The cowboy wounded by an arrow fell off his horse
7. Most of the people injured in the crash recovered quickly
8. John, wishing he hadn’t come to the party, looked anxiously
at his watch…….



- Ask pls to make sentences using <b>who, whoever, whose,</b>
<b>whom or which </b>then read out their sentences.

EX: I know a boy <b>who</b> broke your glasses yesterday




- Ask pls to revise the main poits and prepare Test

yourself B <sub>Whole class</sub>


