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part 3 reading read the passages below and choose the correct answer among a b c or d §ò sè 4 i read the passages below and choose the correct answer among a b c or d most of the joggers who are o

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§Ị sè 4

<i>I. Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D.</i>

Most of the joggers who are overweight are reasonable for talking about, worrying about, and
obsessing with their weight. Since many people start jogging to lose weight (perhaps you're one of them) it is
not surprising that body size is important. More and more people are on a diet, 50% of the women and close
to 25% of the men in the US are watching what they eat. Body weight is the second most talked among
joggers - heart disease and high blood pressure are the first! There are many factors that affect your weight.
They include: body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age. What may be an "ideal" weight for you at the age
of 27 may not be ideal when you're 54. And your ideal weight will probably be different during racing
season when you're in a specific training phase.

1. What are most of joggers who are overweight worried about?

A. their weight B. their height C. their jogging D. the distance
2. To many people, _______

A. body size is not a problem B. body size is very important
C. they do not care about their body size D. jogging is a waste of time
3. In the US, _______

A. nobody is on a diet B. 50% women are on a diet
C. obesity is appreciate D. 75% men are on a diet
4. What are the most talked among joggers?

A. body size B. lung cancer C. died D. heart disease and high blood pressure
5. There are many factors that affect your weight. They are _______

A. body type, diet, exercise level, sex and age B. high blood pressure, sex and age
C. heart disease and high blood pressure D. body type and heart disease

<i><b>II. Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting</b></i>

6. He didn't give (A) me (B) any ink, so I (C) couldn't write (D) no more.
7. Either Peter (A) or Mary (B) have left (C) the door (D) unlocked.

8. The film (A) on television (B) made us so (C) boring that we went (D) to bed early.
9. If he (A) does a mistake, (B) will he (C) feel sorry (D) for it?

10. John decided (A) buying a new car in the morning, (B) but in the afternoon he (C) changed (D) his

<i><b>III. Which sentence expresses the same idea as the given one?</b></i>

11. There is a tendency to minimize problems

A. Pupils show a tend to minimize problems B. Pupils don't try to overcome problems
C. Pupils don't show a tend to play problems down D. Pupils don't try to overcome problems much
12. They gave a great deal of thought to their work

A. They thought a little about their job B. They didn't think so much about their job
C. They thought so much about their job D. They didn't think about their job

13. They show a desire to put aside the status of the school - child

A. They don't want to be adults B. They want to be adults a lot
C. They want to leave school D. They desire to leave school
14. They had little knowledge of the job of their choice

A. They knew much of the job of their choice

B. They almost had no knowledge of the job of their choice
C. They knew a lot about the job of their choice

D. They were particularly keen on the job of their choice
15. They express a great determination to have a place at university

A. They are greatly determined to have a place at university
B. They want to have a good place at university.

C. They aren't determined to have a place at university
D. They show a little desire to have a place at university

<i><b>IV. Missing words</b></i>

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is (16)_______ one of the
(17)_______ important subjects. High school students are required to study mathematics even though they
are interested (18)_______ it or not. Up to now, no one knows exactly the time (19)_______ the early people
began (20)_______ on mathematics. Mathematics has been developed today. It is no longer only figures,
simple calculation, and forms. Mathematics (21)_______ into branches, (22)_______ arithmetic, geometry,
algebra, and trigonometry; other branches have gradually been added. The (23)_______ of the electronic
computer is one of the great (24)_______ in mathematics. Thank to computers, we can (25)_______ a lot of
time when solving problems.

16. A. believed B. considered C. learnt D. taken

17. A. more B. as C. most D. least

18. A. at B. of C. on D. in

19. A. whatB. where C. when D. why

20. A. work B. to working C. working D. worked

21. A. is divided B. are divided C. have been divided D. were divided

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§Ị sè 4

22. A. so on B. such as C. on example D. like

23. A. searching B. loss C. invention D. disappearance

24. A. achieve B. achievements C. achievers D. achievable
25. A. saveB. spend C. send D. loss

<i><b>V. Choose the best answer :</b></i>

26. You can’t stio me………..what I want

A. doing B. do C. to do D. that I do

27. I must go now. I promised……….late

A. not being B. not to be C. to not be D. I won’t be
28. Do you want ………with you or do you want to go alone

A. me coming B. me to come C. that I come D. that I will come
29. I’m sure I locked the door. I clearly remember……….it

A. locking B. to lock C. to have locked D. to be locked

30. She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help………

A. laughing B. to laugh C. that she laughed D. laugh
31. I like………..the kitchen as often as possible

A. not cleaned B. clean C. to clean D. that i clean
32. He tried to avoid……….my question

A. answering B. to answer C. answer D. how to answer
33. Could you please stop………..so much noise?

A. to make B. make C. to have made D. making

34. I enjoy………to music

A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened

35. Have you finished………..your hair yet?

A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash

36. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk………knocked down

A. been B. tobe C. be D. being

37. Jim is 65, but heisn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on………

A. to work B. work C. works D. working

38. I don’t mind your………..the phone as long as you pay for all your calls

A. used B. using C. be using D. being used

39.Hello! Fancy………..you here! What a surprise!

A. to see B. seeing C. seen D. see

40. I’ve put off……….the letter so many times. I really must do it today

A. write B. to write C. written D. writing


