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<b>I. General formation:( Công thức tổng quát )</b>

<b>II. Cách đổi từ thể chủ độâng sang thể thụ động:</b>

-Bước 1: biến túc từ của câu chủ động thành chủ từ của câu thụ động.

-Bước 2: động từ “ TO BE” được chia cùng thì với động từ chính của câu chủ động và
phải hoà hợp với chủ ngữ mới.

-Bước 3: đổi động từ chính của câu chủ động sang quá khứ phân từ ( Ved/3 ).
-Bước 4: thêm “ by” vào.

-Bước 5: biến chủ từ của câu chủ động thành túc từ của câu thụ động.
EX: - She wrote that letter.

-> That letter was written by her.

* Chú ý: - Trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn thường đứng trước “ by”.
- Trạng từ chỉ thời gian thường đứng sau “ by” .

- Những túc từ sau thường được bỏ đi: by people, by them, by someone,by anyone,
by no-one, by everyone, by everybody, . . .

EX: 1. Jane bought a new coat last Sunday. 2. You can’t make tea with cold water.
-> A new coat was bought by Jane last Sunday. -> Tea can’t be made with cold water

<b>III.</b> <b>Cơng thức thể bị động của các thì:</b>

<b>Tên thì</b> <b>Active voice -> Passive voice</b>

1. Simple present

Hiện tại đơn S + Vo/ Vs / Ves + O

S + Am/ Is/ Are + Ved/ 3 + By O
2. Simple past

Quá khứ đơn

S + Ved/2 + O

S + Was/ Were + Ved/ 3 + By O
3. Modals

( will/ shall/ can/ may/
must/ would/ should/
could/ might …)

S + Modal + Vo + O

S + Modal + Be + Ved/ 3 + By O

4. Present continuous

Hiện tại tiếp dieãn S + Am/ Is/ Are + V-ing + O

S + Am/ Is/ Are + Being + Ved/ 3 + By O
5. Past continuous

Quá khứ tiếp diễn

S + Was/ Were + V-ing + O

S + Was/ Were + Being + Ved/ 3 + By O
6.Present perfect

Hiện tại hoàn thành

S + Has/ Have + Ved/ 3 + O

S + Has/ Have + Been + Ved/ 3 + By O
<b>Active: S + V + O</b>

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*Dạng đặc biệt:

* Trường hợp 1 : Khi động từ : say/ know/ think/ believe cùng thì với V

Trường hợp 2 : - Khi động từ : say/ know/ think/ believe ở thì hiện tại nhưng V chia ở thì
quá khứ hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành .

- Khi động từ said/ knew/ thought/ believed ở thì quá khứ nhưng V chia ở thì
quá khứ hoàn thành.

Ex1: People say that he beats his wife.
 It is said that he beats his wife.
 He is said that to beat his wife.
Ex2: They thought that he had died in battle.

 It was thought that he had died in battle.

 He was thought to have died in battle.

<b>EXERCISE : Turn into Passive voice:</b>

1. They have used that refrigertor for fifteen years.

2. People believed that the earth was flat.

3. The children will find many books on the shelf.

4. They say that he plays football very well.

5. The chief engineer is instructing all the workers of the plant.

6. Someone has taken some of my books away.

7. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures.

8. They were cutting grass when the car stopped near the gate.

9. The children looked at the women with a red hat.

10. People spend a lot of money on advertising everyday.

11. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.

12. People speak English in almost every corner of the world.

13. They think that the owner of the house is abroad.

Active: People + say/ know/ think/ believe + that + S + V + O


Passive: - It + (be) + said/ known/ thought/ believed + that + S + V + O

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14. You must clean the wall before you pain it.

15. Nobody have ever treated me with such kindness.

16. Someone says that tortoises live longer than elephants.

17. A storm has destroyed many houses in the village.

18. People don’t learn languages over night.

19. We are arranging these books into sections.

20. One uses milk for making butter and cheese.

21. My sister bought this book yesterday.

22. Does Nam visit the school library everyday ?

23. No-one can meet the President at this time.

24. The builders were building a new bridge over the river.

25. The lion-tamer attracted my children very much.

26. My mother planted that tree long time ago.

27. The government hasn’t changed that regulation yet.

28. Lan and Mai can speak English fluently.

29. They said that he had escaped to a neutral country.

30. When did A.G. Bell invent telephone ?



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