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Đề thi thử kì thi Olympic môn Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2018 THPT Lê Duẩn - Lần 3 có đáp án | Tiếng Anh, Lớp 11 - Ôn Luyện

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<b>A. PHONOLOGY (10PTS)</b>

<b>I. Pick out the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others in each group.</b>
1. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive

2. A. photograph B. payroll C. accent D. regretful

3. A. process B. suburb C. proper D. receive

4. A. necessity B. dignity C. quantity D. poverty

5. A. gazelle B. rucksack C. bereave D. molest

<b>Key: 1. D </b> <b>2. D 3. C 4. A </b> <b>5. B</b>

<b>II. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each</b>

6. A. coughed B. laughed C. weighed D. matched

7. A. missile B. filament C. dilate D. silage

8. A. concentrate B. delicate C. private D. accurate

9. A. thyme B. thermal C. thesaurus D. thesis

10. A. poultry B. pouch C. pouty D. poundage

<b>Key: 6 C </b> <b>7. B 8. C 9. A </b> <b>10. A</b>
<b>B. WORD CHOICE (10 PTS)</b>

<b>Choose the best alternative to fill the gap in each of the following sentences</b>
11. The carriage was ______ by four horses.

A. tied B. rolled C. drawn D. driven

12. The window needs a new ______ of glass.

A. pane B. slice

C. square D. mirror

13. His ______ for the local tennis club costs $ 10 a year.

A. subscription B. fee C. tax D. premium

14. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable ________ his
financial situation.

A. with reference to B. owing to C. regardless of D. in terms of
15. “I'm very _____________________to you for putting in so much hard work,” the boss said.

A. thanking B. grateful C. considerate D. careful

16. As it had not rained for several months, there was a _____________________ of water.

A. waste B. shortage C. drop D. loss

17. Since drinking water is a ______ resource, we should let children know how precious it is, and teach them
to conserve it.

A. limitless B. limited C. limiting D. limitation

18. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a_____________________day.

A. windy B. foggy C. snowy D. rainy

19. When disaster ______, organizations such as Oxfam quickly provide help.

A. comes B. approaches C. arrives D. strikes

20. The judge found him _____________________ of stealing and sent him to prison.

A. evil B. innocent C. guilty D. wicked

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21. It is necessary that the problem _______ solved right away.

A. would be B. might be

C. be D. is

22. The leaves of the white mulberry provide food for silkworms_______ silk fabrics are woven.

A. whose cocoons B. from cocoons C. whose cocoons are from D. from whose cocoons
23. _____________________, the disaster would not have happened.

A. Had you have obeyed the orders B. You had obeyed the orders

C. You obeyed the orders D. Had you obeyed the orders

24. Rice is twice_______ it was ten years ago.

A. more expensive than B. much expensive as C. as expensive as D. as expensive than
25. The phone rang but you didn’t hear it, you ________ asleep.

A. were B. must be C. must have been D. would have been
26. They are having their house_____________________by a construction company.

A. painted B. painting C. being painted D. to paint

27. __________ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its emergency powers.

A. Should B. Did C. Were D. Had

28. The flight was cancelled at the last moment, otherwise we ________ in Saigon now.

A. am B. would be C. were D. had been

29. No sooner_______________home______________that the house had been broken into.

A. had Ms. Taylor arrived/when she found C. A. had Ms. Taylor arrived/than she finds
C. had Ms. Taylor arrived/than she found D. did Ms. Taylor arrived/when she found
30. Two friends Peter and Linda are talking about their friend Jane.

- Peter: “Jane is really conscientious, isn’t she?”
- Linda: “Absolutely. ______, she is very efficient”

A. So B. All the same

C. What is more D. Still

<b>Key: 21 C 22 D 23. D 24. C 25. C 26. A 27. C </b> <b>28. B 29. C 30. C</b>

31. After wandering for years, they settled …………. in a small village in Wales.

A. out B. in C. off D. down

32. Global warming will result ________ crop failures and famine.

A. of B. to C. from D. in

33. They’re staying in rented accommodation for the time ……….

A. going B. being C. doing D. making

34. You’d better……….animal fat if you want to lower your cholesterol level.

A. cut down on B. cut off with C. cut out in D. cut down with

35. I accidentally ………..Mike when I was crossing a street downtown yesterday.
A. kept an eye on B. lost touch with C. paid attention to D. caught sight of
36. He came……….a lot of criticism for the remarks he made in a television interview.

A. out of B. off C. in for D. over

37. You have to study hard to ________ your classmates.

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C. catch sight of D. look out for

38. Hearing that song takes me ……… to my university days. I haven’t heard it for ages.

A. out B. back C. with D. over

39. “Don’t worry about your necklace. Give it to me and I promise to ……….great care of it”

A. bring B. take C. keep D. make

40. We will have to organize a union meeting if we want to head ………….. a strike.

A. back B. off C. on D. up


<b>31. D 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. B</b>

<b>Passage 1. Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank or answer the</b>
<b>question. </b>

Most human diets contain between 10 and 15 percent of their total calories as protein. The rest of the
dietary energy comes from carbohydrates, fats, and in some people, alcohol. The proportion of calories from
fats varies from 10 percent in poor communities to 40 percent or more in rich communities.

In addition to providing energy, fats have several other functions in the body. The fat-soluble vitamins,
A, D, E, and K, are dissolved in fats, as their name implies. Good sources of these vitamins have high oil or fat
content, and the vitamins are stored in the body’s fatty tissues. In the diet, fats cause food to remain longer in
the stomach, thus increasing the feeling of fullness for some time after a meal is eaten. Fats add variety, taste,
and texture to foods, which accounts for the popularity of fried foods. Fatty deposits in the body have an
insulating and protective value. The curves of the human female body are due mostly to strategically located fat

Whether a certain amount of fat in the diet is essential to human health is not definitely known. When
rats are fed a fat-free diet, their growth eventually ceases, their skin becomes inflamed and scaly, and their
reproductive systems are damaged. Two fatty acids, linoleic and arachidonic acids, prevent these abnormalities
and hence are called essential fatty acids. They also are required by a number of other animals, but their roles in
human beings are debatable. Most nutritionists consider linoleic fatty acid an essential nutrient for humans.
41. This passage probably appeared in which of the following?

A. diet book B. A book on basic nutrition

C. A cookbook D. A popular women’s magazine

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A. forms B. needs C. jobs D. sources
44. The phrase “stored in” in line 7 is closest in meaning to_______

A. manufactured in B. attached to C. measured by D. accumulated in
45. The author states that fats serve all of the following body functions EXCEPT to

A. promote a feeling of fullness B. insulate and protect the body

C. provide energy D. control weight gain

46. The word “essential to” in line 12 is closest in meaning to________

A. required for B. desired for C. detrimental to D. beneficial to
47. According to the author of the passage, which of the following is true for rats when they are fed a fat free

A. They stop growing B. They have more babies

C. They lose body hair D. They require less care

48. Linoleic fatty acid is mentioned in the passage as _____________

A. an essential nutrient for humans B. more useful than arachidonic acid
C. preventing weight gain in rats D. a nutrient found in most foods
49. The phrase “these abnormalities” refers to_____

A. a condition caused by fried foods B. strategically located fat deposits
C. curves on the human female body

D. cessation of growth, bad skin, and damaged reproductive systems

50. That humans should all have some fat our diet is, according to the author,_________

A. a commonly held view B. not yet a proven fact

C. only true for women D. proven to be true by experiments in rats
<b>Keys 41. B 42. C 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. A 47. A 48. A 49. D </b> <b>50. B</b>

<b>Passage 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer</b>

Paul Watson is an environmental activist. He is a man who believes that he must do something, not just talk
about doing something. Paul believes in protecting endangered animals, and he protects them in controversial
ways. Some people think that Watson is a hero and admire him very much. Other people think that he is a
criminal. On July 16, 1979, Watson and his crew were on his ship, the Sea Shepherd.

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been successful. The Sierra had been a whaling ship which had operated illegally. The captain and crew of the
Sierra did not obey any of the international laws that restrict whaling. Instead, they killed as many whales as
they could, quickly cut off the meat, and froze it. Later they sold the whale meat in countries where it is eaten.
Watson tried to persuade the international whaling commission to stop the Sierra. However, the commission did
very little, and Paul became impatient. He decided to stop the Sierra and other whaling ships in any way that he
could. He offered to pay $ 25,000 to anyone who sank any illegal ship, and he sank the Sierra. He acted because
he believes that whales must be protected. Still, he acted without the approval of his government; therefore, his
actions were controversial .

Paul Watson is not the only environmental activist. Other men and women are also fighting to protect the
Earth. Like Watson, they do not always have the approval of their governments, and like Watson, they become
impatient. Yet, because of their concern for environment, they will act to protect it.

51. An environmental activist is someone who _________ .

A. does something to protect the earth B. runs into whaling ships
C. talk about protecting endangered species D. is hero, like Watson
52. When something is controversial, ___________ .

A. everyone disagrees with it B. everyone agrees with it
C. people have different ideas about it D. people protect it
53. The members of a ship’s crew are the people ___________ .

A. who work on the ship B. who work on airplanes

C. on a ship, including the passengers D. who own the ship
54. The main idea of the first paragraph is ___________ .

A. Watson is a hero to some people B. Paul Watson is a controversial activist
C. activists are people who do something D. Watson does not believe in talking
55. The Sea Shepherd was hunting ___________ .

A. the Atlantic Ocean B. whales C. the Sierra D. Portugal
56. The Sierra did not return to the sea because ___________ .

A. the whales ate it B. it was sold in Portugal
C. The Sea Shepherd sank it D. None is correct
57. The author implies that Watson lives in ___________ .

A. Portugal B. a ship on the Atlantic C. The Sierra D. Canada
58. The Sierra were acting illegally because they were ___________ .

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59. The main idea of paragraph three is __________ .
A. the Sierra sold whale meat in some countries

B. the people on the Sierra did not obey international laws
C. the people on the Sierra killed as many whales as they could
D. whaling is illegal according to international laws

60. Watson ran into the Sierra because he _____________ .

A. wanted to stop the ship’s crew from whaling B. was impatient with the government’s actions
C. wanted to protect the whales from the whalers D. All of the above are correct

<b>Keys: 51. A</b> <b>52. C 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. C 57. D 58. D 59. B 60. D</b>

<b>Passage 1</b>

<b>Choose the best answer for each gap in the passage</b>

We are using up the world’s petroleum. We use (61) _______ in our cars and to heat our building in winter.
Farmers use petrochemicals to (62) _______ the soil rich. They use them to kill insects (63) _______ eat plants.
These chemicals go (64) _______ rivers and lakes and kill the fish there. Thousands of pollutants also go into
the air and pollute it. Winds carry this (65) _______ air to other countries and other continents.

Poor farmers use the same land over and (66) _______ The land needs a rest so it will be better next year.
However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down forests (67) _______ firewood. In some
areas when the trees are gone, the land (68) _______ desert. Poor people can’t save the environment for the (69)

This is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for all- humans. The
people and the nations of the world must work together to (70) _______ the world’s resources.

<b>61. A. those</b> <b>B. them</b> <b>C. it</b> <b>D. that</b>

<b>62. A. work</b> <b>B. change</b> <b>C. make</b> <b>D. let</b>

<b>63. A. which</b> <b>B. who</b> <b>C. what</b> <b>D. whom</b>

<b>64. A. for</b> <b>B. at</b> <b>C. out</b> <b>D. into</b>

<b>65. A. polluted</b> <b>B. pollute</b> <b>C. polluting</b> <b>D. pollution</b>

<b>66. A. repeatedly</b> <b>B. over</b> <b>C. repeating</b> <b>D. again</b>

<b>67. A. at</b> <b>B. with</b> <b>C. of</b> <b>D. for</b>

<b>68. A. becomes</b> <b>B. turns</b> <b>C. gets</b> <b>D. changes</b>

<b>69. A. times</b> <b>B. time being</b> <b>C. period</b> <b>D. future</b>

<b>70. A. reuse</b> <b>B. preserve</b> <b>C. recycle</b> <b>D. keep</b>

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<b>Passage 2 </b>

<b>Read the passage then choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each space then write your</b>
<b>answers in the box given.</b>

Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate. Many
scientists (71) the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (72) ____ the world's temperatures and
are convinced that, more than ever before, the Earth is at (73)__ from the force of the wind, rain and sun. (74)_
_ to them, global warming is making extreme weather events; such as hurricanes and droughts, even more
(75)__ and causing sea levels all around the world to (76)__ . Environmental groups are putting (77) __ on
governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (78) _______by factories and
power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source. They are in (79) of more money being spent on
research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power stations. Some
scientists, (80) , believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the
atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results. Global warming, it
seems, is to stay.

71. A. give B. put C. take D. have

72. A. in B. at C. by D. to

73. A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm

74. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According

75. A. strike B. strong C. severe D. heavy

76. A. raise B. arise C. lift D. rise

77. A. force B. pressure C. persuasion D. encouragement

78. A. off B. away C. up D. over

79. A. belief B. request C. favor D. suggestion

80. A. because B. however C. despite D. although


<b>71. B</b> <b>72. A</b> <b>73. C</b> <b>74. D</b> <b>75. C</b>

<b>76. D</b> <b>77. B</b> <b>78. A</b> <b>79. C</b> <b>80. B</b>

<b>WRITEN TEST (60 PTS)</b>


<b>I. Fill in each gap in the passage below with ONE suitable word</b>

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only one problem: to enjoy all the benefits of swimming, you (81)___________to do it properly.

(82)_____________you visited your local swimming pool and just watched, you might be surprised to see
(83)___________badly many people swim. Poor technique may result from a number of factors including
anxiety, the swimmer’s lack (84)____________body awareness, or just a concern about
(85)_____________their hair wet. What’s more, swimming techniques do not always improve with practice.
(86)_______________the contrary, once people have fallen (87)_______________bad habits, they tend to be
stuck with them.

But help is at hand. For all those keen to learn to swim properly, and so
(88)_______________advantage of all the health benefits, there is now something known as the Shaw Method,
developed by a former competitive swimmer, Steven Shaw. Shaw encourages people to think about their
swimming technique and to concentrate on things (89)________________breathing correctly and making sure
that arm and leg movements work together (90)_____________than against each other.

<b>Keys: 81: have/need/ought </b> <b>87: into</b>

<b> 82: If</b> <b>88: take</b>

<b> 83: how</b> <b>89: like</b>

<b> 84: of </b> <b>90: rather</b>

<b> 85: getting/ making/ having</b>
<b> 86: On</b>

<b>II. Fill a suitable word in each blank to complete the passage </b>

Many thousands of children have (91)________ in their homes. As a result, some children died. The most common
accidents are with (92)________ and hot water. Small children often touch pots of (93)________ water on the stove.
The pots fall over and the hot water falls on the children and (94)________ them. Some children like to (95)________
with fire. They enjoy striking matches or throwing things on a fire to make it burn brightly. If the fire gets too big, it

gets out of (96)________. Then the house (97)________ fire. It is very (98)________ to play with matches. When a
child strikes a match, the flame soon burns near his (99)________ . Then he (100)________ the match on the floor.
Many houses catch fire in this way.


<b>91. accidents </b> <b>92. fire</b> <b>93. hot / boiling</b> <b>94. burns</b> <b>95. play</b>
<b>96. control</b> <b>97. catches</b> <b>98. dangerous</b> <b>99. fingers</b> <b>100. drops</b>
<b>B. WORD FORM (20 PTS)</b>

<b>I. Supply the correct form of the words in the CAPITAL LETTER</b>
101. I find her story about UFOs hardly _______________. (BELIEVE)

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103. He didn’t feel happy because he worked _________________ (SUCCESS).

104. Attempts are being made to ____________ the problem of waste disposal. (SOLUTION)
105. They may be travelling in space and examining ____________ beings. (HUMANITY)

106. Somewhere in space there could be other ________________ beings. (THINK)
107. I hate him because of his __________________. (HONEST)

108. The development of synthetic fabrics has brought new challenges and new opportunities to ________________
engineers. (CHEMISTRY)

109. Women are now more and more _______________ and can earn their own living. (DEPEND)

110. The earthquake is one of the most natural ______________ that we have experienced. (DISASTROUS)

<b>101. believable</b> <b>102. exhausted</b> <b>103. unsuccessfully</b> <b>104. Solve</b> <b>105. human</b>

<b> </b>

<b>106. thinking 107. dishonesty</b> <b>108. chemical</b> <b> </b> <b>109. independent</b> <b>110. disasters</b>
<b>II. Give the correct form of the words given in each bracket to complete the following passage then write your</b>
answers in the box provided.

Students learning English as a second language are sometimes given a word by their
teacher and asked to give an/a ___111__ (explain) as to what that word means; in other
words, to provide a __112__ (define). The __113__ (assume) is that if you know a word,
you can define it. __114__ (logic), that might make sense, but in reality it is not always
__115__ (reason) to assume that. There are words and phrases that even native speakers
use in conversation without much __116__ (think) which can lead to __117__ (confuse)
when you ask a native speaker to define them. Take the __118__ (conceive) of ‘zeitgeist’,
for example, which has entered English from German. It’s __119__ (doubt) much easier to
use than it is to define. With a word like ‘zeitgeist’ it may be more __120__ (sense) to test
the student’s understanding in ways other than asking them to define it.


<b>111. explanation</b> <b>112. definition</b> <b>113. assumption</b> <b>114. Logically</b> <b>115. reasonable</b>
<b>116. thought</b> <b>117. confusion</b> <b>118. concept</b> <b>119. undoubtedly</b> <b>120. sensible</b>

<i><b>There are ten errors in the text below. Find and correct them.</b></i>
<i><b>Example: 0. that </b></i>

<i><b> which</b></i>

Robots can work in places to that humans can’t easily get.
These including deep oceans, on distant planets or on sites with
bad pollution. Robots are also used in factories although they can

0. that


<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

work much quickly and accurately than a human, and without
needing to rest.

Improvements in technology over the past fifty years has
meant that scientists are now able to create very clever robots.
The most complicate of these can make decisions for
themselves, learn new things, and deal for problems. However,
while robots that look as people are very common in science
fiction films, they are very rarely in real life. Making a machine
that can balance and move on two legs is a real challenge and is
unnecessary for most of the jobs we need robots to make for us.
However, a Japanese robot called as Asimo does walk on two
legs and can even climb up and down stairs.

122. ________________________
123. ________________________
124. ________________________
125. ________________________
126. ________________________
127. ________________________
128. ________________________
129. ________________________
130. _______________________
<b>Keys: </b>

<b>121. including </b>

<b>include</b> <b>122. although </b>

<b> because</b>

<b>123. much </b>

<b> more</b> <b>124. has </b>


<b>125. complicate </b>

<b> complicated</b> <b>126. deal for </b>

<b> deal with</b>
<b>127. look as </b>

<b> look like</b> <b>128. rarely </b>

<b> rare</b>

<b>129. to make </b>

<b> to do</b> <b>130. called as </b>

<b> known as / called</b>

<b>I. Rewrite each of the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the original one. </b>
131. If you changed your mind, you would be welcomed to join our class.

→ Were you...
132. My brother prefers driving to being driven.

→ My brother would rather...
133. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.

→The man ...
134. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.

→ However ...
135. What a surprise to see you here!

→ Fancy...

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<b>133. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.</b>
<b>134. However hard she works, she never seems to succeed.</b>
<b>135. Fancy seeing you here.</b>

<b>II. Rewrite the following sentences using the given words. Do not alter these words:</b>

136. I’m sure that her success made her parents feel wonderful. (Must)

→ Her success ……… feel wonderful.
137. I’ve arranged a trip around Europe next year. (Arrangement)

138. The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months. (Decline)

139. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (Came)

140. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early” John said. (Apologized)

→ John ……… leave so early.

<b>136. Her success MUST HAVE MADE HER PARENTS feel wonderful.</b>

<b>137. I’ve MADE AN ARRANGEMENT TO GO on a trip around Europe next year.</b>
<b>138. There has been a steady decline in the rate of inflation during recent months.</b>
<b>139. It came as a shock / surprise to hear that he had failed his driving test.</b>


