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<b>ENGLISH 6</b>
<b>I. Chọn từ đúng điền vào chỗ trống: (2,5đ)</b>

1. I’d ……….. a sandwich, please. a. want b. need c. like d. would
2. ………. he strong? a. Has b. Is c. Does d. Can
3. How …………beef does she need? a. many b.much c. long d. far
4. What color …………your pen? a. are b.is c. has d. have
5. Hoa wants ………orange juice. a. an b. a c. some d. any
6. What ………..you like? a. would b. are c. have d. does
7. Is there ………….. milk? a. some b. a c. any d. many
8. How does she ………..? She’s tired. a. feel b. is c. like d. do
9. He needs ………tubes of toothpaste. a. a b. any c. three d. much
10. How much ………..it? a. is b. does c. do d.are
<b>II. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B: (2,5đ)</b>

<b>A B</b>
1. What color is her hair? a. They’re brown.
2. How does he feel? b. It’s black.
3. What does she like? c. She is hungry.
4. How much rice does she want? d. Lemon juice.
5. What color are her eyes? e. Two kilos.
<b>III. Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh: (2,5 đ)</b>

1. food/ what/ favorite/ your/ is?
2. has/ face/ He/ an/ oval?

3. help/ I/ you/ can?


4. of/ juice/ please/ would/ sandwich/ glass/ I/ a/ like and/ a / orange.
5. some/ some/ is/ rice/ meat/ there/ and.

<b>IV. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi (2.5đ)</b>

Miss Hoa is tall and thin. She has an oval face and round eyes. She has long black hair and a small
nose.Her favorite food is fish and her favorite drink is orange juice.

1. Is Miss Hoa tall?

2. Does she have an oval face?

3. Are her eyes round?

4. What color is her hair?

5. What is her favorite food?

…….. The end……..

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<b> I. Chọn và khoanh tròn câu trả lời đúng nhất..( 2,5đ ) </b>
1/ What ... is her hair?(A. color B. number C. length D. time )<b> </b>
2/ I'd like some rice. I'm ...(A. hungry B. thirsty C. thin D.hot )<b> </b>
3/ What is there ……….. breakfast? – There is some bread .(A. on B. in C. for D. at )<b> </b>4/
He isn’t tall. He is ...(A. fat B. heavy C. short D. weak )
5/ A... toothpaste is 7,000 dong.(A. tube of B. bar of C. can of D. kilo of )
6/ She……… table tennis at the moment.(A. plays B. is playing C. is doing D.play )

<b>7/ </b>What ...she like? She’d like a glass of milk.( A.is B.would C.do D.does )
8/ Lan doesn’t want ……..milk (A.a B.an C.some D.any )

9/ ……..beef do you need ? (A.How B.How much C.How many D.Would )

10/ What is there…….?( A.eat B.eating C.to eat D.eats )
<b>II. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời thích hợp nhất ở cột B..(2,5</b>đ )

A B Answer

1.How do you feel? a. Potatoes and carrots
2. How much is an ice-cream? b. I’m hot and thirsty
3. Are you reading book? c. Two thousand dong
4. What is your favorite food? d. No, I don’t

5. Do you like carrots ? e. Yes, I am
<b>III/ Sắp xếp các từ bị xáo trộn thành câu đúng:(2,5)</b>

1. would / like / breakfast/ what / for /you ?...

2. Some / would /bread /like/ I/ milk/some/and………
3<b>.</b>my/is/ food/favorite/ carrots ………

4.hair/ has/black /she/ long………
5.eggs /want / How many / you / do ?...
<b>IV/ Read the text and answer the questions .(2,5m)</b>

Miss Mai is a teacher. She is thirty -five years olds. She is very beautiful.. She has an oval face and round
eyes. Her lips are full. She has long black hair and a small nose.Her favorite food is fish, and her favorite
drink is apple juice.


1.Is Miss Mai very beautiful?

2.Does she have an oval face or a round face?

3.What color is her hair?

4.Is her nose small or big?

5.What is her favorite food?

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Chủ đề Nhận biết Thông hiểu Vận dụng Tổng

<b>KQ</b> <b>TL</b> <b>KQ</b> <b>TL</b> <b>KQ</b> <b>TL</b>

I. Vocabulary &

Grammar 5 1,25 5 1,25 <b>10 2,5</b>
II. Matching 5


<b>5 </b>
<b> 2,5</b>


<b>5 </b>
<b> 2,5 </b>

IV.Reading 5

<b>5 </b>
<b> 2,5 </b>

<b>Tổng</b> <b>5 </b>

<b> 2,5 </b>

<b>10 </b>

<b> 5,0</b>
<b>5 </b>

<b> 2,5</b>



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