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on tap KT GIUA HK I

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<b>MID FIRST TERM REVISION –– (2010-2011) </b>

<b>I. Choose the best answer</b>:<b> </b>

1. They are interested in _____ stamps. (collect / to collect / collecting)
2. I was born in Dong Nai ____ September 6th<sub> , 1990. (in / on / at)</sub>

3. There are different ways of _____ vocabulary. (learn / learning / to learn)
4. We are enrolling ____ the activities of Y & Y for this summer. (in / to / for)
5. I like _____ novel. (read / reading / to read)

6. I’m pleased ______ you got good marks at school.(hear / hearing / to hear)
7. Does it often rain _____ summer? (at / in / on)

8. She used to _____ in Hue, but now, she works in HCMC. (work / worked / working)
9. A place where children live without parents is ______. (hotel / orphanage / rest house)
10. “The lost shoe” is a ______. (story / folktale / novel)

11. A place where old and sick people are cared for is _______. (orphanage / rest house / hospital)
12. I ____ on the farm when I was a young boy. (used live / used to living / used to live)

13. What was your house______? (like / look / beautiful)

14. My grandma___ go to school because she had to stay at home to help around the house. (doesn’t / isn’t /

15. She ____ to work in the kitchen and in the garden. (uses / used / use)
16. She used to cook the meal and ____ the garden. (water / watered / waters)
17. There ____ any electricity when I was young. (wasn’t / weren’t / used not)

18. My mother ___ do everything without the help of modern equipment. (has / had to / have)
19. My father used to ____ stories in the evening. (say / tell / ask)

20. Our family used to _____ in the country. (live / living / lived)
21. I still _____ one of them. (remember / remembered / remembering)

22. Once a poor farmer had a daughter ______ Little Pea. (name / named / names)
23. Do you like the _______? (folktales / telling / shoe)

24. Her father soon died _____ a broken heart. (in / of / at)

25. I went to school today and your teacher ___ me your report card. (give / gave / gives)
26. You did very ____ in your study. (good / well / excellent)

27. I am proud __ you. (of / with / about)

28. Your teacher ____ you should study harder. (told / said / said to)
29. You have to try your ____ to improve some sounds. (best / good / all)

30. We have _____ ways of learning a foreign language. (different / differently / difference)

31. In order ___ remember words better, some learners write words on small pieces of paper (of / to / so)
32. Some people learn any new words they come ____. (by / to / across)

33. My little sister is studying hard (so as / in order to / for) pass the exam.
34. You are sick. You ___ stay in bed and take tablets. (should / have / are)
35. The doctor asked the patients ____ to bed on time. (go / to go / go to)
36. He ___ me: “Why are you late?” (said / said to / told to)

37. I am enrolling ____ the activities for this summer. (to / for / in)
38. Let me ____ you an application form. (to get / getting / get)
39. Could you ___ me a favor, please? (get / do / make)

40. ______ began in England in 1907. (Scout / Scouting / Scouting)
41. His English _______ is fair. (speak / pronunciation / air)

42. We were born in Viet Nam so Vietnamese is our ____. (foreign language / mother tongue / second language)
43. May I help you? No, thank you. _____. (I don’t need / no need / I’m fine)

44. Are you _____ forward to the vacation? (look / looking / to look)
45. ___ sing a song. (Let / Let’s / Let’s us)

46. “T m Cám” is my favorite _______. (song / folktale / writing)ấ

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48. My mother isn’t very ______ now. (good / well / badly)
49. The boy tried to learn ________. (hard / hardly / hardness)

50. Don’t eat too _____ It’s not good for your health. (fastly / fast / fastness)

<b>II. Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions</b>:
1. I was born ____ April 4th<sub>.</sub>

2. What did you do ___ this summer?
3. It often rains ____ October in Viet Nam.
4. What is he doing _____ this moment?
5. My birthday is ____ September

6. The classes starts ____ 7.00, so I must go to
school ___ 7.00

7. You should brush your teeth ____ meals
8. Does it rain ___ spring?

9. She loves to watch stars ____ night.
10. I go to the market in order ___ buy food.
11. You have to learn it ___ heart.

12. Could you turn ___ the light, please?. It’s very

13. Turn ___ the TV before going to bed.

14. His mum is always proud ___ him.
15. Goodbye! See you ___ Monday.
15. The bus collected us ____ 5 o’clock.

16. My father often reads newspapers _____ meals
17. There is a meeting ____ 7a.m and 9 a.m.
18. We were born ____ 2000.

19. You must wash your hands _____ meals
20. We had interesting activities _______ summer.
21. Teacher’s Day is ____ November 20th<sub> .</sub>

22.We always go to school ______ the morning.
23. There is a good movie on TV ___ 7p.m, so I
must go home _____ 7.00 p.m.

<b>III. Underline the best word in brackets to complete the sentences:</b>

1. They swim (quick / quickly)
2. She is a (good / well) singer.

3. We work (hard / hardly).
4. Tuan is a (fast / fastly) runner.

5. Our team won the game because we played very (well

6. He had an accident because he was driving too (fast /

7. Tom drives (careful / carefully) along the narrow road

8. Do you usually feel (nervous / nervously) before

9. Her English is quite (fluent / fluently).
10. She felt and hurt herself (bad / badly).
11. Mary is a (good / well) student.
12. They ran very / (quick / quickly).

13. How is your mother today? She is (good / well)
14. He dances (beautiful / beautifully)

.He is a (beautiful / beautifully) dancer.

<b>IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets:</b>

1. She is fond of (go)______ camping on the weekend.
2. Nam hates (jog)______ in the morning.

3./ You should (read)______ stories to improve

reading skill.

4. My father stopped (smoke)______ 5 years ago.
5. Nam (dislike / watch)_______________ TV in the

6. My sister is afraid of _________(cross) the streets.
7. Mary (do) _________the housework and then she
went to the market.

8. Hoa and Mai really (like / walk)_________ along
the river in the morning.

9. My brother used (swim)_______ in the river when
he (be) young.

10. My little sister often (cry) ______ at night when
she (be) ________ a baby

11. Sue and Mary like (walk) ______ along the river in
the morning.

12. His little brother enjoys (draw) ______ pictures
very much.

13. Can you (show) ________ me to way to the nearest

14. My father used (get up) _____ late in the morning
when he (be) _______ young.

15. We should (help) _______ the elderly people and
street children.

16. She hates (wash) _________- up.

17. Let’s (plant) __________ and (water) _________
trees along the streets.

They don’t like (cook) _______ meals.
18. Do you love (read) _________ books?
19. She ought to (stay) ______ in bed?

20. Which you (have) ________ yesterday?
21. you (use) _________ to walk to school last

22. The teacher asked us (do) _____ the test carefully?
23. I want (improve) _______ my listening.

24. I would like (drink) _______ some coffee.
25. The Y & Y help community by (participate)
___________ in the recycling program.

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27. Hoa usually (get up) ________ early. This morning
he (get up) ________ at 9.00.

28. I (have) ______ an interesting summer holiday
last year.

29. My dear friend, Liz (phone) ______ me yesterday.
30. Thu (do) ______ her homework. Then she went to
the supermarket.

31 They usually (eat) _______ at home but last night
they (eat) _______ out.

32. Last night I (call) _____ her but she (be) ___out
33. My friends and I often (go) ____ swimming on the
weekend but last weekend we (go) _____ fishing.
34. She used to (swim)________ well.

<b>V. Correct the mistakes:</b>

1. BSA is the Youth and Young Pioneer Organizations.
2. The Y & Y is the Boy Scouts of America

3. My aunt is proud to her children.

4. Jim used play the piano when he was young.
5. You ought to seeing a dentist for your toothache.
6. Does Kent has to look after her younger sister.
7. His parents are proud <i>about</i> him.

8. We are going to have a club meeting <i>in</i> August 24th.

9. His father stopped s<i>mok</i>e last year.
10. My sister speaks English <i>good.</i>

11. My family used to <i>living</i> in Hue, but now we live in


12. Could you <i>take </i>me a favor?

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<b>II. Change into reported speech:</b>

1. She said to me : “ Can you sweep the floor?”

2. Hoa said to Lan: “ You should improve Math”

3. She said to me:” Open the window.”

4. Nga said to me:” Please turn off the radio!”

<b>VI. Translate into English:</b>

1. Cô y ghét th c khuya

2. Chung ta nên nghe nh c ti ng Anh đ trau d i k n ng nghe.


ồ ỹ ă

3. Tr c đây h t ng s ng Hà N i, nh ng bây gi h s ng H i Phòng.


ọ ừ


ờ ọ ố

ở ả



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