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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>




<b>LET’S GO 2A (Ấn bản lần 2)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>


<b>T</b> <b>WEEK</b> <b>LESSON</b> <b>SECTION</b> <b>LANGUAGE ITEMS</b> <b>PAGE</b> <b>FUNCTIONS</b>

<b>1</b> 1 1 - 2 Prepare for the beginning of the academic

2 3 Let’s Talk Hi, (Scott). How are you?
Fine, thank you.

Good-bye, (Scott).
See you later.
What’s this/that?
It’s (a pencil case).
Is this/that (a ruler)?
Yes, It is. No, It isn’t.
What are these/those?
They’re (yo-yos).

Are these/those (cats)?
Yes, they are. No, they

2 <sub>Greetings</sub>

Asking about objects (singular
and plural)

Identifying objects (singular and

2-3 4-5 Let’s Sing 3

3-5 6-10 Let’s Learn 4-5

6-7 11-14 Let’s Learn
Some More


8 15-16 Let’s Read 8

9 17 Let’s Listen 9


9 18 Let’s Talk What’s the matter?<sub>I’m (sick).</sub>
That’s too bad.
Who’s (she)?

(She’s) (Miss Wilson).

(She’s) (a shopkeeper).
Is (she) (a teacher)?
Yes, (she) is. No, (she)

Who are they?

They’re (Mr. and Mrs.

10 <sub>Asking about someone’s health</sub>
Expressing physical states

Expressing someone else’s name
Asking about professions

Describing professions

10 19-20 Let’s Sing 11


21-25 Let’s Learn 12-<sub>13</sub>


26-29 Let’s Learn
Some More


<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>


16 32 Let’s Listen 17


W 17-<sub>18</sub> 33-35 Let’s Review REVIEW <sub>THE FIRST-TERM TEST</sub>




36-37 Let’s Talk Where do you live?<sub>I live in (Hillsdale).</sub>
What’s your address?
It’s (16 North Street).
What’s (your) telephone

It’s (789-2043).

This is the (bedroom).
Is the (desk) in the


Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
There is .../There are...
Is there...?/Are there...?
Yes, there is. No, there

Yes, there are. No, there

20 Asking where someone lives
Expressing whre one lives
Asking someone’s address/
telephone number

Expressing one’s

address/telephone number
Idenfifying rooms in a house
Asking about the location of
household objects

Describing the location of
household objects


38-39 Let Sing 21


40-43 Let’s Learn 22-23


44-47 Let’s Learn
Some More



48-49 Let’s Read 26

25 50 Let’s Listen 27

<b>4</b> <sub>26</sub> <sub>51-52 Let’s Talk</sub> What’s wrong?

I can’t (find my book).
Look at (me).

(I) can (sing a song).
What can (he) do?

(He) can (ride a bicycle).

28 Asking about a problem
Expressing ability/inability
Describing ability/inability in

27 53-54 Let’s Sing 29

28-29 55-58 Let’s Learn

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

30-31 59-62 Let’s Learn <sub>Some More</sub>


32 63-64 Let’s Read 34

33 65 Let’s Listen 35


W 33

-35 66-70 Let’s Review REVIEW THE SECOND-TERM TEST


<i><b>Week 2 - Period 3 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>
<b>LET'S TALK</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Hi, (name)
Hi, (Scott).
How are you?
Fine, thank you.

See you later

SB/ p. 2
WB/ p. 2

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Cards of
English names
<b>Cultural tip:</b>

- When meeting a
person, we often
greet each other and
ask about health.
- People wave their
hands when saying
hello/ goodbye.


- Greet Ss in English and introduce teacher's name: <i>Hi,/ </i>
<i>Hello, I'm (Ms…).</i>

- Give each student a card of an English name. Then call
the names in turn.

- Have Ss stand up & say "Hi/ Hello" when hearing their


<b>Act. 1: Review the first part of the dialogue:</b>
- Model the dialogue with 2 puppets.

<i> Hi, (Ken). How are you?</i>

<i> Hello, (Mari). I'm fine, thank you.</i>

- Call some pairs to practice the dialogue
<b>Act. 2: Present the second part of the dialogue:</b>

- Use puppets to introduce the dialogue

- Ask a student to be Scott. And have Ss repeat the
dialogue several times

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and stop by sentence

- Ask Ss to point to the characters and repeat
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Role play:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups. Practice the dialogue in

<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Step Away Lines:</b>

- Ss stand in 2 opposite lines. Practice the dialogue in

<b>Act. 1: Pick and Speak:</b>

- Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up
- Ask the whole class to speak in chorus: "Hello,… How are
you? Bye,…

- Ask him/ her to answer: "Fine, thank you" "See you later."
- Then it's turn of the second student.

<i><b>Week 2 - Period 4 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>
<b>LET'S SING</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 3

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

<b>Chain drill: </b>Ss show their English names

- Hi. How are you?  Fine, thank you.

- Hi, (Kate), how are you?  Fine, thank you.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the characters</b>.

- Open the book to page 3, play the recording of "The Hi

- Have Ss listen and point to the characters as they hear
the names.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<b>Sentences: </b>
Hi, (name).
How are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

- Read the song line by line without music. Have Ss repeat.
- Use gesture to emphasize the meaning of each phrase

- Play the recording again and have Ss sing along.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b> Call and response singing:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups

- Have Ss sing the song in two groups:

Group A: Hi, (Scott). How are you? Group B: I'm fine. Thank you
- Ask Ss to repeat

<b>Act. 1: Sing in groups:</b>

- Divide class into 4 groups

- Have each group represent one of the characters in the
song and sing

4 groups: Hi, Scott. How are you? Group 1 (Scott): I'm fine. Thank

4 groups: Hi, Jenny. How are you? Group 2 (Jenny): I'm fine. Thank

4 groups: Hi, John. How are you? Group 3 (John): I'm fine. Thank

4 groups: Hi, Lisa. How are you? Group 4 (Lisa): I'm fine.

- Reverse roles and sing again

<i><b>Week 3 - Period 5 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S SING (cont)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

SB/ p. 3

- Have Ss stand in groups of four.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
<b>Sentences: </b>
See you later,

<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- puppets /

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

<b>Teaching tip: </b>
- "<i>See you later, </i>
<i>alligator."</i> is a
children's rhyming
expression used in
fun when saying
good-bye to friends.
In natural


however, it is seldom

- "<i>See you later."</i> is
always an appropriate

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new vocabulary:</b>

- Show a picture of an alligator or the alligator puppet in
Kate's hand (p.3)

- T says "<i>alligator</i>". Ss repeat several times
<b>Act. 2: Introduce the new expression:</b>.

- Use puppets to model a new expression.

Puppet A: <i>Good-bye</i>. Puppet B: <i>See you later, </i>

- Have Ss repeat several times until they can say the
phrase fluently

<b>Act. 3: Introduce the song:</b>

- Ss open the book to p.3, play the recording of "The
Good-bye Song"

- Read the song line by line without music. Have Ss repeat.
- Use gestures to emphasize the meaning of each phrase

<b>Act. 1: Call and response singing:</b>

- Divide class into 3 groups

- Have each group represent one of the characters in the
song and sing

- Reverse roles and sing again
<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Sing in groups:</b>

- Have Ss stand in groups of three.

- Each group sings "The Good-bye Song" using students'
own names.

<b>Act. 2: Workbook </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<i><b>Week 3 - Period 6 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>
<b>LET'S LEARN</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
a book
a bag
a desk

a pencil case
a table

a chair

<b>Sentences: </b>
What's this?
It's a (bag).

SB/ p. 4

Let's chant, let's sing/

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 1-8
and 33-38 (Book
1, classroom

- Classroom

objects/ realia

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Perform the song:</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 1+2) again
- A volunteer group comes in front of the class to perform
the song


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Review the classroom objects in Unit 1</b>.
- Use TC 1-8 and 33-38 (Book 1)

- Ss listen and repeat

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Review the question-and answer pattern with </b><i><b>this</b></i><b>.</b>
- Show the Ss one classroom object or a TC each time.
T: What's this?  Ss (answer in chorus): It's (a book).

- Have Ss repeat the question, "What's this?"

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Group work:</b>

- Divide the class into two groups

- Show Ss a classroom object or a TC each time. Have
them ask & answer

- Reverse roles – ask and answer with other classroom

<b>Act. 2: Pair work:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Have Ss use their own classroom objects to ask and

- Feedback

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Walk and talk:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

- Have Ss walk around the class in pairs.

- At the signal <i>Stop!</i>, partners must use the cards to
exchange questions and answers.

<i><b> Week 4 - Period 7 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words


a door

a window
<b>Sentences: </b>
What's this?
It's a (bag).
What's that?

It's a pencil case

SB/ p. 4

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape

- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 1-8
and 33-38 (Book
1, classroom

- Classroom
objects/ realia
<b>Grammar tip:</b>
- this and that are
used to distinguish
between individual
objects or people that
are close to or far
from the speaker.
- Emphasize this in
class by holding up or

<b>Act. 1: Show and tell:</b>

- Stick TC 33-38 on the board. Have Ss ask and answer:
What's this?- It's…

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the new vocabulary</b>

- Use realia: point or touch the window in the classroom
and say "a window"

- Have Ss listen and repeat. Continue with "a door"

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the new question-and-answer pattern with </b>

- Use the puppets to introduce the pattern. Have Ss repeat
Puppet A: (point to the window) What's that?  Puppet B: It's

a door.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Group work:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Point to other objects or TC from a distance. Ask Ss to ask
& answer

- Reverse roles – ask and answer with other classroom

<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer in pairs:</b> (open the book to page 4)

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

touching individual
objects near you
(<i>this</i>) and pointing to
individual objects far

from you (<i>that</i>)

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Then, ask and answer about the
objects in their books.

S1:(point to a pencil case in the book): What's this?  S2: It's

a pencil case.

S2:(point to a door in the book): What's that?  S1: It's a


<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 big teams

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to listen and repeat Q (Team A) and
A (Team B)


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Chain Drill:</b> T: what's this/ that? S1: It's a
pencil case

<b>Act.2: Workbook</b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises

<i><b>Week 4 - Period 8 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


SB/ p. 5

Let's chant, let's sing/

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's

cards (TC): 1-8
and 33-38 (Book

<b>Act. 1: Chants:</b>

- Play the tape, "Let's chant, Let's sing" book page 3
- Play the tape, Ss listen and repeat twice


<b>Act. 1: Review the Yes/No question-and-answer pattern with </b>


- Ask questions about nearby classroom objects or TC

- Have Ss answer in chorus, shaking their heads to indicate
disagreement and nodding to show agreement.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
<b>Sentences: </b>
Is this a ruler?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.

1, classroom

- A small bag

T: Is this a book? Ss (nodding their heads):
Yes, it is.

<b>Act. 2: Present the rhythm:</b>

- Clap the hands to make the question and answer in

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the question and answer in

<b>Act. 1: Practice the rhythm in groups:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups. Have them ask and
answer about the objects

- Clap their hands to make the rhythm
<b>Act. 2: Practice the rhythm in pairs:</b>

- Clap their hands to make the rhythm. In turn, ask and
answer about the objects

<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer</b>

- Divide class into two teams and put small classroom

objects in a bag.

- Have S1 from team A reach in the bag & hold an object in
his/her hand. S1 keeps his/ her hand in the bag & asks. Then have S1
reveal the object to S2 from team B.

S1: <i>Is this (a marker)?</i> S2 responds: <i>Yes, it is./No, it isn't</i>.

- Continue until all students have had a chance to ask and

<i><b>Week 5- Period 9 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
Is that a ruler?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.

SB/ p. 5
WB/p. 5

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 1-8
and 33-38 (Book
1, classroom

- Ask 1- 2 Ss to come before the class, make the rhythm &
the others clap hands

What's this/ that?  It's a crayon.

Is this an eraser?  Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.


<b>Act. 1: Introduce the Yes/No question-and-answer pattern </b>
<b>with "that".</b>

- Point to the window from a distance and model the

T: Is that a door? Ss: No, it isn't.
T: Is that a window? Ss: Yes, it is.

- Ask questions about other classroom objects or TC that
are far from the teacher

- Have Ss answer in chorus (using appropriate gestures)
<b>Act. 2 : Ask and answer in groups</b>

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Point to different classroom objects or TC at a time and
have the groups practice the Yes/ No question-and-answer
pattern with <i>that</i>.

- Reverse roles after several exchanges.

<b>Act. 1: Practice in pairs:</b>

- Open the book to page 5

- Have Ss practice the patterns in pairs, using the pictures
on page 5 as prompts.

- Ask 2 Ss to come before the class, ask and answer

- Continue with other pairs

<b>Act. 2: Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape. Have Ss point to the pictures, listen and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Act. 1: Workbook</b>: Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises

<i><b>Week 5 - Period 10 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 5</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
What's this?
It's a (bag).
What's that?

It's (a pencil case).
Is this a ruler?

Yes, it is. / No, it

Is that a ruler?
Yes, it is. / No, it

SB/ p. 4 - 5

Let's chant, let's sing/

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 1-8
and 33-38 (Book

1, classroom

<b>Act. 1: Relay Race</b>

- Divide the class into four teams, each team standing in a

- Assign a sentence to the first student in each line, who
then repeats the sentence to the next student in the line.

- Continue until the information reaches the last student in
the line. Then the last student races to the board and write it.
The first team to finish is the winner.

<b>Act. 1: Present the rhythm:</b>

- Clap the hands to make the 4 question-and-answer
patterns in rhythm

- Play "Look at that! What's that?", "Let's chant, Let's sing",
p. 4

- Have Ss clap their hands and repeat.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Question circles:</b>

- Divide the class into groups, and have each group sit in a

- Half of the Ss in each group hold one of the student

- A student holding a card shows it to the group and asks,

<i>Is this (a pencil case)?.</i> The group answers, <i>Yes, it is.</i> or <i>No, it </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

- Place different pairs of TC and classroom objects around
the room.

- Have Ss walk around the class in pairs, exchange

questions and answers (<i>What's this?</i> and <i>What's that?</i>, <i>Is this a </i>
<i>crayon?</i> and <i>Is that an eraser?</i>)

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Guessing game</b>

- Ask one st to choose one classroom object (but not
showing it to the class)

- Other students ask four Yes/ No questions to identify the

- The student who has the correct answer will be the next
to play the game.

<i><b>Week 6 - Period 11 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>


<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 6

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 77– 86,
39–44(Book 1)
- Toy objects
or pictures of toys

<b>Act. 1: Pairs race</b>

- Arrange the Ss in two lines and stick TC 77 – 86 on the

- Say one of the words and have the first students in the
lines race to the board to touch the correct picture card. The
student who touches the card first and names it correctly gets a
point for his or her team.

<b>Act. 2: Review the toy vocabulary and question-and-answer </b>
<b>pattern with </b><i><b>this</b></i><b>:</b>

- Show TC 77- 86 in random. Have Ss ask & answer:

<i>What's this?</i> <i>It's a yo-yo.</i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

jump rope(s)


<b>Sentences: </b>

What are these?
They're yo-yos.

in plural - Use sets of toys or teacher-made pictures of toys in plural
to introduce new words: <i>ball(s), yo-yo(s), car(s), puzzle(s)</i>.

- Point to the pictures and say the words. Then have Ss

<b>Act. 2: Review the question and answer pattern.</b>

- Use the puppets to teach the sentences. Then ask Ss to
play the roles

Puppet A: (point to the card 77) <i>What's this?</i> Puppet B: <sub></sub> <i>It's a </i>
<i>yo-yo. </i>

Puppet A: (point to two yo-yos) <i>What are these?</i> Puppet B: <sub></sub>

<i>They're yo-yos</i>.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b> Practice in groups:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 groups, distribute the toy objects/
pictures to Ss in group A. Have Ss in group A ask the questions,
using these and Ss in group B answer.

- Then reverse the roles.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Toy Shop:</b>

- Have Ss draw pictures of pairs of toys and classroom
objects they've learned.

- Place the drawings at the front of the class and have Ss
ask & answer

S1: <i>What are these?</i>  S2: <i>They're puzzles.</i>

<i><b>Week 6 - Period 12 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN SOME</b> <b>Resources:</b>SB/ p. 6

<b>Act. 1: Game: Tic-Tac-Toe: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>


<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>
jump rope(s)

<b>Sentences: </b>

What are these?
They're yo-yos.
What are those?
They're jump

WB/ pp. 6

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 77– 86,
39–44(Book 1)
- Toy objects
or pictures of toys
in plural

<b>Grammar tip:</b>

- <i>these</i> and <i>those</i> are
used to distinguish
between objects or
people that are close
to or far from the

- Emphasize this in
class by holding up or
touching individual
objects near you
(<i>these</i>) and pointing
to objects far from
you (<i>those</i>)

the board. Each square should be numbered.

- Show a picture of toy in plural or singular, ask a student
from group A a question. If the student answers correctly, the
group can play an "X" or an "O" on the grid in the location of
their choice by stating the number.

- Alternate asking questions to both teams. The first team
to earn three "X" or "O" in a row on the grid wins.


<b>Act. 1: Introduce the question-and-answer pattern with </b><i><b>those</b></i><b>:</b>
- Place the toys or pictures of toys randomly around the

- Hold up two yo-yos and ask:<i> What are these? They're yo-<b></b></i>


- Point to the toy cars from a distance and model the

T: <i>What are those? They're cars</i>.

- Point to other toys and ask: <i>What are those?</i>

- Have Ss answer in chorus <i>They're (balls)</i> & repeat the


<b>Act. 1: Listen and point: </b>(open the book page 6)
- Play the tape

- Have Ss listen to the tape, point to the pictures and

<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Have Ss to work in pairs, point to the pictures. Then ask
and answer:

S1: What are these? S2: They're yo-yos.
S2: What are those? S1: They're kites.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Chain drill</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

from the teacher.

- Have Ss continue the chain by answering and asking the
next friend a question.

<b>Act. 2: Workbook</b>: Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises

<i><b>Week 7 - Period 13 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>


<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>


<b>Sentences: </b>
Are these cats?
Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

SB/ p. 7

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 133–
144(Book 1)


<b>Act. 1: Pairs race (review the vocabulary of animals in </b>
<b>singular and plural forms)</b>

- Arrange the Ss in two lines and stick TC 133 – 144 on the

- Say one of the words and have the first students in the
lines race to the board to touch the correct picture card. The
student who touches the card first and names it correctly gets a
point for his or her team.

- Then have Ss repeat the vocabulary of animals once.

<b>Act. 1: Review the Yes/ No question-and-answer pattern with </b>


- Hold up the card 136 and ask: T: Are these cats? Ss:
No, they aren't.

T: Are these dogs?
Ss: Yes, they are.

- Use other cards or classroom objects to ask questions.
Have Ss answer

<b>Act. 2 : Ask and answer in groups</b>

- Divide the class into two groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

- Reverse roles after several exchanges.
<b>Act. 2: Pair works:</b>

- Have Ss practice the patterns in pairs, using the SC or
objects as prompts.

- Ask 2 Ss to come before the class, ask and answer.
Continue with other pairs

<b>Act. 1: Lucky number:</b>

- Divide the class into two groups.

- There are 10 numbers including 3 lucky numbers. 2
groups take turn to choose a number. If they choose a lucky
number, they'll get 2 points without asking or answering. If they
choose a normal number, they have to practice the Yes/ No
question with <i>this</i> or <i>these</i>, using TC 133 - 144 as prompts. Ss
do it correctly gets a point for his or her team. The team having
more points is the winner.

<i><b>Week 7 - Period 14 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>


<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 7

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
cards (TC): 133–
144(Book 1)

- Toy objects

<b>Act. 1: Walk and talk:</b>

- Ask Ss to walk around the classroom in pairs

- When T says "Stop", Ss stop and in turn ask and answer
about the objects that are close to or far from them. (<i>What are </i>
<i>these/ those? They're (jump ropes)<b></b></i>


<b>Act. 1: Present the Yes/ No question-and-answer pattern with </b>


- Place a handful of crayons on the table.

- Use puppets to model the Yes/ No question-and-answer
pattern with <i>those</i>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>


<b>Sentences: </b>
Are these cats?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.
Are those cats?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't.

or pictures of toys

in plural Puppet B: No, they aren’t. Puppet A: Are those crayons? Puppet B: Yes, they are.
- Use TC or classroom objects to ask questions.

- Have Ss answer in chorus (using appropriate gestures)

<b>Act. 2 : Ask and answer in groups</b>

- Divide the class into two groups.

- Point to different classroom objects or TC (134, 136, 138,
140, 142, 144) from a distance at a time and have the groups
practice the Yes/ No question-and-answer pattern with <i>those</i>.
Reverse roles after several exchanges.


<b>Act. 1: Listen and repeat (open the book to page 7)</b>

- Ss work in pairs, look at their books and practice the

- Ask 2 Ss to stand up, ask and answer. Continue with other

- Play the tape and have Ss listen and repeat.

<b>Act. 2:</b> Place a few set of toys or TC (134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144)
around the classroom.

- Have Ss come to the board in turn and alternate asking

<i>these</i> and <i>those</i> questions by touching or pointing objects or TC
from a distance.

S1: <i>Are these/ those (puzzles)?</i> S2: <i>Yes, they are. / </i>

<i>No, they aren't.</i>


<b>Act. 1: Workbook:</b> Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school or at home

<i><b>Week 8 - Period 15 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>LET'S READ</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>



<b>Sentences: </b>

SB/ p. 8

<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Objects /
pictures: hat,
can, fan, van,
cap, map
<b>Tip: </b>

- Have the Ss follow
your directions for
writing <i>f, h, t,</i> and <i>p</i>.
- Draw parallel

horizontal lines on the
board. Write the
letters that go above
the top line: <i>f, h, t.</i>

- Write the letter that

goes below the

bottom line: <i>p </i>

- Write assorted capital and small letters on the board.
- Divide the class into 2 teams.

- Call out a letter and have the first student from each
team run to the board, find the letter and cross it out. Play until
everyone has had a chance to go to the board.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new words:</b>

- Use classroom objects and pictures to introduce the new

fat, hat, can, fan, van, cap, lap, map

- Have Ss repeat the new words several times.
<b>Act. 2: Write:</b>

- -at: cat, fat, hat
- -an: can, fan, van
- -ap: cap, lap, map

<b>Act. 1: Listen, point and repeat</b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to look at the book, listen and point

to the suitable pictures

- Let Ss to listen again and repeat

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Give the commands and do the action:</b>

- Divide the class into 3 teams and give each team a
column of "<i>Word Families</i>" .

- Let each team listen to the cassette and repeat
- Change their column and practice.

<b>Act 1: Simon says: </b>

- Divide the class into 3 teams and give each team a
column of "<i>Word Families</i>".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

- The group has the least bad mark is the winner.

<i><b> Week 8 - Period 16 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>

<b>LET'S READ (cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>



<b>Vocabulary: </b>


<b>Sentences: </b>

The fat cat is in the

The can and the fan
are on the van.

The cap and the map
are on my lap.

SB/ p. 8
WB/ p.8

<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Objects /
pictures: hat,
can, fan, van,
cap, map

<b>Act. 1: Bingo:</b>

- Ask Ss to write down the 9 words in Let's Read into 9
random squares.

- Call out each word. Give mark to first 5 Ss who cover 3
squares across / down.

<b>Act. 1: Review the old words</b>

- Using the pictures/ classroom objects: cat, fat, hat, can,
fan, van, cap, lap, map

- Have Ss repeat the words several times.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Present the new sentences:</b>

- Use picture to introduce the sentences:

<i> The fat cat is in the hat.</i>

<i> The can and the fan are on the van.</i>
<i> The cap and the map are on my lap.</i>

- Have Ss repeat the words several times.

<b>Act. 1: Practice the words: </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the book. Play the cassette "<i>Let's Read, </i>
<i>Word Families?"</i>

- Listen and practice.

<b>Act. 2: Practice the sentences in rhythm:</b>

- Play the cassette "<i>Let's Read, can you read?"</i> Ask Ss to
listen and practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

- Ask Ss to work in group of 3.

- Ask each group to memorize and practice the sentences
in rhythm.

- Call each group perform the sentences. Give them good
marks if they do well.

<b>Act 2: Workbook: </b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at
home with weak Ss)

A. Write: Have Ss write the words to the correct blanks..

B. Circle and write: Circle the right words and write the words in
the blanks.

<i><b>Week 9 - Period 17 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1: </b>
<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>
(Review the whole

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole

SB/ p. 9
WB/ p. 9

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
Cards (TC): 1-8,
33- 38, 133-144
(Book 1)

- A bag

<b>Act. 1: Let's talk: Silent role plays</b>

- Ask a pair of Ss to silently act out the greeting/ the
parting in front of the class.

- Have the class guess which is being portrayed and supply
the language.

- Allow several pairs to do this.
<b>Act. 2: Let's Sing: Perform the songs</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 1+2) again
- A volunteer group comes in front of the class to perform
the song

<b>Act. 3: Let's learn + Let's learn some more: Charades </b>

- Place TC in a bag. Have one student select a card and
demonstrate the animal or the use of the object.

- The class must guess the object, using the questions. For
example, S1 picks up a imaginary crayon and begins drawing.
Ss: Is that (a crayon)? …

<b>Act. 1: Open the book to page 9</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>


- Have Ss identify all the objects in the pictures.

<b>Act. 1: Look and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the
teacher and answer

<i> T: What's this? / What are these? / What are those? Ss: </i>

<b>Act. 2: Listen and circle:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A
or B

- Play the tape again and check the answers: 1A, 2B, 3A,
4B, 5B, 6A, 7A, 8B


<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b> Have Ss work impairs to ask and answer
about the pictures

<b> Act 2: Work book:</b> Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school or at home

A. Circle: Ss look at the pictures and circle the correct word
B. Write: Look at the pictures and write the sentences.

<i><b>Week 9 - Period 18 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>
<b>LET'S TALK</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


SB/ p. 10

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Name


<b>Dialogue Musical Cards: </b>arrange 4 desks together to make a
rectangle, give each student a name card, students will put their
name cards on the rectangle desks, they walk around the desks and
sing the song "The Hi song". When the teacher says "stop", every
student will pick up 1 name card and greet their opposite partner by
their name on the card and exchanging: "How are you, _____? – Fine,
thanks.". Continue singing and stop several times.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>



What's the matter?
I'm (sick).

That's too bad.
Get better soon!

<b>Usage tip:</b>

- The term <i>sick</i> is
used for illnesses or
ailments (colds,

headaches, etc. ), but
not for broken bones
or external injuries.

<b>Act. 1: Present the first part of the dialogue:</b>
- Use puppets to introduce the dialogue:

<i>Hi, John! What's the matter? </i><i> I'm sick. </i>

- Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times.
<b>Act. 2: Present the complete dialogue:</b>

- Use puppets to introduce the dialogue.
- Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times.

- Call some pairs to practice the dialogue.
<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Write:</b>

- What's the matter?
- I'm sick.

- That's too bad. Get better soon!
- Thanks.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and point:</b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to look at the book and point to the

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape again and stop by sentence. Ask Ss to

<b>Act. 1: Role play:</b>

- Ask the Ss to work in pairs.

S1: What's the matter? S2: I'm sick. S1: That's too bad. Get better <sub></sub> <sub></sub>
soon! S2: Thanks.

<i><b>Week 10 - Period 19 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>
<b>LET'S SING</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

SB/ p. 11
WB/ p. 11

<b>Act.1: Walk and Talk:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

<b>Key language </b>



Are you OK?
I am sick today.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC):

<b>Act. 1: Introducing the new words</b>

- Introduce the new words by body language:
Sick (review), sad, hot, tired, cold, today

- Have Ss repeat the new words several times.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b> Review the dialogue</b>

- Use puppets to introduce the dialogue.
- Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times.
- Call some pairs to practice the dialogue.
<b>Act. 3: Write:</b>

What's the matter? Are you OK?
I am sick today.

- sad / hot / tired / cold / today
<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Act out the dialogue:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs.

- Practice the dialogue by replacing the new words in SB/p.

- Ask Ss to come before the class and act it out.

<b>Act. 1: Charades:</b>

- Let Ss work in 4 groups.

- Call a student in each group to come to the board and
look at the TC in random and ask him/ her to act out the word
by using gestures.

- Ask another student in his/her group to answer the word
and give mark.

- Then it's turn of the second group to fourth group.

<i><b>Week 10 - Period 20 </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S SING (CONT.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Sad, tired, hot, cold
<b>Sentences: </b>

Are you OK?

I am very sick today.

SB/ p. 11

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
card (TC):

<b>Charades: </b>

- Let Ss work in 4 groups.

- Call a student in each group to come to the board and
look at the TC in random and ask him/ her to act out the word
by using gestures.

- Ask another student in his/her group to answer the word
and give mark.

- Then it's turn of the second group to fourth group.

<b>Act. 1: Review the dialogue:</b>

- Introduce the characters.

- Open the book on page 11, point to characters in the

<i>T: What's the matter? Ss: What's the matter?<b></b></i>

<i>T: Are you OK? Ss: Are you OK?<b></b></i>

<i>T: I'm sick today. Ss: I'm sick today.<b></b></i>

- Have Ss practice more with other feelings (sad, hot, tired,

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the song:</b>

- Ask Ss open the book

- Ask Qs about the picture in the book: <i>Who are they? How </i>
<i>may people are there?...</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and point:</b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to listen and point to the characters
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Sing the song without music:</b>

- Sing sentence by sentence. Ask Ss to repeat
<b>Act. 3: Listen and sing along</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Sing in groups:</b>

- Ask Ss to sing the song in groups of 5: Lisa, John, Jenny,
Scott, Andy.

- Call some groups to sing aloud.

<i><b>Week 11 - Period 21 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words


Miss, shopkeeper, a
cook, a taxi driver, a
nurse, a farmer, a
police officer, a
student, a teacher.

Who's (she)?

(She's) (Miss Wilson).
(She's) a

Is (she) a
Yes, (she) is.
No, (she) isn't.

SB/ p. 12
WB/ p. 12

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC): 53
-60 (Book 1,


- Teacher
cards (TC): 156


<b>Re-ordering and singing:</b> Divide the class into 5 groups. Give each
group 4 cards. Ask them to re-order the cards to make the lyric of the
song. The first to find out the answer go to the board and sing the
song and win.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the nouns of jobs.</b>

- Use the TC 53- 54 to remind Ss by using the old pattern:

Who's (he)? – (He's) my father.

- Introduce 4 new words, using TC 156 - 159: a cook, a taxi
driver, a nurse, a farmer.

- Have Ss practice more the new words.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Introduce the new pattern.</b>

- Use TC 53-54 to teach the sentences.

T: (point to father): He's a father. / T: (point to mother): She's a

T: (point to the TC): (He's) a (cook).

- Ask a student to practice the sentences.
<b>Act. 3: Write: </b>

He's a cook. She's a nurse.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat the words:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen &
point to the right picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>


<b>Act. 2: Listen and repeat the sentences </b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen &
point to the right picture.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

- Note: <i>He is = He's / She is = She's</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Show and Tell:</b>

- Point to a TC on the board and ask: Who's he?/ Who's

- Get the whole class to answer: He's……/ She's………..

<i><b> Week 11 - Period 22 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Miss, shopkeeper, a
cook, a taxi driver, a
nurse, a farmer, a
police officer, a

SB/ p. 12
WB/ p. 12

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC): 53
-60 (Book 1,


- Teacher


<b>Charades: </b>Call a student to come to the board and look at the TC
53- 60 and 156-159 and ask him/ her to act out the picture by using
gestures. Ask another student in the class to answer the word and
give mark.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the nouns of jobs.</b>

- Use the TC 156-159 to remind Ss by using the old

<i>Who's (he)? – (He's) my father.</i>

- Introduce 4 new words, using TC 160-163: <i>A shopkeeper, a </i>
<i>student, a teacher, a police officer.</i>

- Have Ss practice more the new words.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Introduce the new pattern.</b>

- Use puppets and reality to teach the dialogue.

T: (point to S1): Who's (he)?. / (He's) (Minh)./ Who's (Minh)? /
(He's) a student.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

student, a teacher.
<b>Sentences: </b>

Who's (she)?

(She's) (Miss Wilson).
(She's) a

Is (she) a
Yes, (she) is.
No, (she) isn't.

cards (TC): 156

-163. Wilson.) and say: Who's she?/ She's Miss Wilson. She's a shopkeeper.

- Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times. Call some pairs to
practice the dialogue.

<b>Act. 3: Write: </b>
Who's (she)?

She's Miss Wilson. She's a shopkeeper.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
point to the characters

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

<b>Act. 2: Practice the dialogue:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, practice the dialogue.
- Call some pairs to practice the dialogue


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Show and Tell: Teacher write the name to the TC on the</b>

- Point to a TC on the board and ask: Who's (he)?
- Get the whole class to answer: (He's) a …..…

<i><b>Week 12 - Period 23 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

SB/ p. 12
WB/ p. 12

Let's chant, let's sing/
p. 10, Who's she?
<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- puppets
- CD/ tape

<b>Act. 1: Writing game</b>

Ask Ss in turn of 2 to come before the class, show the picture
and ask: Who's (he)?. The 2 Ss must write down the right word. Who
writes true and faster is the winner. He/She will be the caller for the
next turn.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Miss, shopkeeper, a

cook, a taxi driver, a
nurse, a farmer, a
police officer, a
student, a teacher.
<b>Sentences: </b>

Who's (she)?

(She's) (Miss Wilson).
(She's) a

Is (she) a
Yes, (she) is.
No, (she) isn't.

- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC): 53
-60 (Book 1,


- Teacher

cards (TC): 156

- Let's
Chant, Let's
sing, p10

<i> Puppet A:(point to the card 156) Who's (he)? Puppet B: <b></b></i>

<i>(He's) a cook</i>.

- Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change
the role

- Divide the class into 2 groups, practice the sentences.
Then change the role.

<b>Act. 2: Present the rhythm:</b>

- Clap the hands to make the question and answer a

- Play the rhythm (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 10, Who's

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the question and answer

<b>Act. 1: Practice the rhythm in groups:</b>

- Clap their hands to make the rhythm

- Ask and answer about people in the TC 156-163.
<b>Act. 2: Practice the rhythm in pairs:</b>

- Divide the photocopies of Let's chant Let's sing, p.10.
- Clap their hands to make the rhythm

- In turn, ask and answer about the people in the TC

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>The best musician:</b>

- Ask 1 or 2 volunteers to come before the class
- Make the rhythm and the class follow him/ her
<b>Act. 2: Workbook</b>:

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at
home with weak Ss)

A. Write: Look at the pictures and circle the right words.

<i><b>Week 12 - Period 24 </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Miss, shopkeeper, a
cook, a taxi driver, a
nurse, a farmer, a
police officer, a
student, a teacher.
<b>Sentences: </b>

Who's (she)?

(She's) (Miss Wilson).
(She's) a

Is (she) a
Yes, (she) is.

No, (she) isn't.

SB/ p. 13
WB/ p. 13

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC): 53
-60 (Book 1,


- Teacher
cards (TC): 156

<b>Act. 1: Make the rhythm:</b>

- Ask 1 or 2 volunteers to come before the class, make the
rhythm: Who's she?

- The class clap their hands and follow him/ her

<b>Act. 1: Review the question and answer pattern.</b>
- Use the puppets to teach the sentences.

Puppet A:(point to the card 156) Who's (he)? Puppet B: (He's) <sub></sub>
a cook.

- Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change
the role

- Divide the class into 2 groups, practice the sentences.
Then change the role.

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the question-and-answer pattern:</b>
- Use puppets to introduce the new pattern:

Puppet A (point to the picture 156): Is he a cook? – Puppet B:
Yes, he is.

Puppet A (point to the picture 157): Is he a cook? – Puppet B: No,
he isn't.

- Have Ss repeat the pattern several times.
- Call some pairs to practice the pattern.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat the pattern:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Then in turn, ask and answer
about the TC 156-163

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Guessing Game: </b>

- Put TC 156-163 in a bag. Ask one student to choose one
card (but not showing it to the class) and ask his/ her friend:
Who's (he)?

- The student must guess the picture by asking: Is (he) a

- The 1st<sub> student will answer yes or no to the class and the </sub>

student has the correct answer will be the next to play the

<i><b>Week 13 - Period 25 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 5</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Miss, shopkeeper, a
cook, a taxi driver, a
nurse, a farmer, a
police officer, a
student, a teacher.
<b>Sentences: </b>


SB/ p. 12
WB/ p. 12

Let's Chant, Let's
sing, p11, Is he a


<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC): 53
-60 (Book 1,


- Teacher

<b>Act. 1: Clap the board:</b>

Stick TC 53-60 and 156-163 on the board. Call 2 Ss to come to the
board. Call out 1 picture and the 2 Ss must clap on the right picture.
Who is right and faster wins and gets a mark.

<b>Act. 1: Review the pattern:</b>

- Use the puppets and TC 156-163 to review the pattern.

<i>Puppet A (point to the picture 156): Is he a cook? – Puppet B: </i>
<i>Yes, he is. </i>

<i>Puppet A (point to the picture 157): Is he a cook? – Puppet B: No,</i>
<i>he isn't. </i>

- Have Ss ask and answer

<b>Act. 2: Present "No, (he) isn't. (He's) a (taxi diver)." (Opened </b>
<b>part. It's optional.)</b>

- Use the puppets and TC 156-163 to review the pattern.
Puppet <i>A (point to the pic157): Is he a cook? – Puppet B: No, he </i>
<i>isn't. He's a taxi driver</i>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

Who's (she)?

(She's) (Miss Wilson).
(She's) a

Is (she) a
Yes, (she) is.
No, (she) isn't.

cards (TC): 156

- Let's
chant let's sing,
p11, Is he a

<b>Act. 1: Listen and answer:</b>

- Let Ss listen to the tape "<i>yes or No"</i>. Ask them to write
down the answer.

- Listen again and practice the sentences.
<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer the questions:</b>

- Have Ss work in pair to ask and answer the right jobs of
each "NO"- answer in part "<i>Yes or No</i>?" using the answer: No,
(he) isn't. (He's) a (cook).

- Call some pair to practice.
<b>Act. 1: Practice the rhythm: </b>

- Divide the photocopies of Let's Chant, Let's sing, p11, <i>Is </i>
<i>he a teacher?</i>

- Listen and clap their hands to make the rhythm.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>The best musician:</b>

- Ask 1-2 Ss to come before the class, clap their hands to
make the rhythm

<b>Act. 2: Workbook</b>: Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school or
at home

<i><b>Week 13 - Period 26 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>


<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>
<b>focus: </b>

Learning new word in
terms of plural

SB/ p. 14
WB/ p 14

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape

- Cassette


<b>Act. 1: Rhythm:</b> Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing, p.11). Ask Ss
to listen to the music and repeat the chant.

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Review the old sentences in Unit 1</b>: (TC 156-163) <i>Who's </i>
<i>(he)? Ss: (He's) (a cook).<b></b></i>


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the plural forms of the words.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Teachers, students,
shopkeepers, nurses,

<b>Sentences: </b>
Who are they?

They're Mr. and Mrs.

They're teachers.

Are they (teachers) ?
Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.


- Teacher
cards (TC):

<b>Cultural tip:</b>

In general, the words

<i>Mr., Mrs., Miss.,</i> and

<i>Ms., </i> precede family
names, not given
names: <i>Mrs. Long</i>, but

<i>Mari. Mrs</i>. indicates a
married woman, and

<i>Miss</i> indicates a single
woman. <i>Ms</i>. Precedes
a woman's surname
without specifying her
marital status, but is
used less frequently.

<i>Mr</i>. precedes a man's
surname and is also
non-specific of marital

- Do the same with <i>shopkeeper(s)</i>, using TC 156, 164
- Stick TC 156, 162 and 164, 170 on the board.

- Ask Ss to write the words in their notebooks and practice
speaking the words

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the question and answer pattern.</b>
- Use the puppets to teach the sentences.

<i>Puppet A: (point to 2 Ss) Who are they?</i><i>Puppet B: They're </i>

<i>Ba&An. They're students. </i>

- Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change
the roles

- Divide the class into 2 groups, practice the sentences.
Then change the role.

<b>Act. 3: Write:</b>

Who <i>are they? – They are Mr. and Mrs. Long. They're teachers.</i>
<i> Shopkeeper(s), nurse(s), student(s), teacher(s).</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat.</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
repeat the words.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

<b>Act. 2: Practice the dialogue:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, practice the dialogue
- Note: <i>They are = They're</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Show and Tell:</b>

- Point to a TC on the board and ask: Who's (he)? Who are

Get the whole class to answer: (He's)……/ They're………..

<i><b> Week 14 - Period 27 </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>



<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>
<b>focus: </b>

Learning new word in
terms of plural

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Teachers, students,
shopkeepers, nurses,

<b>Sentences: </b>
Who are they?

They're Mr. and Mrs.

They're teachers.
Are they (teachers) ?
Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

SB/ p. 14
WB/ p 14

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC):

<b>Cultural tip:</b>

In general, the words

<i>Mr., Mrs., Miss.,</i> and

<i>Ms., </i> precede family
names, not given
names: <i>Mrs. Long</i>, but

<i>Mari. Mrs</i>. indicates a
married woman, and

<i>Miss</i> indicates a single
woman. <i>Ms</i>. Precedes

a woman's surname
without specifying her
marital status, but is
used less frequently.

<i>Mr</i>. precedes a man's
surname and is also
non-specific of marital

<b>Review the numbers from 1- 10.</b>

<b>Find your partner: </b>give each student a card (2 Ss have the cards
related to each other), students will walk and find their partner which
has the same card<b>. </b>E.g.: <i>cook</i> and <i>cooks</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Review the pattern:</b>

- Use the puppets and TC 156-163 to review the pattern.
Puppet A (point to the picture 156): who's (he)? – Puppet B:
(He's) a shopkeeper.

Puppet A (point to the picture 164): Who are they? – Puppet B:
They're shopkeepers.

- Do the same with other pictures, singular or plural

- Divide the class into 2 teams, in turn, repeat the question

and the answer

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the new words :</b>

- Use the puppets and TC 156-163 to review the pattern.
Puppet A (point to the picture 157): who's (he)? – Puppet B:
(He's) a taxi driver.

Puppet A (point to the picture 165): Who are they? – Puppet B:
They're taxi drivers.

- Do the same with other pictures, singular or plural.
Practice in team.

<b>Act. 3: Write:</b>

Who are they ? – They taxi drivers/ taxi driver(s), farmer(s),
cook(s), police officer(s).

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b> Practice the pattern:</b>

- Play the tape and Ask Ss to listen and practice.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b> Practice without tape:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>Act. 1: Charades</b>

- Call a student to come to the board and look at the TC
53- 60 and 156-159

- Divide Ss into 4 groups and each group has 1

- ask him/ her to act out the picture by using gestures.
- Ask another student in the class to answer the word and
give mark.

<i><b>Week 14 - Period 28 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>


<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>
<b>focus: </b>

Learning new word in
terms of plural

<b>Vocabulary: </b>


Teachers, students,
shopkeepers, nurses,

<b>Sentences: </b>

SB/ p. 14
WB/ p 14

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC):


<b>Act. 1: Clap the board:</b> Stick TC 56-171 on the board. Call 2 Ss to
come to the board. Call out 1 picture and the 2 Ss must clap on the
right picture. Who is right and faster is the winner.


<b>Act. 1: Review the question and answer pattern.</b>
- Use the puppets to teach the sentences.

<i>Puppet A: (point to the card 156) Who's (he)? Puppet B: (He's) a<b></b></i>

<i>shopkeeper. </i>

<i>Puppet A: (point to the card 164) Who are they? Puppet B: <b></b></i>

<i>They're shopkeepers. </i>

- Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change
the role

- Divide the class into 2 groups, practice the sentences.
Then change the role.

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the question-and-answer pattern:</b>
- Use puppets to introduce the new pattern:

<i>Puppet A (point to the picture 168): Are they cooks? – Puppet B: </i>
<i>Yes, they are. </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

Who are they?

They're Mr. and Mrs.

They're teachers.

Are they (teachers) ?
Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

- Have Ss repeat the pattern several times. Call some pairs
to practice it.

<b>Act. 3: Write:</b> Are they cooks? – Puppet B: Yes, they are. / No, they

- Note: <i>are not = aren't.</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat the pattern:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. Then repeat the words
<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Then in turn, ask and answer
about the TC 164-171

<i>S1: Are they teachers? S2: Yes, they are. Or – No, No, they <b></b></i>

<i>aren't. </i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Guessing Game: </b>

Put TC 164-171 in a bag. Ask one student to choose one card

(but not showing it to the class) and ask his/ her friend: <i>Who are </i>
<i>they?</i> The other students must guess the picture by asking: <i>Are they </i>
<i>(Teachers)?</i> The 1st<sub> student will answer yes or no to the class and the </sub>

student has the correct answer will be the next to play the game.

<i><b>Week 15 - Period 29 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>


<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>
<b>focus: </b>

SB/ p. 14
WB/ p 14

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape


<b>Act. 1: Bingo:</b> Choose and stick TC 156-171 on the board. Ask Ss to
write down the words. Call out in term each picture. Give mark to first
5 Students who are bingo.

<b>Act. 1: Review the pattern: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

Learning new word in
terms of plural

<b>Vocabulary: </b>


<b>Sentences: </b>
Who are they?

They're Mr. and Mrs.

They're teachers.
Are they (teachers) ?
Yes, they are.

No, they aren't.

- Cassette

- Teacher
cards (TC) :
<b>Cultural tip:</b>

In general, the words

<i>Mr., Mrs., Miss.,</i> and

<i>Ms., </i> precede family
names, not given
names: <i>Mrs. Long</i>, but

<i>Mari. Mrs</i>. indicates a
married woman, and

<i>Miss</i> indicates a single
woman. <i>Ms</i>. Precedes
a woman's surname
without specifying her
marital status, but is

used less frequently.

<i>Mr</i>. precedes a man's
surname and is also
non-specific of marital

<i>Puppet A (point to the picture 168): Are they cooks? – Puppet </i>
<i>B: Yes, they are. </i>

<i>Puppet A (point to the picture 169): Are they cooks? – Puppet </i>
<i>B: No, they aren't.</i>

- Have Ss ask and answer

<b>Act. 2: Present "No, they aren't. They're (taxi divers)." </b>
<b>(Opened part. It's optional.)</b>

- Use the puppets and TC 164-171 to introduce the

<i>A (point to the picture 171): Are they cooks? </i><i>B: No, they </i>

<i>aren't. They're teachers</i>.

- Have Ss repeat the pattern many times. Call some pairs
to practice the pattern.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and answer:</b>

- Let's Ss listen to the tape "<i>yes or No"</i>. Ask them to write
down the answer.

- Listen again and practice the sentences.
<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer the questions:</b>

- Have Ss work in pair to ask and answer the right jobs of
each "NO"- answer in part "<i>Yes or No</i>?" using the answer: No,
they aren't. They're (cooks).

- Call some pair to practice.
<b>Act. 1: Asking personal information</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to exchange the family's
information about the jobs.

- Call some pairs to speak out.

<b>Act. 2: Workbook</b>: Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or
at home with weak Ss)

A: Write: write down the right words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

the right pictures using the colorful crayons. Then write the right

<i><b>Week 15 - Period 30 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>
<b>LET'S READ</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>
bed, Ted, red, hen,
pen, ten, net, pet,

<b>Sentences: </b>

Ted is in the red bed.
The ten pens are by
the hen.

The wet pet is in the

SB/ p. 16

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Pictures :
hen, net, pet,
bed, Ted

<b>Pronunciation tip: </b>
The English /r/ sound
is difficult. Ask the
students to watch
your lips as you
pronounce / r/. Show
them how to move
their lips forward as if
to kiss, and to open
their mouths slightly
to make an / r/ sound.
Tell the students that

<i>/r/</i> is the sound of a
lion roaring. Make an

<b>Writing game</b>

Ask Ss in turn of 2 to come before the class, show the picture
and ask: Who's (he)?. The 2 Ss must write down the right word. Who
writes true and faster is the winner. He/She will be the caller for the
next turn.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new words:</b>

- Use classroom objects and pictures to introduce the new

Bed, red, Ted, hen, pen, ten, net, pet, wet

- Have Ss repeat the new words several times.
<b>Act. 2: Write:</b>

Bed, red, Ted, hen, pen, ten, net, pet, wet
<b>Act. 1: Listen, point and repeat</b>

- Play the tape

- Ask Ss to look at the book, listen and point to the suitable

- Let Ss to listen again and repeat

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Give the commands and do the action:</b>

- Divide the class into 3 teams and give each team a
column of "<i>Word Families</i>" .

- Let each team listen to the cassette & repeat. Change
their column & practice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

exaggerated <i>/r/</i>

sound, and point your
lips slightly forward.
Have the students
practice / r/ by roaring
like lions

<b>Act. 1: Clap the board:</b>

Write the words in random on the board. Call 2 Ss to come to the
board. Call out 1 picture and the 2 Ss must clap on the right picture.
Who is right and faster is winner and gets a mark.

<b>Act 2: Simon says: </b>

- Divide the class into 3 teams and give each team a
column of "<i>Word Families</i>" .

- Call out a word and ask Ss in the group which have that
word to stand up. Then sit down.

- Which group has the least bad mark is the winner.

<i><b>Week 16 - Period 31 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>

<b>LET'S READ (cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Bed, Ted, red, hen,
pen, ten, net, pet,

<b>Sentences: </b>

Ted is in the red bed.

SB/ p. 16

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Pictures :
hen, net, pet,
bed, Ted

<b>Pronunciation tip: </b>
The English /r/ sound
is difficult. Ask the
students to watch
your lips as you
pronounce / r/. Show
them how to move


Ask Ss to write down the 9 words in Let's Read into 9 random cells.
Call out in term each word. Give mark to first 5 Students who are


<b>Act. 1: review the old words</b>

- Using the pictures/classroom objects: bed, red, Ted, hen,
pen, ten, net, pet, wet

- Have Ss repeat the words several times.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Present the new sentences:</b>

- Use picture to introduce the sentences:

The Ted is in the red bed. / The ten pens are by the hen. / The
wet pet is in the net.

- Have Ss repeat the words several times.
<b>Act. 3 : Write</b>:

The Ted is in the red bed.
The ten pens are by the hen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

The ten pens are by
the hen.

The wet pet is in the

their lips forward as if
to kiss, and to open

their mouths slightly
to make an / r/ sound.
Tell the students that

<i>/r/</i> is the sound of a
lion roaring. Make an
exaggerated <i>/r/</i>

sound, and point your
lips slightly forward.
Have the students
practice / r/ by roaring
like lions

<b>Act. 1: practice the words: </b>

- Ask Ss to look at the book. Play the cassette "<i>Let's Read, </i>
<i>Word Families?"</i>

- Listen and practice.
<b>Act. 2: Practice the sentences:</b>

- Play the cassette "<i>Let's Read, can you read?"</i>. Listen and

<b>Act. 1: Making more sentences</b>

- ask Ss to work in group of 5.

- Ask each group think out more meaningful sentences
using the 9 words above.

<b>Act 2: Workbook: </b>Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school
or at home

A. Connect: Have Ss connect the pictures to right letters.

B: Circle and write: Circle the right words and Write the words in
the blank.

<i><b>Week 16 - Period 32 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 2: </b>
<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 17

WB/ p. 17

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape

- Cassette player
- Teacher's Cards

(TC): 151-171
- Magnet


<b>Act. 1: Let's talk and Let's Sing: Interesting speaking!</b>

- Divide the cards to the Ss in random. Play the music and ask Ss
to pass the card to their right next friend. Then stop the music.
The st who has the cards to speak

- Then continue the music and then stop and practice.

<i>C1:What's the matter? C2:Are you OK? C3: I'm (sick) today. C4:That's too bad. </i>
<i>C5:Get better soon!</i>

<b>Act. 2: Let's learn and Let's Learn Some More: Writing race!</b>
- Divide Class into to 2 groups. Ask 1 Student in each group to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

(Review the whole

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole

- Sticker

- Word cards (C) <i>S1: Who's (he)?/ Who are they? </i>jobs that their partner said. <i>S2: (He's) (a cook)/ They're </i>


<b>Act. 3: Let's Read:</b> Make a quick drill. Give words and ask Ss to say
the right sentence.

<b>Act. 1: How to do a listening task:</b>

- Stick 2 TC 156 and 157 on the board, write letters A, B
and circle them.

- Ask S1 to go to the board and do the same

<b>Act. 1: Look and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the
teacher and answer

<i>T: Who's (he))? Who are they? How many cooks are there?...</i>

<b>Act. 2: Listen and circle:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A
or B

- Play the tape again and check the answers: 1B, 2A, 3A,
4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A


<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b> PW: ask and answer about the pictures 1-

<b>Act 2: Work book: </b>Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises
A. Circle: Ss look at the pictures and circle the suitable word.
B. Check: Ss tick the correct answer.

C. Check and write: Look at the pictures, check the right word and
fill in the blanks

<i><b>Week 17 - Period 33</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

<b>UNIT 1 - 2: </b>
<b>LET'S REVIEW </b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>



<b>Vocabulary: </b>

(Review the whole 2

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole 2

SB/ p. 18-19
WB/ p. 18-19
<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher's
Cards (TC): 151- 171
- Magnet

- Sticker
- Classroom


<b>Act. 1: Songs: </b> Divide the class into 3 groups. Each group sings 1
song. Change the song

<i>The Hi song / The Goodbye song / What' the matter?</i>

<b>Act. 2: Vocabulary: Clap the board:</b>

Choose some words to write on the board. Call 2 Ss, and call out the
word. Ss must go and clap the word. Who is faster and clap true will
be the next term of calling word.

<b>Act. 3: Structures: </b>

Make word cards of all vocabulary and put them in a box. Ask 2 Ss to
pick up 2 cards and make 1 or 2 conversations which is/ are suitable
with the words in the cards.

<b>Act. 4: Reading:</b>

Divide the class into groups of 9. Give each group an envelop with the
word cards for one of the sentences from 1 and 2, Let's Read. Have
the Ss arrange the words in the correct order to form sentences.

<b>Act. 1: play a game: </b>

- Have the class review the vocabulary by pointing to the

picture cues and identifying them.

- Ask Ss work in groups of 4 -5. Have the players use
individual markers (coin, rings,…) to move on the board. Give
each pair a die.

- Let them play in 5 minutes. He who comes to the end or
goes near the end wins the game.

<b>Act. 2: Answer the question:</b>

- Read question numbers. Have the class point to the
words as they listen. Read the questions below the pictures.
Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the question by
checking the answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer: </b>PW: ask and answer about the pictures
1-10 in "<i>play a game</i>",

<b>Act 2: Work book: </b> Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school (or at home).

A, Write Ss look at the pictures and write the suitable word in the

<i><b>Week 17 - Period 34</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 1- 2: </b>

<b>LET'S REVIEW </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

(Review the whole 2

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole 2

SB/ p. 18-19
WB/ p. 18-19
<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Teacher's
Cards (TC):

- Magnet
- Sticker


<b>Act. 1: Songs: </b>

Divide the class into 3 groups. Let each group sing 1 songs: <i>The Hi </i>
<i>song / The Goodbye song / the What' the matter? Song. </i>Change the
song by the group.

<b>Act. 2: Vocabulary: writing :</b>

Give or ask Ss to take out a piece of paper. Teacher reads 10-15
words. The Ss must write down the right words. When finishing, T
collects the pieces of paper and gives marks.

<b>Act. 3: Structures: </b>

Make word cards of sentences of all dialogues and put them in a box.
Ask 2 Ss to pick up 2 cards and rearrange the sentences to makes


<b>Act. 1: Say and act.</b>

- Have Ss look at the 2 conversations with the blanks.
- Ss fill the blanks.

- Ss work in pairs to practice the 2 conversation.
- Call some pair to act out.

<b>Act. 2: How to do a listening task:</b>

- Draw 2 pictures of a desk and a chair on the board, write
letters A, B and circle them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

<b>Act.3: Listen carefully:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the
teacher and answer.

- Listen again to check the answer: 1A, 2 A.
<b>Act. 4: Listen and read, Circle the words:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the words.
- Play the tape again and check the answers: 1 This, 2 It,
3Those, 4 They.


<b>Act. 1: Work book: </b> Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school (or at home).

C: Write: Ss look at the pictures and write the sentences.
D: Write: Look at the pictures, fill in the blanks.

<i><b>Week 18- Period 35</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

<i><b>Week 18 - Period 36 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>LET'S TALK</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

address , street
Where do you

I live in

SB/ p. 20

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- A library

- Index

- 2 sub-



Have students (Ss) stand up and count off, sitting down after they have said
their number. Have them stand again and count off backward starting with the
highest number they counted to.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new vocabulary.</b>

- Use sub-board 1( Draw a simple house and street )

- Draw an exaggerated street sign on the street that says <i>North, </i>and
an exaggerated number <i>16 </i>on the front door of the house.

- Point to the number and then to the street name and say<i> address.</i>

Have the class repeat.
<b>Act. 2: Present the dialogue :</b>

- Use sub-board2 (Draw several more houses, above the drawing
write Hillsdale). Then point to the board and say, <i>Hillsdale</i>.

- Use puppets to model the first part of the dialogue.

Puppet A : <i>Where do you live?</i> <sub></sub> Puppet B : <i>I live in Hillsdale.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

What's your

It's (16 North

Puppet A : <i>What's your address? </i><sub></sub> Puppet B : <i>It's 16 North street.</i>

<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Write:</b>

- address, street

- Where do you live? I live in Hillsdale.
- What's your address? It's 16 North street.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and point:</b>

- Play the tape.

- Ask Ss to look at the book and point to the characters.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape again and stop by sentence. Ask Ss to repeat.

<b>Role play (pair work) : </b>applying for a blank library card (using the first and
the second of the dialogue).

- S1: Librarian  S2: Student

<i><b>Week 19 - Period 37 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S TALK (cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

address , street

SB/ p. 20
WB/ p. 20

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Toy (or
picture of )
- Form for


<b>Back-to-Back Numbers: </b>(pair work) review the numbers 1-10
through pair dictation.

<b>Act. 1: Present the rest of the dialogue:</b>

- Use puppets to model the third part of the dialogue.

Puppet A : <i>What's your telephone number?</i> <sub></sub> Puppet B :

<i>It's 798-2043.</i>

- Use puppets to model the last part of the dialogue.
Puppet A : <i>Here you are.</i> <sub></sub> Puppet B : <i>Thank you.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>Sentences: </b>

- Where do you live?
I live in (Hillsdale).
- What's your


It's (16 North

What's your

telephone number?
It's ( 798-2043).
Here your card.

class directory
or telephone


- A real
library card

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape again and stop by sentence.
- Ask Ss to repeat<b>.</b>

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Act out the dialogue:</b>

- Have Ss sit in groups of 2.

- Practice the dialogue in SB/p. 20

- Ask Ss to come before the class and act it out.

<b>Act. 1: Role play ( pair work ) : </b>applying for a blank library card
(The completed dialogue)

- S1 : Librarian
- S2 : Student
<b>Act. 2: Work book</b>
<b> Write </b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school (or at
home with weak Ss).

- Have Ss read the library cards of Kate and Andy.

- Have them complete the sentences using the information
on Kate's and Andy's library cards.

<i><b>Week 19 - Period 38 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>LET'S SING</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


SB/ p. 21

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


<b>Role play: </b>Ask 2 Ss to come before the class and act out the
dialogue on the page 20

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the vocabulary</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

address , street ,

his , her
<b>Sentences: </b>

- Where do you live?
I live in (Hillsdale).
- What's your


It's (16 North

- What's your
telephone number?
It's ( 798-2043).
Here your card.

That's (my)

telephone number.

player book.

( point to girl's book and then to girl ) : That's her book.
( point to boy's book and then to boy ) : That's his book.
<b>Act. 2: Present the new pattern</b>

- Draw a telephone. Below the phone, write 123-4456.
- Use puppets to introduce the pattern.

Puppet A : <i>What's your telephone number?</i> Puppet A : <sub></sub> <i>It's </i>

T: ( point to yourself) <i>That's my telephone number.</i>

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the song:</b>
- Ask Ss open the book

- Ask questions about the picture in the book.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and read:</b>
- Play the tape

- Ask Ss to listen and read.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>: Sing the song without music:</b>

- Sing sentence by sentence. Ask Ss to repeat
<b>Act. 3: Listen and sing along</b>

- Play the tape again. Ask Ss to listen and sing along

<b>Sing in groups:</b>

Ask Ss to sing the song in 2 big groups:

G1: <i>What's your telephone number?</i> G2: <i>It's 123-4456</i>.<i> That's</i>
<i>my telephone number.</i>

<i><b>Week 20 - Period 39 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S SING (Cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

SB/ p. 21
WB/ p. 21


<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<b>Key language </b>



<b>Vocabulary: </b>

telephone number,
my, his, her

<b>Sentences: </b>
- What's your
telephone number?

That's my

telephone number.

- What's his / her
telephone number?

That's his / her
telephone number.

Let's chant, let's sing/
p. 12

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

the name of the song. The last have to sing the song.

<b>Act. 1: Re-present the song:</b>

- Ask Ss to sit in 4 groups and give each group 9 sentences

- Ask them to make a song.

The Telephone Number Song
1. 123-4456

2. What's your telephone

3. That's my telephone

4. That's her telephone


5. 242-4668

6. What's his telephone

7. 655-4321

8. What's her telephone

9. That's his telephone

<b>FB: </b>2-1-3-6-7-9-8-5-4

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and sing along</b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to open the books, listen and sing

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>: Sing the song with the music:</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 12)
- Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing

<b>Act. 3: Sing in groups with the music:</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 12) again
- Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing the song in 3 big

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Perform the song:</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 12) again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>


<i><b>Week 20 - Period 40 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>LET'S LEARN</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
house, bedroom,
kitchen, dining room,
living room,

<b>Sentences: </b>
This is my house.
This is the


SB/ p. 22

Let's chant, let's sing/
p. 12

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-176 ( room)
- Student
Cards 53-59
( Book1, family

<b>Cultural tip</b>

In a two-story house,
the dining room and
living room are

usually on the first or
main floor, near the
kitchen. The

bedroom(s) and the
bathroom(s) are

<b>Act. 1: Singing:</b>

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 12)
- Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing the song
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Review the old sentences in Unit 1</b>. each S

- Distribute multiple sets of SC 53-59 so that each S has
one card. Each S introduces the family member to his or her

<i>S1 : This is my ( mother ). <b></b></i> <i> S2 : Nice to meet you. <b></b> S3 : Nice to</i>

<i>meet you, too.</i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the new vocabulary.</b>

- Use TC 172-176 to introduce the names of rooms.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Introduce the structure.</b>

- Place TC 175 ( bedroom) on marker rail and model the

T : <i>This is the bedroom.</i>

- Have Ss repeat several times in chorus.

- Repeat this procedure for the remaining rooms.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
point to the room.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the
new vocabulary.

<b>Act. 2: Practice the structure:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

usually upstairs. - Ss work in pair, point to the picture and introduce the

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Show and Tell:</b>

- Point to a TC on the board and say: <i>This is my house. This</i>

<i>is the …</i>

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Drawing:</b>

- Ask Ss draw their dream house and Ss will introduce it to
their friends.

<i> </i> <i>This is my house. This is the …</i>

<i><b> Week 21 - Period 41 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

house, bedroom,
kitchen, dining room,
living room,

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 23

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-176 ( room)
- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
177-186 (
objects )


<b>Act. 1: Show and tell:</b> Stick TC 172-176 on the board. Have Ss to

introduce the pictures.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the new vocabulary.</b>

- Use TC 177-186 to introduce household objects. Then
stick them on the board.

- Point to the pictures and say the words. Then have Ss

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the structure</b>

- Stick TC 172-176 on the board. And place TC 177-186 on
the board in the appropriate "rooms".

- Use the puppets to model the <i>Wh-question-and-answer </i>


Puppet A: <i>Where's the bed?</i>  Puppet B: <i>It's in the </i>


- Ask a student as puppet A, T as puppet B. Then change
the role

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

bed, bathtub, sofa,
stove, lamp, sink,
toilet, TV,

<b>Sentences: </b>

This is my house.
This is the


Where's the (bed)?
It's in the (bedroom).

Then change the role.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat and point:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
point to the objects.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Then in turn, ask and answer
about the objects.

S1:(point to a bathtub in the book): <i>Where's the bathtub?</i> <sub></sub>
S2: <i>It's in the bathroom</i>.

<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 big teams
- Play the tape

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the questions (Team A) and
the answers (Team B)


<b>The Topsy-Turvy House: </b>Keep TC 177-186 in the house drawing on
the board

- Ask Ss to move the SC so that they are in the wrong
"rooms": the bathtub in the bathroom, the stove in the
bathroom, etc.

- Conduct a quick Chain Drill: <i>S1: Where's the (bed)?</i><i>S2: </i>

<i>It's in the (bedroom).</i>

<i><b>Week 21 - Period 42 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

SB/ p. 23
WB/ p. 22

<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b>

- Use TC 177-186

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

- house, bedroom,
kitchen, dining room,
living room,


- bed, bathtub, sofa,
stove, lamp, sink,
toilet, TV,

<b>Sentences: </b>

- This is my house.
This is the


- Where's the (bed)?
It's in the


Is the (lamp) in the

Yes, it is.

Let's chant, let's sing/

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-176 ( room)
- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
177-186 (
objects )

ask: <i>Where's the lamp? </i>

- The whole class answers.


<b>Act. 1: Review the question and answer pattern.</b>
- Use the puppets to teach the sentences.

Puppet A:(point to the card 177) <i>Where's the bed? </i> Puppet

B: <i>It's in the bedroom.</i>

- Divide the class into 2 groups, practise the sentences.
Then change the role.

<b>Act. 2: Present the Yes/No question-and-answer pattern.</b>
- Use the house drawn or placed on the board, rearrange
objects so that some rooms contain the correct objects and
others do not.

- Use the puppets to model the pattern.

Puppet A: <i>Is the bathtub in the bathroom?</i>  Puppet B :

<i>No, it isn't.</i>

Puppet A: <i>Is the bathtub in the bedroom?</i>  Puppet B :

<i>Yes, it is.</i>

<b>Act. 1: Listen, repeat and point:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
point to the objects.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the

<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Then in turn, ask and answer

about the objects.

S1 :(point to a bathtub in the book): <i>Is the bathtub in the </i>

S2 : <i>No, it isn't.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

No, it isn't. <b>Act. 1:</b> <b>The best musician:</b>

- Ask 1 or 2 Ss to come before the class. Make the rhythm
& the class follows

Work in 2 team.( Where's the bed? / Let's chant, Let's sing/
p.13 )

<b>Act. 2: Workbook</b>: Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school or at home

<i><b>Week 22 - Period 43 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>



<b>Vocabulary: </b>

- house, bedroom,
kitchen, dining room,
living room,


- bed, bathtub, sofa,
stove, lamp, sink,
toilet, TV,


SB/ p. 23
WB/p. 23

Let's chant, let's sing/

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-176 ( room)
- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
177-186 (
objects )

<b>Act. 1: Make the rhythm:</b>

- Ask 1 or 2 volunteers to come before the class, make the

<i>Where's the bed? </i><i> It's in the bedroom. </i>

<i> Is this a bedroom? </i><i> Yes, it is.</i>

- The class clap their hands and follow him/ her

<b>Act. 1: Review the sentences:</b>

- Use the puppets to review the sentences.

Puppet A:(point to the card 177) <i>Where's the bed? </i>Puppet

B: <i>It's in the bedroom.</i>

- Have Ss ask and answer

<b>Act. 2: Review the Yes/No question-and-answer pattern.</b>
- Use the puppets to review the pattern.

Puppet A: <i>Is the bathtub in the bathroom?</i>  Puppet B :

<i>No, it isn't.</i>

Puppet A: <i>Is the bathtub in the bedroom?</i>  Puppet B :

<i>Yes, it is.</i>

<b>Act. 1: Say these:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>Sentences: </b>

- This is my house.
This is the


- Where's the (bed)?
It's in the


- Is the (lamp) in the

Yes, it is.
No, it isn't.

the objects & say
<b>Act. 2: Ask and answer:</b>

- Use the house drawn or placed on the board, rearrange
objects so that some rooms contain the correct objects and
others do not.

- Ss work in pair and do the task. <i>S1 : Ask </i><i> S2 : </i>


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Draw and Tell: (pair work)</b>

- Tell each student to draw a simple plan of the Topsy-Turvy

- The partner describe his/ her house to the other partner,
who then draws that house plan on a blank piece of paper as
he/ she listens.

- They check the drawing together and then change roles.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Workbook</b>: Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at
school or at home

<i><b>Week 22 - Period 44 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>


<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 24

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :

<b>Act. 1: Walk and Talk:</b> (PW)

- Have Ss place TC 172-186 in various location
around the room.

- Ss walk around the room and ask each other :

<i>What's this? / What's that?</i>

S1: <i>What's this?</i> <sub></sub> S2: <i>It's a sink</i>.

S1: <i>Where's the sink?</i> <sub></sub> S2: <i>It's in the kitchen. What's that?</i>

S1: <i>It's a toilet. , etc.</i>

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Review the prepositions </b><i><b>in, on, under</b></i><b> and </b><i><b>by</b></i>.
- Point to the objects as you review the prepositions.
- Have the class repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

next to, in front of,

<b>Sentences: </b>

There is a (lamp next
to the sofa).

172-189 ( room,
objects )

Classroom real

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Introduce the prepositions:</b>

- Use a bag and a book to introduce <i>next to.</i>

- Point to the two objects to show the spatial relationship
as you make the statement emphasizing the preposition

T: <i>The book is next to the bag.</i>

- Place the objects in the appropriate positions to introduce

<i>in front of</i> and <i>behind</i>.

- Have the class repeat several times.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen and
point to the objects.

- Have Ss repeat the words.

- Ask Ss to open the book, look at the pictures and

<b>Act. 2: Substitution Drill:</b>

- Arrange other classroom objects to cue Ss.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Walk and Talk:</b> Have Ss go around the classroom and
describe the objects.

<i><b> Week 23 - Period 45 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>MORE (Cont.)</b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>

SB/ p. 24

Let's chant, let's sing/
p. 14

<b>Act. 1: Look and Describe</b>

- Show TC 172-189. Have Ss describe the objects in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

next to, in front of,

<b>Sentences: </b>

There is a (lamp next
to the sofa).

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-189 ( room,
objects )

Classroom real

- Point to the bag and the book as you model the singular

T: <i>There's a book next to the bag.</i>

- Have Ss repeat several times in chorus.

- Leave the bag on the table. Place a notebook in front of
the bag.

T: <i>There's a notebook in front of the book.</i>

- Call on individual Ss to repeat the sentence.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Write:</b>

- Write the paradigm on the board

- Write the explanation of the contraction on the board:

<i>There is = There's</i>

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen.
- Read aloud several times and have Ss repeat.

- Play the tape again and have Ss point to the pictures on
page 24 as they listen.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>The best musician:</b>

- Ask 1 or 2 volunteers to make the rhythm and the class
follow him/ her

- Work in 2 team.( Where's the bed? / Let's chant, Let's
sing/ p.14 )

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Substitution Drill:</b>

- Give each student volunteer a marker and one other

- Have the volunteers arrange their markers and objects
on the table to illustrate either <i>next to, in front of, </i>or<i> behind.</i>

- Then point to each set of objects and have the class
make the statements.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

<i>front of the ( cassette ).</i>

<i><b>Week 23 - Period 46 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>MORE (Cont.)</b>

<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

next to, in front of,

<b>Sentences: </b>

There is a (lamp next
to the sofa).

There are (lamps
behind the sofa).

SB/ p. 25

WB/ pp. 24- 25

Let's chant, let's sing/
p. 14

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Classroom real

- Teacher and
Student Cards
(TC&SC) :
172-189 ( room,
objects )

<b>Act. 1: Game: The best band: </b>

- Divide Ss into 4 groups (bands) and each group has 2
solo singers.

- Play the music (Let's chant, let's sing/ p. 14) and have Ss
perform the song


<b>Act. 1: Review the sentences: </b><i><b>There is a (lamp next to the </b></i>
<i><b>sofa ).</b></i>

- Use the puppets to review the sentences.

Puppet A: <i>There's a sink next to the stove. </i>Puppet B: <i>There's a</i>

<i>chair behind the table.</i>

- Have Ss repeat.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the sentence: </b><i><b>There are (lamps behind the </b></i>

- Keep the bag on the table and place two books next to it.
- Model the plural structure. Have the class repeat.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat and point:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen.
- Read aloud several times and have Ss repeat.

- Play the tape again and have Ss point to the pictures on
page 25 as they listen.

<b>Act. 2: Practice both structures: ( GW )</b>

- Have Ss take out of their book bags and place them on
the table.

S1 : <i>There's an eraser on the desk.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

S2 : <i>There are two pencils next to the eraser.</i>

- Encourage Ss to also use <i>in</i>, <i>on</i>, <i>under</i>, and <i>by</i> in their

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Walk and talk:</b>

- Ask Ss to cover their eyes. Change the location of various

- Have Ss walk around in pairs. They must describe the
new location of object to each other.

S1: <i>There's a lamp by the window</i>. S2: <i>There are two </i>
<i>chairs behind the desks.</i>

<i><b> Week 24 - Period 47 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>MORE (Cont.)</b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>



<b>Vocabulary: </b>

next to, in front of,

<b>Sentences: </b>

SB/ p. 25

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


Classroom real

- Teacher
and Student
Cards (TC&SC) :
172-189 ( room,
objects )

<b>Act. 1: Review the sentences</b>

<i><b> </b>There is a (lamp next to the sofa ).</i> <i>There are (lamps behind </i>
<i>the sofa).</i>

- Use pictures to ask Ss to do the task.

<b>Act. 1: Present the singular Yes/ No question-and-answer </b>

- Put one book and one bag on the table.

- Model the singular Yes/No question-and-answer pattern.
T : <i>Is there a ruler next to the bag?</i>  Ss : <i>No, there </i>


T : <i>Is there a book next to the bag?</i>  Ss : <i>Yes, there </i>


- Have Ss repeat.

- Continue with question about other classroom objects.
T : <i>Is there a chair in front of the table?</i>  Ss : <i>Yes, </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>


- There is a (lamp
next to the sofa).
- There are (lamps
behind the sofa).

Is there a lamp on
the table?

Yes, there is.
No, there isn't.
Are there any cats
next to the chair?
Yes, there are.
No, there aren't.

<b>Act. 2: Present the plural Yes/ No question-and-answer </b>

- Use two books and one bag to model the plural
question-and-answer pattern.

T : <i>Are there any rulers next to the bag?</i>  Ss : <i>No, </i>

<i>there aren't.</i>

T : <i>Are there any books next to the bag?</i> Ss : <i>Yes, </i>

<i>there are.</i>

- Have Ss repeat.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat and point:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at the books, listen.
- Read aloud several times and have Ss repeat.

- Play the tape again and have Ss point to the pictures on
page 25 as they listen.

<b>Act. 2: Ask and Answer</b>

- Have Ss take turn asking questions about the location of
objects on the desk.

<b>Guessing Game: ( PW)</b>

- S1: Draw a picture (e.g. a cat) in one of the rooms. Don't
show a picture.

Ask S2 : <i>Where is the cat?</i>

- S2: Guess by asking e.g. <i>Is it in the bedroom?</i>

- When S2 guesses correctly, turn S1's paper around the

<i><b>Week 24 - Period 48 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>LET'S READ</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

SB/ p. 26
WB/ pp. 26


- Write a sentence from page 16 of the SB on the board,
but leave one word out of the sentence. Ask Ss to insert the
word E.g. <i>Ted is in the red bed</i>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

fin, pin, thin, hit, sit,
big, fig, twig

<b>Sentences: </b>
Unit Review.

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- cassette

- realia
- magazine

teacher-made word

<b>Pronunciation tip :</b>
For the <i>/th/</i> sound,
point to your tongue
between your teeth.
Pronounce <i>thin, this, </i>
<i>these, three.</i> Have the
Ss slightly bite their
tongues when they
repeat these words.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new vocabulary.</b>

- Use realia, magazine pictures to introduce the new

- Hold up objects or pictures, say the word twice, and have
Ss repeat.

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the </b><i><b>–in</b></i><b> word family.</b>
- Write <i>__ in </i>on the board.

- Read the <i>_in</i> combination aloud as you draw your finger
under both letters.

- Write <i>f</i> next to the <i>_in</i> combination (<i>fin</i>).

- Beneath fin on the board, again write <i>_ in</i>. Write <i>p</i> next to
the _in combination (<i>pin</i>). Do the same with <i>thin</i>

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the </b><i><b>–it </b></i><b>and – ig word families.</b>

- Follow the procedures in Act 2 to introduce the <i>–it </i>and –
ig word families.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and repeat</b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to look at the book, listen & point to
the suitable pictures.

- Get Ss to listen again and repeat
<b>Act. 2: Listen and point</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs. S1 says the words in random
order, S2 listens &points.

- Reserve roles.
<b>Act. 3:</b> <b>Repetition Drill:</b>

- Erase the board and ask Ss to close their book.

- Use teacher-made word cards, drill all the words with –in,
-ig, -it & their families.

<b>Word Families Race: (GW)</b>

- Use a set of alphabet cards and several word family cards
from Unit1-3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

end of three minutes each team reads aloud the words they
mad. The team with the most correct words wins.

<i><b>Week 25 - Period 49 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>

<b>LET'S READ (Cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

fin, pin, thin, hit, sit,
big, fig, twig

<b>Sentences: </b>
Unit Review.

SB/ p. 26
WB/ p. 26

<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- puppets
- CD/ tape

- cassette player

- classroom

- realia
- magazine


- teacher-made
word cards

<b>Act. 1: Review the vocabulary:</b>

- Use the pictures or magazine pictures to review learned

<b>Act. 1: Can you read?</b>

- Ask questions about the pictures at the bottom of the
page 26.

- Use learned language and elicit the vocabulary as

T: <i>What's this?</i> Ss : <i>It's a pin.</i>

T: <i>Where is the pin?</i>  Ss : <i>The pin is in the thin </i>


- Use similar questions for the remaining pictures.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and Read: </b>

- Play the tape. Ask Ss to listen and read along.
- Have Ss practice reading the sentences in pairs.
<b>Act. 2: Say and Point:</b>

- Ask Ss to remember all the sentences.

- Have Ss point to the right picture when Ss say.

<b>Act. 1: Original Sentences:</b>

- Divide the class into small groups.

- Each group uses a full set of word cards from Unit1-3 to
create original sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

<b>Act 2: Workbook:</b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at
home with weak Ss)

A. Write : Have Ss write the words of the same word family.
B. Circle and write :

- Have Ss look at the picture and read sentence.

- Have Ss circle the correct word above the sentence and
write the word in the blank to complete the sentence.

<i><b>Week 25 - Period 50 </b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>
(Review the whole

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole


SB/ p. 27
WB/ p. 27

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher
Cards (TC):

- Magnet

<b>Act. 1: Let's talk: Dialogue Musical Chairs</b>

- Play this game with "The Telephone Number Song".
<b>Act. 2: Let's learn:</b>

- Have Ss write <i>Yes</i> on one side of a piece of paper and <i>No</i>

on the other.

- Display TC 172-176 on the rail.

- Ask Yes/No questions about location of furnishings in the

<i>In the bathroom, is the sink next to the bathtub?</i>

- The Ss must display their Yes/No answers in response to
each question.

<b>Act. 3: Let's learn some more: Follow Directions</b>

- Have the Ss place a pencil, pencil case, eraser, book, &
crayons on their desk.

- T also has the same objects on T's desk.

- Instruct the Ss how to place the objects in relation to
each other.

T: <i>Put the pencil in front…. Put the pencil case behind it, </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>Act. 1: Look and Say:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book.

- Have Ss identify all the rooms and objects in the pictures.
<b>Act. 2: Listen and circle:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A
or B

- Play the tape again and check the answers: 1A, 2A, 3A,
4B, 5A, 6B, 7A, 8B.

<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b>

- Have Ss listen and write the numbers they hear in the
story. Read the following:

T: <i>This is Ted. He is ten years old. He lives in Hillsdale. He </i>
<i>lives at 17 North Street. </i>

<i> He is a student. His telephone number is 644-3351.</i>

- Read it & pause between the sentences so the Ss can
write down the numbers.

- After reading the story twice, allow the Ss to compare
their answers in pairs.

- Read the story once more. Tell the Ss to recheck their

<i><b>Week 26 - Period 51</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>
<b>LET’S TALK</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


SB/ p. 28

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette



<b>Act. 1 Review Wh-question from Let’<sub>s Talk Unit 3: </sub></b>

<b> </b>- <i>What’<sub>s your telephone number? - What</sub>’<sub>s your address? - </sub></i>

<i>Where do you live?</i>

- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer their partners
these questions.

<b>Act. 2: Review prepositions : </b><i>under, in, on, behind, next to, in </i>
<i>front of</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>


What’<sub>s wrong? </sub>

I can’<sub>t find my book. </sub>

Is it in your bed

I don’<sub>t know.</sub>

Oh, here it is.
It’<sub>s under my bed.</sub>

- Classroom


<b>Act. 1: Present the first part of the dialogue:</b>
- Model the dialogue with 2 students.

<i>What’<sub>s wrong? I can’t find my book. </sub></i>

- Have Ss to repeat the first part several times.
- Call some pairs to practise the dialogue.

<b>Act. 2: Present the complete dialogue:</b>

- Use puppets to introduce the complete dialogue.
- Have Ss repeat the dialogue several times.

- Have Ss work in pairs and call some pairs to act out the

- <b>Have Ss write down on their notebooks.</b>
<b>*Note :</b><i><b>cannot =can</b><b>’</b><b><sub>t</sub></b></i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and point:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to look at their books and point to
the characters.

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape again, stop by sentence and ask Ss to repeat.

<b>Act. 1: Role play the complete dialogue:</b>
- Divide the class into 2 groups.

<i>G1: What’<sub>s wrong? </sub></i><sub></sub><i><sub> G2: I can</sub>’<sub>t find my book.</sub></i>

<i>G1: Is it in your bedroom. </i><i> G2: I don’t know. Oh, here it is. It’s </i>

<i>under my bed. Thanks. Mom!</i>

<i><b>Week 26 - Period 52</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S TALK (cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

SB/ p. 28
WB/ p. 28


<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
What’<sub>s wrong? </sub>

I can’<sub>t find my book. </sub>

Is it in your bed


I don’<sub>t know.</sub>

Oh, here it is.
It’<sub>s under my bed. </sub>

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Teacher and
Student Cards
(SC):1- 8

- Teacher Cards
77 and 181

<b>Act. 1: Present the complete dialogue again:</b>

- Use puppets to introduce the dialogue. Have Ss repeat the
dialogue several times.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape again and stop by sentence. Ask Ss to repeat.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Act out the dialogue:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs.

- Practice the dialogue in SB/ p. 28.

- Ask Ss to come before the class and act it out.

<b>Act. 1: Pick and Speak:</b>

- Call a student in random and ask him/ her to stand up

- Hold up individual TC1- 8 and ask Ss to act out the first part
with them.

<i> T: What’<sub>s wrong? S: I can</sub>’<sub>t find my (pencil).</sub></i>

- Hold up TC 172 (living room), 175 (bedroom), 177 (bed) and
181 (sofa) to cue these answer for the rest part of the


<i>T: Is it in the (living room)?</i>
<i> S: I don’t know<b>. (pause)</b></i>

<i> Oh, here it is. It’<sub>s under my bed.</sub></i>

<i> Thanks. ……….!</i>

- Ask the whole class to speak in chorus the complete dialogue.
- Then it’s turn of other students to act the complete dialogue


<b>Act. 2: Work book</b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at
home with weak Ss)

A. Trace and write:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<i><b>Week 27 - Period 53</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>
<b>LET’S SING</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Hear, reach, find,

see, the bookshelf
<b>Sentences: </b>

I/He can’t find my/his

SB/ p. 29

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Teacher Cards
25-32 (classroom

<b>Act. 1: Role play: </b>

- Ask Ss to repeat the complete dialogue on the page 28 and
then ask some pairs to come before the class and act it out.


<b>Act. 1: Review the commands:</b>

<b> </b>- Show the TC 17-22, 25-32, ask Ss to give the commands,
repeat and do the actions.

- Give commands without showing the TC and also have Ss act

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the characters</b> <b>and the verb phrases:</b>
- Ask Ss to open their books on page 29, point to Andy in the

<i>T: What’s wrong, Andy? </i><i> I can’t find my book. </i>

- Have Ss practice more with TC 190-193 (action verbs):

<i>hear the teacher, reach the bookshelf, find my pencil, see the </i>

- Have Ss say the phrases again and do the actions.
<b>Act. 2: Introduce the song:</b>

- Ask questions about each picture in the book:

<i>What’<sub>s his name? </sub></i><sub></sub><i><sub> (Scott), What</sub>’<sub>s this? </sub></i><sub></sub><i><sub> (a bookshelf, a </sub></i>


- Ask Ss to repeat each sentence of the song in chorus and act
out if possible.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and point:</b>

- Play the tape, ask Ss to listen and point to the pictures on
their books.

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>: Sing the song without music:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>Act. 3: Listen and sing along:</b>

- Play the tape again, ask Ss to listen and sing along.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Sing in groups: </b>Ask Ss to sing the song in 3 big groups:
<i>G1: What’s wrong, Andy? </i>

<i>G2: I can’<sub>t find my book / ……….I can’t see the board.</sub></i>
<i>G3: He can’<sub>t hear the teacher / ………/ He can</sub>’<sub>t see the </sub></i>


<i><b>Week 27 – Period 54</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S SING (Cont.)</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Hear, reach, find,
see, the bookshelf
<b>Sentences: </b>

- I/He can’t find
my/his book.

SB/ p. 29
WB/ p. 29

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p. 17

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


- Teacher Cards
25-32 (classroom

<b>Act. 1: Re-ordering and singing:</b>

- Divide the class into 4 groups and give each group 4 cards.
- Ask them to re-order the cards to the second paragraph of the


- The first to find out the answer go to the board and hold up
the cards with 4 Ss (they can make 1 line for one group) and
the last has to sing the song.

<b>Act. 1: Re-present the song:</b>

- Show the TC 190-193 (action verbs), maybe TC 17-22, 25-32
(classroom commands) and have Ss act out.

- Say the commands without showing TC and also have Ss act

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and sing along:</b>

- Play the tape, ask Ss to open their books, listen and sing

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>: Sing the song with the music:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>Act. 3: Sing in groups with the music:</b>

- Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing/ p. 17) again.
- Ask Ss to listen to the music and sing the song in 4 big


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Perform the song:</b>

- Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing/ p. 17) again.

- A volunteer group comes before the class to perform the

- Three other groups take their turns to come before the class
to perform the song.

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>I’m a musician:</b>

- Have Ss work in groups, sing the song with their own

commands <i>(play with the yo-yo) </i>

<b>Act. 3: Workbook:</b>

- Ask Ss to draw the pictures of one command, then write the
command in the blanks on their notebooks.

- Ask them to sing the song aloud with the command on their

<i><b>Week 28 - Period 55</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>
<b>LET’S LEARN</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

Learning new words

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
Me, her, his

SB/ p. 30

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p. 17

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette


<b>Act. 1: Sing: </b>

- Play the music (Let‘s chant, let’s sing/ p. 17), ask Ss to listen to
the music and sing.

<b>Act. 2: Review </b>

Use TC 93-97 and 11-116 review commands and verb phrase
Hold up 1 TC & have 1 st say the phrase & get the class repeat &

act out if possible.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new vocabulary:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

Do a magic trick
Use chopsticks
Ride a pony

Write the alphabet
Sing a song

Speak English

- Teacher’s
cards (TC)


- Stick the TC 194-199 on the board and have the class repeat
new verb phrases.

<b>Act. 2: Check the Ss memory :</b>

- Randomly point to TC 194-199 on the board, have the class
say the correct verb phrase and mine the action.

- Ask Ss to write the words in their notebooks and then practise
speaking the words.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape, ask Ss to look at the books, p.30, listen & point
to the pictures.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen and repeat the new


<b>Act. 2: Practice the new vocabulary: </b>

- Have Ss close their books & work in pairs, one acts out & the
other says the correct verb phrase.

- Have Ss change their roles and call some pairs to come
before the class and act out.

<b>Act. 1: Show, mine and say:</b>

- Point to a TC on the board and ask Ss to say the correct verb

- Do the same with other TC and ask the class to repeat the
verb phrases again.

- Divide the class into 2 groups. Randomly point to one S from
group 1 and ask his/her to mine and a volunteer S from
group 2 to call out the correct verb phrase.

- 5 points for each correct verb phrase. Change the group
continuously until the end

<i><b>Week 28 - Period 56</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Do a magic trick
Use chopsticks
Ride a pony

Write the alphabet
Sing a song

Speak English
Me, her, his (new)
<b>Sentences: </b>
Look at <i>me.</i>
<i> her.</i>
<i> his. </i>

<i>I can</i> sing a


SB/ p. 30

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):

<b>Act. 1: Show and tell:</b>

Stick TC 194-199 on the board, have Ss call out the correct verb phrases
and act out


<b>Act. 1: Introduce the first part of the sentence:</b>

- Point to him/herself and ask the whole class: <i>”Look at me! ” </i>– Have
Ss repeat.

- Point to a boy /a girl and ask the whole class: “<i>Look at him/ her</i>!”
- Do again and ask Ss to repeat several times with <i>him, her</i>.

- Randomly point to one S and have Ss call out if him, her or me. And
have Ss repeat

<b>Act. 2: Introduce the whole sentence:</b>

- Point to him/herself and tell the whole class: ”<i>Look at me</i>! <i>I can </i>

<i>sing a song. </i>”

- Use the puppets to present <i>He/ She can </i>

Puppet A: (point to Puppet B)  Look at him. He can sing a song.

Puppet B: (point to Puppet A) <i>Look at her. She can sing a song.</i>

- Have a S mine and another Ss call out  Look at him/ her. He/ She
<i>can sing a song.</i>

Have the class repeat several times with <i>me/ I can ... her/ She can …, </i>
<i>him/ He can….</i>

Ask Ss to write the sentences on their notebooks.

<b>PRACTICE: </b>

<b>Act. 1: Say the sentences: </b>

- Ask one S to point to each TC 194-199 on the board and call out the

- Have the class repeat the sentence several times and do the same
with other TC.

<b>Act. 2: Listen and repeat:</b>

- Divide the class into 2 big teams, play the tape and ask Ss to listen
and repeat the sentence <i>He </i>for Team A and <i>She</i> for Team B. (Ss
concentrate on the tape to repeat)

<b>Act. 1: Point and say:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

- Say the verb phrase for the S and have him/ her make the sentence
using <i>me/ I can</i>

- Have the rest class make the sentence using <i>her/ she can, him/ he </i>

- T: <i>do a magic trick. </i>S1 (at the board):<i> Look at me! I can</i> do a

magic trick.

- Ss ( point to the S at the board): <i>Look at her/ him. She/ He can do </i>

<i>a magic trick.</i>

- Have the class repeat the sentences and do the same with TC

<b>Act. 2: Workbook: </b>Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises (Part A and
B/ p. 30)

<i><b>Week 29 - Period 57</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Do a magic trick

Use chopsticks
Ride a pony

Write the alphabet
Sing a song

Speak English
Me, her, his

SB/ p. 30
WB/ p. 31

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s


- Student ,<sub>s </sub>



<b>Act. 1: Mine and say:</b>

- <i>Ask 1 volunteer S to come before the class, act out one verb </i>
<i>phrase and say it. </i>

- Ask Ss to repeat and make the sentence using<i> her/ she can, </i>
<i>him/ he can</i>.

<b>Act. 1: Review the sentences:</b>

<b> </b>- Point to him/herself and ask the whole class: ”<i>Look at me</i>!

<i>I can sing a song. </i>”

- Use the puppets to present <i>He/ She can………… </i>

Puppet A: (point to Puppet B) <i> Look at him. He can sing a song.</i>

Puppet B: (point to Puppet A)  <i>Look at her. She can sing a song.</i>

- Ask the class to repeat with <i>me/ I can ... her/ She can…, </i>
<i>him/ He can….</i>

<b>Act. 2: Present the Wh - question and answer pattern:</b>
- Have a boy come before the class and mime a verb phrase

without saying any words.

- Point to this boy and use puppets to model the question and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<b>Sentences: </b>
Look at <i>me !</i>
<i> her</i>
<i> his </i>

<i>I can</i> sing a song


<i>What can he/ she </i>
<i>do? (new)</i>

<i>He/She can sing a </i>

- Do the same with a girl and use <i>She</i>

- Have the class repeat and write the Wh - question and answer
on their notebooks.


<b>Act. 1: Practice the question and answer:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and point to the correct


- Divide the class into 2 groups and play the tape again and ask
2 groups to role play.

- Have Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer using pictures on
page 31 as prompt.

<b>Act. 2: Practice with more verbs:</b>

- Review the verbs from TC 145-150: <i>run, walk, jump, swim, fly,</i>
<i>hop ………</i>

- Hold up the cards and have Ss say the words and repeat.
- Divide the class into 2 groups and have a S in group A asks, a

S in group B answers.

- Continue until everyone in each group asks and answers.

<i>S1: What can (he) do? </i><i> S2: (He) can (swim).</i>

<b>Act. 2: Workbook: </b>Have Ss get ready to finish part C (Write) at
school or at home

<i><b>Week 29 - Period 58</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S LEARN </b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>


SB/ p. 31
WB/p. 31

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets


<b>Act. 1: Review the question and answer pattern.</b>

- Ask a volunteer boy/girl to come before the class and act out
one verb phrase without saying any words.

- Point to this S and ask 2 Ss to ask and answer about his/her.
Puppet A: <i>What can he/she do? </i> Puppet B: <i>He/She can (sing a </i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

Do a magic trick
Use chopsticks
Ride a pony

Write the alphabet
Sing a song

Speak English
Me, her, his
<b>Sentences: </b>
Look at <i>me !</i>
<i> her</i>
<i> his </i>
<i>I can</i> sing a


<i>What can he/ she </i>
<i>do? </i>

<i>He/She can sing a </i>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):
- Student ,<sub>s </sub>




<b>Act. 1: Review the sentences: I can…………../ I can’t …</b>
- Mine and say: <i>I can…………../ I can’t ………</i>

- Have Ss work in pairs and ask and answer to complete the
information about them.

<b>Act. 1: Say these:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in groups of 6 and place the SC 145-150 and TC

194-199 face–down in the middle.

- Ask each S to pick up one card at a time, show it to the group
and make the true statement about him/ herself.

<i>S1: I can swim. </i><i> S2: I can’t fly.</i>

<b>Act. 1: Say these:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask their partners.

<i>What can you do? </i><i> I can (sing a song)</i>

<i>What cannot you do? </i><i> I cannot (ride a bike).</i>

- Have Ss report to the class about their partners (what he or
she can do or cannot do.)

(<i>Mary) can (sing a song). </i>
<i>(Mary) cannot (ride a bike).</i>

<b>Act. 2: Workbook:</b>

Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at home with
weak Ss)

<b>Draw and Write: </b>Ask Ss to draw what they can and cannot to do.

<i><b>Week 30 - Period 59</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>LET’S LEARN SOME</b> <b>Resources:</b>SB/ p. 32


<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Review the old sentences in Let’s Learn:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
He can swim.

He can’<sub>t fly a kite.</sub>


<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Students’

cards (SC):
- Teacher’s

cards (TC):


S hold up his/her SC.

- Have the whole class make the true statements.

* Point to a girl: Ss: <i>Look at her! She can (sing a song). </i>

* Point to a boy: Ss<i>: Look at him! He can (sing a song).</i>

<b>Act. 2: Memory Chain Game:</b>

- Divide the class into groups of 8, model the chain and have SS
continue using the vocabulary and structures from this unit.

<i>T: I can sing a song.</i>

<i>S1: I can sing a song and I can play the baseball.</i>

<i>S2 I can sing a song, I can play the baseball and I can ride the pony.</i>

- Do the same with 8 Ss in each group and call some groups to
play before the class

- The S who cannot finish his/her role must sing a song.

<b>Act. 1</b>:<b> Review the old vocabulary: </b>

- Use the TC 145-150, 194-199, 93-97 and 111-116 to review
the old vocabulary

- Have a st run out of/ into the class, point to the S and say:

<i>He/She can run.</i>

- Ask another S to fly, point to this S and say: <i>He/She cannot fly.</i>

- Ask Ss to repeat several times and write down on their

<i>* Note: cannot = can’<sub>t </sub></i>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat: </b>

- Ask Ss to open their books, listen and point to the pictures on
their books.

- Play the tape and pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

- Stick the TC 111-116 on the board. Write an “X” on any TC
randomly to signify “Can’t ‘.

- Point to the TC 111-116 on the board randomly and have Ss
call out <i>can or can’t.</i>

<i><b>Week 30 - Period 60</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>


<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: review</b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
He can swim.

He can’t fly a kite.

SB/ p. 32

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p.20,

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Students’

cards (SC):
- Teacher’s

cards (TC):


<b>Act. 1: Review to distinguish</b><i><b> Can or Can’t:</b></i>

- Stick the TC 111-116 on the board and write an “X” on any TC
to signify “Can’t”.

- Show TC 111-116, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss
call out <i>can or can’t.</i>

<b>Act. 2: Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.
Jenny:<i> She can sing a song. </i><i> Scott: She can’t dance.</i>

- Have Ss repeat without the tape.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the statements with</b><i><b> Can and Can’t</b></i><b> again:</b>
- Point to the TC 111-116 on the board randomly and have Ss

call out <i>can or can’t</i>

- Have Ss make the statements with <i>Can or Can’t</i> <i>She </i>

<i>can/cannot climb a tree.</i>

- Do the same with other TC

<b>Act. 1: Look and say:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at their books and call out the actions in the
pictures on SB page 32

- Ask Ss to make the statements with <i>Can or Can’t </i>& dothe
actions they’ve called out.

<i>He can swim. </i><i> He can’t fly a kite.</i>

<b>Act. 2: Listen a and repeat:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

bottom of the book p.32.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to listen, point to the pictures
and repeat.

- Have Ss work in pairs and take turns saying the negative or
the positive sentences.

- Call some pairs to call out.


<b>Act. 1: Practice the song </b><i><b>My dog can walk</b></i><b>:</b>

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the song without music in chorus

several times.

- Play the tape for Ss to listen about twice and then have Ss
listen and repeat the song.

- Divide Ss into 4 groups and practice the song.
- Ask each group perform the song before the class

<b>Act. 2: Workbook. </b>Have Ss get ready to finish part A (Circle can or

<i><b>Week 31 - Period 61</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>


<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

SB/ p. 33

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p.20,

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Students’

cards (SC):

<b>Act. 1: Game: The best band: </b>

- Divide Ss into 4 groups, play the music and have Ss perform the


<b>Act. 1: Review the question-and-answer pattern:</b>

- Have Ss come before the class, hold up a TC and ask:<i> Can you</i>
<i>ride a bicycle?</i>

- Have the volunteers respond and the class make statements.

<i>S1: Yes, I can. </i><i> Ss: She can ride a bicycle.</i>

<i>S2: No, I cannot. </i><i>Ss: She cannot ride a bicycle</i>

<b>Act. 2: Present the Yes/No question – and – answer pattern:</b>
- Use puppets to model the question and answer.

- Make puppet A dance nicely.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

<b>Sentences: </b>
He can swim.

He can’t fly a kite.

Can he swim?

Yes, he can.

No, he cannot.


- Teacher’s
cards (TC):


- Make puppet A dance poorly.

<i>T: Can she/he dance? </i><i>A: No, she/he cannot.</i>

- Divide the class into 2 groups. Have group A ask, group B
answer & change their role.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and repeat several times.

<i>Can he swim? </i><i> Yes, he can/ No, he cannot.</i>

<i>Can she swim </i><i> Yes, she can/ No, she cannot.</i>

<b>Act. 2: Look and Say </b><i><b>Yes or No</b></i><b>:</b>

<b> </b>- Have Ss work in pairs, point to the pictures, p. 33 & have
them answer Yes or No.

<b>Act. 1: Find your partner:</b>

- Place the T 111-116 and 194-199 and deal one card to each

- Have Ss walk around the class to find down the classmates
with the same cards

<i>S1: (hold SC 199) Can you speak English? </i>

<i>S2: (hold a different card): No, I cannot </i>
<i> S3: (hold an identical card): Yes, I can.</i>

<i><b>Week 31 - Period 62</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>


<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>



SB/ p. 33
WB/ p. 33

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p. 21

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets


<b>Act. 1: Review the Yes/No question – and – answer pattern </b>
<b>with </b><i><b>you</b></i><b> and </b><i><b>I</b></i><b>:</b>

- Place the T 111-116 and 194-199 and deal one card to each

- Have Ss to walk around the class to find down the classmate
with the same card.

<i>S1: (hold SC 199) Can you speak English?</i>

<i>S2: (hold a different card): No, I cannot </i><i> S3: (hold an </i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>

<b>Sentences: </b>
He can swim.

He can’<sub>t fly a kite.</sub>


Can you speak

No, I cannot
Yes, he can.
Can he swim?

Yes, he can.

No, he cannot.

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):


- Ask Ss to listen and repeat.


<b>Act. 1: Review the Yes/No question – and – answer pattern </b>
<b>with </b><i><b>He/ She:</b></i>

- Ask any Ss in the class.

<i>T: Can you speak English? </i><i> S1: Yes, I can.</i>

- Ask other 2 Ss to ask and answer about the S1.

<i>S2: Can he/she speak English? </i><i> S3: Yes, he/she can./ No, he </i>

<i>/she cannot</i>.

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat several times.

<b>Act. 1: Listen and Repeat:</b>

- Play the tape and have Ss listen, point to the pictures on the
page 33.

- Ask Ss to listen again and repeat.

<b>Act. 2: Ask your partner:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs and ask and answer the question in the
chart on page 33

- Have Ss check either Yes or No below each picture to indicate
the partners,<sub> answers.</sub>

- Have Ss report what their partners can or cannot do.

<i>(Mary) cannot (ride a bike)</i><i> (Mary) can (ride a pony). </i>


<b>Act. 1: Practice the song “</b><i><b>Can Your Pony Sing?”</b></i>

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the song without music in chorus.
- Play the tape for Ss to listen about twice. and have Ss listen

and repeat the song

- Divide Ss into 4 groups and practice the song.

- Ask each group to perform the song before the class and act
out the actions

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=81>

<i><b>Week 32 - Period 63</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>
<b>LET’S READ</b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>


SB/ p.34

Let’s chant, let’s
sing/ p. 21

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape

- Cassette


- Teacher-made

- magazine
pictures and

- sets of

alphabet cards
and several
cards form unit

<b> *Pronunciation </b>

For the <i>/l/</i> sound,
start with the tip of
the tongue behind
the upper teeth. As
you pronounce <i>log</i>

the tongue comes


<b>Act. 1: Review The Song</b><i><b> “Can Your Pony Sing?” : </b></i>

- Play the music (Let’s chant, let’s sing/ p. 21) and have Ss Sing
the song in chorus.

<b>Act. 2: Word Ending Game:</b>

- Divide the class into several groups.

- Hold up a teacher-make word-family card from units1-3 <i>( </i>
<i>-at,-an,-ap, ….</i>and ask one group at a time to supply a word with that

- Give one point for each word Ss provide and play until the first
get 10 points.

<b>Act. 1: Introduce the new vocabulary:</b>

- Use magazine pictures, realia, teacher-made word cards to
present the vocabulary.

- Have Ss to repeat several times.

<b>Act. 2:. Introduce the Word Families section :</b>

- Introduce the word ending <i>–og,</i> –op and –un with their

combination, dog, run, top….

- Have Ss repeat several times and then write down the section
on their notebooks.

<b>Act. 1: Listen, point and repeat</b>

- Play the tape, have Ss look at the book, listen and point to the

- Have Ss listen and repeat several times.
<b>Act 2: Listen and say: </b>

- Have Ss work in pairs, S1 says any words, S2 listens and
points to the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=82>

down to make the

<i>/g/</i> sound. Have Ss
copy your tongue
and lip movements
when they repeat
the words.

<b>Act. 1: Repetition Drill</b>

- Eraser the board and ask Ss to close their books.

- Use teacher-made word cards in Word Families section to drill
all the words from <i>og, -op, -un</i>, and ask Ss to listen and
repeat several times<b>.</b>

<b>Act 2: Word families Race: </b>

<i><b>Week 32 – Period 64</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 3: </b>
<b>LET’S READ</b>
<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>



<b>Sentences: </b>

The <i>dog</i> and the<i> frog</i>

are on the <i>log.</i>

SB/ p. 34
WB/ p. 34

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- <b>a set of </b>

<b>teacher-made word </b>
<b>cards for the </b>
<b>sentences in </b>
<b>Unit 3 (Can </b>
<b>you read ?)</b>
- full sets of

word cards for

the sentences
in Unit 1-4
(Can you

<b>Act. 1: Review the Word Families section:</b>

Use teacher-made word cards for Word Families to drill all the
words with<i>-og, -op, -un.</i>

Play the tape, and ask Ss to listen and repeat.
<b>Act. 1: Scrambled Sentences.</b>

Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of
teacher-made word cards for the sentences in Unit 3 <i>(Can </i>
<i>you read?)</i>

Have Ss to put them into the correct order.

Check their accuracy and continue to find the winner (the first
and the most exactly.)

<b>Act. 1: Can you read?:</b>

Ask Ss about the pictures at the bottom of page 34 to elicit the
vocabulary as answers

<i>T: What’s this?/ Where is the top?...</i>

Ask Ss to repeat each sentence and write down it on their

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>

<i>Stop</i> the <i>top</i> .It is by
the <i>mop</i>.

It is <i>fun</i> in the <i>sun</i> .I
can <i>run.</i>

Play the tape and have Ss listen and read along, Ss ay read
aloud if they wish.

Have Ss work in pairs to practice reading the sentences
correctly (pronunciation, final sound, intonation…..).

<b>Act. 1: Original Sentences :</b>

Divide the class into small groups and give each group a full set
of teacher-made word cards for the sentences in Unit 1-4 (Can
you read?) to create original sentences.

<i> The dog and the frog can run in the sun/The red hen is </i>
<i>in the big pit.</i>

Have Ss practice reading their sentences aloud.

The winner is the team with the most correct words and the most

correctly sentences having the full meaning.

<b>Act 2: Workbook:</b> Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises

<i><b>Week 33 - Period 65</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNIT 4: </b>

<b>Key language </b>


<b>Vocabulary: </b>
(Review the whole

SB/ p. 35
WB/ p. 35

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Classroom

- Teacher’s


<b>194-WARM-UP AND REVIEW:</b>
<b>Act. 1: Let’s talk: </b>

- Divide the class into small groups.

- Have one S from a group close his/her eyes and the other<i> Ss</i>

hide that S’<sub>s book.</sub>

- Have the S look for the book using <i>Let’s Talk Unit 4.</i>
<i>Ss: What’<sub>s wrong, Jenny? </sub></i><sub></sub><i><sub> S1: I can’t find my book. </sub></i>

<i>Ss: Is it in your bag/ by your desk/ under your chair? </i><i> S1: I </i>

<i>don’<sub>t know.</sub></i>

- S1 looks for everywhere and a S offers a correct suggestion.
S1 finds his book and says: <i>S1: Oh, here it is. It’s (under) my </i>

<i>(chair). Thanks (Kate).</i>

- Have Ss take turns looking for.
<b>Act. 2: Let’s learn:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole

- Students’

cards (SC):

S1 (hold up TC 199<i>): Look at me! I cannot do a magic trick.</i>

- <i>Look at her! She can do a magic trick.</i>

<b>Act. 3: Let’s learn some more:</b>

- Spread out facedown a double set of SC 93-98 and 111-116
on the desk.

- Have Ss pick up one of them to practice the sentence pattern

<i>He/She can/cannot</i>

- Have Ss take turns practicing.

<b>Act. 1: Look and answer:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the book, listen to the teacher
and answer.

<i>T: What’s this? / What are these? / Can he/she sing a song..? </i><i> </i>

<i>Ss: (answer)</i>

<b>Act. 1: Listen and circle:</b>

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen and circle the letter A or B.
- Play the tape again and check the answers: 1B, 2A, 3A, 4A,

5A, 6A, 7B, 8B

<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b>

- Give commands with the pictures 1-2 and ask and answer
about the pictures 3-8

<b> Act 2: Work book: </b>Have Ss get ready to finish the exercise

<i><b>Week 33 - Period 66</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNITS 3-4: </b>
<b>Lesson 1</b>

<b>Key language </b>

SB/ p. 36

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets

<b>Warm-up and Review</b>
<b>Act. 1: Sing:</b>

- Have Ss sing the songs <i>“The Telephone Number Song”</i> and

<i>“What’<sub>s wrong</sub></i><sub>?” </sub>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>


(Review the whole
units 3-4)


(Review the whole


- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):

- Students’

cards (SC):




<b>Act. 1: Review the old vocabulary of unit 3 again by listing:</b>
- Divide the class into small groups.

- Set 3 columns 1-occupation, 2-rooms, 3-househld objects and
randomly face down the SC 156-163, 172-176, 177-186 on the

- Have SS take turns picking up one card and identify to place it

to the correct columns.

- The first group to arrange the cards by categories wins.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen, repeat and point:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the SC, listen, point and repeat to them.
<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Look and Say:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs to ask and answer all the pictures on
page 36 (A. Play a game)

T: <i>What’s this? </i><i> S1: It’s a stove.</i>

- Do the same with all the pictures on page 36 (A. Play a game)
- Have some pairs stand up to ask and answer again.

<b>Act. 1: Play the game:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs and give each pairs a die.

- Have Ss use individual markers (coins, small rings …..) to move on
the board.

- Have Ss take turning rolling the die and moving their markers the
number of spaces equal to the number on the die.

- Have advanced Ss use the learned question-and answer patterns

with the word indicated on the square. <i>For example: Where is the </i>

- The game will continue until one S land directly on the goal to win.
- If a player’s die roll is higher than the number of remaining spaces,

the player loses that turn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=86>

listens and helps.

<i><b>Week 34- Period 67</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNITS 3-4: </b>
<b>LET’S REVIEW </b>

<b>Lesson 2</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
(Review the whole
units 3-4)

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole
units 3-4)

SB/ p. 36
WB/ p. 36-37
<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):


<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer: </b>

- Have Ss ask and answer all the pictures on their book in the
play a game.

- Have advanced Ss to use Yes-No questions:

<i>Is the sink in the living room? --> No, it isn’<sub>t.</sub></i>

<b>Act. 1: Review the old vocabulary of unit 4 again:</b>
- Use TC 194-199 to review the old vocabulary.
- Ask Ss to listen and repeat several times.

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Ask and answer: </b>

- Have Ss to work in pairs to interview each other about their

- Place TC 111-116,145-150, 194-199 for Ss as reference.

<i>S1: Can you swim? </i><i> S2: Yes, I can./ No. I cannot.</i>

- Have each S report his/her partner’<sub>s abilities to the whole </sub>


<i>Mary can/cannot swim.</i>

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Answer the question:</b>

- Read the questions and the answers below the picture in the
centre of page 36 to the class and have Ss check in the
appropriate squares.

<b>Act. 1: Ask your partner:</b>

- Have Ss work in pairs, look at the questions on page 36 and
ask their partners

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=87>

<i>Play the piano</i>

- Display TC 111-116, 145-150, 191-199 for Ss as reference and
help Ss as necessary.

- Call some pairs in random to ask and answer in front of the

- Have the class report what the S coming in front of the class
can and cannot do.

<b>Act. 2: Work book</b>

- Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at
home with weak Ss)

<i><b>Week 34 Period 68</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNITS 3-4: </b>
<b>Lesson 3</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>

(Review the whole
units 3-4)

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole
units 3-4)

SB/ p. 37

<b>Teaching aids:</b>
- puppets
- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Classroom


<b>Act. 1: Ask and answer:</b>

- Display TC 111-116, 145-150,191-199 for Ss to ask & answer
about what they can do.

<b>Act. 1: Review Let’s Talk Unit 3:</b>

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to role play Let’s Talk Unit 3
- Ask some pairs to role play in front of the class.
<b>Act. 2: Review Let’s Talk Unit4:</b>

- Divide the class into small groups.

- Have one S from each group close his/her eyes and the other
group members hide that S’<sub>s book.</sub>

- Have the S look for the book using <i>Let’s Talk Unit 4.</i>
<i>Ss: What’s wrong, Jenny? </i><i> S1: I can’t find my book. </i>

<i>Ss: Is it in your bag/ by your desk/ under your chair? </i><i> S1: I don’t </i>


S1looks for everywhere and a S offers a correct suggestion.
S1 finds his book and says:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=88>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen and repeat:</b>

- Play the tape Let’s Talk Unit 3-4
- Have Ss listen and repeat twice.

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Look and write:</b>

- Ask Ss to look at their book and write in the empty speech

- Have Ss practice both dialogues in pairs.
<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Say and act:</b>

- Ask Ss to role play Let’s Talk Unit 3-4 with their own

information (real name, address, or real classroom objects…)

<i><b>Week 35- Period 69</b></i>

<b>Key language</b> <b>Materials</b> <b>Key activities</b>

<b>UNITS 3-4: </b>
<b>LET’S REVIEW </b>

<b>Lesson 4</b>

<b>Key language </b>

<b>Vocabulary: </b>
(Review the whole

units 3-4)

<b>Sentences: </b>

(Review the whole
units 3-4)

SB/ p. 37
WB/ p. 36-37
<b>Teaching aids:</b>

- CD/ tape
- Cassette

- Teacher’s

cards (TC):


<b>Act. 1: The strange house (page 160/ Teacher’s book): </b>
- Copy the page and provide one page per student.

- Have Ss look at the pictures and fill in the blanks individually.
When Ss have finished, have them work in pairs to ask and
answer about their pictures.

- For example: <i>Where is the TV? </i><i> It’s in the bathroom.</i>

<i> Is the toilet in the living room? </i><i> Yes, it is.</i>

<i> Is the bathtub in the bathroom? </i><i> No, it isn’t.</i>

<b>Act. 1: Review the prepositions of place</b>

- Give student volunteers commands to review prepositions of

T: <i>(Ken) is behind the door.</i>  (Ken) goes behind the door.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=89>

<b>Act. 1:</b> <b>Listen carefully: (part E) </b>

Have Ss look at the pictures, identify all of the pictures and
answer questions

<i>T: Where is the table? Ss: It’s in the dining room</i>

<i>T: Is there a refrigerator in the kitchen? Ss: No, it isn’t. </i>
<i>S1: Can you swim?</i>

Have Ss listen& circle the correct pictures. Play the tape again
&check: 1A, 2B

<b>Act. 2:</b> <b>Listen and read. Circle the word. </b>

Have Ss look at and identify 2 pictures, then listen and circle the


Check the answers: 1. next to 2. behind

<b>Act. 1: Draw and tell:</b>

Have Ss draw simple plans of their homes, including rooms and
locations of household objects.

Ss take turns describing their homes to their partners. For

example: This is my house. The stove is in the kitchen. There
is a refrigerator next to the stove….

<b>Act. 2: Work book</b>

Have Ss get ready to finish the exercises at school ( or at home
with weak Ss)



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